Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
772 authors
- Umar, Mardan
- Education as The Process of Building The Character and Intelligent Generation of The Nations
- Umaternate, Abdul
- Mapalus Marantong Culture in West Motoling District of South Minahasa Regency
- Umaternate, Abdul
- The Meaning of Paji Nyili-Nyili Tradition in Goto Village Tidore Kota Sub-Distric Tidore Island
- Umaternate, Abdul
- The Reconstruction of Cultural Values and Local Wisdom of the Tombulu Sub-Ethnic of Minahasa Community in the Walian Village of Tomohon City
- Umbase, Ruth
- Community Participation in Child Protection in the City of Tomohon
- Umbase, Ruth
- Filed Tripas A Way To Improve Students’ Ability to Learn History
- Usoh, Elni
- Managerial Approaches and Leadership Styles for Educational Leader: Motivating staff towards the achievement of organisational goals
- Uspayanti, Rezky
- Analysis of Students’ Interest in Reading
- Uspayanti, Rezky
- Enhancing Literal and Interpretive Reading Comprehension through Collaborative Strategic Reading
- Utami, D
- ‘Capital Barns’ based on social capital to empowering the poor
- Utami, Dian
- The Challenges of Civil Servant’s Payroll Service in Local Government
- Utami, Dian
- Implementation of Public Information Services (Case Study at Youth and Sport Department of East Java Province)
- Utami, Dian
- Stakeholder Analysis In Flood Disaster Management Policy In Bojonegoro District
- Utami, Diyah
- Child Marriage in Online Indonesia News (Discourse Analysis of A Contemporary Cases about SyehPuji and The Teen Wife)
- Utami, Diyah
- Papuan Students Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Surabaya State University
- Utami, S.
- The Influence of Service Quality and CRM on Patient Satisfaction (Clinical Studies at DKT Nganjuk Health Clinic)
- Utami, Sasi
- The Impact of Service Quality and CRM on Patient Contentment (Clinical Studies at DKT Nganjuk HealthClinic)
- Vaulia Puspita, Nindi
- The Influence of Financial Leverage and Firm Size on the Company Value (A Study on Telecomunication Company BEI Listed in 2014-2018)
- Vitasmoro, Pamadya
- Improving Student’s English Vocabulary Mastery through Animation Cartoon
- Vitasmoro, Pamadya
- Intervention Model on Agribusiness Development of Organic Agriculture System (Case Study of Organic Rice Farmers Groups in Kediri District)
- Wahed, Syaiful
- Local Wisdom Based Tourism in Sharia Tourism Perpective (Tourism Concept Study of Sumenep Regency Madura)
- Wahyudhi, Candra
- Utilizing Instagram As A Promotional Media By Small And Medium Enterprises (SME) Arni Kripik Merauke
- Wahyudi, A
- ‘Capital Barns’ based on social capital to empowering the poor
- Wahyudi, Noor
- Readiness of Indonesian Higher Education Programs in the Big Data Era
- Wahyuni, Luh Mei
- Feasibility of Spreadsheet Based Financial Management Learning Materials
- Wahyuniar
- Think Pair Share Solutions of Storytelling Learning
- Wahyuniar, 0
- Think Pair Share Solutions of Storytelling Learning
- Wairara, Stenly
- Analysis Of Human Resources Skill To GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) In The Fishery Processing Groups In Makassar City
- Wairara, Stenly
- Marketing Network’s Analysis of Coral Trout Grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) In Gusung Island; Selayar Archipelago Regency
- Wajdi, Majid
- Identifying Social Class in the Society of Java
- Wantalangi, Max
- Tracing the Meaning of Funny stories; Expressions; and terminologies of Kema Malay Languange
- Wantania, Theresye
- Role of Song in Learning Japanese (Historical Study of Japanese Population in Minahasa)
- Wardhana, Mahendra
- Strengthening Regulation In Conflicts Between The "Surat Ijo" Holder / Land Use Permit (Ipt) With The Government Of Surabaya City As The Implementation Of Agrarian Reforma
- Warouw, Felly
- Tipology Ecotourism Based On Community; A Case On Manado Gulf Area
- Warsono
- Educational Staff Responses About Policy Models About Career Development Policy Models at Surabaya State University
- Warsono
- School Principal Construction About the Culture Model of the Four Pillars of Nationality To Build Student Nationalism Towards Indonesian Generation 2025
- Wartiningsih
- Role of Forest Management Unit (KPH) In Social Forestry
- Wawointana, Thelma
- The Optimalization of Village Community Function in Accepting and Distributing Community Aspirations in Kemelembuais Village
- Wawointana, Thelma
- The Performance of Bureaucrats in Public Services
- Wicaksana, K A B
- Implementation of Controling Management and Techniques to Increacing the Effectiveness of Cooperative Supervision
- Wicaksana, K A B
- Implementation of Supervision Management; Effective Supervision Techniques to Improve the Effectiveness of Cooperative Supervision
- Widanta, I Made Rai Jaya
- Effectiveness of Designed Indonesian Language Module for Foreign Learners: A Case of Darmasiswa Class
- Widanta, I Made Rai Jaya
- Effectiveness of TBLT in Indonesian EFL Classroom
- Widhari, Cokorda Istri Sri
- The Practice of Green Hospitality at the Operational Level (a Case of 5-Star Hotel in Bali)
- Widodo, Bambang
- Analyzing The Difference In Teaching Skill Of Geography Teacher Candidates Based On Field Dependent-Independent Cognitive Styles
- Widodo, Hananto
- Accountability of the President of the Republic of Indonesia according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
- Wijana, I Made
- Need Analysis And System Engineering Of Financial Planning Web-Based Application Development For Indigenous Communities At VillageCredit InstitutionIn Badung Regency; Bali
- Wijaya, Dodik Pranata
- The existence of Criminal Justice System As Legal Safeguards Against Women Victims of Domestic Violence
- Wijaya, Rahmanu
- Orderly Traffic Attitude Of Students Junior High School Laboratory Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Winarsih, Sri
- Designing Syllabus for Higher Education: A Reflective Study of Novice Lecturer in Merauke; Papua
- Winarsih, Sri
- The The Effectiveness of Short Film In Teaching A Cause - Effect Paragraph For English Literature Department Students of Musamus University
- Winarsih, Sri
- Analysis of Students’ Interest in Reading
- Winarso
- Evaluation of Waste Recycle Center (PDU) in Jambangan Subdistrict Based on TPS3R Technical Guidance
- Winarwati, Indien
- Urgency Of World Trade Organizations (WTO) In Trade Relationship Between States
- Winia, I Nyoman
- The Implication of the Development of Serangan Tourist Village from the Economic Perspective
- Wisnu
- The Mobility of Madura Women Traders in Waru District Sidoarjo
- Wua, Telly
- Work Ethic In The Industrial Area of Bitung City North Sulawesi Province
- Wuisang, Justien
- Contextual Approaches In Kaiwa Learning (Speaking) Japanese Language
- Wulan, Dewi
- Improvement Of Employee Performance PT PLN (Persero) Area Merauke Reviewed From Work Discipline Of Employees
- Yampap, Umar
- Improving Fourth Grade Students’ Science Larning Achivement Using Process Skill Approach At Inpres Mangga Dua Elementary School of Merauke
- Yani, Anhar
- Competitive Advantage Through a Strategic Approach (Study on Islamic Banking in South Kalimantan)
- Yani, M
- The Role of Family Resiliencethat Characterizes in Increasing Shame Culturein the Society
- Yulianti, Rina
- Oral Agreement on Land Sale and Purchase Contract in Indonesia
- Yuliari, Kartika
- The Influence of Financial Leverage and Firm Size on the Company Value (A Study on Telecomunication Company BEI Listed in 2014-2018)
- Yusuf, Andi
- Effect Of Work Motivation On The Performance Of Procurement Service Unit Employees With A Balanced Approach Scorecard To The Perspective Of Growth And Learning In Maros Regency
- Yusuf, Andi
- The Power Relations Of Local Bosses And Local Elites In Forest Governance In Muna Islands
- Zain, Ita
- Management of Centralized Waste Systems With Optimization of The use of Existing TPA In The City Of Mojokerto
- Zainal, Henni
- The implementation of Modern Shop Structuring Policy in Mamajang District; Makassar Cit
- Zainol, Zinatul
- Adaptive Regulation for Industry 4.0
- Zulfadli, Muhammad
- Existence of Belief System in Fishermen Society in Pangkep Regency
- iwan Candra, Agata
- Improving Student’s English Vocabulary Mastery through Animation Cartoon
- s, A
- ‘Capital Barns’ based on social capital to empowering the poor