Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2021)
168 articles
Proceedings Article
Effect of Group Investigation Model and Cognitive Style on History Learning Outcomes After Controlling Students’ Initial Ability
Bambang Gulyanto, Harun Sitompul, Abdul Hasan Saragih
This study aims to determine the effect of the Group Investigation learning model and cognitive style (Field Independent and Field Dependent) on the learning outcomes of history after controlling the students’ initial abilities. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Kisaran, Asahan Regency in the...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Education and Training Program Diklat Increasing the Competence of Vocational School Teachers in the Center for the Development of Quality Assurance of Education Vocational Buildings and Electricity (BBPPMPV BBL) MEDAN
Rahelina Br Ginting, Abdul Hasan, Sahat Siagian
This study aims to describe the Evaluation of the Education and Training Program (Diklat) for Vocational Teacher Competency Improvement at BBPMPPV BBL Medan. This research is an evaluative research with evaluation of the implementation of education and training using the Kirkpatrick evaluation model...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Technology Skills and Work Ethos on TPACK Teachers of SMP Negeri Batu Bara Regency
Hottua Samosir, Benyamin Situmorang, Eka Daryanto
The existing phenomenon related to the skills of using technology (ICT) of junior high school teachers in Batu Bara Regency is still low, especially junior high school teachers who are in the regions, teachers aged 50 years and over. The low average UKG score in this district is a portrait that is quite...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Transformational Leadership of School Principles, School Committee Participation, Teacher Performance, and School Culture on Children-Friendly School Performance at Public Primary School in Deli Serdang Regency
Jumakir, Sri Milfayetty, Ibnu Hajar
The research objectives are to identify and examine: a child-friendly school performance model that is built based on an associative causal relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables; the influence of the principal’s transformational leadership on school culture; the effect of school committee...
Proceedings Article
Development of Lectora Inspire Learning Media on Short Stories with Ecology Content for Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan
Irma Yani Tarigan, Wisman Hadi, Khairil Ansari
This study aims to produce learning media products Lectora inspire on ecologically charged short stories for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan, determine the feasibility of Lectora inspire learning media on ecologically charged short stories for class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Percut...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Teaching Materials to Write Explanatory Text Using an Ecological-Based Flipbook for Grade XI Students at SMA Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan 2021
Mhd.Hamzah Fansuri Hsb, M. Oky Fardian Gafari, Wisman Hadi
This study aims to produce a teaching material product to write explanatory text using an ecological-based flipbook for grade XI students at SMA Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan. The method applied in this study was research and development. The results of the needs analysis showed that 100% of teachers and...
Proceedings Article
Development of Lectora Inspire Learning Media Writing Environment Based Description Texts for Students of Class VII SMP Negeri 5 Medan
Fitri Rahmayanti Ginting, Syahnan Daulay, Rosmawaty Harahap
This study aims to produce learning media products Lectora Inspire writing descriptive text based on the environment of class VII SMP Negeri 5 Medan, knowing the feasibility of learning media Lectora Inspire writing descriptive text based on the environment for class VII students of SMP Negeri 5 Medan,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Media for Google Sites Writing Poetry with a Contextual Approach to Class X Students of SMA Negeri 16 Medan
Fitria, Khairil Ansari, Abdurahman Adisaputera
This study aims to produce learning media products google sites writing poetry texts for class X SMA Negeri 16 Medan, knowing learning media google sites writing poetry texts with a contextual approach to class X students at SMA Negeri 16 Medan, and the effectiveness of the products developed in the...
Proceedings Article
Development of Assessment Instruments Based on High-Level Thinking Skills in the Receptive Language Skills Course for Unimed Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students
Atika Sadariah Nasution, Wisman Hadi, Evi Eviyanti
Development of an instrument based on the assessment of higher-order thinking skills in the form of an instrument that is prepared based on the needs of students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Unimed. The purpose of this research is to produce an instrument based on...
