Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICoRSH 2020)
535 authors
- Khaerina, Rosita
- Empowerment Strategy of Persons with Disabilities in The Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) In Order to Improve Welfare
- Khairiyati, Fithry
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Behaviour from the Perspective of National Human Right and International Human Right
- Khalid, Ansyarif
- The Mediation Effect of Foresight Strategy on the Relationship Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Market Orientation on MSMEs Performance
- Kharizmi, Muhammad
- Implementation of Parenting Style in Pertiwi Bireuen Kindergarten by Socialization Approach for Working Parents to Understand the Development of Early Children
- Khaulah, Siti
- The Influence of the AMONG System-based Mathematics Learning Model Towards the Students’ Ability in Learning Independence at Elementary School Students
- Khristiningrum, Veronica A.
- Developing Ecosystem Based Human Capital Department Roles: A Literature Review
- Kismartini
- The Role of Collaborative E-Government in Surabaya Intelligent Traffic System
- Komala, Laura
- The Influence of Online Game and Social Media on the Achievement of Students of Management Study Program of Faculty of Economics, Pamulang University
- Kristianti, Lily Setyawati
- Analysis of the Effectiveness of Village Funds in Independent Village Development Efforts
- Kulsum, Umi
- The Application of Phonic Methods in Learning of Reading for Early Children
- Kurniawan, Bayu
- Covid 19 Pandemic Disaster Management in Indonesia
- Kusmana
- The Influence of Online Learning Media and Learning Motivation on the Results of Class V Integral Private Vocational School of Hidayatullah Depok
- Kustina, Lisa
- The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Firm Value with Profitability as a Moderating Variables
- Kustini, Endang
- The Efforts of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to Meet the Two Percent Quota of Workers with Disabilities in DKI Jakarta Province
- Kustini, Endang
- Analysis of the Influence of Character Education and Social Status on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Culture at the Pamulang University
- Kususiyanah, Anjar
- The Relevance of the Usage of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Legal Analysis (An Analysis of Legal Provisions in the National Sharia Council Fatwa and Financial Services Authority Regulation Using Plagiarism Checker and ATLAS.ti)
- Kusworo
- The Effect of Using Entrepreneurship Towards Project-Based Learning Module for Student’s Learning Outcome
- Kusworo
- Student Worksheet Based Model of Project Based Learning in Accounting Major of Vocational High School
- Lambali, Suryadi
- Implementation of Regulation of Soppeng District Number 3 Of 2018 Concerning Mappadeceng Movement Implementation Guidelines (Study on Education in Paroto Village)
- Larasati
- Correlation Between the Level of Parents’ Knowledge and Management of Gadget Use in Pre-School Children in RW 03 Kedaung Village Ciputat
- Latifah
- The Effect of Kahoot! and Screen Recording Videos on Students’ Grammar Achievement During Covid-19 Outbreak
- Latifah, Husnah
- Identification of Potential Natural Tourism Object of Tinambung District Gowa District
- Leksono, Dionisius Anindito
- Study of Indonesia Exports with The Gravity Model Approach, 2001 - 2018
- Lestari, A A
- The Effect of the Implementation of the New Student Admission Policy Based on the Zoning System on the Quality of Education Services at SMAN 1 Luwu Timur
- Lestari, Yulita Puji
- Bullying Risk Based on Victim’s Narcissism Status
- Lewa, I
- The Potential of Children’s Literature in Educatioan and Environmental Ethics: Linguistic and Literary Approaches
- Loekman, Arief
- Understanding the Ideology of Demonstration Discourse on the Text Media: Critical Discourse Analysis
- Lubis, Hilda Zahra
- One Day One Verse as a Method of Early Childhood Islamic Character Education in Raudatul Athfal Qurani, East Jakarta
- Lubis, Iman
- The Role of Democracy Volunteers in Increasing Community Participation in the 2019 Election at the KPU, Tangerang City
- Lubis, Lusiana A
- Indicators of Successful Policy Implementation of the Kampung Family Planning (KB) Program in Deli Serdang District, North Sumatera Province
- Lutfi, Muhammad
