Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Technology (ICoET 2019)

186 authors
Adri, Muhammad
The Evaluation of Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Blended Learning Discussion at University Level
Adri, Zakwan
Effectivenes of Patient-based Group Therapy Design on the Adolescent Anxiety of Victims of Homosexual Pedophilia
Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
Premarital Counseling: Opportunities and Challenges in industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media
Afdal, A.
Increasing Life Satisfaction of Domestic Violence Victims through the Role of Supporting Group Therapy on Social Media
Afriansyah, Hade
Integration of Information Technology and Communication on ICT Subject in the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Junior High School
Ahmad, Riska
Students' Perception of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangender (LGBT)
Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
Premarital Counseling: Opportunities and Challenges in industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media
Alizamar, A.
Increasing Life Satisfaction of Domestic Violence Victims through the Role of Supporting Group Therapy on Social Media
Almardiyah, Aina
Need Analysis for Learning Journals App to Identify Learning Styles
Amilia, Winanda
Analysing Teachers’ Digital Literacy Skills in the Learning Situation
Amilia, Winanda
Integration of Information Technology and Communication on ICT Subject in the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Junior High School
Amilia, Winanda
Teacher's Interpretation of the Urgency of Learning Media based on Information and Communication Technology in the Senior High School
Amsal, Mutiara Felicita
Analysing Teachers’ Digital Literacy Skills in the Learning Situation
Amsal, Mutiara Felicita
Integration of Information Technology and Communication on ICT Subject in the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Junior High School
Amsal, Mutiara Felicita
Teacher's Interpretation of the Urgency of Learning Media based on Information and Communication Technology in the Senior High School
Andika, Refiona
The Development of Augmented Reality-based Learning Media to the Introduction of Computer Course in Curriculum and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang
Andriani, W
Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media
Utilization of E-Learning to Improve Students’ Storytelling Skill
Anugrah, Septriyan
Identifying the Issues of Digital Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students in Universitas Negeri Padang in Applying Internet as Online Learning Resource
Anugrah, Septriyan
The Development of Augmented Reality-based Learning Media to the Introduction of Computer Course in Curriculum and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang
Anugrah, Septriyan
Development of Web-Based Materials Using Moodle Applications in E-Learning System
Anwar, Citra Rosalyn
The Development of Multicultural Education Model through the Application of Local Content Curriculum in South Sulawesi
Anwar, Desvalini
The Effects of Flipped Classroom towards Students’ Writing Ability of Recount Text in Senior High School in Indonesia
Ardi, Zadrian
Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
Development of Counseling Program Online Resilience in the Face of the Digital Age
Ariani, Diana
Inhibiting Factors of Online Learning in the Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta
Ariani, Diana
Semantic Thinking Guide Uses Learning Design Principles in Developing Course-Sites in Hylearn for Lecturers
Arma, Meisa Suci
The Impacts of Self-Esteem Development to Children from a Broken Home Family
Arnaldi, A.
Increasing Life Satisfaction of Domestic Violence Victims through the Role of Supporting Group Therapy on Social Media
The Development of Multicultural Education Model through the Application of Local Content Curriculum in South Sulawesi
Aswan, Dedy
Development of Blended Learning for Optimization Courses in Education Technology Master Program
Azrul, Azrul
The Evaluation of Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Blended Learning Discussion at University Level
A Study on Understanding Level of Elementary School Teacher on Pedagogic Skill in Implementing 2013 Curriculum in Bengkulu City
Bentri, Alwen
The Validation of Instrument Models for Blended Learning Assessment to Accommodate Instructional Domains
Bentri, Alwen
Interactive Media Design based on Inquiry for Early Age Children
Bintoro, Totok
How Do Teachers Perceive Modern Instruction? An Online Survey to Pre-Service and in-Service Teachers
Bukhari, Khairul
Physical Education and Health Sports (PEHS) Learning Model through Investment Group Online in Digital Era
Chaeruman, Uwes Anis
How Do Teachers Perceive Modern Instruction? An Online Survey to Pre-Service and in-Service Teachers
Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media
The Innovation and the Role of Educational Technology in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era
Development of the Blended Learning Model On Web-based Learning Course
Delfita, Wiwi
Students' Perception of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangender (LGBT)
Deswita, Yeni
Implementation of beginner Teacher Induction Program (PIGP) in City of Solok
Effectivenes of Patient-based Group Therapy Design on the Adolescent Anxiety of Victims of Homosexual Pedophilia
Effendi, Z. Mawardi
Instructional Model of Group Investigation by Using Facebook in Improving Student’s Reasoning on Geography Subject
Effendi, Z. Mawardi
Physical Education and Health Sports (PEHS) Learning Model through Investment Group Online in Digital Era
Effendi, Z. Mawardi
Development of the Blended Learning Model On Web-based Learning Course
The Validation of Digital Learning Materials Using Edmodo for Elementary School
The Implementation of Peer Teaching Strategy to Assist Novice Students Coping with Practical Skill Problems in Video Production Course
Instructional Model of Group Investigation by Using Facebook in Improving Student’s Reasoning on Geography Subject
Fikri, M.
Increasing Life Satisfaction of Domestic Violence Victims through the Role of Supporting Group Therapy on Social Media
Fikri, M.
Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
Firdaus, Rangga
Ubiquitous Learning for the Assistance System for Competitive Certification in the Field of Informatics
Development of Counseling Program Online Resilience in the Face of the Digital Age
Gunadi, R. Andi Ahmad
Utilization of E-Learning to Improve Students’ Storytelling Skill
Improving the Early Childhood’s Reading Readiness by Using Malay Folklore Pictures Media
Hakim, Abdul
Define The Scope and Identify Learner Characteristics Computer Based Test (CBT) for Junior High School Students in Makassar
Harsanti, HG Retno
Characteristics of Learning in The Era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0
How Do Teachers Perceive Modern Instruction? An Online Survey to Pre-Service and in-Service Teachers
Define The Scope and Identify Learner Characteristics Computer Based Test (CBT) for Junior High School Students in Makassar
Hendri, Nofri
The Development of Augmented Reality-based Learning Media to the Introduction of Computer Course in Curriculum and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang
Hendri, Nofri
Development of Web-Based Materials Using Moodle Applications in E-Learning System
Hevria, Silvi
Constructivist Learning Model Using Portal Rumah Belajar for Primary School Student
Hidayati, Abna
Interactive Media Design based on Inquiry for Early Age Children
Huda, Fitrah Nurul
The Problem Analysis of Vocational Students in Writing Simple Sentences in Indonesia
Hutagalung, Oktavia H.
What Do Millennial Students Need in Studying Materials Layout and Compatibility on Chamilo Platform?
Idawati, Lusiana
Characteristics of Learning in The Era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0
Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
Ilyas, Asmidir
Increasing Life Satisfaction of Domestic Violence Victims through the Role of Supporting Group Therapy on Social Media
Ilyas, Asmidir
Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
Imbar, Kunto
Inhibiting Factors of Online Learning in the Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta
Imbar, Kunto
Semantic Thinking Guide Uses Learning Design Principles in Developing Course-Sites in Hylearn for Lecturers
Irianti, Eva
The Development of Ecosystem Education Game Product to Improve Learning Motivation of 5th Grade Students in Elementary School
Jama, Jalius
Physical Education and Health Sports (PEHS) Learning Model through Investment Group Online in Digital Era
Improving Midwifery Students’ Reading Comprehension of ESP Text through Real and Carrier Contents at STIKes of Dharma Land Bouw Padang
Khusnah, Linda Nurul
The Obstacles of Global Education Implementation Based on Art and Culture: A Research Study in SMK Negeri 2 Jepara
Kiram, Yanuar
The Learning Model of INS Kayu Tanam in Instilling the Entrepreneurial Spirit
Kristanto, Andi
The Development of Augmented Reality Media for Physics Subject in Learning Optical Devices Material At SMK Multimedia
Kristiawan, Mohammad
A Study on Understanding Level of Elementary School Teacher on Pedagogic Skill in Implementing 2013 Curriculum in Bengkulu City
Kurnia, Rita
Improving the Early Childhood’s Reading Readiness by Using Malay Folklore Pictures Media
Kustandi, Cecep
The Use of QR Code-based Digital Flashcard as a Media for Promotion and Socialization to Increase the Competitiveness of the Creative Economy and Small and Medium Enterprises
Kustandi, Cecep
The Innovation of Blended Learning in Flipped Classroom Type to Increase Students’ Learning Independence
Kusumastuti, Grahita
Students’Awareness Towards People with Special Needs and Implication of Its Learning Technology Development
Kuswandi, Dedi
Students' Perception of Project-Based Learning Model in Blended Learning Mode Using Sipejar
Lamatenggo, Nina
Improving Students’ Learning interest and Outcome through STAD Cooperative Learning Model at SDN 8 Elementary School Kwandang of North Gorontalo Regency
Mahdi, Arisul
Students’Awareness Towards People with Special Needs and Implication of Its Learning Technology Development
Maiziani, Fitri
Identifying the Issues of Digital Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students in Universitas Negeri Padang in Applying Internet as Online Learning Resource
Mansur, Hamsi
The Development of Ecosystem Education Game Product to Improve Learning Motivation of 5th Grade Students in Elementary School
Mansur, Hamsi H.
Challenges and Commitments to Implementation of Full-Day School in Banjarmasin
Marsidin, Sufyarma
Need Analysis of Development of Principal Performance Assessment Model Based on MySQL Software
Marsidin, Surfyarma
The Learning Model of INS Kayu Tanam in Instilling the Entrepreneurial Spirit
Challenges and Commitments to Implementation of Full-Day School in Banjarmasin
Maudiarti, Santi
The Use of QR Code-based Digital Flashcard as a Media for Promotion and Socialization to Increase the Competitiveness of the Creative Economy and Small and Medium Enterprises
Maudiarti, Santi
How Do Teachers Perceive Modern Instruction? An Online Survey to Pre-Service and in-Service Teachers
Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media