Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
772 authors
- Najamuddin
- Fisheries and Economic Relationship in Kelurahan Gusung Makassar
- Najoan, Meity
- Effects of Interpersonal Communication; Work Ethic and Leadership Style towards Junior High School Teacher Performance in the City of Tomohon
- Najoan, Meity
- House Mapalus in Tombatu District; Southeast Minahasa Regency
- Najoan, Meity
- Filed Tripas A Way To Improve Students’ Ability to Learn History
- Narahawarin, Margaretha
- Designing Syllabus for Higher Education: A Reflective Study of Novice Lecturer in Merauke; Papua
- Narahawarin, Margaretha
- The The Effectiveness of Short Film In Teaching A Cause - Effect Paragraph For English Literature Department Students of Musamus University
- Nasaruddin, H.
- Improving Quality of LL-DIKTI Area X Services in Facing Industrial Era 4.0
- Nasrullah, Muh.
- Role of Village Head as Development Administrator in Mattirowalie Village Maniangpajo subdistrict Wajo District
- Nasution
- Comparison of National History Education Textbook Content in Middle School and Senior High School in Indonesian in New Order Era
- Natsir, Irmawaty
- The Metacognition of Junior High School Students in Posing Mathematical Problems Viewed From Cognitive Style
- Ngaruaka, Tobias
- Relationship OF The Power Of The Diksi With The Writing Of Drama
- Niode, Burhan
- Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the 2016 Supplementary Regional Heads Election of Manado City in 2016
- Niswaty, Risma
- Improving Quality of LL-DIKTI Area X Services in Facing Industrial Era 4.0
- Niswaty, Risma
- Based Waste Management Innovation Design of Industrial 4.0 in Makassar City
- Noerhartati, Endang
- Improvement of Quality Management in Education and Competence Development Lecturer in the Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Nopiyanto, Yahya
- Comparison of Psychological Skills of Pencak Silat and Boxing Athletes (Study on Indonesian Training Camp athletes)
- Noviyanti
- The Challenges of Civil Servant’s Payroll Service in Local Government
- Noviyanti
- Implementation of Public Information Services (Case Study at Youth and Sport Department of East Java Province)
- Noviyanti
- Stakeholder Analysis In Flood Disaster Management Policy In Bojonegoro District
- Nugroho, Arifin
- Comparison of Psychological Skills of Pencak Silat and Boxing Athletes (Study on Indonesian Training Camp athletes)
- Nugroho, Arinto
- Indonesian Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS): A Legal Discourse Analysis about Sailing Permits
- Nugroho, Lucky
- Comparison of At Taflis Wal Hajr in Islamic Law and Bankruptcy in Positive Law
- Nugroho, Lucky
- The Fulfillment of The Fishermen's Right to Achieve Welfare as A Part of State Responsibility
- Nur Rahmadi, Afif
- Factors Causing Retired Indonesian Migrant Workers Entrepreneurship in Kediri Regency
- Nurdiansah
- Relationship OF The Power Of The Diksi With The Writing Of Drama
- Nurdiansah, 0
- Relationship OF The Power Of The Diksi With The Writing Of Drama
- Nurlaely, N
- The Analysis of Social Media Marketing towardBuying Interest (Case Study at J.Co Donnuts And Coffee Kediri)
- Nurlela
- Modality of Election in Young Legislative Election Contestation in South Sulawesi
- Nurwijayanti
- Improvement Of Employee Performance PT PLN (Persero) Area Merauke Reviewed From Work Discipline Of Employees
- Nuswardani, Nunuk
- Role of Forest Management Unit (KPH) In Social Forestry
- Oka, I Made Darma
- The Implication of the Development of Serangan Tourist Village from the Economic Perspective
- Oktariyanda, T
- Standardization of the Integrated District Administration Services Program to optimize Public Services in Sidoarjo Regency
- Olii, Sanerita.
