Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICoRSH 2020)
535 authors
- Nuraini, Fajar Indah
- Leech’s Politeness Principle Used by Teachers in English Language Teaching
- Nurdin
- Gender Paradigm and Movement Model of ‘Aisyiyah During the New Order Period (Case Study ‘Aisyiyah of South Sulawesi)
- Nurdin, Mochamat
- Policy Impelementation of Granting Scholarships and Assistance Education for Achieving Students in Sinjai District
- Nurhadi, Ahmad
- Role of TPST in Waste Management (TPST Study in Pamulang Sub-District Area of Banten Province)
- Nurhaeni
- Datuk Ritiro Historical Study: Da’wah as a Strategy in Developing Islamic Teachings in Bulukumba Regency
- Nurhidayah
- The Mediation Effect of Foresight Strategy on the Relationship Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Market Orientation on MSMEs Performance
- Nurismalatri
- Empowerment Strategy of Persons with Disabilities in The Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) In Order to Improve Welfare
- Nurjamin, Lucky Rahayu
- Digital Storytelling in Exploring Ideational Meanings of Narrative Genre (SFL Genre-Based Approach)
- Nurjaya, Nyoman
- Towards Modern Juvenile Criminal Justice in Indonesia
- Nurlina
- Analysis of Cash Round and Receivables Towards Liquidity of PT. Telecommunication Indonesia Tbk
- Nursalim, Misbah Priagung
- The Mimesis of Laki-Laki yang Kawin dengan Babi Created by Zainal
- Nurseha, Alamsyah
- Implementation of School-Based Quality Improvement and Plan Management in SDIT Al-Ihsan Baleendah and SDIT Persis Ciganitri
- Nurwahidah, Lina Siti
- Augmented Reality Based Synectic Model Application Designing with the Objectives to Overcome the Constraints of Development of Story Fact in Learning to Write Short Story
- Nurwita
- Improvement and Rejuvenation of Traditional Markets Based on SWOT Analysis in the City of South Tangerang
- Nuryati
- One Day One Verse as a Method of Early Childhood Islamic Character Education in Raudatul Athfal Qurani, East Jakarta
- Nuryunianto
- Analysis of the Effect of Asean 4 Stock Exchange, Japan and China to the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the Period of 2009- 2019 Using Vector Error Correction Model (Vecm) Method
- Paeno
- Analysis of the Effectiveness of Village Funds in Independent Village Development Efforts
- Pahlawan, H Muhammad Rezky
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia in the Perspective of Traditional Law and National Resilience
- Pahlawan, Muhamad Rezky
- Role of Supervisory Judges and Observers to Create Achievement of Justice for the Convicts
- Pamungkas, Ibrahim Bali
- The Influence of Online Game and Social Media on the Achievement of Students of Management Study Program of Faculty of Economics, Pamulang University
- Parawangi, Anwar
- A Model for Handling Act ‘Begal’ Violence at the Police of Makassar City
- Permada, Dewi Nari Ratih
- How Function of Financial Management to Maximizing LQ45’s Company Value Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Permada, Dewi Nari Ratih
- The Affect of Students’ Perceptions About Return, Risk and Operational Supervision on Student Investment Intentions in Agriculture
- Pewangi, Mawardi
- Datuk Ritiro Historical Study: Da’wah as a Strategy in Developing Islamic Teachings in Bulukumba Regency
- Poddar, Sandeep
- Explore Young Urban Consumers’ Green Purchasing Behavior: Empirical Evidences from Vietnam
- Pradana, Rizky Dwi
- Optimizing Zakah Collection for Business Investment as a Social Security
- Pradana, Rizky Dwi
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia in the Perspective of Traditional Law and National Resilience
- Praditya, Alvin
- The Influence of Online Game and Social Media on the Achievement of Students of Management Study Program of Faculty of Economics, Pamulang University
- Prastiwi, Dian Eka
- Policy of the General Election Commission to Prohibit the Administrator (Functionary) of Political Party as Prospective Candidate of the Regional Representatives Council Member in the 2019 Election
- Pratama, M. R. A.
- Jilbab and Naked: Identity Construction of Indonesian Women in Contemporary Travel Writing
- Pratama, M. R. A.
