Proceedings of the 1st International Multidisciplinary Conference on Education, Technology, and Engineering (IMCETE 2019)

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86 articles
Proceedings Article

Mathematical Conjecturing Ability in Junior High School Students on the Material of Angles, Lines, and Two Dimensional Figure

Yani Supriani, Ria Noviana Agus, Usep Sholahudin
Mathematical cognitive ability, is an ability that supports students’ skills in learning mathematics. One of the cognitive abilities developed is the mathematical conjecturing ability in junior high school students. Conjecture is the reason why someone has a belief, an explanation of why a belief is...
Proceedings Article

e-Happiness Using RStudio Programming Language

Bagus Sumargo, Irsyad Hasari, Siti Rohmah Rohimah
The measurement of happiness that has existed so far is only describing the macro conditions of people’s happiness. This study offers a product in the form of an assessment of happiness of a household (individual) Until now there has been no making of e-happiness assisted by the RStudio programming language....
Proceedings Article

Decision Support System for Determining Employees Staying Using the Simple Additive Weighting Method

Memed Saputra, Davy Jonathan, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars
Assessment of employee achievements is an absolute thing to do to find out the achievements that have been achieved by each employee, a problem that also exists is that employee assessment data is still stored in the form of archives / notebooks, there is no protection for each data. Follow-up assessments...
Proceedings Article

E-Happiness Tool (Web Application), Measuring of Poor Family Happiness

Ari Hendarno, Bagus Sumargo, Agus Setiawan
Is your family happy? Many factors can affect family happiness. e-Happiness Tool can assess whether your family is happy or not based on factors that are valid and reliable from previous studies. These factors are life satisfaction, affect, and meaning of life. The e-Happiness Tool also presents a percentage...
Proceedings Article

Rehabilitation Planning Breakwater Construction at Labuan Fishing Port Labuan Subdistrict

Euis Amilia, Gunawan Noor, Eka Nurfika Putra
Fisheries Port (PP) Labuan is located in Teluk Village, Labuan District, Pandeglang District, BantenProvince. Fisheries Port (PP) Labuan has a land area of 8,500 m2, overlooking the Indian Ocean Sea west of Sumatra and Sunda Strait with the coordinates of location: 060 24 ‘30 “LS and 1050 49’ 15” BT....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Strengthening Religious Character Education at Elementary School Qur’ani Al- Ikhlash Rappang Sidenreng Rappang Regency

Jumiati, Lababa
This research aim to description: 1) how profile elementary school Qur’ani Al- Ikhlash Rappang (Sidenreg Rappang Regency), and 2) reinforcement of Implementation religious character education of reliat elementary school Qur’ani Al- Ikhlas Rappang (Sidenreng Rappang Regency). This research it was descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Using YouTube to Evaluate and Practice English Skills: A Case Study of Blended Learning

Eva Fachriyah, R D M Badriyah, E Perwitasari
This paper aims to describe the conception and implementation of evaluation and practice using YouTube as a strategy in teaching English skill and to know the effect of student’s attitude. A student-centered, experiential learning approach to instruction framed the design. This required students to do...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Economic Potencial of Urban Forests in Serang City

I. Rahmawati, A. Masyruroh
Serang City is the capital of Banten Province, whose existence is surrounded by regencies / cities in Banten province. The city of Serang, is currently a center of activity, and the center of migration from the surrounding regency areas which results in the rapid growth of the population of the city...
Proceedings Article

Commitment Management as a Determining Factor in the Successful ERP Implementation at Manufacturing Companies

Dadang Amiruddin, Sam’un Jaja Raharja
The development of industry 4.0 with the internet of things and big data caused a shift in the system from analog to digital and from from batch processing to real time processing and from standalone system to integrated system where a system is needed to be able to integrate one business process with...
Proceedings Article

Spy Robot that is Controlled by Bluetooth Android Mobile

Benny Suhendar, Yul Hendra
A robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming. Many robots have been built for manufacturing purpose and can be found in factories around the world. The design of the robot is such that it is controlled by a mobile app. We use Bluetooth communication...
Proceedings Article

