Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
772 authors
- Jannah, Zumrotul
- The Usage of Forensic Computer Report on The Case of Baiq Nuril Maknun
- Jatiningsih, Oksiana
- The Implementation of Law Ministry of Manpower Concerning Domestic Workers Protection in West Surabaya
- Jatmiko
- Improving Student’s English Vocabulary Mastery through Animation Cartoon
- Jatmiko
- Intervention Model on Agribusiness Development of Organic Agriculture System (Case Study of Organic Rice Farmers Groups in Kediri District)
- Jauhari, Tontowi
- The Implementation of Digital Marketing towards Brand Awareness
- Jaya, I Made
- Feasibility of Spreadsheet Based Financial Management Learning Materials
- Jayadi, Tamsil
- Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) And Poverty Level Performance In Sulawesi and Kalimantan Areas
- Jayani, Indah
- The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Counseling on Social; Emotional and Spiritual Response in HIV/AIDS Patients
- Jufri, Muwaffiq
- The Development of The Application and/or Absorption of Islamic law towards Regional Legal Products in Madura
- Jufri, Nur
- The Culture of Siri’ (Shame) as an Instrument of Corruption Prevention in Indonesia
- Jumadi
- Modality of Election in Young Legislative Election Contestation in South Sulawesi
- Junaeda, St.
- Discourse and Power in Religious Social Practices of the Gowa Highland Society
- Jusnita, Ayu
- Communication Management of Narcotic Addicts Rehabilitation Program in East Java Province
- Juwarni, D
- Analysis of Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality on Repurchase Intention of IndonesianInsurance Companies
- Kahar, Fakhri
- Role of Village Head as Development Administrator in Mattirowalie Village Maniangpajo subdistrict Wajo District
- Kaihatu, Jolanda
- A Study of the Development of Community Development-based Tourism Village in East Likupang of North Minahasa Regency
- Kairupan, Sisca
- Study on Academic Quality Assurance Standards at the Faculty of Social Sciences Manado State University
- Kairupan, Sisca
- The Evaluation of Teacher Professional Allowance Policy in Minahasa Regency
- Kairupan, Sisca
- Ethics of Public Services in the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services of Manado City
- Kalalo, Chyntia
- Application of Discussion Methods to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Civics Content Class IV Elementary School
- Kalangi, Merina
- The Effect of Applying Internet Browsing in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill
- Kamagi, Sarah
- Application of Emily Durkheim's Theory to 'Mapalus'; a Minahasan Culture in North Sulawesi; Indonesia
- Kanca, I Nyoman
- The English Training for Students of Hospitality and Tourism Business Management Study Programs with Problem-Based Learning Model
- Kanca, I Nyoman
- Effectiveness of TBLT in Indonesian EFL Classroom
- Kapoh, Ruty
- The Development of Japanese Teaching Material in Tourism Vocational School
- Kartika, Adhitya
- Village Community Empowerment with Intellectual Property Rights Protection
- Karwur, Hermon
- Implementation of the Metatah Cultural Ceremony in Werdhi Agung Village; Dumoga Tengah District; Bolaang Mongondow Regency
- Karwur, Hermon
- Optimizing the Use of Inquiry Strategy in Learning Population and Environmental Education
- Karwur, Hermon
- Environment-Based Learning Development in Geography Learning
- Karwur, Hermon
- The Use of Discovery Learning Methods in Improving Students’ Learning Achievement on Socio-Economic Geography in Geography Education Study Program
- Karwur, Hermon
- Tumoyo’s Tradition in Agriculture Product Distribution Systems in Taraitak Village; Minahasa Regency
- Karwur, Hermon
- The Reconstruction of Cultural Values and Local Wisdom of the Tombulu Sub-Ethnic of Minahasa Community in the Walian Village of Tomohon City
- Kasih, Rysandi
- Cleaner Production Analysis in the Cassava Tape Industry
