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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Key Issues in The Frame-fixed Row-pattern Pile Cofferdam Construction of Binzhou Port

Xiaowen Bian, Tao Yu
The cofferdam in the liquid bulk areas of Binzhou port haigang district used a new type of structure called the frame-fixed row-pattern pile cofferdam. It not only applies to the soft soil foundation of binzhou port?but also can be used as landing structure of pier in the late. However, the construction...

Developing Intercultural Awareness through Poems in EFL Classrooms

Fithriyah Abida, Rahayu Kuswardani
The use of poems has not been practiced in Indonesian EFL classrooms especially in high school context. Literary materials are generally introduced to students who study English as a foreign language in university level. However, in the context of foreign language teaching, the use of English poems in...
Proceedings Article

Electric Transmission Line Inspection System and Key Technologies Based on UAV Laser Radar System

Xionggang Li, Yanming Guo
With the development and achievement of smart grid in China, the application of UAV lidar system in transmission line inspection has become increasingly popular. To this end, this paper briefly introduces the transmission line inspection system based on UAV lidar system, and deeply analyzes application...

Describing Relational Thinking Process of Junior High School Students with High Capability

Niyan Fajar Kusuma, Sri Subanti, Budi Usodo
Learning mathematics in Junior High School is transition from arithmetic to algebra. In algebra, students must develop a relational view of the symbol if they are to make any sense of more complicated equations with operations on both sides of the equal sign. The term relational thinking is used here...
Proceedings Article

Development and Implementation of WEB-based Online Hotel Reservation System

Ping Hu, Dongxiao Gu
The Internet accelerates the communication and understandings between people, which make information unprecedented important. Furthermore, it changes the way that people book rooms, which makes rooms-booking diversified, convenient, and individualized. Out of the demand of modern hotels and based on...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Causal Model Based Distributed Fault Detection Method For Locomotive Electric Traction System

Shu Cheng, Te-fang Chen, Wei Li, Rong-jun Ding
Aimed on the massive computation burden, lack of precise fault mathematic model and uncertainty of analysis method on subsystem parasitic parameters, a novel distributed fault diagnosis Method based on causal Model has been proposed. By the way of splitting entire system into several causal independent...
Proceedings Article

Enterprise Network Business Process Incompatible Vulnerability Detection Method Based on FPN Model

Huaizhi Yan, Wenwen Ye
This paper proposes a kind of enterprise network business process characteristics, gives the definition of incompatible vulnerability, analyzes the formation mechanism of incompatible vulnerability. Then, we establish the FPN mapping model of incompatible vulnerability, propose an incompatible vulnerability...

Analysis on the "Joint" Marketing Strategy of New Media

Yuqin Gong
This paper takes Tik Tok and various e-commerce enterprises' "joint" marketing as a case to state the strategies of e-commerce enterprises and mobile we-media apps to realize targeted marketing with big data functions. Based on the statistical analysis of big data, we could make four conclusions: the...

Risk Management in Critical Information Infrastructures

Dejan Vuletić, Jovanka Šaranović, Ivan Vulić
We live in a time of great dependence on increasingly networked information and communication technologies, which besides numerous advantages, also have certain negative aspects. The paper gives a brief description and importance of critical information infrastructures and their vulnerabilities and protection....

Education Model Based on Life Skill (a Meta-Synthesis)

Aswin Bancin, Biner Ambarita
The problems that will be examined in this study are (1) How the concept of education based on life skills (2) How education management based on life skills (3) How the education management model based on life skills.This research was carried out in the form of meta-synthesis, also referred to as systematic...

Evaluation Of Teacher And School Infrastructure Inclusive Education In Bontang

Vivi Kurnia Herviani, Yuliyati, Budiyanto
Implementation of inclusive education provision has been implemented in the majority of districts / municipalities in Indonesia, one in Bontang. Bontang in East Kalimantan concerned with education and development of learners with special needs appeared at the launch of inclusive education program. In...

Application Of Chemmo Configuration Play As A Learning Media Of Elements Periodic System

Achmad Lutfi, Rusly Hidayah, Muslela Qona'atun
This study aims to determine the effect of using the Chemmo Configuration game that has been developed based on pedagogical requirements and game requirements as a learning medium. The form of research used was Pre-Experimental Research with the design of a single group One Group Pretest-Posttest Design...

Approaches to Organizational Leadership in the Digital Age

Boris Kovalenko, Elena Kovalenko
Scientific and technological development is an evolutionary process, which is characterized by growth and acceleration trends. Moreover, the results of scientific and technological development are becoming more complex and are changing exponentially. The topic of technological singularity and its impact...