Proceedings Article
Development of Electronic Learning Media in Folklore Texts with Asahan Sociocultural Contents for Class X Students of SMK Negeri 2 Kisaran
Mira Sari Dewi, Abdurahman Adisaputera, Isda Pramuniati
The problem of this research is that the folklore learning process has not used electronic learning media and the students difficulties in identifying the values and characteristics contained in the folklore text. The research objectives were: (1) to determine the process of developing electronic learning...
Proceedings Article
Moral and Social Values in the Novel Si Anak Pintar by TereLiye and Its Usefulness as Reading Materials at SMA Dwitunggal Tanjungmorawa
Puteri Sion Aritonang, Oky Fardian Gafari, Elly Prihasti Wuriyani
This study aims to analysis moral values (individual, social, religious), analyze social values (love, responsibility and harmony in life) and analyze the usefulness of the results of study the novel Si Anak Pintar by Tere Liye. This research produces a product in the form of reading material, is namely...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Attitudes and Professional Skills of ECE Teachers Field Introduction Activities
Anita Yus, Peny Husna Handayani, Dwi Septi Anjas Wulan, Artha Mahindra Diputera
Candidates for early childhood education teachers need to have a number of competencies that demonstrate the professionalism of early childhood education teachers. Efforts to help undergraduate students of early childhood education teacher education have the ability to develop a professional attitude...
Proceedings Article
Improving the Teaching and Learning Quality Towards ASEAN University Network (AUN) Standards
Study in: Postgraduate School of Universitas Negeri Medan
Bornok Sinaga, Sahyar, Darwin
One of the requirements to become a world class university is to have a study program that is recognized by international institutions. Recognition by an international institution in a study program is inseparable from the quality assurance system within the institution. This study aims to develop a...
Proceedings Article
Development of Video Media Learning Basic Techniques of Table Tennis
Samsuddin Siregar, Rosmaini Hasibuan, Muhammad Yan Ahady
This study has the aim of developing video media for online learning of table tennis game courses at the Faculty of Sports Science (FIK) State University of Medan. This research method is part of the Borg and Gall (2007) method through stages; preliminary study, development, planning, expert judgment....
Proceedings Article
Development of Biochemistry e-Module to Improve Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills
Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean, Pasar Maulim Silitonga, Marudut Sinaga
Generations in the 21st century must be prepared to have competencies and skills that include: critical thinking and problem-solving competencies, creativity, communication skills, and the ability to work together. The application of HOTS abilities in the learning process makes students more resilient...
Proceedings Article
Development of Interactive Digital Module in Individual Counseling Courses
Miswanto, Abdul Munir, Nurarjani
The learning process in the network (Online) has many problems, one of which is that students do not have standardized interactive digital-based modules in individual counseling courses. This study aims to formulate and design interactive digital modules in appropriate individual counseling courses and...
Proceedings Article
Developing Digital Story Telling and Educational Games to Improve Early Childhood Cognitive Ability
Ditta Manullang, Humuntal Banjarnahor, Lisbet Simanjuntak
This study aims to produce a development of a digital literacy learning model using digital story telling media and educational game applications so that there is an increase in the cognitive abilities of early childhood with the support of teachers and parents. The research was carried out in Pembina...
Proceedings Article
Diffusion of Civic Engagement Literacy Website Innovation of Village Communities as an Alternative to Building Participatory Villages
Study of Tumpatan Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra
Abdinur Batubara, Ramsul Nababan, Maryatun Kabatiah, Fazli Rachman
This research conducting use qualitative methods, with a realist ethnographic research design. The title appointing was “Diffusion of Innovation on Civic Engagement Literacy Websites for Village Communities as an Alternative to Building a Participatory Village (Study of Tumpatan Village, Beringin District,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Interactive World History Babon Book Application Based on Big Data as a Digital Learning Source for History Education Students in MBKM Curriculum
Abd. Haris Nasution, Flores Tanjung, Feri Andi Syuhada
This research is motivated by the need for an Interactive World History Babon Book Application as a big data-based digital learning resource that can be accessed by students of the Department of History Education from all over the country. This application is needed to answer the challenges of Education...
