Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019)

397 authors
Abdullah, Cep Ubad
Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
Abidin, Dindin
The Influence of an 8-Week High-Intensity Interval Training Toward VO2Max
Adnyana, I Ketut
Effect of Consecutive Days of Match Play on Athletes’ Physiology in Futsal
Adriyani, Riza
Gender Differences in Motor Coordination and Physical Activity
Afif, Rizki Muhammad
The Development of Fitness Exercise and Muscle Hypertrophy Model for the Student Living in Boarding House
Agust, Kristi
Early Childhood Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Indonesia: Objectively Measure Using Accelerometer
Agustan, Boby
The Impact of Video Feedback Toward Futsal Playing Skills
Agustini, Ni Nyoman Mestri
The Athlete Sleep Quality in the Training Center
Akbar, Rizky Fauzi
The Analysis of Badminton Referee Performance
Alam, Ikbal Gentar
Effect of Obesity on Cognitive Function: A Comparative Study of Cognitive Level in Normal Weight and Obesity Students at Senior High School in West Java Indonesia
Ali, Nur
Similarities and Differences in Aspects of Mental Skills in Individual and Team Sport
Ali, Rizki Hazazi
Life Skill Integration in Military Physical Development at Manuhua Airbase Biak Papua, Indonesia
Alif, Muhammad Nur
Practical Self-Defense Program for Children Using 4P (Pray, Prediction, Preventive, and Protective) Concept: An Effort to Improve Self-Control
Amalia, Linda
Parents’ Roles in Overcoming the Impact of Hospitalization on Preschool Children
Amalia, Linda
The Contribution of Pregnant Women Characteristics to Pregnancy Exercise Perception
Amalia, Linda
The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Andika, Gede Angga
Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
Andriani, Septian
Parents’ Roles in Overcoming the Impact of Hospitalization on Preschool Children
Andriyani, Septian
The Effect of Playing Blowing Balloon Therapy to Changes in Lung Function in Preschool Children (3–5 Years Old) with Asthma
Andriyani, Septian
The Relationship Between Hand Muscle Strength and Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Anindito, Filardi
Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
Anwar, Aang Solahudin
The Development of Responsibility and Leadership Through Sport Education Model
Anwar, Muhammad Hamid
The Illustration of Physical Activity and the Elderly Physical Fitness Level
Apriantono, Tommy
Analysis of Speed and Acceleration on 60-Meters Running Test Between Women Soccer and Futsal Players
Apriantono, Tommy
Characteristics of Speed and Acceleration in the 60-Meter Running Test Between Men’s Football and Futsal Players
Apriantono, Tommy
Effect of Consecutive Days of Match Play on Athletes’ Physiology in Futsal
Aryanti, Silvi
Effect of 8-Week Circuit Weight Training on Strength
Asmara, Henry
The Nutritional Status Based on Anthropometry and Interest in Learning Physical Education to the Level of Physical Fitness
Asmawi, Moch.
The Need Analysis of Interactive Multimedia Program as the Medium for Volleyball Subject
Asmawi, Moch.
The Analysis of Karate Sport Injury in IKIP PGRI Pontianak
Asmawi, Moch.
Analysis of Basic Motion Skill Learning Model of Upper-Class Elementary School Students Based on Games
Asshagab, Muhtar
An Approach to Physical Exercise Model Using Play-Way Methods Through Futsal Sports for Junior High School Students
Asshagab, Muhtar
Traditional Game-Based Physical Exercise for Disabled Children
Astra, Ketut Budaya
The Athlete Sleep Quality in the Training Center
Astuti, Puji
The Effects of Kinesio Taping on the Lower-Body Injury Rehabilitation in Female Futsal Athletes
Astuti, Puji
Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
Astuti, Puji
The Impact of the Implementation of Lunge Exercise with Heel Striking on Fencing
Awwaludin, Patriana Nurmansyah
Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
Badruzaman, Badruzaman
The Contribution of Submerge, Floating, and Gliding Ability on Swimming Distance Ability for First-Year College Students
Bakhtiar, Syahrial
Developing a Motor Skill-Based Curriculum for Preschools and Kindergartens as a Preventive Plan of Children Obesity in Indonesia
Barata, Iwan
The Influence of Intra-Team Communication on the Attacking Success in Rugby
Basiran, Basiran
Physical Condition Profile of Handball Athletes
Bayu, Wahyu Indra
Effect of 8-Week Circuit Weight Training on Strength
The Perspective of Physical Education and Sport Teachers on the Participation of Parents of Students with Disability
Historical Perspectives of Judo Development in West Java: Review of the Athlete Performance
Berliana, Berliana
The Effects of Kinesio Taping on the Lower-Body Injury Rehabilitation in Female Futsal Athletes
Berliana, Berliana
Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
Berliana, Berliana
The Relationship Among Organizational Stressor, Social Support, and Sports Performance on Athletes Achievements
Budiana, Dian
Career Development Model and Awarding System for Athletes and Former Athletes in Indonesia
Budiana, Dian
A Comparative Analysis of Physical Education Learning Motivation Based on the Provided Feedback Through Technical Approaches in a Middle School
Budiana, Dian
Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
Budiman, Didin
The Heart Rates of the Third-Grade Elementary School Students During Physical Education Classes
Budiman, Didin
Validity and Reliability of Movement Learning Difficulties Instrument of Primary School Students
Bujang, Bujang
Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students
Camelia, Lia Siti
Gender Differences in Motor Coordination and Physical Activity
Damayanti, Imas
Physical Activity Management in Female College Students: The Improvement of Health Related Fitness Through Zumba Fitness Workout
Damayanti, Imas
Physical Activity Level Among Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia’s Lecturers
Darajat KN, Jajat
Career Development Model and Awarding System for Athletes and Former Athletes in Indonesia
Darmawan, Arief
The Influence of an 8-Week High-Intensity Interval Training Toward VO2Max
Deasyanti, Deasyanti
How to Measure Psychological Well-Being for Candidates of Physical Educators?
