Proceedings of the International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018)

162 authors
Nugraheni, Trianti
Anak Dance in Custom Ceremony Mallaulu in Simeulue Island, Indonesia
Nugraheni, Trianti
Study of Instilling the Social Values of Hadih Maja in Tarek Pukat Dance
Creative Community Branding in Makassar (Creating a collective identity Jamaah Kreatif Sektor Selatan for creative communities in the Southern Region of Makassar)
Permana, Catur Surya
Dangdut: Java, Reggae and Rap A Collaborative Concept of Via Vallen
Pramana, Andi Dwi Resqi
Pakarena Anida Dance as Guidance Values of Buginese Women in Indonesia
Pramitasari, Muktia
The Influence of the Dance Creativity on Executive Functions of Early Childhood
Pratiwi, Gisel Tanjung Oktarina Dwi
Creation Dance Learning through Project Based Learning to Build Students Characters
Creative Community Branding in Makassar (Creating a collective identity Jamaah Kreatif Sektor Selatan for creative communities in the Southern Region of Makassar)
Rahman, Diana Aniesah
Kris as a Symbol of Statehood in Indonesia
Rahmawati, Reni
Could Students with Mild Intellectual Disability (MID) Memorize Numbers through Dance?
Rini, Denik Ristya
Animation as an Educational Media to Learn Colors and Shapes for Toddlers
Rini, Denik Ristya
Enhancing Machinima for Low Budget Animation
Sabaria, Ria
Sociodrama Method: Increasing the Relationship of Students Social Interaction in Dance Learning in Inclusive Classes
Sabaria, Ria
Saman Dance and Children’s Prosocial Behavior
Sakti, Asri Wibawa
The Applying of Contouring Technique in Doing Make Up
Salam, Sofyan
Visual-Art Education for Character Development
Santana, Fifiet Dwi Tresna
Teacher Creativity Strengthening for Establishment of Culture Identity
Santosa, Herry
Strengthening the Identity of Geopark Ciletuh through Creating Various Batik Motifs Using Beautiful Natural Environment
Sarifudin, Amir
The Policy of the Local Government in Developing the Arts (fine art) in Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Schulze, Marno
The Teachers’ Attitude and Its Impact on (Musical) Learning
Sekarningsih, Frahma
Internalizing the Good Values through Lenyepan Dance to the Student in Indonesia
Shervina, Gita
Educational Value Within Lampung’s Hadrah Dance
Sigit, Ridwan
Songah Article in Developing Creative Economy and Tourism
Sobandi, Bandi
Strengthening the Identity of Geopark Ciletuh through Creating Various Batik Motifs Using Beautiful Natural Environment
Soeteja, Zakaria S.
Analysis of Public Art Concepts and Arrangements in Purwakarta District
Sukamayadi, Yudi
Building Performing Arts Community through Bandung Isola Performing Arts Festival (BIPAF) in Indonesia
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Conceptual Framework for the Development of Etude Piano Based on Degung Scale
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Songah Article in Developing Creative Economy and Tourism
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Intercultural Competencies for Education and Training the Prospective Music Teachers
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Training of Teaching Music and Movement Competency for the Early Childhood Teacher
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Music Activities in Islamic Boarding Schools
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Social Change of Death Ritual Ceremony in Indonesia
Sukmayadi, Yudi
Arrangement of Gamad Music as Creativity and Culture Preservation for Traditional Music in Padang
Sulaiman, Dadang
The Policy of the Local Government in Developing the Arts (fine art) in Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Sulaiman, Dadang
Village Culture Planning in Increasing the Income of the Village Community
Sunaryo, Ayo
Exploring Engkle Learning Model for Prospective Teacher in Creating Game-Based Children Dance Composition
Supiarza, Hery
Music Activities in Islamic Boarding Schools
Supriatna, Nanang
Local Wisdom Values of Traditional Music Performance Tarawangsa in the Bubur Sura Ritual Ceremony
Supriyatna, Agus
The Technique of Playing Sundanese Gamelan Made from a Black Bamboo Resonance
Supriyatna, Agus
The Constructive Approach in Teaching Theater Arts
Susanti, Debie
The Influence of the Dance Creativity on Executive Functions of Early Childhood
Syarah, Erie Siti
The Influence of the Dance Creativity on Executive Functions of Early Childhood
Syarfina, S.
The Influence of the Dance Creativity on Executive Functions of Early Childhood
Increased Ability to Make Learning Evaluation Instruments with Peer Sharing Methods: Paedagogical research on teacher training in 2017 in Indonesia
Tawangsasi, Uni
Student-Centered Approach in Piano Study for Teenagers: Is it possible?
Thamrin, Diana
Design of Portable Purchase Display for Small to Medium Enterprise (Case Study of Fish Cracker Village in Surabaya)
Tjahyodiningrat, Harry
The Cultural Transformation of Seni Tarling in Cirebon
Triana, Dinny Devi
IT-Based Movement Evaluation System in Dance Studios
Trisakti, Trisakti
Media Construction of Langen Tayub Dancers in the Millennial Era
Virgan, Henry
Critical Thinking as a Trigger of the Creativity of Teaching Music
Virgan, Henry
Student-Centered Approach in Piano Study for Teenagers: Is it possible?
Wahyuni, Nanda
The Changing Formation of Guel Dance in Gayo, Aceh, Indonesia
Bedhaya Rimbe Dance in Keraton Kanoman Cirebon West Java, Indonesia
Wardhana, Mitra Istiar
Animation as an Educational Media to Learn Colors and Shapes for Toddlers
Wardhana, Mitra Istiar
Enhancing Machinima for Low Budget Animation
Widyarto, Rinto
Learning Video Media as a Final Project of Education Arts of Education Students at FSP ISI Denpasar
Wulandari, Hayani
Learning Model of Creative Dance for Early Childhood
Yetti, Elindra
The Influence of the Dance Creativity on Executive Functions of Early Childhood
Yetty, Elindra
Sociodrama Method: Increasing the Relationship of Students Social Interaction in Dance Learning in Inclusive Classes
Yugafiati, Rasi
The Applying of Contouring Technique in Doing Make Up
Zari, Nurmalinda
Body Relationship with Dancing Skills
Zuryaningsih, Yeni
Learning Dance Likok Pulo through Scientific Methods for Creativity