Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2020)

406 authors
An Analysis of Workload and Job Stress on Employees’ Job Performance
Masharyono, M
An Analysis of Workload and Job Stress on Employee Job Performance
Masharyono, M.
Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Effect of Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction
Masharyono, M.
LMX and OCB Civil Servants in Bandung, West Java
Masharyono, Masharyono
When Employee Performance Affects the Quality and Quantity of the Company: What is the Role of Work Discipline and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?
Maskur, Tetep
Strengthening Social Capital Through Social Economic Mitigation Based on Local Wisdom
Maulana, Fajar Gumelar
The Effect of Brand Identification and Sense of Community on Brand Love (A Survey of Kaskus Trading Forum Users in Bandung)
Maulani, Galih Abdul Fatah
Information Technology and Organizational Climate in Higher Education
Effects of Inflation and Exchange Rates on Stock Prices of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Neighboring Country’s Stock Indices Affect the LQ45 Stock Index
Monoarfa, Hilda
Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
Mubarok, Teten Mohammad Sapril
Information Technology and Organizational Climate in Higher Education
Mubarokah, Isro’iyatul
The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors Interest Rates and Exchange Rates Govern on Stok Index of LQ45
Mulyadi, Hari
Entrepreneurial Leadership of Young Independent Entrepreneurs in the Disruptive Era
Mulyadi, Hari
Entrepreneurship Behavior and Business Competitiveness of Creative Industries
Mulyadi, Hari
SMEs Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
Mulyadi, Hari
The Influence of Personal Value on Entrepreneurship Intention
Mulyadi, Hari
Entrepreneurship Competence and Motivation to Improve Business Performance
The Development and Effectiveness of Business Strategy Model with A Partnership Approach for Growing Entrepreneurship
Mutiarani, Audy Daniaguitrianda
The Effect of Store Attributes Towards Store Format Choice for Beauty Products on Y Generation
How to Promote the Geopark Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu as A Tourist Destination Area
Netti Siska, Y
Gender Differences in Investment Biases
Analysis of Cost Control Process in PT. S’ Project Management on a 2018’s Work Package: Constructing a 100-Tonne-Capacity Integrated Cold Storage Facility in Kampar District
Causative Factor Analysis of Construction Delays on Sports Infrastructure Projects. Case Study: PT. ABCD, Indonesia
Analysis of Transportation Network Design with Time Window Delivery and Milk Run Method
Noviana, Graha
An Analysis of the Implementation of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) Towards Customer Loyalty
Novianty, Ririe
The Impact of Online Customer Reviews on Purchase Intention in Online Marketplace
Effects of Inflation and Exchange Rates on Stock Prices of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Neighboring Country’s Stock Indices Affect the LQ45 Stock Index
Defining and Measuring Microblogging Sentiment Investors on Stock Market: A Literature Review
What Can Be Done by Overconfidence Bias and Optimism Bias on Investor Decisions?
The Performance of Protected Mutual Funds in Indonesia During Covid-19 Period
Drivers of Portfolio Equity Flows to Emerging Market Countries
The Analysis of Exchange Rate Factors and Interest Rate on Stock Price of Pharmaceutical Companies in Indonesia
Income Smoothing as Dysfunctional Behavior Strategy to Develop Public Opinion of Good Performance
The Effect of DER, EPS, and Underwriter Reputation on Initial Return with Interest Rate
Nugroho, Harris Djoko
Evaluation of Hydro-Oceanographic Specialization Education Program in the Sea Naval Education-Oceanography Education Center
Nurdin, Jusuf
E-Servqual: How E-Servqual Can Influence E-Satisfaction in Shopee
Factors That Affect the Election of Higher Education in Holistic Marketing Point of View
Nurfitriya, Mira.
Does Digital Marketing Affect Millennial Purchase Decision in Covid-19 Situation?
Nurhayati, S.E.
Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance
Nursanti, Tinjung Desy
The Performance of Protected Mutual Funds in Indonesia During Covid-19 Period
Nuryanti, B. Lena
When Employee Performance Affects the Quality and Quantity of the Company: What is the Role of Work Discipline and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?
Permana, Gusti Anggara
Brand Positioning Fuel Stations on High-Tier Fuel Category
Permana, Intan
Post-Usage E-Banking Behavior on BNI 46 Customer Loyalty in Kabupaten Garut
Integrated Marketing Communication Analysis and Its Effect Towards Brand Equity
Pramudita, