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185059 articles

Research on Protection and Inheritance Path of Toponym Culture in Xingqing District of Yinchuan City Based on Cultural Gene

Ying LIU, Rong WANG
Place names are symbols of local regional culture and contain rich cultural connotations. On the basis of collecting the place names of Xingqing District and excavating the cultural elements of the place names of Xingqing District, this paper extracts the cultural genes of Xingqing District, takes the...

Sustainability Branding Strategy Through ICT Networking of Tourism Development

Isdarmanto, Christantius Dwiatmadja, Hari Sunarto, Antonius Suryo Abdi
The current aspects of global multimedia have an important role in the dissemination of all types of information and news through information and communication technologies (ICT) quickly and effectively. Why this is important, because every individual can access, load, download, copy, even edit by various...
Proceedings Article

Validity of Junior High School Mathematics Textbooks to Support Mathematical Literacy Skills

Wardi Syafmen, Novferma, Febbry Romundza, Ari Frianto
Mathematical literacy is very important for the society in the 21st century. An individual is able to see literate not only understands mathematical concepts or materials but can also apply his understanding in solving problems according to the context of the real world. However, mathematical literacy...

A Granular Consensus Model Based on Intuitionistic Reciprocal Preference Relations and Minimum Adjustment for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making

Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, José Ramón Trillo, Juan Antonio Morente-Molinera, Sergio Alonso, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
When a group of individuals try to collectively make a decision, it is important that all of them accept the decision adopted. It means, to improve consensus, some adjustments could be inevitably performed to the initial assessments given by the individuals. To do it, several models have been recently...

Level of Effectiveness of Using Zoom Meeting Application as a Learning Media on Students of IAI Muhammadiyah Sinjai

Irwan Setiawan, Muhammad Farid, Jeanny Maria Fatimah
This study aims to (1) Knowing the level of effectiveness of the use of the zoom meeting application for students of the Faculty of IAI Muhammadiyah Sinjai and (2) Knowing what factors affect the effectiveness of using the zoom meeting application in the online learning process for IAI Muhammadiyah Sinjai...

Depression in Chinese Adolescents from the Perspective of Cultural Differences: A Current Review

Yuling He, Kangyi Peng, Jingyi Tian
With the increasing rate of having depression at a young age, the World Health Organization has called on worldwide concern for teenage mental health. Especially in nations with limited access to psychotherapy, experiencing mental disorders during adolescence exerts a more adverse influence on development....

The Quality of Financial Statements and Performance of Zakat Institutions

Yuningsih Isna, Fitria Yunita, Maratama Willy
The purpose of this study is to test the quality of financial statements and performance of Zakat Institutions by adding contextual factors such as human resources competencies, the application of PSAK 109, IT utilization and Internal control that affect the quality of Financial Statements of Zakat Institutions....

Construction of Career Core Competence Evaluation System for Vocational Students Based on OBE

Qishen Zhu, Yinghua Zha
Constructing an effective evaluation system of career core competence is an important link of talent training in higher vocational colleges and an important driving force of education and teaching reform to improve the quality of talent training. This paper puts forward the idea of constructing the career...
Proceedings Article

Long Jump Learning Model Using Play Approach

Wondo Wibowo, Hartati
This study was aimed to produce a long jump learning model product using play approach for fifth grade students of elementary school. The Method used research and development. The procedures consists of; analysis of needs for initial product, initial product development, product validation and evaluation...

Business Model Transformation: Complexity and Systematic Transition to a Digital Platform

B.B. Kovalenko, E.G. Kovalenko
Digital technologies are now becoming a key factor in maintaining the competitiveness of business organizations in the long term. The business models of companies functioning in the 20th century, which are a linear model, that is, a sequential value chain from producer to consumer, are no longer a criterion...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Implementation of Halal Assurance System (HAS) -23000 With Ergonomics and Technometrics Approaches to the Tempe Industry in Cilegon City

W Susihono, H Haryanto, A Gunawan, I Istianah, S Mukarromah
The application of ergonomics in the halal-certified food processing industry is part of the improvement of the production process to produce comfortable and safe working conditions. This working condition can be improved when various human-related problems have been identified using 8 aspects of ergonomics....