Proceedings Article
Developing e-Booklet Based on Hair Trimming Video for Blended Learning
Rohana Aritonang, Irmiah Nurul Rangkuti, Vita Pujawanti Dhana
This study aims to: (1) Develop e-Booklet base on Hair Trimming Video for Blended Learning, (2) to examine the optimization of blended learning learning models using e-booklet and hair trimming videos. This type of research is development research using the Borg & Gall model combined with the blended...
Proceedings Article
Development of Android-Based Learning Multimedia for Electrical Lighting Installation Courses in Vocational High School
R Rahmadani, E D Suryanto, M Affandi
The goal of this study is to develop android-based learning multimedia in the subject of electric lighting installations at the Electrical Power Installation Department Vocational School. Mastery of this competence is important for students as one of the requirements for graduation and a provision in...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing the Sibelius 7 Application in Multicultural Art Learning Based on Learning Outcomes
Sri Mustika Aulia, Putra Afriadi, Anada Leo Virganta, Try Wahyu Purnomo
This research is a development research that produces integrated teaching materials with the Sibelius 7 application as an effort to optimize multi-cultural art (music) learning based on learning outcomes. The use of the application is certainly an alternative to fulfill the artistic competence of students...
Proceedings Article
Development of Web-Based Scouting Teaching Materials in the Faculty of Sports Sciences
Saipul Ambri Damanik, Agung Sunarno
This research is a development research that aims to produce a product in the form of a design of web-based teaching materials and books with ISBN as teaching materials, learning resources and alternative media, which can facilitate student learning, designed according to student characteristics, in...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Food Processing Recipe Application as an Android-Based Learning Medium in Students of Culinary Study Program
Sulistiawikarsih, Dian Agustina, Mawadda Azizah Sari Waruwu
The development of technology affects the role of an android itself. Nowadays, all activities can be done with android. One of the obstacles in learning Indonesian food processing is the determination of raw recipes to be practiced. Based on this condition, the researchers made an application recipe...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Aspects of Scientific Literacy on Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body Textbooks University in Medan City
Rahmad Gultom, Martina Restuati, Tumiur Gultom
This study aims to analyze textbooks because most of the lecturers use textbooks as a learning guide in the classroom. The analysis carried out leads to an analysis of textbooks on scientific literacy, namely to find out the scope of scientific literacy in textbooks. This research is a descriptive study...
Proceedings Article
Utilizing Adobe Captivate to Develop French Literature Learning Materials
R Afrianti, T R Soraya, M Linawati
This study aims to develop leaarning media in French literature courses using Adobe Captivate for 7th semester students in french department and to find out how appropriate the instructional media will be developed. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) by ADDIE development...
Proceedings Article
Junita Friska’ Development of Padlet Media in Digital-Interactive-Based Production Écriteintermédiaire Learning
J Friska, P Sembiring
This study aims to design and develop learning media in the Production Écrite Intermédiaire course by Padlet media in accordance with the demands of the A2 DELF level of French writing competence. In times of crisis, distance learning is a learning method that is carried out without having to communicate...
Proceedings Article
Development of Digital-Based Learning Media in Sociolinguistics Courses in the Pandemic Era
Emasta Evayanti Simanjuntak, Tangson R. Pangaribuan, Azhar Umar, Trisnawati Hutagalung
The rise of the Covid-19 virus affects all activities especially activities that need face-to-face. For this reason, the usage of digital is growing rapidly, including in teaching and learning process. Digital-based learning media need to be developed to increase the quality of learning especially in...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Project-Based Innovative Learning Resources for Teaching Organic Analytical Chemistry
Dessy Novianty Pakpahan, Manihar Situmorang, Marham Sitorus, Saronom Silaban
An Organic Analytical Chemistry course is very important for prospective chemists because it builds competence in the analysis of organic compounds. This study aims to develop project-based innovative learning resources to guide students to study Organic Analytical Chemistry. The research was conducted...
Proceedings Article
The Development of E-Book Learning Media on Bilingual Learning Course
Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita, Naeklan Simbolon, Eva Betty Simanjuntak, Andri Kristianto Sitanggang
The purposes of this study are to know the development and feasibility of e-book learning media on Bilingual Learning Course. This study is a research and development and use ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Regarding product validity, researchers ask...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Materials Development Using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Application in Creative Economy Courses with 4-D Model Design
P K D Lubis, D Adriani, A I Silitonga
This study aims to increase student independence in learning Creative Economy using e-module learning media with the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application. The research method uses R&D (Research and Development) with a 4-D development model from Thiagarajan namely Define, Design, Develop, & Disseminate,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Animation Video Media for Basic Motion Learning Based on Folk Games and Traditional Games in Children 10-12 Years
Suryadi Damanik, Abdul Hakim Siregar
The purpose of this development research is to produce an animated video media for basic movement learning based on folk games and traditional games for children aged 10-12 years. The basis of development is Folk Games and Traditional Games as a means to develop the potential of children’s character....
Proceedings Article
Development of Digital Learning Video Based on the Cyberlink Power Director Program in the Era of Learning Freedom in Education Economics Courses
Deni Adriani, Putri Kemala Dewi Lubis, Muhammad Andi Abdillah Triono
Learning freedom Program launched by the Minister of Education is supported by the current pandemic situation. Various activities in all areas of life have changed drastically. This situation encourages various creativity carried out by lecturers so that students can learn actively a The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Elementary School Social Science Course Teaching Materials on Mobile-Learning Based Android to Increase College Students’ Academic Performance
Husna Parluhutan Tambunan, Risma Sitohang, Yusra Nasution
This study aims to: (1) develop teaching materials for Elementary School Social Science course on mobile learning-based android and (2) know the feasibility level of the developed teaching materials. This type of research is Research and Development by adapting the modified Borg & Gall model into...
Proceedings Article
Development of Electronic Publication Book (EPUB) Based on Science Multi Representation in Basic Concepts of Physics and Chemistry Courses
Imelda Free Unita Manurung, Lidia Simanihuruk, Suyit Ratno
This research purposed to develop a multi representation science based electronic publication book (EPUB) for elementary school teacher education students in the basic concepts of physics and chemistry. The subjects in this research were first semester students for the 2021/2022 academic year in elementary...
Proceedings Article
Liveboard Media Development in Learning Réception Ecrite Débutante
Dewi Tri Wibowo, Hesti Fibriasari, Tansa Trisna
This study aims to test the feasibility and develop Liveboard Media into a learning video product and study room containing Se Presenter material (Introducing yourself) in French. The method used in this research is the Research and Development method. In this study using 3 stages, namely Analyze, Design...
Proceedings Article
Developing Learning Media of Réception Orale Débutant using Smart Apps Creator Application
L T Pawani, H Fibriasari, R Ramadhani, P Sembiring
This study aims to develop learning media of réception orale débutant using Smart Apps Creator application for 2nd semester students and to determine the feasibility of the learning media developed. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods. ADDIE development model which consists...
Proceedings Article
Development of Digital Literature-Laden Web in North Sumatra in Learning Courses Sanggar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia State University of Medan
Diah Eka Sari, S Emasta Evayanti, Salmah Naelofaria
This research aims to develop and describe the results of the development of a web loaded with digital literature in North Sumatra in the course of learning courses sanggar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. This research was conducted using the research and development (R&D) method with the Four-D (4-D)...
Proceedings Article
Model of Sport Massage Services on Athlets and Communities Based on Sports Industry
Suprayitno, Zen Fadli, Onyas Widianingsih
Massage is an art of hand movement that aims to get pleasure and maintain physical health. This mechanical hand movement will cause a sense of calm and comfort for the recipient. For normal humans and those with disabilities, massage can also be used as a means to earn a living. This obviously helps...
Proceedings Article
Development of Digital Worksheets About Integral as Teaching Materials in the COVID Era
Ade Andriani, Izwati Dewi, N Siregar
Learning is carried out online during the COVID-19 pandemic for every level of education including tertiary education, so learning tools are needed to support the learning model, such as Digital Worksheets because they are easily accessible. This study aims to describe the process of developing digital...
Proceedings Article
Development of Application-Based Badminton Learning Model at Faculty of Sports Science Medan State University
Usman Nasution, Ibrahim, Zulpikar Ilham
This research is a development research that aims to improve learning outcomes, develop android-based application media and as a source/learning material that can be used for the continuation of future lectures as well as assisting in the field of sports science, especially in badminton. Development...
Proceedings Article
Development of Interactive E-Modules Based on Google Docs in Basic Concepts of Biology Curriculum MBKM UNIMED FIP PGSD Study Program
Fahrur Rozi, Septian Prawijaya, Suyit Ratno
Based on the objective conditions that occur in learning the Basic Concepts of Biology at PGSD FIP UNIMED, it is found that; 1) The Basic Biology Concept Course is a new course for developing the MBKM curriculum as a result of the recommendation for the 2020 HGPGSDI virtual meeting, 2) lectures during...
Proceedings Article
Development of Basketball Learning Model Based on E-Learning and Media Applications in Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK) Medan State University
Ade Ros Riza, Filli Azandi, Mawardinur, Nimrot Manalu
This research is a development research that aims to improve learning outcomes and help in the field of sports science, especially in basketball. The media developed in the form of learning applications and basketball game scorers in the form of applications and instructional videos. The learning application...
Proceedings Article
Development of Application-Based Sepak Takraw Teaching Model and E-Learning in the Faculty of Sports Sciences Medan State University
Ibrahim, Zulpikar Ilham, Usman Nasution
This study aims to improve the competence of takraw learning lectures and assist in the field of sports science, especially in the sport of sepak takraw. The media developed in the form of learning applications that are used as teaching materials in online and face-to-face learning.The learning application...
Proceedings Article
Testing the Feasibility of Project Book Design Geotechnical Engineering That Assisted with the PLAXIS 2D Application
S Suhairiani, Nahesson Panjaitan, Enny Keristiana Sinaga
This research aims to assess the feasibility of project book Geotechnical Engineering assisted Plaxis 2D application which has a function as an increase in hard skills for the students in applying the concept of learning Geotechnical Engineering with Computer Application. The method of this research...
Proceedings Article
Development of Edmodo LMS-Based Transformation Learning Model for Character Building of Middle Education Unit Students in North Sumatra Province
Efendi Napitupulu, Hamonangan Tambunan, Nono Sebayang
Education in the era of globalization must be the main focus and the birthplace of goodness to transform individuals and communities in social life. Students must be able to demonstrate a level of independence and tolerance for uncertainty in order to support the formation of student character. They...
Proceedings Article
Development of “Concrete Work Practice” Learning Media by Using the Addie Model
Syafiatun Siregar, Harun Sitompul, Kinanti Wijaya, Sempurna Perangin-angin, Nono Sebayang
This study aims to: (1) develop learning media for concrete work practices, (2) determine the validity level of the learning media developed as learning media for students. This study uses the ADDIE development model. The learning media developed consisted of practical stages from beginning to end of...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of STEM and Scientific Literacy’s Aspects Through Lesson Study on English for Science Course: Pre-Service Science Teacher’s Initial Knowledge and Plan Stage
Aristo Hardinata, Djulia, Bukhari, AM Siregar
This research was carried out with the aim of knowing how aspects in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or known as STEM and scientific literacy were applied in English for Science lectures so that they can improve the quality of lectures and can instill knowledge and attitudes from STEM...
Proceedings Article
Development of Junior High School Mathematics E-Modules Based on Project Based Learning Integrated by Merdeka Belajar
Prihatin Ningsih Sagala, Eri Widyastuti
Ki Hajar Dewantara argues that Merdeka Belajar is the freedom given to student seeking all knowledge by themselves using their minds. Project-based learning will accommodate student independence because it will result in higher student engagement and deep concept understanding. The development of SMP...