- The Inequality in Dividing Household Chores in Working Mother Novels
- Pratikso
- Modeling Relationship of Risk Factors Affecting the Success of the Construction Project from Private-Public Cooperation in West Java Province
- Pratiwi, Mona Inayah
- Covid 19 Pandemic Disaster Management in Indonesia
- Pratiwi, Mona Inayah
- The University’s Knowledge Management Strategy Towards a World-Class University
- Pratiwi, Rita Dwi
- The Effectiveness of Dialkycarbamoylchloride and Silver Dressings on a Wound Healing Process in the Diabetic Food Ulcus Patients at the Health Service Centre in Bekasi City
- Pratiwi, Rita Dwi
- Oupatient Satisfaction Analyze of Pharmacy Service in T Hospital, Bogor, West Java, March-April 2020
- Pratiwi, Rita Dwi
- Correlation Between the Level of Parents’ Knowledge and Management of Gadget Use in Pre-School Children in RW 03 Kedaung Village Ciputat
- Pratiwi, Rita Dwi
- The Correlation Between Instagram Social Media and Self-Esteem in Adolescents of Grade Xii Culinary Art Department of State Vocational High School 2 Depok
- Pratiwi, Rita Dwi
- The Analysis of Vitamin C in Peeled and Unpeeled Malang Apples Using Iodimetric Titration Method
- Pratiwi, Rita Dwi
- Symptom of Sick Building Syndrom at Employees Who Work by Online During Pandemic Covid 19
- Prianto, Budhy
- Categories and Roles of Non-Governmental Organizations for Strengthening Public Participation in Malang Municipality
- Priyanto, Aria Aji
- Role of TPST in Waste Management (TPST Study in Pamulang Sub-District Area of Banten Province)
- Puji, Lela Kania Rahsa
- The Correlation Between Personal Hygiene, Densely Polpulated Area, and Ventilation with the Occurrence of Scabies Symptom at Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, Cisauk in 2020
- Puji, Lela Kania Rahsa
- Oupatient Satisfaction Analyze of Pharmacy Service in T Hospital, Bogor, West Java, March-April 2020
- Puji, Lela Kania Rahsa
- The Analysis of Vitamin C in Peeled and Unpeeled Malang Apples Using Iodimetric Titration Method
- Pujiati, Tri
- Representation of Social Criticism of Indonesian People’s Life Phenomena through Comic Strip: A Semiotic Approach
- Purnomo, Chessa Ario Jani
- Role of Supervisory Judges and Observers to Create Achievement of Justice for the Convicts
- Purwandari, Kristiana Puji
- Relationship of Psychological Impact and Community Stigma on Covid-19 Patients in Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia
- Purwanti, Kartika Yuni
- Evaluation of Higher Education National Standards about the Process of Learning Basic Indonesian Course Concepts at PGSD Ngudi Waluyo University
- Purwanti, Kartika Yuni
- Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills Through the Implementation of Thinking Squares Media
- Purwanti, Kartika Yuni
- Implementation Science Monopoly Games Towards Cognitive Abilities and Sciencitific Attitude of Elementary Students
- Purwanti, Sri
- Language as National Identity
- Putra, Lisa Virdinarti
- Implementation Science Monopoly Games Towards Cognitive Abilities and Sciencitific Attitude of Elementary Students
- Putra, Lisa Virdinarti
- Learning Analysis Based on Aspect Humanistics and Constructivistics Assessed from Student’s Mathematic Literation Abilities and Characters
- Putri, Dyah Puspitasari Sunaryo
- The Analysis of Covid-19 Effect on Life Insurance in Indonesia
- Putri, Inggrid Ayu
- Development of Sound Interference Props with Phyphox to Support Sound and Waves Learning in Senior High School
- Putri, Karina Shella
- Electricity Consumption and Gross Regional Domestic Product Nexus in Kalimantan Selatan Province: Cointegration and Causality Analysis
- Putri, Lidya Tarmizani
- Politeness Strategies Used by Donald Trump in Opening Remarks at United Nation Assembly
- Quraisy, Hidayah
- Gender Paradigm and Movement Model of ‘Aisyiyah During the New Order Period (Case Study ‘Aisyiyah of South Sulawesi)
- Rachmawati, Meida
- Covid 19 Pandemic Disaster Management in Indonesia
- Rachmawati, Meida
- The University’s Knowledge Management Strategy Towards a World-Class University
- Rahayu, Krida Puji
- Empowerment Strategy of Persons with Disabilities in The Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) In Order to Improve Welfare
- Rahayu, Purwati Yuni
- The Effect of Using Entrepreneurship Towards Project-Based Learning Module for Student’s Learning Outcome
- Rahayu, Purwati Yuni
- Student Worksheet Based Model of Project Based Learning in Accounting Major of Vocational High School
- Rahayu, Sri
- Validity of Economic Based on Mind Mapping Module Development for SMA Class X Students
- Rahmadini, Annisa Fitri
- Determinants Multivariate Analysis of Factors Influencing Breast-Self Examination Behavior College Student
- Rahmah, Siti
- Implementation of Childbirth Assistance by Independent Midwifery Practice During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rahman, F
- The Potential of Children’s Literature in Educatioan and Environmental Ethics: Linguistic and Literary Approaches
- Rahman, Syarifah Nur Aeni
- The Problematics of Learning Through Online the Impact of Covid-19
- Rakhmat, Adriana Syariefur
- Analysis of the Effect of Asean 4 Stock Exchange, Japan and China to the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the Period of 2009- 2019 Using Vector Error Correction Model (Vecm) Method
- Ramdani, I
- Students’ Creativity in Hydrocarbon and Crude Oils with RADEC Model-based Augmented Reality (AR)
- Ramdon, Moh.