The Impact of Trade in Service Restrictions on Real GDP Level: An Empirical Analysis from China and Its OBOR African Partners

Pei Zhi Wang., Abdul Hadi Tahir.
This paper presents an assessment of the restrictions imposed on international trade in service and its implications on real GDP levels. Countries involved in this study are China and its African partners in the one belt one road initiative namely: Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco and Tunisia. Such assessment...

Research on the Impact of COVID-19 Epidemic on China’s Retail E-Commerce Industry

Chengcheng Lv
While the COVID-19 epidemic has had an unprecedented impact and impact on the traditional economic model, it has played a huge role in promoting the new retail industry. Under the COVID-19 epidemic, on the one hand, the new retail industry chain successfully penetrated into the fresh food field, which...
Proceedings Article

Current Status of Forest Management Unit Effectiveness Versus Decreasing the population of Sumatran Tigers in the Ulu Masen Protected Area, Aceh

Silfi Iriyani, A. Humam Hamid, Agus Setyarso, Hairul Basri, Dedi Kiswayadi
Ulu Masen ecosystem (738,000 ha) of the Aceh Province is one of the last vast wildernesses in South East Asia. IUCN categorized areas under Category VI as protected areas, primarily due to their unique cultural values and traditional natural resources management practices. It is home to the Critically...

Study on the Spatial Differences and Influencing Factors of Regional Tourism Development

Taking 21 Cities in Guangdong Province as Examples

Gang Deng
Moran’s I in the spatial autocorrelation analysis method is used, and Geoda software is applied to sequentially analyze the spatial distribution of per capita international tourism foreign exchange income (USD) in 21 cities in Guangdong Province in 2018. The global autocorrelation test and the local...

Can Institutional Capacity Building Improve Farmer’s Welfare?

A Case Study of Farmers’ Association of Water Users in Malang Regency

I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, Maulidia Khoirunisa
The success of the food security program is largely determined by the success of agricultural production. One supporting factor in agricultural productivity is the availability of good irrigation water in accordance with crop needs. This study aims to determine, describe, and analyze institutional capacity...
Proceedings Article

Nutridrink TOGA as an Alternative to Maintain Body Immunity Against Covid

Aghus Sifaq, Ananda P. Bakti, Mauren G. Miranti, Siti S. Wulandari, Retno M. Dewi
Family medicinal plants have played an important role since ancient times in maintaining health, maintaining stamina and treating diseases. Therefore, the TOGA plant has become part of local wisdom in the life of Indonesian society until now. This study aims to determine the level of acceptance of family...

Principals School Commitment in the Implementation, and Supervision Quality of Education in the Future

Tumpal Manahara Siahaan, Din Oloan Sihotang, Johannes Sihorimon Lumbanbatu, Sukarman Purba
The principal in carrying out its function to improve the quality of school requires an understanding of managerial mastery, the ability to plan, organize, communicate, motivate, direct and supervise and be carried out continuously on all elements of education. The educational element are; input, process,...

Shift Towards Vegan in China During COVID-19: An Online Behavioral Survey Study

Yaran You
This paper investigates why Chinese people are shifting towards a more plant-based diet after the COVID-19 pandemic by analysing the online results obtained from 146 Chinese people all over the world. Reasons included social stigma, and that vegetables are healthier, safer, and better for weight loss....

The Bilinear Integrability, N-soliton and Riemann-theta function solutions of B-type KdV Equation

Jianqin Mei, Lijuan Wu
Pages: 298 - 307
In this paper, the bilinear integrability for B-type KdV equation have been explored. According to the relation to tau function, we find the bilinear transformation and construct the bilinear form with an auxiliary variable of the B-type KdV equation. Based on the truncation form, the Bäcklund transformation...

Micro-linguistic Features in the Narratives of English SLI Teenagers

Xiangyu Jiang, Yunyun Xia, Xin Wang, Xianwei Li
This study investigated the language sample of adolescent narrative language, focusing on the analysis of the differences in the use of micro-linguistic feature between adolescents with specific language impairment (SLI) and typical language development (TLD) adolescents. The corpus is collected by storytelling,...

Influence of the Personal Competence of Teachers of Christian Religious Education on Learning Motivation in High School Students in South Tangerang City

Noh Ibrahim Boiliu, Stepanus, Esther Rela Intarti, Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan
The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an influence of the personal competence of teachers of Christian Religious Education on learning motivation in high school students in South Tangerang City? Teachers of Christian Religious Education are required to master the knowledge that will...

Technological Development of Innovation Ecosystems in Conditions of Digital and Human-Centric Economy

Elena Shkarupeta, Andrey Safronov, Diana Savon, Dina Borisova
Nowadays, due to changes in the global economy (structural, technological, geopolitical) for country’s competitiveness at the international level, it is necessary to digitally transform the activities of the Russian enterprises in the context of its managerial and technological processes and models,...

Improving Classroom Management Competence

Agus Susiyowadi, Sudi Dul Aji, Lasim Muzammil
The present study was aimed at examining the improvement of classroom management competence through the simultaneous effect of superior’s perception, work-orientation, and self-development. It is a quantitative research design in which 82 teachers as the population taken from Diponegoro Dampit Education...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Perceptions of Training Benefits with the Level of Confidence of Unjani Campus Residents in Applying Knowledge and Skills About Disaster Mitigation

Fransiska Ambarukmi Pontjosudargo
The disaster mitigation socialization and training program for the Unjani campus residents aims to improve the knowledge, and skills, so they understand how to behave in saving themselves, friends, and communities around in the event of a disaster. The knowledge and skills regarding disaster mitigation...

The Influence of Strategic Leadership, Intrapreneurship Orientation, and University Support on the Commercialization Capability of Academics in Higher Education at USU

Inneke Qamariah, Yasmin Chairunisa Muchtar
This study has an objective to to analyze the influence of Intrapreneurship, Strategic Leadership, University Support on Commercialization Capability of Academics in Higher Education at USU. The sample in this study is an active lecturer at the Universitas Sumatera Utara who has conducted research in...

Modeling and Forecasting Gross Domestic Product in Different Regions of China

Lingyun Duan, Ziyuan Liu, Wen Yu, Wei Chen, Dongyan Jin, Jiajia Liu, Han Zhou, Suhua Sun, Ruixi Dai
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an important indicator to measure a country’s economic operation in a certain period. By understanding the speed and quality of economic development, it plays a guiding role in policy formulation and infrastructure planning. This article selects sample data of fixed asset...

Mapping the Marine Fisheries Sector of Regencies/Cities in East Java in 2016–2020 with Fuzzy K-Means Clustering Method

Farizi Rachman, R. A. Norrromadani Yuniati, Mohammad Basuki Rahmat, Ryan Yudha Adhitya, Devrinzca Sukma Dewanata
This research will create a marine fisheries sector business cluster in East Java in 2016–2020. The method used in this research is Fuzzy K-Means. The Fuzzy K-Means clustering method has several advantages, including being able to make clusters optimally and robust against several disturbances. The results...
Proceedings Article

New Paradigms in the Management of Acute Otitis Media

Lina Lasminingrum, Sally Mahdiani
Acute otitis media (AOM) is an infection of the middle ear and is the second most common pediatric diagnosis following upper respiratory infections. This article provides a review of the latest evidence on risk factors, diagnosis, management, and prevention of acute otitis media. Acute otitis media is...

Expression in Social Media: True or Fake?

Rofiq Nurhadi, Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri, Tri Ermayani, Natalie Anastasi
Speech function is an utterance that serves a function such as statement, question, offer, and command. As people carry out a casual conversation to exchange goods-and-services and information, they perform speech functions at the same time. This study is to elaborate the negotiation pattern/speech by...

Antecedents of Behavioral Intention and Continuance Usage of Mobile Payment Users in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Jeannette Vivian Dewi, Dudi Anandya, Indarini
Before 2020, the willingness of the Indonesian people to use mobile payment services was low or it could be said that it was still in the introduction stage. In 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the level of mobile payment usage in Indonesia increased dramatically, especially the OVO mobile payment,...

Psycho-Sufistic Counseling to Develop Students’ Sociocultural Literacy

Samsul Arifin, Mokhammad Baharun, Miftahul Alimin
The purpose of this study is to design the Qur’an-based counseling related to Psycho-sufistic personality based on the interpretation of the Qur’an and its implementation in counseling communication with the family systems therapy approach in Islamic Boarding Schools (pesantren). The method used was...
Proceedings Article

Realization of International Collaboration in Mitigating the Impact of the Pandemic

Navadilla Ramadhani, Maria Madalina
Since the outbreak of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), almost all community activities have been carried out using technology, ranging from office absences which are carried out digitally, virtual meetings and event worship through digital networks. This will also encourage people to create new technologies....

The Role of Public Relations at the Sukoharjo Resort Police Institute

Basuki Wahyu Utomo, Sri Hastjarjo, Andre Rahmanto
Public relations has an important and crucial role in representing the communication between the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the community. The role of Police Public Relations is not only to build a positive image. But it also helps in improving performance to achieve the goals of the police...
Proceedings Article

Ready To Eat (RTE) Meatballs with Natural MSG Sources as Delicacy Potency in Indonesia

Dian Nur Amalia, Endy Triyannanto
Indonesia has developed ready to eat (RTE) food in several years along the high activities of the consumers and needs of delicious, fast, and nutritious foods. One of the popular RTE foods in Indonesia is meatball. The common seasoning used in the RTE meatballs is monosodium glutamate (MSG). However,...

The Value of Low Glycemic Index Diet for the Treatment of Gestational Diabetes and Its Complications

Zelei Cheng
From the current domestic and foreign major medicine, health research journals on the “hypoglycemic dietary index treatment of gestational diabetes and its complications” research literature, through statistical sorting, inductive analysis of the medical field of hypoglycemic dietary index for diabetes...

Remote Audit for Internal Audit as a Form of Technology Optimization Towards Indonesia 5.0

Arifia Yasmin, Bahri Kamal, Azaria Syifaunnisa
The company’s focus on dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis opens opportunities for fraud perpetrators in companies who take advantage of these conditions to take actions that are detrimental to the company. During the Covid-19 pandemic, remote auditing is the right choice to carried out with various...

Effectiveness of Mass Land Certification Through the PTSL Program in Giving Legal Certainty

[Study in Grobogan District]

Mega Arum Saputri
Indonesia in Article 28 H paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that every citizen has the right to have private property rights and such property rights may not be taken over arbitrarily by anyone, including to control/have land rights. As an effort to improve services...

E-commerce Platform in the Global South – Concepts, Trends, and Cases

Weiyi Tian
The e-commerce industry is expanding quickly worldwide, with the fastest growth seen in Global South countries. This paper reviews recent development of e-commerce platforms in emerging markets: the paper first defines e-commerce platforms broadly and summarizes its various characteristics; then, it...

Research on the Design of Dementia Rehabilitation Garden Based on Five Senses Therapy

Yu Zhu, Ruifeng Zhang
At present, the aging population in our country is increasing rapidly, but at present, in the rehabilitation garden design method lacks attention. In this paper, five senses therapy is applied to the rehabilitation garden, and combined with the physical and mental behavior characteristics of the elderly...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Application of Information Technology in Quality Control over the Development of Spacecraft

Yuxue Qiu, Jingjing Zhao, Ming Shan, Dawei Lin, Yu Zhang, Dongqi Chu
Starting from quality data of spacecraft development, the present study revolves around quality data collection, quality control over the production process, and quality data exploration in the production process to explore how data lake technology, digital twin technology, big data, and artificial intelligence...

Establishment of Student Social Skills Based on 21st Century Competence in the Pandemic Era

Lusiana Rahmatiani, Cecep Darmawan, Kokom Komalasari, Rahmat
This study aims to describe the formation of students’ social skills in the pandemic era. The new era marked by technological advances urges awareness of the importance of forming students’ social skills. The emergence of various social media which has become a student's lifestyle has led to a moral...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Urban Efficiency of Guangdong- Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Based on DEA and Malmquist Model

Haifei Wang
This study selects land, capital, labor, and information technology as input indicators, and regional GDP as an output indicator, and uses DEA model and Malmquist index method to analyze the urban efficiency and its variation of 11 cities in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in 2011, 2013, and...

Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”

Huriah Rachmah, Mentari Luthfika Dewi, Lasmanah, Alma Husnu Tazkia, Muhammad Lucky Fahrezi, Septiani Melawati Dewi
The problems experienced by children with cancer are routine hospital care, the economic support of parents, and education that is often left behind because they are often given permission to take treatment. Lack of education creates self-confidence and a sense of inferiority so that social skills are...
Proceedings Article

Acturial analysis of insolvency probability considering correlations among claims: case study for transmisstion tower failures

Andy Wan, Yanxiang Wang, Yihan Xu, Eric Zhang
This research aims to develop an actuarial analysis framework to evaluate the probability of insolvency for the infrastructure property insurance of a specific region. The study focuses on the case of nationwide transmission tower failures. The proposed framework takes into account the correlations among...

Do You Prefer Online Learning to Offline Learning? EFL Students’ Voices

Siti Aimah, Djamaluddin Darwis, Ooi Choon Meng, Bambang Purwanto, Muhimatul Ifadah
The length of online learning causes the saturation and demotivation of EFL students from attending online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic that they have to join. Therefore, many of them shared their experiences of online learning and their preference for offline learning to attend. This study...
Proceedings Article

Synthesis of Polyol Through Epoxidation and Hydroxylation Reactions of Ricinus Communis L. Oil

Dedy Suhendra, Erin Ryantin Gunawan, Sri Seno Handayani, Haerani
Polyols are intermediate compounds used as raw materials to produce highly valuable industrial materials. Generally, the raw materials for synthesizing polyols are petroleum-based, non-biodegradable fossil fuels. In this study, the raw material used is oil from Ricinus communis L. (Local name: jarak...
Proceedings Article

Investigation on the Impact of Preprocessing Methods and Parameter Selection in Acoustic Scene Classification Based on K-means Clustering Algorithm

Yuanyao Zuo
This research investigates the effectiveness of various preprocessing methods and parameters on Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC) using the K-means clustering algorithm. Utilizing the ESC-50 dataset, a combination of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and StandardScaler was employed for preprocessing....

Analysis of the Influence of the Role of Parents Accompanying Children at Home Learning Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Zakiyah Anwar, Supriadi, Ruslan, Andi Maryam, Rizky Ekawaty Ahmad
The purpose of this study is to find out the role of parents in accompanying children during online learning activities at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method in this research uses descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques were obtained through observation, questionnaires,...

The Construction of Moral Symbols in Murwakala Text and Its Entanglement in Javanese Community Order

Siti Masitoh, Miftahul Huda
The study aims at scrutinizing the construction of moral symbols in the Murwakala text of Ki Suprapto, H.S., the designated successor of Ki Panut, one of the best Indonesian Dalangs (shadow-puppet artists). He was cordially invited to perform ruwatan (traditional Javanese ceremonies conducted to release...