Proceedings Article
Digital Literacy Analysis in the Online Learning Process
Suci Frisnoiry, Tiur Malasari Siregar, Elfitra
Covid 19 has an impact on all people in the world. One of them is the field of Education. The current learning process has changed where schools are held face-to-face, but due to the impact of Covid-19, learning is carried out online. The implementation of online learning must be supported by adequate...
Proceedings Article
Developing E-Learning of KKNI-Based Curriculum and Textbook Analysis Teaching Instruments in English Education Study Program, UNIMED
Nora Ronita Dewi, Indra Hartoyo, Anggraini Thesisia Saragih
Curriculum and textbook analysis is the course that focuses the importance of curriculum and textbooks in the learning process. The development of learning materials based on KKNI for Curriculum and Textbook Analysis at the English Education Study Program used a research and development design. This...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis for Design of Augmentes Reality Assessment (ARA) in Higher Education
Elfitra, Tiur Malasari Siregar, Suci Frisnoiry
In previous research, Augmented Reality-assisted learning media has been developed in responding to the educational challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the results were greeted with positive enthusiasm from students, especially during the online learning period. However, in conducting the...
Proceedings Article
Design of Web-Based Library System at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan
Tansa Trisna Astono Putri, Ressy Dwitias Sari
This research is entitled Design of Web-Based Library System at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan. This study aims to design an integrated library system and can facilitate the process of borrowing and returning books. This research method uses a qualitative method with the following steps: analyzing the...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Innovative Learning Resources with Multimedia to Support Online Learning in Teaching Industrial Management
Hasianna Nopita Situmorang, Saut Purba, Manihar Situmorang
An online learning is the strategy of choice during the Covid-19 pandemic to break the transmission of the virus. This study aims to develop an innovative learning resource to support online learning to improve student competence in teaching of Automotive Industrial Management. The research was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Innovation Development of Microeconomics E-Module Based on Discovery Learning on Utility Functions
Dede Ruslan, Putri Sari Margaret Julianty Silaban, T. Teviana, Dedi Irawan
The purpose of this research are (1) to produce innovation products for digital economic modules based on discovery learning on the subject of utility functions and (2) to know the level of feasibility of digital economic module innovation products based on discovery learning on the subject of utility...
Proceedings Article
LaVFisOla (laboratorium virtual fisiologi olahraga) in Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Medan
Hariadi Umar
The development of science and technology requires graduates of the Faculty of Sports Science to be able to apply sport science in social life. LaVFisOla is a virtual application designed to help students improve their understanding and competence in Sports Physiology courses which are the basis for...
Proceedings Article
The Development of WEB-Based Assessment
Sanusi Hasibuan, Muhammad Chairad, Chairul Azmi, M. Faisal Ansarai Nasution
The purpose of this research is to produce a learning assessment web. Assessment has an important role in learning. Assessment is an inseparable part of the assessment. Assessment must be able to provide comprehensive information that helps teachers improve their teaching abilities and help students...
Proceedings Article
Center of Laboratory Project (CoLaP) Needs Analysis In Learning
Tiur Malasari Siregar, Suci Frisnoiry, Elfitra
This research is focused on analyzing the needs of Center of Laboratory Project (CoLaP) in learning process, where the need for learning media in the era of information technology that is swiftly affects the teaching and learning process. In this case we focus on analyzing 1) Curriculum analysis, 2)...
Proceedings Article
Design and Validation of Lesson Plan Development in Materials Technology Courses with an Outcome-Based Education Approach
Sutrisno, Siti Zulfa Yuzni, Nono Sebayang, Mena Fadillia Lukman, Kinanti Wijaya, Iswandi Idris, Ruri Aditya Sari, Agnita Yolanda
The realization of World Class University is included in the Indonesian government program. The first step to achieve equality in the quality of National and International Education is to adopt the existing curriculum with Outcome-based Education (OBE) principles. The OBE principle is a reference for...