- Grammatical Deviations inThe Lyrics on English Songs: Functions and Categories
- Oroh, Hilda
- The Use of Discovery Learning Methods in Improving Students’ Learning Achievement on Socio-Economic Geography in Geography Education Study Program
- P Putra, Y
- Analysis of Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality on Repurchase Intention of IndonesianInsurance Companies
- Paath, Ruth
- Questioning System in Manado Malay (A Study of Syntactic)
- Pagiling, Sadrack
- The Metacognition of Junior High School Students in Posing Mathematical Problems Viewed From Cognitive Style
- Pagiling, Sadrack
- Exploration of College Student’s Representations in Solve The Problem of Numeric Methods
- Palobo, Markus
- Exploration of College Student’s Representations in Solve The Problem of Numeric Methods
- Pandi, Helena
- An Analysis Of Educational Values In The Novel Madogiwa No Totto-Chan By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- The Importance Of Multicultural Education As An Effort Towards Indonesian National Awareness
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- The Role of Mapalus Local Wisdom in Building the Tolerant Attitudes of the Tomohon City Community
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Peace Education: An Effort to Realize a Peaceful Social Life in Indonesia
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Effects of Interpersonal Communication; Work Ethic and Leadership Style towards Junior High School Teacher Performance in the City of Tomohon
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- Education as The Process of Building The Character and Intelligent Generation of The Nations
- Pangalila, Theodorus
- The Reconstruction of Cultural Values and Local Wisdom of the Tombulu Sub-Ethnic of Minahasa Community in the Walian Village of Tomohon City
- Pangemanan, Nontje
- The Speech Acts of Parents' Advice on The Children of Tontemboan Language Speakers Residing in The Langowan Subdistrict
- Pangestu, Muhammad
- Implementation of Public Information Services (Case Study at Youth and Sport Department of East Java Province)
- Pangkey, Itje
- Women's Leadership in Higher Education
- Pangkey, Itje
- Intervening Aspects of Policy Implementation Neighborhood-Based Development in Manado City
- Pangkey, Itje
- The Optimalization of Village Community Function in Accepting and Distributing Community Aspirations in Kemelembuais Village
- Pangkey, Itje
- The Performance of Bureaucrats in Public Services
- Parawansa, Dian
- The Culture of Siri’ (Shame) as an Instrument of Corruption Prevention in Indonesia
- Parawansa, Syarif
- The Culture of Siri’ (Shame) as an Instrument of Corruption Prevention in Indonesia
- Parlindungan, John
- The Development of Direct Learning Strategies in Topic Solubility and Solubility Product
- Pasandaran, Sjamsi
- The Analysis of School-Based Management Implementation and Principals’ Managerial Competencies
- Pasandaran, Sjamsi
- Development of Public Ethics Based on Cultural Diversity through Character Learning in Schools
- Pawestri, Aprilina
- The Fulfillment of The Fishermen's Right to Achieve Welfare as A Part of State Responsibility
- Pelealu, Aldegonda
- House Mapalus in Tombatu District; Southeast Minahasa Regency
- Pelealu, Aldegonda
- Filed Tripas A Way To Improve Students’ Ability to Learn History
- Perdana, Sukma
- The Urgency of Hikayat Hang-Tuah's Character Value in Building Young Generation Nationalism
- Permatasari, Novia
- Anti-Corruption Values Planting Based Education Formulation For Children As Effort to Prevent Corruption
- Perwitasari, Dita
- Strengthening Regulation In Conflicts Between The "Surat Ijo" Holder / Land Use Permit (Ipt) With The Government Of Surabaya City As The Implementation Of Agrarian Reforma
- Phuoc, Jeong Chun
- Adaptive Regulation for Industry 4.0
- Pijoh, Feibe
- Legal Force of Deed under Hand on Land Ownership Rights
- Pijoh, Feibe
- Legal Protection of Health Consumers from Medical Malpractice Acts
- Poli, Ellen
- The Impact of Stone Mining Activities in Relation to Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency
- Poli, Ellen
- The Analysis of Factors Affecting Community Income Around Bukit Kasih Tourism Objects in Kanonang Village of Minahasa Regency
- Poli, Ellen
- A Study of the Development of Community Development-based Tourism Village in East Likupang of North Minahasa Regency
- Pongkendek, Jesi
- The Development of Direct Learning Strategies in Topic Solubility and Solubility Product
- Prabawatii, Indah
- Measurement of Workload Analysis in Determining the Optimal Number of Workers
- Pradana, Galih
- Jalin Matra; The East Java Provincial Government's Strategy To Alleviate Poverty: A Case Study of Bojonegoro Regency; East Java Province
- Prasetya, Sukma
- Application of Vi-Learning Based on Rotation Model
- Prasetya, Sukma
- The Role of Political Social Institutions in Rural Managements in Managing Collabrications in the Religion
- Prasetyo, Iwan
- Communication Management of Narcotic Addicts Rehabilitation Program in East Java Province
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Educational Staff Responses About Policy Models About Career Development Policy Models at Surabaya State University
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Embracing Institutional Partners: As an Effort to Eradicate Street Children in Surabaya Children's Village
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Tsunami Disaster Mitigation For Population at South Coatal –Munjungan Distric-Trenggalek-East Java
- Prasetyono
- Gaduhan: Madurese Traditional Cattle Sharing Program in Economic and Social Persepctive
- Prastuti, Ajeng
- The Urgency of Hikayat Hang-Tuah's Character Value in Building Young Generation Nationalism
- Prastyawan, Agus
- Characteristic of Women Leaders in the Millennials Perspective
- Prawiradiredja, Sanhari
- Communication Management of Narcotic Addicts Rehabilitation Program in East Java Province
- Pribadi, F
- ‘Capital Barns’ based on social capital to empowering the poor
- Pribadi, Farid
- Child Marriage in Online Indonesia News (Discourse Analysis of A Contemporary Cases about SyehPuji and The Teen Wife)
- Prihandoko, Lastika
- Designing Syllabus for Higher Education: A Reflective Study of Novice Lecturer in Merauke; Papua
- Prihandoko, Lastika
- The The Effectiveness of Short Film In Teaching A Cause - Effect Paragraph For English Literature Department Students of Musamus University
- Purba, Iman
- The Implementation of Law Ministry of Manpower Concerning Domestic Workers Protection in West Surabaya
- Purnamaningsih, N
- Analysis of Service Quality towards Customer Satisfaction at Bank Rakyat Indonesia; Kediri
- Purnomo, Nugroho
- Utilization of Karst Water Resources by Residents in the Gremeng Cave Spring
- Purwaningsih, Sri
- Challenges to Create a Pluralism Education amid the Battle of Democracy and Theocracy in Indonesia
- Purwanty, Ratna
- Application of Discussion Methods to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Civics Content Class IV Elementary School
- Puspoayu, Elisabeth
- Indonesian Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS): A Legal Discourse Analysis about Sailing Permits
- Puspoayu, Elisabeth
- Accountability of the President of the Republic of Indonesia according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
- Qodariyah, Lailatul
- Local Wisdom Based Tourism in Sharia Tourism Perpective (Tourism Concept Study of Sumenep Regency Madura)
- Rado, Rudini
- Revenue Of Opening Expenses On Criminal Action Of Corruption (Case Study in IA Jayapura District Court)
- Rahardjo, Djoko
- Intervention Model on Agribusiness Development of Organic Agriculture System (Case Study of Organic Rice Farmers Groups in Kediri District)
- Rahayu, Devi
- Undocumented Indonesian Migrant Workers; Solution or Ommision
- Rahayu, Dewi
- Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers in Pamekasan
- Rahman, Abdul
- The Role of the Nuhiyah Islamic Boarding School in Empowering Islamic Communities
- Rakhmawati, Yuliana
- Gaduhan: Madurese Traditional Cattle Sharing Program in Economic and Social Persepctive