Pelvic Ultrasonography and Urogenital Nerve Ultrastructure in Fur Animals

Vladimir Telenkov, Gennady Khonin, Sergey Meleshkov, Maxim Koshkarev
The authors have studied the organs of the pelvic cavity by ultrasonography as well as the ultrastructure of the hypogastric and pelvic nerves in representatives of the order of the carnivorous canine (the silver-black fox) and marten (the American mink). It was established that the topography of the...

DEA as an Alternative Instrument of Performance Measurement: A Case Study of Five Sidoarjo Small-Sized Enterprises on December 2018

B. Budiarto, F.R. Djumadi
DEA, as a linear programming development, is based on the technique of measuring the relative performance of multiple inputs and outputs. DEA is now one of the alternative instruments that is often used in measuring the performance of economic activity units. The indicator is technical efficiency. Technical-efficiency...

The Literacy of Tropical Community and the Needs for Tropical Environment-Based Learning

Lambang Subagiyo, Zeni Haryanto, Sudarman, Herliani
East Kalimantan is one of the areas in the tropical rainforest environment that has abundant natural resources. It needs a new paradigm about the utilization of natural resources. The future intellectual candidates must realize that the utilization of natural resources must be harmony with the environment....
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Sports Governance in Improving Achievement Sports

Juliandi Juliandi, Yudy Hendrayana, Amung Ma’mun, Masri Masri
Governance is one thing that cannot be ignored in the performance training system for achieving maximum results from a performance. Therefore, every committee that is in the field of achievement sports management, for example, KONI, must carry out their duties properly. The purpose of this study was...

Data-based Analysis Methods for the State Controllability and State Observability of Discrete-time LTI Systems with Time-delays

Zhuo Wang, Ruigang Wang
Pages: 235 - 239
We present a couple of data-based methods to analyze the state controllability and state observability of discrete-time Linear time-Invariant (LTI) systems with time-delays, which have unknown parameter matrices. They first augment the system into a high dimensional LTI model, then apply the measured...

The Comparison of Credibility and Authenticity of Scoutmasters of Indonesian Scouting

Yulianti Yulianti, Dian Widya Putri, Stephani Raihana Hamdan
Referring to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2010, the 2013 National Education Curriculum, and Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 which all lead to strengthening character education through Praja Muda Karana (Pramuka) that was scout activities as mandatory extracurricular...

The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables and United States Economic Crisis on LQ 45 Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Johan Setiadi, Erni Masdupi
This study aims to determine the effect of macroeconomic variables (inflation, economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates) and United States economic crisis both simultaneously and partially to the LQ 45 Index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample in this study uses the LQ 45 Stock Price Index...

Financing Constraints, Payment Methods and M&A Performance

WANG Yajie
This paper selects 211 M&A transaction events of A-share listed cultural enterprises from 2013 to 2016 as a sample to study the impact of financing constraints on M&A performance. Through empirical analysis, it is found that the financing constraints of cultural enterprises are positively related to...

Study on the National Style in Packaging Design

Huimin Liu
China’s packaging design shows not only traditional culture, but also a comprehensive design that coexists with the times. It is necessary to discover and research Chinese own culture, develop its cultural value, and creatively integrate it into the company’s product design to enrich the cultural meaning...

Resilience Kinship Principle in Cooperatives Quo the Pillar of the Indonesian Economy

Resa Yuniarsa Hasan, Ilham Kurniawan Ardi
Based on Article 33 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the spirit of cooperatives is placed as the basic pillar of the Indonesian economy. The Indonesian people intend to set up a joint venture economic system based on family principles. As stated by Mohammad Hatta,...

Peer Dialogue as an Effective Way for Teaching Speaking: Indonesian EFL Students’ Voices

Lilik Huriyah, Fifi Armita Nuriawarti, Siti Fatimatuz Zahro, Widya Ari Hardini
The primary purpouse of this study was to identify students’ perception about the implementation of peer dialogue to improve speaking ability. The study operated the quantitative approaches which include survey research. This research takes the students of speaking class in English Education Department....

Sharecropping Agreement in Accordance with Maqasid Al-Syariah

Muhammad Fajar Pramono, Mulyono Jamal, Ruchhima, Nur Azizah Latifah
This research was conducted in Sambirejo village Ngawi, where the majority of the population worked as farmers and one of the systems by the community to cultivate land was the sharecropping system. The sharecropping agreement is carried out based on the traditions or customs in the village. The ratio...