Proceedings Article
Development of General Chemical Teaching Materials (Stoichiometry) in an Integrated Network of Media-Based Higher Order Thinking Skills
Jamalum Purba, Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean, Adi Widarma
21st century education is becoming increasingly important to ensure learners have learning and innovating skills, skills using technology and information media. One of the skills of the 21st century is learning and innovating skills including high-level thinking skills. The object of this study was the...
Proceedings Article
Mathematics Learning Media Development Assisted by Macromedia Flash to Improve Students Visual Thinking Ability and Students Learning Motivation
Mariani, Nurliani Manurung, Wingston Leornard Sihombing
The result shows that: 1) Mathematics learning media assisted by Macromedia flash in improving students mathematical visual-thinking capability and student learning motivation that have been developed have met the valid, practical, and effective criteria. 2) The improvement of student^s mathematical...
Proceedings Article
Development of E-Magazine Based on Flipbook Maker on the Pattern Drafting Home Clothing in the Faculty of Engineering Medan State University
Surniati Chalid, Halida Hanim, Yudhistira Anggraini, Ulfa Annida Damanik
In online learning, lecturers need to modify/develop learning media so that students dont experience difficulties in understanding the learning material. The purpose of this study are: (1) To know how is media development flipbook maker based e-magazine on the pattern drafting of home clothing (2) To...
Proceedings Article
Developing Digital Storybook to Improve Children’s Language Learning
Hesti Fibriasari, Baharuddin, Syamsul Gultom, Syawal Gultom, Martina Restuati, Winsyah Putra Ritonga, Juhriansyah Dalle, Aminuddin Prahatama Putra, Danang Biyatmoko, Ariffin Abdul Mutalib, Cut Nora Azizah, Widya Andayani
Language learning is a crucial element in children’s life. As the millennial generation, children nowadays cannot be separated from technology. Therefore, this study was aimed to develop a digital storybook to enhance children’s language learning by applying Mayer’s principles. This is a collaborative...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Audio-Visual Learning Media Tutorial Crawl Swimming Basic Skills Swimming Course of PKO FIK UNIMED Program 2021
Zulfan Heri, M N Hasibuan, Puji Ratno, Shilvia Kumala, T Br Aruan
Swimming is one of the sports that must be studied by every student in the Sports Coaching Education Study Program (PKO) FIK UNIMED. This study aims to develop audio-visual learning media, back stroke tutorials, for the basic swimming skills course, PKO FIK UNIMED 2021 academic year study program. The...
Proceedings Article
Design of Interesting Learning Modules with the STEM Approach on Dynamic Electrical Materials
Nursanti Situmorang, Juniastel Rajagukguk, Makmur Sirait
Dynamic electricity learning module based on STEM approach (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) has been designed and developed. The cover and content of the module are designed as attractive as possible to make it easier for teachers to direct students in learning physics. In addition,...
Proceedings Article
Mapping the Distribution of Stunting Toddlers in Supporting the Successful Achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (Mdgs) in Deli Serdang District
Hesti Fibriasari, Baharuddin, Dina Ampera, Syamsul Gultom, Restu, Winsyahputra Ritonga, Nurpelita Sembiring, Sukma Erni
The direction of nutrition development policy in Indonesia is to strengthen research and development, including monitoring and evaluation. This means that research is one way to develop quality nutrition, both for individuals and for the community. Data shows that Indonesia is the fifth country with...
Proceedings Article
Neoclassical Architecture as a Style Influenced by Local Content and Its Role in Education
Imam Faisal Pane, Hilma Tamiami Fachrudin
This article describes the development of Neoclassical architecture that was dominant in Europe and spread to Indonesia. Besides that, it also explains its existence as a style that is influenced by local content in the history of national development. The development of architecture in Europe, which...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Principal’s Leadership and Teacher’s Professionalism on Teacher’s Performance at Muhammadiyah Private Junior High School in Medan
Muhammad Yakub, Zainuddin, Harun Sitompul
This research discussed about the effect of principal’s leadership and teacher’s professionalism on teacher’s performance at Muhammadiyah Private Junior High School in Medan. The research method used is quantitative research with a path analysis approach which the population was 380 people and the total...