Electrostatic Precipitator Failure Analysis Using FMEA Method on Steam Turbine Electricity Generation (PLTU Banten 2 - Indonesia)

Tatan Zakaria, Wawan Gunawan, Ahmad Faisal
In electric power generation, reliability of each equipments is important in order produce optimal electrical energy. Unreliable units will influence to other cost due to an expensive production losses. So, it is very important to know the reliability on each system. In this case study, an Electro Static...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Compensation and Social Security with Employee Work Motivation at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office in Banten Province

Rohaelis Nuraisiah, Sev Rahmiyanti
This compensation system will help to create the will among qualified people to join the organization and take the actions that the organization needs. The objectives in this study were: 1) To find out the relationship between Compensation and Employee Work Motivation at the Public Works Office and Spatial...
Proceedings Article

Developing Human Resources Through Mandiri’s Mind Patterns and Entrepreneurship for Students (Case Study of Banten Jaya University Students in Serang-Banten City)

Sukarta Atmaja, Achmad Rifa’i
The creation of college graduates who become entrepreneurs is not necessarily easy to implement. Based on empirical evidence in the field, there is a tendency that college graduates prefer to choose to work with a level of comfort / safety and reliability in a short time. This is due to the increasing...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Activated Carbon from Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) Shells with Chemical-Physical Activation

Apriliana Dwijayanti, Safril Kartika, Slamet, Yuliusman
The synthesis of activated carbon derived from biomass melinjo shells has been carried out This research makes activated carbon from the shell of melinjo with active chemicals and chemical-physics so that it can distinguish the activated carbon produced. The carbonization process was carried out at 400oC,...
Proceedings Article

Rigid Pavement Planning and Road Lighting (Study Case on Merak–Cilegon Road, Banten Province, Indonesia)

Nila Prasetyo Artiwi, Telly Rosdiyani, Supriadi
Merak - Cilegon road is a national road that has many vehicles, ranging from light vehicles to heavy vehicles. Heavy vehicles that often cross the road are project vehicles used to transport goods and natural materials such as sand, stone to iron that will be sent out of the island. The existing pavement...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of E-Government Policy in Banten Province

Toni Anwar Mahmud
The development of technology and information requires local governments in particular to be able to innovate public services based on information technology. The problem in this research is the apparatus resources that deal with system problems and the apparatus that provides public services have not...
Proceedings Article

Literature Review of Application of Agricultural Distribution Systems: State of the Art and Recent Developments

Heru Winarno, Tomy Perdana, Yuanita Handayati, Dwi Purnomo
Agriculture has an important role in the development program, especially to increase people’s welfare, the food crop sector is an aspect that receives attention especially for maintaining food availability, food distribution / reach, food quality and safety. Food distribution is carried out with a distribution...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Informatics Engineering Students in Completing the Problem of Calculus I

Nur Hidayanti
The aims of this study is to find out the extent to which students understand the basic concepts of calculus I by analyzing test results after learning. This study belongs to a qualitative descriptive study that seeks to describe the analysis of student errors in solving problems in calculus I. Subjects...
Proceedings Article

Feature Extraction of Gram-Negative Bacteria Texture Using Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Scale-Invariant Feature Transform

Budi Dwi Satoto, Imam Utoyo, Riries Rulaningtyas
Gram-negative bacteria are one of the pathogenic bacteria in the respiratory tract. The presence of these bacteria should be identified correctly so that a doctor can do the proper handling of antibiotic therapy. Observations are still made under a microscope by a microbiology clinic or hospital team....
Proceedings Article

The Role of Foreign Language on Multinational Companies in Indonesian Economic Development

Cucu Sutini, Ninip Hanifah
Developing countries are countries whose populations have low education therefore their income is economically inclined to be low. There are many unemployed and under-capitalized, so that developing countries tend to have underdeveloped infrastructure. It is very influential on the economic development...
Proceedings Article

Management of the Electronic Archives for Optimizing Services at Banten Jaya University

Sutanto, Ely Nuryani
Archiving is a form of activity that starts from the creation, receipt, collection, regulation, control, maintenance and care and preparation of records according to a particular system. Before the existence and development of information technology, a filing system with its respective methods each agency...
Proceedings Article

Zakat Calculation System Based on Desktop Application Using Waterfall Model in Serang District Baznas

Edy Rakhmat, Rizki Fatullah
This study aims to facilitate muzaki, the person who issues zakat to count the number of zakat issued by the Amil Zakat Agency, National University of Banten Jaya (BAZNAS) of Serang Regency, the implementation of the zakat calculation includes the calculation of zakat maal and...
Proceedings Article

Network Integration and Security Using IDS and Tunneling Methods

Edy Nasri, R. Kania, S Tsauri
Security on computer networks is very important to be monitored so that network traffic runs well because a good network architecture can support existing business processes to carry out their duties and responsibilities In a network system a good security is needed so that it can support the company’s...
Proceedings Article

Decision Support System to Determine Priorities for Handling Road Repair in Banten Province Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method

Irma Yunita Ruhiawati, Untung Rahardja, Masaeni, Endang Kusnadi
The Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Banten Province is a government institution tasked with handling infrastructure such as roads, bridges, culverts, sidewalks and street lighting. In repairing roads and bridges it is necessary to make a priority plan to determine which roads and bridges...
Proceedings Article

Expert System of Diagnosing Disease in Banana Plants Using Dempster-Shafer and Certainty Factor

Freza Riana, Fitrah Satrya Fajar Kusumah
The increasing demand for banana production for local and export needs is followed by the increasing need for quality banana plant seeds. However, the growth of banana plants is always disrupted by attacks by pests and diseases, especially Fusarium Wilt disease, so that this is one of the factors affecting...
Proceedings Article

Study of Higher School Management for International Level Acceleration in Muhammadiyah University of Malang

Partono Siswosuharjo, Langgeng Listiyoko, Achmad Fahrudin
In order technology adoption to achieve high quality of education, it must be set the good management first so the activity will be effective. The research is described how Muhammadiyah University of Malang do related to their management, operational strategy, problem solving, and good management development....
Proceedings Article

Distributed System for Report Efficiency in Manufacture Research and Development Division

L Listiyoko, M Purno
Research and development (RnD) related to many other departments to gain the performance appraisal. Manufacture business unit started by RnD’s design, prototype, customer testing, and finally mass production. After all production steps ran, then all data from involved department will be collected including...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Social Media Instagram Toward Writing Skill of EFL Learners

F Oktaviana, I Nuraida, I Rohiyatussakinah, Kurnianingsih
This research is talking about “The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Social Media Instagram toward Writing Skill of EFL Learners (The Experimental Research) The objective of this research is to know whether or not any relationship between Self-Esteem and Social Media Instagram toward Writing Skill...
Proceedings Article

Educating and Encouraging Inno-Creative Industry: Implications for Marketing Strategy

M A Khairusy, Riswanda
This study argues for Public Entrepreneurship in terms of reducting unemployment rate in Pandeglang Regency, Banten. Entrepreneur Partnership Capacity Building Programs taking in to account goverment, business and public can be inline with a modern marketing system connecting rural-urban domains. Honey...
Proceedings Article

The Flexibility of Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking in Solving Mathematical Problems

M D Saputri, I Pramudya, I Slamet
The ability to think creatively is needed to live in the era of the 21st industrial revolution and the work field, but learning that is oriented towards creative thinking skills is still lack. This ability can be given to students through mathematics learning so that the characteristics of mathematical...
Proceedings Article

Software Design Completion of Sudoku Game with Branch and Bound Algorithm

Rustam Effendi, Indra Gunawan, Yasin Efendi
In our life there are many of games. The uniqueness game of numbers makes this game very exciting, and at the same time can be used to train the intelligence. Sudoku is a puzzle game of logic-based numbers. Rules of the game are simple, fill all the matrix to the brim, with notes, for each column, row,...
Proceedings Article

Water Quality Index of Cisadane River and Ciujung River

T Akbari, F S P Pangesti
River water is a source of raw water that can be treated to meet the community needs of clean water and drinking water. The declining quality of river water caused by pollution will have an impact on the lack of clean water supply and drinking water. Water Quality Index monitoring is needed to ensure...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Quality Control of Steel Plate Products with Six Sigma Method at PT. Krakatau Posco

Anita Dyah Juniarti, Sri Mukti Wirawati, Herry Kartika Gandhi
At PT. Krakatau Posco, the Plate Rolling section has three sectors namely the mill finishing sector, shearing line and finishing line. The study was conducted at the shearing line, aiming to determine the factors causing damage to the resulting steel plate products. The study was conducted using the...
Proceedings Article

E-Learning Model Based on the Ability Test to Creating Community of Inquiry

Embun Fajar Wati, Agus Junaidi, Ade Surya Budiman
E-learning method have the advantages that are not limited to space and time. But this learning method also has weaknesses that are the students are difficult to understand the material because the same material is given to students without importance their abilities. Therefore, we need to create community...
Proceedings Article

Teacher Professionalism, Learning Facilities, and Student Interest in Improving the Intellectual Intelligence of Elementary Students in Pandeglang Regency

E. Nita Prianti, Khristina Sri Prihatin
Educational outcomes should be felt directly by every individual in social life. The basic problems in the scope of our education are the level of professionalism, facilities, and the willingness of students to learn themselves. These three factors, are very supportive of the learning outcomes to be...
Proceedings Article

Educational Management Based on Indigenous Knowledge (Narrative Studies of Culture of Indigenous Knowledge in South Nias)

Martiman Suaizisiwa Sarumaha
Education is for all nations and belongs to all people of all ages, social status, regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and customs. Unfortunately various educational problems arise when cultural values shift from their nature. Education emerged as an institution deliberately formed by the community...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Breakwater Design Binuangeun Fishing Port, Banten Province

M. Icwanul Yusup, Dasa Aprisandi, Darius
At the current port of Binuangeun, Banten, there are strong currents and waves at the mouth of the Binuangeun fishing port where the breakwater is no longer functioning. So ships that will enter the port are often hampered due to currents and waves that occur. Design evaluation is done so that the damage...
Proceedings Article

Text Categorization with Fractional Gradient Descent Support Vector Machine

Dian Puspita Hapsari, Imam Utoyo, Santi Wulan Purnami
Text documents on the web are an incredible resource including one example of big data, large size and so many variations that it becomes difficult for humans to choose meaningful information without the help of a computer. Text categorization job is to automatically classify text documents into standards...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Blended Learning Through Google Classroom in Generation Z

A D Untari, A Millatussa’adiyyah
The development of information technology is currently experiencing a very significant increase. Based on the results of a survey by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) in 2018 internet users in Indonesia every year continues to increase, in total internet users reached 171.17...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Team Assisted Individualization Learning Model with Scientific Approach Toward Mathematical Communication Based on Student’s Cooperative Personality Orientation

Ryan Hidayat Saputra, Mardiyana, Triyanto
The purposes of this study were to describe: 1) the impact of using TAI learning model with scientific approach towards mathematical communication, 2) the impact of student’s cooperative personality orientation towards mathematical communication, 3) the interaction between the learning model and student’s...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Fabrication Concrete Wave Breaker Project Scheduling with the Critical Chain Project Management Method

W Nugroho, M Faiizuddaroini, A Nalhadi, S Suryani, S Supriyadi
The project is successful if the implementation of project activities goes according to the allotted time. The problem of execution in the field is complicated to achieve appropriate actions following predetermined targets. This study aims to evaluate the delay in project activities that occur in the...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Inference in Public Service Advertisement to the Learning of Indonesian Language

Siti Ansoriyah, Sifani Yuzka, Sintowati Rini Utami
The research objective is to determine inference of verbal communication based on context analysis and communication event context in public service advertisement. The focus of the research is the inference using context analysis with some categories as follow, personal intepretation, locational intepretation,...
Proceedings Article

The Grouping of Regions are Based on the Unemployment Rate in the Attacking Districts with the K-Means Method

Rudianto, Ramdani Budiman
Each region experiences the number of idleness faced by the government. Currently, the Government through the Central Bureau of Statistics conducts a National Labor Force Survey to determine the number of unemployed from each region. Banten Province experienced a decline in the Labor Force Participation...
Proceedings Article

Implemetation of Snort IPS Using PfSense as Network Forensic in Smk XYZ

Saleh Dwiyatno, Widya Ayu Andriani, Ayu Purnama Sari, Sulistiyono
The rise of attack software that can be easily accessed from the internet, makes anyone who doesn’t ability to hack can do it. SMK Negeri 2 Pandeglang has a server that is used as a learning for all students. This encourages vulnerability to e-learning server attacked using software from the internet....
Proceedings Article

Model Policy Governance of Public Transportation in Sidenreng Rappang Regency

Jamaluddin Ahmad, Ani Ardian, Andi Nilwana, Sahar
Public transportation in Sidenreng Rappang Regency becomes the immediate priority for policy dealing with public transportation passengers. The problem occurs as the lack of supervision, public transportation fares, route system settings, and hierarchy of transportation carrying passengers to the station....
Proceedings Article

Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach Using Type Word Square Based E-Learning Through Students’ Thinking Ability

Lina Marlina, Anton Aulawi
To improve teacher creativity in teaching many things must be done by an educator of his students, namely a teacher should understand the functions and objectives in a learning process. One approach and model used in this study is the Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach (CTL) Using Type Word Square...
Proceedings Article

Software Testing as Quality Assurance on Web Application

Henderi, Anrie Suryaningrat
A web based application can be robust, scalable, easily maintained, and easy to use, but if it does not do what the customer needs then it is useless. The success of a new product or software application is at the mercy of how precisely it fulfills the requirements of its users. On by request software...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of ICT in Teaching and Learning English

Sisca Wulansari Saputri, Dede Rohadi Fajri, Aa Qonaatun
In the modern era, the rapid development of ICT has had an influence on various aspects of life. The academic environment is one area that is also affected. Today’s education system is greatly enhanced by the availability of convenient access to technology, which is supported by the state to develop...
Proceedings Article

Human Health Significance of Chlorpyrifos Pesticide Residue on Broccoli: Examining Effects of Elevation

Euis Amilia
Broccoli is a vegetable, widely produced in high elevation area of West Java. In its production, farmers use uncontrolled pesticides which are thought to have a large influence on the people who consume them. Allegedly, elevation affects the growth of broccoli and public health. This article reports...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of E-Court in Improving Service Quality at Serang Religious Courts

Anton Aulawi, Muhamad Asmawi
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of e-court in improving the quality of service in the Serang Religious Court. In this study the authors used a qualitative methodology, with observations and interviews with relevant officials in the Serang Religious Court and a number of advocates who are...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Completing of the Adjustment Entries

Fitri Nurlaili, Budi Mulyati
The aims of this study was to identify the students of accounting education difficulties of Banten Jaya University in completing of the adjustment entries. The study used qualitative method. The subject of this study was the student fifth semester 2018/2019. The data collection techniques were test,...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Students’ Graduation Classification: A Comparison of Naive Bayes Classifier and K-Nearest Neighbour

Via Tuhamah Fauziastuti, Lilis Aslihah Rakhman
Students are the most crucial aspects in determining the successful implementation of every program offered within educational institutions. Monitor the progress and students’ achievement, enhance the ability of students, consider the number of students who have graduated, the ratio of the total number...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Waste in Paving Production Process by Using Lean Six Sigma Method

W O Widyarto, E I Yuslistyari, L L Ekayani
CV. X works in manufacturing such as produce paving, concrete brick, road curb, concrete buis, culvert, udith, and panel that located in Cilegon, Banten. The commonly problem faced by CV.X is found some waste in process of paving production such as waiting and transportation. Production pprocess of paving...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Daily Exam Question with Local Content for Mathematics Lesson Junior High School

M K Abadi, M Yanuar, Firdaus
Teachers in the 2013 curriculum must be able to compare the application lesson that is local, national and international. The teacher should also be able to make questions for daily exam that have local, national and international content. It is not easy to make questions with local content. Making questions...
Proceedings Article

Individual Ethical Decision Making of Accounting Lecturers Between Idealism and Relativism in Tangerang

S Winata, A Kusnawan, Limajatini, S Simbolon
The objective of this research is to determine the influence of ethical philosophy that consist of idealism and relativism toward ethical awareness, ethical judgments, and ethical intentions of accounting lecturers in Tangerang. Based on the previous studies idealism was more influent ethical decision...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Education in Individual Ethical Decision Making of Accounting Lecturer in Tangerang

S Wibowo, P T Resi, Sutandi, E Hermawan
The objective of this research is to reveal the role of education toward ethical awareness, ethical judgments, and ethical intentions of accounting firm staffs in Tangerang. Based on the previous studies education was more influent ethical decision making in the stage of ethical awareness and ethical...
Proceedings Article

Ethical Decision Making Trainer for Accounting Firm Staff in Tangerang by Gender Selection

G Widijanto, S Santosa, Sutrisna, Pujiarti
The objective of this research is to reveal the role of feminine gender to strengthening ethical awareness, ethical judgments, and ethical intentions in the development of ethical education at accounting firm in Tangerang. Based on the previous studies feminine gender was more influent ethical decision...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Age and Experience on the Decision Making of Accounting Lecturers

D Anggraeni, Peng Wi, E Herijawati
The objective of this research is to differ the role between ages and experiences in ethical decision making that consist of ethical awareness, ethical judgments, and ethical intentions of accounting lecturers in Tangerang. Based on the previous studies. This study will use multiple regression analysis...
Proceedings Article

Algorithm for Generating Compound Poisson Process Which has Nonhomogeneous Poisson process and Exponential Distribution Components

Syarif Abdullah, Sidik Susilo, I Wayan Mangku, Fajri Ikhsan, Shofiatul Ula, Yazid Rukmayadi
Compound Poisson process (CPP) is one of the models of stochastic processes in which this model can model a real phenomenon that has an element of uncertainty in the process. CPP has two main components, those is a Poisson process on the component of the poses of an event that occurs and a sequence component...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Governance Approach for Community-Based Agritourism: A Case Study of Villa Ternak Cikerai Cilegon

M. Muhlisin, Y Suharyana, Y Rahayuningsih, M F Cahyandito
Nowadays, community-based agritourism with strong community participation, as well as collaborative governance has gaining wider attention. And yet, few research had been conducted on community based agritourism by using collaborative governance approach. This paper aims to analyze the development of...
Proceedings Article

Service Performance Improvement of Airport Public Transportation (Case Study of Airport Bus in Terminal 3 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport)

Yoko Harianto, Santi Novani
The Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (SHIA) is the 18th busiest airport in the world by Airport Council International in 2018 (65.7 million Pax/year). One of the common issues in the SHIA is the low-quality service of the airport public transportation. Currently, the SHIA has collaborated with several...
Proceedings Article

Phenomenon of the First Stage Kohlberg’s Theorem in Accounting Lecturer’s Ethical Decision Making

Suryadi Winata, Tan Salikim, Andy
Previous research of ethical decision making (EDM) was describes the phenomenon of the first and second of the Kohlberg’s six stages ethical judgments, those were about orientation of obedience on avoidance sanctions and an egoistic oriented for receiving money income. EDM process have also divided to...
Proceedings Article

Drone (Hexacopter) vs Car, Efficiency of Delivery Breast Milk Problem (Case Study in Jakarta)

Med Irzal, Ari Hendarno, Debby Agustine
Increasing the efficiency of time and cost of delivering goods is urgent now. The need for fast delivery times is crucial for certain items such as breast milk. It is common for mothers who have children who still need breast milk to work to help the family economy in big cities like Jakarta (Indonesia)....
Proceedings Article

Theoretical Study of Fourier Series Estimator in Semiparametric Regression for Longitudinal Data Based on Weighted Least Square Optimization

Kuzairi, N Chamidah, I N Budiantara
Semiparametric regression approach is a combination of two components, namely the parametric regression component and the nonparametric regression component. The data used in this study is longitudinal data. Longitudinal data is data obtained from repeated observations of each subject at different time...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Factors Affecting Youth Motivation in Madura to Improve Education with the Structural Equation Modeling Method

Kuzairi, MFF Mardianto, Mawaddah, Ahmad, H sakdiyah, Faisol
Madura is an area in Indonesia that is still far behind compared to other regions, especially in the field of education. The education system in Madura is dominated by boarding school where boarding school has become a distinctive culture that is still maintained by the Madura community, especially among...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of ZSM-5 Zeolite Membrane Synthesis Results with 304-200 Gauze Supports with Pretreatment variations

A H Mukaromah, T Ariyadil, I H Azizah, Mifbakhuddin
Characterization of the ZSM-5 zeolite membrane synthesized with 304-200 gauze buffer was carried out. The purpose of this study is to first synthesize ZSM-5 membranes with 304-200 g auze buffer in various pretreatments. The second objective is to characterize the synthesized ZSM-5 membrane with X-Ray...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Adequacy of Mandarin Textbooks in Indonesia

Hudiyekti Prasetyaningtyas, Yumna Rasyid, Endry Boeriswati
Chinese language known as the Mandarin language has been widely taught officially in Indonesia since the year 2000 after been forbidden for about 32 years. The support of government is revealed in the emerge of the curriculum and its syllabus. Indonesian government decided to put the Mandarin language...
Proceedings Article

Decision Support System Selection of Study Programs STMIK Muhammadiyah Banten’s New Students with the Fuzzy Method

Fahmi Rizky Nugraha, Deny Purna Ramadan, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars
The mistake in choosing a study program on a campus is a very serious thing where every student who has taken a course of study on a campus and in the middle of the semester the student feels wrong in choosing a major this impact will have an impact on these students so they cannot follow the lessons...
Proceedings Article

DSS to Determine the Location of Housing Using the Fuzzy Method

Deny Purnama Ramadan, Fahmi Rizky Nugraha, Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars
The choice of location to optimize business activities such as housing, factories, shop houses is determined through mechanisms and patterns that can be understood. Various criteria that have been taken into consideration include land availability, raw materials, distance, accessibility, transportation,...
Proceedings Article

Improvement of Steganography Technique: A Survey

E Ardhianto, H L H S Warnars, B Soewito, F L Gaol, E Abdurachman
The improved technology in information security, now day has been being still developed. This, cause of the object called data which still has an important role in communications. There are two kinds of security technique, they are called steganography and cryptography. This paper will discuss growth...
Proceedings Article

Child Gesture as a Form of Non-Verbal Communication

Siti Noor Rochmah, Mutiara Swandhina, Redi Awal Maulana
Child gestures are non-verbal messages that use the body parts such as eyes, mouth, hands that communicate various meanings. Non-verbal communication becomes an integral part of children’s language skills. This paper aims to describe various forms of gesture in early childhood as a form of non-verbal...
Proceedings Article

Habituation Behavior to Enhance Student Learning

Ika Candra Destiyanti, Setiana
Habituation is a behavior that leads to a decrease or increase in response to a given stimulus. Types of habits consist of movement habits, verbal habits, moral habits, social habits, habits of way of thinking and trusting. These types of habits provide the opportunity to study general habits before...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Ownership Structure, Company Size on Company Performance with Dividend Policy as a Mediating Variable in Companies in Mineral and Other Metal Sub-Sectors that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period 2011–2015 (Case Study on Selected Companies that Register on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011–2015)

Asih Kurnianingsih, Lona Noviani
This research is meant to find out the influence to the performance of the company and firm size with the ownership structure as the moderating on sub-sector minning and the other mineral companies which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2010–2015 periods. The samples have been selected...
Proceedings Article

The Design and the Implementation of Security System Office Door Using Raspberry Pi Face Detection

T H Iwan, H M Fahrezy, R P Merliasari
The office door is the main access to enter the office in a company. Currently the office door generally still uses the key to be able to unlock the office door that has weak security. The authors will make the office door that integrated by a computer system that can unlock the office door using the...
Proceedings Article

Clustering Tourist Destinations Based on Number of Visitors Using the K-Mean Method

Eka Mala Sari Rochman, Aeri Rachmad
The office door is the main access to enter the office in a company. Currently the office door generally still uses the key to be able to unlock the office door that has weak security. The authors will make the office door that integrated by a computer system that can unlock the office door using the...
Proceedings Article