Assessing the Role of the Digital Economy in Gross Value Addition

L.I. Rozanova, M.V. Moroshkina, G.V. Gienko
The article discusses the impact of digital transformation on improving the competitiveness of the national economy. The methodological approach is based on estimating the weight of digital economy by proportion in the country’s gross domestic product using comparison, horizontal and vertical analysis...

Gender Features of Financial Literacy (Self-Efficacy) of Students at a Technical University

Inna Baranova, Maria Vlasenko, Natalia Ovchinnikova, Evgenia Prikhodko
The development of financial technologies, tools and services actualizes the importance of financial education and improving the financial literacy of the population, which determines the adoption of effective decisions on issues related to their current and future well-being. The study of financial...

The Effect of Financial Performance, Auditor Reputation and Audit Opinion on Bond Ratings

Memito Nigel Siregar, Yulia Saftiana, Umi Kalsum
This study aims to determine the effect of financial performance (profitability, leverage and liquidity), auditor reputation and audit opinion on bond ratings in non-finance companies that issue bonds on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This type of research was descriptive quantitative research....

The Future of Work: How to Develop 21st Century’s Leading Competences?

Elena Lysenko, Evgeniya Khokholeva
Today, the competence-based approach as the most sought after in the management of human resources initiates the restructuring of the systems of management HRM-system in a broader context. New competencies relevant in the 21st century become an object of a close study both in science and in real business...
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors for the Incidence of Anemia in Elementary-School Children Living in Malaria-Endemic Regions

Maraden Sirait, Rostika Flora, Chairil Anwar, Mohammad Zulkarnain, Nur Alam Fajar, Achmad Fickry Faisya
Anemia is an indicator of both poor nutrition and poor health. The most common anemia caused by malnutrition is iron deficiency anemia. Helminthiasis, clinical history of malaria, nutritional status, and breakfast-eating habits are the main factors that contribute to the increased incidence of anemia...

Production of Organic Products in Russia at the Modern Stage and on a Short-Term Horizon: (In the Context of Voronezh Oblast)

Z.P. Medelyaeva, S.I. Korzhov, V.B. Malitskaya, N.P. Shilova
The possibility of producing organic products in the regions of Russia is determined, on the one hand, by the demand created by domestic and foreign consumers, and on the other hand, by the availability of land suitable for the production of these products, compensation payments allotted in the specific...

Website-Based Interactive Media to Expand Guidance and Counseling Services for Adolescent

Harlina, Rani Mega Putri, Chreisna Lapriyandi
This research aimed to develop a website based interactive media which was feasible and efficient to expand and make easier the services delivery of guidance and counseling process. The website would be easier to be accessed and realtime without time limitation. The research approach was developmental...

Preserving Culture in Strengthening Students’ Characters

Ishak Aziz, Nelfia Adi Aryadi Adnan
This study aims to determine how much influence Cultural Preservation in strengthening the character of students at the level of elementary education. For that, it was carried out with quasi-experimental research, with samples taken from students at the elementary education level with a number of random...

Empirical Analysis on the Development Level of Sichuan High-tech Service Industry

Can Wang
In order to do a good job of the comprehensive development of Sichuan’s high-tech service industry, this paper first builds an evaluation index system from the four dimensions of basic resources, high-tech input, market share and service output. Then the system clustering method is used to cluster the...

Application of Biochar and Liquid Smoke From Biomass Waste Management to Increase Yields and Raise Farmers’ Income

Eny Dyah Yuniwati, Adyla Mita Lestari
Corncobs and rice straws are the types of biomass waste in farmland that has yet to be optimally managed. The farmland waste management using perfect combustion technologies produced liquid smoke and biochar. The analysis of the production process of biochar and liquid smoke through perfect combustion...

Applying Audio Visual as Learning Media in Increasing Learning Outcomes of Forehand and Backhand Drive on Squash Subject

Irvan, Hasbi Asyhari
Audiovisual learning media in enhancing learning outcomes of forehand drive and backhand punch squash courses at the Department of Sport and Health Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar. The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method with a total sample of twenty-nine...

Nonlinear Fuzzy Model Predictive Control of the TCP-100 Parabolic Trough Plant

Juan Manuel Escaño, Antonio J. Gallego, Adolfo J. Sánchez, Luis J. Yebra, Eduardo F. Camacho
Advanced control strategies can play an important role in improving the efficiency of solar plants. In particular, linear model predictive control strategies have been applied successfully when controlling solar trough plants. However, if the control algorithm uses a linear model associated only with...

Virtual vs. Conventional Practicum in Pharmacology: Students’ Perspectives

Riana Rahmawati, Isnatin Miladiyah, Muflihah Rizkawati, Marlina Anggraeni
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly affected the medical education process, in both clinical and preclinical years. This study compared students’ perspectives of the pharmacology practicum conducted in 2019 (pre-pandemic, conventional) and 2020 (virtual, via the Zoom platform)....

Lepage Equivalents of Second-Order Euler–Lagrange Forms and the Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations

Olga Krupková, Dana Smetanová
Pages: 235 - 250
In the calculus of variations, Lepage (n + 1)-forms are closed differential forms, representing Euler–Lagrange equations. They are fundamental for investigation of variational equations by means of exterior differential systems methods, with important applications in Hamilton and Hamilton–Jacobi theory...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Mother Class to Improve Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Handbook

Ellyda Rizki Wijhati
Maternal and Child Health Handbook (MCHHB) is a source of information for mothers and families in monitoring mothers and children’s health; besides that, the MCHHB is also a home-based record that can describe the process of child growth and development. However, the utilization of MCHHB in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Massage to Blood Pressure and Decrease the Percentage of Body Fat at Dharmawanita Members of Sport Science Faculty UNP

Darni, Rosmaneli, Wilda Welis
This study aims to reveal the effect of massase on decreasing levels of fat, cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure of Dharmawanita of FIK UNP women. The long-term goal of this research is to find a way or method to reduce levels of fat, cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure. This research uses...

The Implementation of OBE-Based Management Accounting Learning

Riwayadi, Denny Yohana
This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of OBE-based management accounting learning. The research type is applied research. The population is the students who are taking management accounting courses This research uses census sampling. It is found that OBE-based learning...

Adaptation to New Habits: School-Based Financing Strategies for Public High School During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Gema Muhammad Shidiq, Endang Herawan
This research has purposed to provide an overview of high school’s funding strategies in facing the New Normal during the Covid-19 pandemic. The qualitative method was used through survey questionnaire with a number of school principals in several high schools in West Java Province with the Snowball...

Managerial Performance Based on Participation Budgetary, Islamic Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment

Faqih Nabhan, Diah Munfa’ati
This study was started from the research gap on the influence of budgetary participation on managerial performance. This study aims to analyze managerial performance based on budgetary participation, Islamic work motivation, and organizational commitment, with structural equations (Structural Equation...

The Impact of Deviant Strategy on Corporate Innovation Performance: The Moderating Role of Equity Incentives and Market Competition

Chong Chen
Related research has pointed out that the choice of corporate strategy can affect corporate performance, but the relationship between deviant strategy and corporate innovation performance has not been revealed. This article uses the 2007-2017 Chinese A-share listed companies as samples. The study found...

The Relevance of Professional Use of Smart-Complexes in the Training Process of Future Labor and Technology Teachers

Irina Smirnova, Kateryna Dovhopolyk
Transformational changes both in the world on the whole and in the education system in particular are constanly creating new challenges for the professional qualities of teachers. There is a profound discrepancy between the needs of the modern student and the abilities to meet these needs on the part...

The Effectiveness of Cutaneous Stimulation and Cuddling Therapy Combination on Toddler’s Pain Response

Eva Oktaviani, Indah Dewi Ridawati
The high number of morbidity has an effect on the high number of children hospitalization cases, resulting in children vulnerable to stress. Installation of infusion is one of the most invasive measures during child nursing and can cause pain. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness...

Principal’s Role in Strengthening Teacher Self-Efficacy (TSE) and Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) in Remote Areas

Imron Arifin, Juharyanto, Maulana Amirul Adha, Pramono, Abd. Mu’id Aris Sofa, Lidya Amalia Rahmania
The implementation of the principal’s role and responsibilities cannot be done easily, without the high-performance support of teachers and employees as the spearhead of educational and administrative activities in the school. Self-efficacy is important for teachers, because high Self-efficacy helps...

Social Marketing as a Means for Socializing Individual Income Tax for MSMEs in Malang City

Hanifa Maulani Ramadhan, Nisrina Rafian, Rosalita Rachma Agusti
This study’s purpose is to determine the evaluation of the application of “APEL MALANG APPLICATION” (North Malang Tax Service Office Application). This application is one of the e-government services that is expected to improve the quality of taxation performance and user satisfaction. The main service...
Proceedings Article

Peer Influence and Dating as Predictors of Pre- Marital Sexual Behavior Among Indonesia Unmarried Youth

Dian Luthfiana Sufyan, Yuri Nurdiantami
Background & purpose: Indonesia are facing demographic dividend in the next decade, as the main responsible human resource, identification of potential factors associated to sexual-risk behavior among unmarried youth must be undertaken. This study aims to investigate the association and identify...