- Moral and Theological Values in a Literary Work: The Novel Robohnya Surau Kami by A.A. Navis
- Rasyidin, M.
- Determinant of Economic Value of Beach Tourism Post Aceh Tsunami: An Approach on Travel Cost Method
- Ratnaningtyas, Tri Okta
- Relationship Work Ethic with Employee Performance PT. Logitech Saptanugraha South Jakarta
- Ratnaningtyas, Tri Okta
- Symptom of Sick Building Syndrom at Employees Who Work by Online During Pandemic Covid 19
- Rejeki, Henlia Peristiwa
- Role of Supervisory Judges and Observers to Create Achievement of Justice for the Convicts
- Rejeki, Henlia Peristiwi
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia in the Perspective of Traditional Law and National Resilience
- Rezki, Annissa
- Fintech Regulations and Oversight of the Financial Services Authority in Indonesia
- Ridwan
- The Influence of Online Learning Media and Learning Motivation on the Results of Class V Integral Private Vocational School of Hidayatullah Depok
- Ridwan, Bihaki
- Modeling Relationship of Risk Factors Affecting the Success of the Construction Project from Private-Public Cooperation in West Java Province
- Rini, Zulmi Roestika
- Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills Through the Implementation of Thinking Squares Media
- Rini, Zulmi Roestika
- Learning Analysis Based on Aspect Humanistics and Constructivistics Assessed from Student’s Mathematic Literation Abilities and Characters
- Rismanti, Vidya Amalia
- Millennial’s Perception: The Effect of Leadership Style on Employees’ Work Ethics at Bogor City Government
- Risnawati, Eris
- The Mimesis of Laki-Laki yang Kawin dengan Babi Created by Zainal
- Ristiani
- The Improvement of Service Quality for Passengers through the Development of Airport Facilities
- Riyanto, Andra Ade
- Empowerment Strategy of Persons with Disabilities in The Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) In Order to Improve Welfare
- Rizal, Muhammad
- The Strengthening of Character in Boarding Schools Based Technology in Lhouksemawe, Northern Aceh Indonesia
- Rizka, Nurul Wahidatul
- The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Firm Value with Profitability as a Moderating Variables
- Rohani
- Code Switching and Code Mixing Done by Teachers at Elementary School of Garut
- Rusdi, Muhammad
- Increasing Skills and Social Interaction of Deaf People at the Makassar 1 State Special School
- Rusilowati, Umi
- Community Based Disaster Alert Village Innovation in Tanjung Jaya Village, Kecamatan Panimbang, Pandeglang District, Banten Province
- Rusmaini
- The Effect of Using Entrepreneurship Towards Project-Based Learning Module for Student’s Learning Outcome
- Rusmaini
- Student Worksheet Based Model of Project Based Learning in Accounting Major of Vocational High School
- Sadli, Amar
- The Improvement of Service Quality for Passengers through the Development of Airport Facilities
- Safarati, Nanda
- Lesson Study Approach to Improve Skills Students’ Critical Thinking in Heat Subjects
- Saga, Baharuddin
- The Effectiveness Utilization of Electronic Tax Filing in Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (Kpp) Pratama Jakarta Pluit, North Jakarta
- Sahidin, Didin
- Understanding the Ideology of Demonstration Discourse on the Text Media: Critical Discourse Analysis
- Saiful
- The Perspective of Konjo Native Students’ on Multilingual Learning
- Saleh, M.
- Determinant of Economic Value of Beach Tourism Post Aceh Tsunami: An Approach on Travel Cost Method
- Saleh, Syafiuddin
- Analysis of Bumdes System Development and Institutional Principles in the Framework of Seaweed Agribusiness System Development