- Policy Impelementation of Granting Scholarships and Assistance Education for Achieving Students in Sinjai District
- Maddinsyah, Ali
- Analysis of the Effectiveness of Village Funds in Independent Village Development Efforts
- Maddinsyah, Ali
- Management of Criminal Cases Online Trials to Realize the Principles of Fast and Low Cost Justice System at the Tangerang District Court
- Mai, Nguyen Hoang
- Explore Young Urban Consumers’ Green Purchasing Behavior: Empirical Evidences from Vietnam
- Malia, Anna
- Implementation of Childbirth Assistance by Independent Midwifery Practice During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Malli, Rusli
- Datuk Ritiro Historical Study: Da’wah as a Strategy in Developing Islamic Teachings in Bulukumba Regency
- Manalu, Denti Ria Boang
- Drug Inventory Analyze in Pharmaceutical Warehouse at Parungpanjang’s Public Health Centre in 2019
- Mardiati, Dijan
- The Affect of Students’ Perceptions About Return, Risk and Operational Supervision on Student Investment Intentions in Agriculture
- Marhumi, Sitti
- The Effects of Red Flags and Auditor’s Professional Skeptism on Auditor’s Proficiency in Implementing Fraud Detection (A Case Study at Public Accounting Office in Makassar)
- Mariana, Lina
- The University’s Knowledge Management Strategy Towards a World-Class University
- Maritalia, Dewi
- Implementation of Childbirth Assistance by Independent Midwifery Practice During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Marnita
- Lesson Study Approach to Improve Skills Students’ Critical Thinking in Heat Subjects
- Marpaung, Mangasi Alion
- Development of Sound Interference Props with Phyphox to Support Sound and Waves Learning in Senior High School
- Marsiwi, Andini Restu
- The Correlation Between Instagram Social Media and Self-Esteem in Adolescents of Grade Xii Culinary Art Department of State Vocational High School 2 Depok
- Maryatmo, Rogatianus
- Study of Indonesia Exports with The Gravity Model Approach, 2001 - 2018
- Masrullah
- The Effects of Red Flags and Auditor’s Professional Skeptism on Auditor’s Proficiency in Implementing Fraud Detection (A Case Study at Public Accounting Office in Makassar)
- Mas’adi, Mahnun
- Role of TPST in Waste Management (TPST Study in Pamulang Sub-District Area of Banten Province)
- Meidijati
- How Covid-19 Pandemic Affects Technology, Relational & Compliance on MSMEs Performance in Indonesia
- Meitania, Sheila
- Relationship Work Ethic with Employee Performance PT. Logitech Saptanugraha South Jakarta
- Melati, Prima
- Efforts to Build Student Character Through Revitalizing the Role of Citizenship Education Teachers
- Melizsa
- The Correlation Between Personal Hygiene, Densely Polpulated Area, and Ventilation with the Occurrence of Scabies Symptom at Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, Cisauk in 2020
- Misbah, Dodi
- Classical Literature Study, Folklore, Legend of “Batuwangi” through the Historical-Comparative Approach
- Misnawati
- Empowering Speaking Skill Through Microsoft Office 365 as a Learning Medium During a Pandemic Covid 19
- Mochtar, Dewi Astutty
- Evaluating the Policy and Program on Gender Mainstreaming Through the Role of Woman Farmer Group in Easi Pay Barsha Pump Program in Waingapu Sumba, Indonesia
- Molo, Hasanuddin
- Identification of Potential Natural Tourism Object of Tinambung District Gowa District
- Mualimah, Eka Nurul
- Language as National Identity
- Mubarok, Ali
- Security and Privacy, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use Against Annual SPT Reporting Through E-Filling in Tangerang Selatan Regency, Banten
- Mubarok, Yasir
- Representation of Social Criticism of Indonesian People’s Life Phenomena through Comic Strip: A Semiotic Approach
- Muchran, Muchriana
- The Mediation Effect of Foresight Strategy on the Relationship Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Market Orientation on MSMEs Performance
- Muchtar, Fitri Yanty
- Increasing Skills and Social Interaction of Deaf People at the Makassar 1 State Special School
- Muhidin, Aeng
- Bullying Risk Based on Victim’s Narcissism Status
- Muhsin, Muh. Arief
- How CAL in Learning During Pandemic: A Study of Online Teaching on Islamic Religion Teachers in Indonesian Elementary Schools
- Mukrodi
- Reality of Lecturers’ Performance, What’s Next?