- Kasmita, maya
- Dimensions and Prospects of Sumpang Bita Tourism Development in Pangkep District
- Katuuk, Deitje
- The Analysis of School-Based Management Implementation and Principals’ Managerial Competencies
- Katuuk, Deitje
- Development of Public Ethics Based on Cultural Diversity through Character Learning in Schools
- Kaumbur, Great
- The Effect of Distributional Justice and Procedural Justice Towards Fisherman Compliance at Manado City
- Kaunang, Meyny
- The Application of Multimedia in Learning Music Arts in Senior High School 1 Manado
- Kaunang, Sinta
- The Effect of Distributional Justice and Procedural Justice Towards Fisherman Compliance at Manado City
- Keintjem, Maxi
- Work Ethic In The Industrial Area of Bitung City North Sulawesi Province
- Kencanawati, Anak Agung Ayu Mirah
- Market Orientation and Its Impact on Product Innovation and Marketing Performance of SMEs in Bali
- Kerebungu, Ferdinand
- The Importance Of Multicultural Education As An Effort Towards Indonesian National Awareness
- Kerebungu, Ferdinand
- Mekan Tradition in Tataaran 1 Community Of Minahasa Regency
- Kerebungu, Ferdinand
- The Effect of Mode of Admission and Place of Origin On Student Achievement in First Semester Study Program of Sociology Education at Manado State University
- Kesuma, Andi
- Bugis Women (Status; Role and Function) in the Text of Lontara I La Galigo
- Khalid
- Readiness of Indonesian Higher Education Programs in the Big Data Era
- Kimbal, Rahel
- The Power of Social Capital in Barter Transaction at Traditional Market
- Kojongian, Prilimercy
- Terms of Address in Expressing Politeness and Solidarity in Sangir Community Indonesia
- Koraag, Prianka
- The Effectiveness of Guiding Questions Technique To Improves Students’ Writing Recount Text
- Korompis, Estevanus
- Effects of Interpersonal Communication; Work Ethic and Leadership Style towards Junior High School Teacher Performance in the City of Tomohon
- Korompis, Manuel
- Implementation of the Metatah Cultural Ceremony in Werdhi Agung Village; Dumoga Tengah District; Bolaang Mongondow Regency
- Korompis, Manuel
- The Implementation of Micro Business Development in the Department of Cooperative and SMEs of Minahasa Regency
- Kristanti, Desi
- The Influence of Leadership and Working Motivation of Publik Adminstration Servicesin Rejomulyo Kediri
- Kumaat, Joyce
- Spatial model in Determining the Distribution of tuna Fishery Policy in the Bitung City
- Kumaat, Joyce
- Analysis of Surface Water Potentials of Noongan River For Rice Irrigation on Agriculture
- Kumaat, Theophanny
- The Effect of Distributional Justice and Procedural Justice Towards Fisherman Compliance at Manado City
- Kurniawan, Badrudin
- Food Security in Poor Families (Study of Public Policy and Local Initiative at East Java)
- Kurniawati, Aida
- Utilization of Karst Water Resources by Residents in the Gremeng Cave Spring
- Kuspriyanto
- Management of Centralized Waste Systems With Optimization of The use of Existing TPA In The City Of Mojokerto
- Kusumaningrum, Anggraeni
- Consumer Protection Users of Traditional Massage Services in Semarang City
- Lamadirisi, Maryam
- Mapalus Marantong Culture in West Motoling District of South Minahasa Regency
- Lamadirisi, Maryam
- Mekan Tradition in Tataaran 1 Community Of Minahasa Regency
- Lamadirisi, Maryam
- The Effect of Mode of Admission and Place of Origin On Student Achievement in First Semester Study Program of Sociology Education at Manado State University
- Langkai, Jeane
- Intervening Aspects of Policy Implementation Neighborhood-Based Development in Manado City
- Langkay, Jeane
- The Optimalization of Village Community Function in Accepting and Distributing Community Aspirations in Kemelembuais Village
- Langkay, Jeane
- The Performance of Bureaucrats in Public Services
- Larson, Erica
- Development of Public Ethics Based on Cultural Diversity through Character Learning in Schools
