Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)

772 authors
Fisheries and Economic Relationship in Kelurahan Gusung Makassar
Najoan, Meity
Effects of Interpersonal Communication; Work Ethic and Leadership Style towards Junior High School Teacher Performance in the City of Tomohon
Najoan, Meity
House Mapalus in Tombatu District; Southeast Minahasa Regency
Najoan, Meity
Filed Tripas A Way To Improve Students’ Ability to Learn History
Narahawarin, Margaretha
Designing Syllabus for Higher Education: A Reflective Study of Novice Lecturer in Merauke; Papua
Narahawarin, Margaretha
The The Effectiveness of Short Film In Teaching A Cause - Effect Paragraph For English Literature Department Students of Musamus University
Nasaruddin, H.
Improving Quality of LL-DIKTI Area X Services in Facing Industrial Era 4.0
Nasrullah, Muh.
Role of Village Head as Development Administrator in Mattirowalie Village Maniangpajo subdistrict Wajo District
Comparison of National History Education Textbook Content in Middle School and Senior High School in Indonesian in New Order Era
Natsir, Irmawaty
The Metacognition of Junior High School Students in Posing Mathematical Problems Viewed From Cognitive Style
Ngaruaka, Tobias
Relationship OF The Power Of The Diksi With The Writing Of Drama
Niode, Burhan
Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the 2016 Supplementary Regional Heads Election of Manado City in 2016
Niswaty, Risma
Improving Quality of LL-DIKTI Area X Services in Facing Industrial Era 4.0
Niswaty, Risma
Based Waste Management Innovation Design of Industrial 4.0 in Makassar City
Noerhartati, Endang
Improvement of Quality Management in Education and Competence Development Lecturer in the Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Nopiyanto, Yahya
Comparison of Psychological Skills of Pencak Silat and Boxing Athletes (Study on Indonesian Training Camp athletes)
The Challenges of Civil Servant’s Payroll Service in Local Government
Implementation of Public Information Services (Case Study at Youth and Sport Department of East Java Province)
Stakeholder Analysis In Flood Disaster Management Policy In Bojonegoro District
Nugroho, Arifin
Comparison of Psychological Skills of Pencak Silat and Boxing Athletes (Study on Indonesian Training Camp athletes)
Nugroho, Arinto
Indonesian Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS): A Legal Discourse Analysis about Sailing Permits
Nugroho, Lucky
Comparison of At Taflis Wal Hajr in Islamic Law and Bankruptcy in Positive Law
Nugroho, Lucky
The Fulfillment of The Fishermen's Right to Achieve Welfare as A Part of State Responsibility
Nur Rahmadi, Afif
Factors Causing Retired Indonesian Migrant Workers Entrepreneurship in Kediri Regency
Relationship OF The Power Of The Diksi With The Writing Of Drama
Nurdiansah, 0
Relationship OF The Power Of The Diksi With The Writing Of Drama
Nurlaely, N
The Analysis of Social Media Marketing towardBuying Interest (Case Study at J.Co Donnuts And Coffee Kediri)
Modality of Election in Young Legislative Election Contestation in South Sulawesi
Improvement Of Employee Performance PT PLN (Persero) Area Merauke Reviewed From Work Discipline Of Employees
Nuswardani, Nunuk
Role of Forest Management Unit (KPH) In Social Forestry
Oka, I Made Darma
The Implication of the Development of Serangan Tourist Village from the Economic Perspective
Oktariyanda, T
Standardization of the Integrated District Administration Services Program to optimize Public Services in Sidoarjo Regency
Olii, Sanerita.
Grammatical Deviations inThe Lyrics on English Songs: Functions and Categories
Oroh, Hilda
The Use of Discovery Learning Methods in Improving Students’ Learning Achievement on Socio-Economic Geography in Geography Education Study Program
P Putra, Y
Analysis of Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality on Repurchase Intention of IndonesianInsurance Companies
Paath, Ruth
Questioning System in Manado Malay (A Study of Syntactic)
Pagiling, Sadrack
The Metacognition of Junior High School Students in Posing Mathematical Problems Viewed From Cognitive Style
Pagiling, Sadrack
Exploration of College Student’s Representations in Solve The Problem of Numeric Methods
Palobo, Markus
Exploration of College Student’s Representations in Solve The Problem of Numeric Methods
Pandi, Helena
An Analysis Of Educational Values In The Novel Madogiwa No Totto-Chan By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Pangalila, Theodorus
The Importance Of Multicultural Education As An Effort Towards Indonesian National Awareness
Pangalila, Theodorus
The Role of Mapalus Local Wisdom in Building the Tolerant Attitudes of the Tomohon City Community
Pangalila, Theodorus
Peace Education: An Effort to Realize a Peaceful Social Life in Indonesia
Pangalila, Theodorus
Effects of Interpersonal Communication; Work Ethic and Leadership Style towards Junior High School Teacher Performance in the City of Tomohon
Pangalila, Theodorus
Education as The Process of Building The Character and Intelligent Generation of The Nations
Pangalila, Theodorus
The Reconstruction of Cultural Values and Local Wisdom of the Tombulu Sub-Ethnic of Minahasa Community in the Walian Village of Tomohon City
Pangemanan, Nontje
The Speech Acts of Parents' Advice on The Children of Tontemboan Language Speakers Residing in The Langowan Subdistrict
Pangestu, Muhammad
Implementation of Public Information Services (Case Study at Youth and Sport Department of East Java Province)
Pangkey, Itje
Women's Leadership in Higher Education
Pangkey, Itje