The Geospatial Job Placement Model Using Decision Tree Based on Mobile Application in Indonesia

B. Susetyo, I. Nurhayati, I. Purnahayu, P. Eosina
The development of the geospatial industry is increasing, hence the quality of geospatial information supplies and various technologies and workforce competencies are needed. At present, geospatial and labour in the field of geographic information system have a variety of features in the midst of global,...
Proceedings Article

Non-Equivalence at Word Level and Above Level in Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix

Elih Solihatulmillah, Aisyah Hamidiyah
The study of translation has covered the equivalence and non-equivalence of the source text and the target text. Not only the meaning but also the culture of the source text should be taken as the consideration in translation to the target language. This study revealed the non-equivalence and the strategy...
Proceedings Article

Improving Students’ Listening Ability Through Dictation Technique at the Second Year Students

The objective of this research is to know whether there is a significant improvement in the students’ listeningability after being taught through dictation Technique. The population of this research was the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Baros Serang that consists of seven classes and two classes...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Distribution Products Using Matrix Saving Method in the Serang Marketing Office Area

Afni Khadijah, Achmad Syarifudin, Hartadi Wijaya
Accuracy in sending products to customers must have a basis for scheduling and determining the right route in order to obtain optimal results. This study aims to determine the distribution route of cigarette products, analyze the optimal capacity of distributing cigarettes on the optimal route, and analyze...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Vocabulary Mastery and Reflectivity on Students Writing Skill at Senior High School

Kety Soraya, Ujang Suparman, Elin Driana
Teaching English as foreign language is to enable students to produce the English language orally and in a written, at Senior High School program, the students should be taught, trained, and tested to write English. The students must learn how to write formal letters, emails, application letters, etc....
Proceedings Article

Mobile-Based Plus-Size Fashion and Custom Online Marketplace Prototype

Maryani, B S Abbas, A Trisetyarso, W Saputra
Based on Central Bureau of Statistics’ (BPS) data released in 2019, there have been increases in the numbers of overweight and obese people in Indonesia, followed by the increase of demands and searching of plus-size clothing to meet their needs. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and build a design...
Proceedings Article

Development of Education Information System in Personnel Deployment

Leli Setyaningrum, Wayan Suparta, Agung Trisetyarso, Bahtiar Saleh Abbas
Education is developing very rapidly, affecting in various fields. It should also include issues in the career development of personnel. Education information system in an organization, must be able to provide various information related to education, but it should also be able to provide information...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Air Temperature and Air Velocity for Thermal Comfort within Study Club Room

Kemal Affandi, Bianca Marvella, Ruthy Elvana David, Judelia Kusuma Halim
In this research paper, we have thermal comfort as the main issue for this research. Jakarta as a capital city of Indonesia has many different types of building, ranging from low-rise with just few floors up to high-rise with hundreds of meters tall. Many of this buildings was designed and built with...
Proceedings Article

Internet of Things Industry in Supporting Industrial Revolution 4.0

Galih Ariprawira, Mohamad Aghust Kurniawan
Nowadays the Internet has entered various aspects of human life. Seen from the concept of e (electronic), such as e-government, e-commerce, e-news etc. Regarding internet business, obviously very influential on the business environment. Every business that wants to develop must be connected through the...
Proceedings Article

E-Participation Platform Model for E-Government Case Study in Karawang City

Shofa Shofia, Agung Trisetyarso, Bahtiar Saleh Abbas, Wayan Suparta
Platform is an important part in software development with a series of logic that will run consistently. The development of models with platforms becomes more important as the latest technological advancements in the 4.0 era. E-Participation as a platform user is an efficient way to utilize the collective...
Proceedings Article

Information, Communication, and Technology-Based English Instruction: An Ethnography Research

Fadilla Oktaviana, Emzir, Yumna Rasyid
The objective of the research is to understand comprehensively about the process of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) based English Instruction at SMA Islam Nurul Fikri Boarding School in Banten Province. The research uses qualitative research with Ethnography design. The data of the research...