- Lasmini, Ni Ketut
- Market Orientation and Its Impact on Product Innovation and Marketing Performance of SMEs in Bali
- Latuni, Glenie
- Form and Structure of Masamper Music
- Legowo, Martinus
- Food Security in Poor Families (Study of Public Policy and Local Initiative at East Java)
- Lengkoan, Fergina
- The Application of Special Self-Made Word Card for Vocabulary Teaching Particularly Irregular Verbs
- Lensun, Sherly
- The Application of Direct Strategy in Learning Japanese Language through Songs (Historical Study of Japan’s Occupation in Minahasa 1942-1945)
- Lensun, Sherly
- Humanistic Psychology Analysis In Novel Madogiwa No Tottochan
- Lensun, Sherly
- Literary Sociology of Kobayashi Sosaku In Novel Madogiwa No Tottochan
- Lesilolo, Roshanara
- The Effectiveness and Efficiency of German Language Learning as a Foreign Language in Senior High School 1 Tondano
- Lestari, Yuni
- Implementation of Public Information Services (Case Study at Youth and Sport Department of East Java Province)
- Lestari, Yuni
- Characteristic of Women Leaders in the Millennials Perspective
- Lestari, Yuni
- Stakeholder Analysis In Flood Disaster Management Policy In Bojonegoro District
- Liana, Corry
- The Mobility of Madura Women Traders in Waru District Sidoarjo
- Liando, Mayske
- The Application of Direct Strategy in Learning Japanese Language through Songs (Historical Study of Japan’s Occupation in Minahasa 1942-1945)
- Liando, Nihta
- The Effectiveness of Guiding Questions Technique To Improves Students’ Writing Recount Text
- Liando, Nihta
- The Effect of Applying Internet Browsing in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill
- Liando, Nihta
- What Students Say: Scientific Approach as a New Learning Paradigm in Industrial Era 4.0
- Lieung, Karlina
- Improving Fourth Grade Students’ Science Larning Achivement Using Process Skill Approach At Inpres Mangga Dua Elementary School of Merauke
- Listyani, Refti
- Women's Victory Contest 2019 Election
- Listyaningsih
- The Optimalization of Local Character Values in Learning to Build Anti-Corruption Culture
- Listyaningsih
- Orderly Traffic Attitude Of Students Junior High School Laboratory Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Lobja, Erick
- Community-Based Tourism Development in North Minahasa; North Sulawesi Indonesia
- Lobja, Erick
- The Meaning of Paji Nyili-Nyili Tradition in Goto Village Tidore Kota Sub-Distric Tidore Island
- Lobja, Erick
- The Analysis of Factors Affecting Community Income Around Bukit Kasih Tourism Objects in Kanonang Village of Minahasa Regency
- Lobja, Erick
- Tumoyo’s Tradition in Agriculture Product Distribution Systems in Taraitak Village; Minahasa Regency
- Lobja, Erick
- The Reconstruction of Cultural Values and Local Wisdom of the Tombulu Sub-Ethnic of Minahasa Community in the Walian Village of Tomohon City
- Lobja, Xaverius
- Optimizing the Use of Inquiry Strategy in Learning Population and Environmental Education
- Lobja, Xaverius
- The Impact of Stone Mining Activities in Relation to Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency
- Lobja, Xaverius
- Environment-Based Learning Development in Geography Learning
- Lobja, Xaverius
- The Use of Discovery Learning Methods in Improving Students’ Learning Achievement on Socio-Economic Geography in Geography Education Study Program
- Lobja, Xaverius
- The Implementation of Character Education Integration for the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development in the Department of Geography Education; Faculty of Social Sciences UNIMA
- Lolong, Wenly
- Relation of Social Justice and Counter-Terrorism
- Lolong, Wenly
- Law Enforcement and Integrity in The Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption
- Lonto, Apeles
- The Analysis of School-Based Management Implementation and Principals’ Managerial Competencies