- Mulyana, Ardi
- Classical Literature Study, Folklore, Legend of “Batuwangi” through the Historical-Comparative Approach
- Mulyana, Eldi
- Increasing Ecological Intelligence for students in Primary School Through the Kang Pisman Program
- Mulyana, Eldi
- Cooperation Skills Based on Students’ Perceptions Through Integration of the Group Discussion and Group Project Method
- Munir, Rindasari
- The Influence of Agent of Socialization on the Sexual Behavior Among the Students of Vocational High School
- Murdiati, Ai Rini
- Cooperation Skills Based on Students’ Perceptions Through Integration of the Group Discussion and Group Project Method
- Murniati
- The Strengthening of Character in Boarding Schools Based Technology in Lhouksemawe, Northern Aceh Indonesia
- Murniyanti, Sri
- The Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy Sector in Asia Pacific
- Mursak
- Implementation of the Authority of Provincial Education Department in Developing the Quality of Higher Education in Sinjai District
- Muslihah, Neni Nadiroti
- Implementation of School-Based Quality Improvement and Plan Management in SDIT Al-Ihsan Baleendah and SDIT Persis Ciganitri
- Muslim, Fatiar
- Efforts to Build Student Character Through Revitalizing the Role of Citizenship Education Teachers
- Muslim, Suyitno
- The Role Technology Education in Conducting Online-Based Training to Improve the Competence of Principals in West Java 2020
- Musmundiroh
- Method Care of Kangaroo for the Baby with Weight of Low Birth In Hospital X
- Mustari, N
- The Effect of the Implementation of the New Student Admission Policy Based on the Zoning System on the Quality of Education Services at SMAN 1 Luwu Timur
- Mutaqin, Ejen Jenal
- Implementation of School-Based Quality Improvement and Plan Management in SDIT Al-Ihsan Baleendah and SDIT Persis Ciganitri
- Muthmainnah
- One Day One Verse as a Method of Early Childhood Islamic Character Education in Raudatul Athfal Qurani, East Jakarta
- Muttaqim, Hakim
- Determinant of Economic Value of Beach Tourism Post Aceh Tsunami: An Approach on Travel Cost Method
- Nabillah, Yasa
- The Correlation Between Instagram Social Media and Self-Esteem in Adolescents of Grade Xii Culinary Art Department of State Vocational High School 2 Depok
- Nadi, Luh
- Understanding of Tax & Religiosity to Tax Fraud
- Najmuddin
- The Paradox of Dayah’s Education Systems, Social Change and Use of Technology: A Case Study on Dayah in Bireuen, Aceh-Indonesia
- Najmuddin
- The Strengthening of Character in Boarding Schools Based Technology in Lhouksemawe, Northern Aceh Indonesia
- Nasrul
- The Mimesis of Laki-Laki yang Kawin dengan Babi Created by Zainal
- Nazar, Shinta Ningtyas
- Security and Privacy, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use Against Annual SPT Reporting Through E-Filling in Tangerang Selatan Regency, Banten
- Nazir, Ahmad
- The Role of Democracy Volunteers in Increasing Community Participation in the 2019 Election at the KPU, Tangerang City
- Nilawati, Ika
- Analysis of the Physical Condition of the Pencak Silat Athletes
- Ningsih, Ermaya Sari Bayu
- Characteristic of Sexual Violence to the Victims in Karawang Regency, Indonesia
- Nirwani, Seli
- Representation of Social Criticism of Indonesian People’s Life Phenomena through Comic Strip: A Semiotic Approach
- Nirzalin
- Conflict Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah Versus As-Sunnah in Aceh
- Nofriati, Eli
- Empowering Speaking Skill Through Microsoft Office 365 as a Learning Medium During a Pandemic Covid 19
- Novialdi, Risky
- The Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy Sector in Asia Pacific
- Novianti
- The Influence of the AMONG System-based Mathematics Learning Model Towards the Students’ Ability in Learning Independence at Elementary School Students
- Novianti, Iis
- Improvement and Rejuvenation of Traditional Markets Based on SWOT Analysis in the City of South Tangerang
- Nugraheny, Yuli
- The Role Technology Education in Conducting Online-Based Training to Improve the Competence of Principals in West Java 2020
- Nugroho, Anggun
- Implementation Learning Multimedia Based on Adobe Captivate in the Information System Concepts and Applications Classrooms
- Nugroho, B
- Mangrove Forest Tenure Conflicts: Institutional Approach to the Forest Management Unit Context in Aceh Province, Indonesia
- Nugroho, Fibry Jati
- Covid 19 Pandemic Disaster Management in Indonesia
- Nugroho, Fibry Jati
- The University’s Knowledge Management Strategy Towards a World-Class University
- Nugroho, Tri Cahyo
- Implementation of Regulation of Soppeng District Number 3 Of 2018 Concerning Mappadeceng Movement Implementation Guidelines (Study on Education in Paroto Village)