Dewi, Fitriani
Motivation Levels for Youth Participation in Recreational Sports: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Influencing Factors
Dinata, Vega Candra
The Development of Schoology-Based Blended Learning Model to Improve Student Motivation of National Training Center (PELATNAS) Athlete
Dlis, Firmansyah
An Approach to Physical Exercise Model Using Play-Way Methods Through Futsal Sports for Junior High School Students
Dupri, Dupri
Foster Culture of Critical Thinking in Physical Education
Dupri, Dupri
The Effort to Develop Junior High School Students Self-Esteem Through Giving Positive Feedbacks
Erawan, Bambang
The Digitalization of Wrestling Basic Techniques for Learning
Erawan, Bambang
Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes
Famelia, Ruri
Developing a Motor Skill-Based Curriculum for Preschools and Kindergartens as a Preventive Plan of Children Obesity in Indonesia
Fandayani, Witri
Physical Condition Profile of Handball Athletes
Fauzi, Rizal Ahmad
Practical Self-Defense Program for Children Using 4P (Pray, Prediction, Preventive, and Protective) Concept: An Effort to Improve Self-Control
Febrianty, Mona Fiamentta
The Sex Difference in Hemoglobin Level, Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure of Dragon Boat Athletes
Firmansyah, Helmy
Mood States and Game Performance in Invasion Game Activities: A Correlation Study Among Elementary School Students
Fitri, Mustika
The Effect of Aerobics Dance and Water Aerobics on Muscle Endurance
Fitri, Mustika
The Impact of Water Aerobics and Aerobics Dance on Body Mass Index and Fat Percentage
Fitri, Mustika
The Influence of Traditional Games on Social Behavior of Young Millennials
Fitri, Mustika
FICO (Finding Coach): Android-Based Application
Fitri, Mustika
Motivation Levels for Youth Participation in Recreational Sports: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Influencing Factors
Fitri, Mustika
The Impact of Water Aerobics Program on Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Fitriana, Lisna Anisa
Physical Exercises for the Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Fitriya, Ratna
Moral Dilemma Stories in Football Games to Develop Moral Judgment in Elementary School Students
Friskawati, Gita Febria
Teacher’s Perspective About Teaching Effectiveness Barriers in Elementary Physical Education: Teachers Self-Evaluation
Friskawati, Gita Febria
Teachers’ Perceptions of Physical Education Teaching Barriers at Elementary Schools
Ginanjar, Shela
Enhancing Kinaesthetic Intelligence Using Project-Based Learning Models
Goodway, Jacqueline D
Developing a Motor Skill-Based Curriculum for Preschools and Kindergartens as a Preventive Plan of Children Obesity in Indonesia
Gumil, Agus
Tactical Approach for Developing Students’ Understanding in Football Learning
Gumilar, Agus
Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
Gunawan, Gugun
Physical Education Teacher’s Comprehension of the Principles of Biomechanics and Its Application in Learning
Gunawan, Rendi
The Influence of Intra-Team Communication on the Attacking Success in Rugby
Hadiana, Oman
The Impact of Video Feedback Toward Futsal Playing Skills
Hakam, Kama Abdul
Moral Dilemma Stories in Football Games to Develop Moral Judgment in Elementary School Students
Hambali, Burhan
Blended Learning-Based Self-Regulated Learning in Table Tennis Learning
Hambali, Burhan
Project-Based Learning Model in the Development of Students’ Creativity in Physical Education Learning
Hambali, Burhan
Education and Training of Volleyball Information System (VIS FIVB) Based Volleyball Playing Performance Assessment Program for Volleyball Coaches in West Java, Indonesia
Hambali, Burhan
Tactical Approach for Developing Students’ Understanding in Football Learning
Hambali, Burhan
The Time Series Design Application of Clear Lob Basic Skill Mastery: An Analysis of the Functions of the Types of Goal Setting
Hambali, Burhan
Predictive Validity of Badminton Basic Skills Learning Outcome Instrument Test Based on Gender
Hambali, Sumbara
Under-Passing Learning Using a Playful Approach in Volleyball Game
Hamzah, Alimin
The Effects of Kinesio Taping on the Lower-Body Injury Rehabilitation in Female Futsal Athletes
Hamzah, Alimin
Increasing the Mental Toughness Through Match Simulations in a Basketball Game
Hamzah, Alimin
The Relationship Among Organizational Stressor, Social Support, and Sports Performance on Athletes Achievements