Intervening Aspects of Policy Implementation Neighborhood-Based Development in Manado City
Pangkey, Itje
The Optimalization of Village Community Function in Accepting and Distributing Community Aspirations in Kemelembuais Village
Pangkey, Itje
The Performance of Bureaucrats in Public Services
Parawansa, Dian
The Culture of Siri’ (Shame) as an Instrument of Corruption Prevention in Indonesia
Parawansa, Syarif
The Culture of Siri’ (Shame) as an Instrument of Corruption Prevention in Indonesia
Parlindungan, John
The Development of Direct Learning Strategies in Topic Solubility and Solubility Product
Pasandaran, Sjamsi
The Analysis of School-Based Management Implementation and Principals’ Managerial Competencies
Pasandaran, Sjamsi
Development of Public Ethics Based on Cultural Diversity through Character Learning in Schools
Pawestri, Aprilina
The Fulfillment of The Fishermen's Right to Achieve Welfare as A Part of State Responsibility
Pelealu, Aldegonda
House Mapalus in Tombatu District; Southeast Minahasa Regency
Pelealu, Aldegonda
Filed Tripas A Way To Improve Students’ Ability to Learn History
Perdana, Sukma
The Urgency of Hikayat Hang-Tuah's Character Value in Building Young Generation Nationalism
Permatasari, Novia
Anti-Corruption Values Planting Based Education Formulation For Children As Effort to Prevent Corruption
Perwitasari, Dita
Strengthening Regulation In Conflicts Between The "Surat Ijo" Holder / Land Use Permit (Ipt) With The Government Of Surabaya City As The Implementation Of Agrarian Reforma
Phuoc, Jeong Chun
Adaptive Regulation for Industry 4.0
Pijoh, Feibe
Legal Force of Deed under Hand on Land Ownership Rights
Pijoh, Feibe
Legal Protection of Health Consumers from Medical Malpractice Acts
Poli, Ellen
The Impact of Stone Mining Activities in Relation to Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency
Poli, Ellen
The Analysis of Factors Affecting Community Income Around Bukit Kasih Tourism Objects in Kanonang Village of Minahasa Regency
Poli, Ellen
A Study of the Development of Community Development-based Tourism Village in East Likupang of North Minahasa Regency
Pongkendek, Jesi
The Development of Direct Learning Strategies in Topic Solubility and Solubility Product
Prabawatii, Indah
Measurement of Workload Analysis in Determining the Optimal Number of Workers
Pradana, Galih
Jalin Matra; The East Java Provincial Government's Strategy To Alleviate Poverty: A Case Study of Bojonegoro Regency; East Java Province
Prasetya, Sukma
Application of Vi-Learning Based on Rotation Model
Prasetya, Sukma
The Role of Political Social Institutions in Rural Managements in Managing Collabrications in the Religion
Prasetyo, Iwan
Communication Management of Narcotic Addicts Rehabilitation Program in East Java Province
Prasetyo, Ketut
Educational Staff Responses About Policy Models About Career Development Policy Models at Surabaya State University
Prasetyo, Ketut
Embracing Institutional Partners: As an Effort to Eradicate Street Children in Surabaya Children's Village
Prasetyo, Ketut
Tsunami Disaster Mitigation For Population at South Coatal –Munjungan Distric-Trenggalek-East Java
Gaduhan: Madurese Traditional Cattle Sharing Program in Economic and Social Persepctive
Prastuti, Ajeng
The Urgency of Hikayat Hang-Tuah's Character Value in Building Young Generation Nationalism
Prastyawan, Agus
Characteristic of Women Leaders in the Millennials Perspective
Prawiradiredja, Sanhari
Communication Management of Narcotic Addicts Rehabilitation Program in East Java Province
Pribadi, F
‘Capital Barns’ based on social capital to empowering the poor
Pribadi, Farid
Child Marriage in Online Indonesia News (Discourse Analysis of A Contemporary Cases about SyehPuji and The Teen Wife)
Prihandoko, Lastika
Designing Syllabus for Higher Education: A Reflective Study of Novice Lecturer in Merauke; Papua
Prihandoko, Lastika
The The Effectiveness of Short Film In Teaching A Cause - Effect Paragraph For English Literature Department Students of Musamus University
Purba, Iman
The Implementation of Law Ministry of Manpower Concerning Domestic Workers Protection in West Surabaya
Purnamaningsih, N
Analysis of Service Quality towards Customer Satisfaction at Bank Rakyat Indonesia; Kediri
Purnomo, Nugroho
Utilization of Karst Water Resources by Residents in the Gremeng Cave Spring
Purwaningsih, Sri
Challenges to Create a Pluralism Education amid the Battle of Democracy and Theocracy in Indonesia
Purwanty, Ratna
Application of Discussion Methods to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Civics Content Class IV Elementary School
Puspoayu, Elisabeth
Indonesian Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS): A Legal Discourse Analysis about Sailing Permits
Puspoayu, Elisabeth
Accountability of the President of the Republic of Indonesia according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
Qodariyah, Lailatul
Local Wisdom Based Tourism in Sharia Tourism Perpective (Tourism Concept Study of Sumenep Regency Madura)
Rado, Rudini
Revenue Of Opening Expenses On Criminal Action Of Corruption (Case Study in IA Jayapura District Court)
Rahardjo, Djoko
Intervention Model on Agribusiness Development of Organic Agriculture System (Case Study of Organic Rice Farmers Groups in Kediri District)
Rahayu, Devi
Undocumented Indonesian Migrant Workers; Solution or Ommision
Rahayu, Dewi
Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers in Pamekasan
Rahman, Abdul
The Role of the Nuhiyah Islamic Boarding School in Empowering Islamic Communities
Rakhmawati, Yuliana
Gaduhan: Madurese Traditional Cattle Sharing Program in Economic and Social Persepctive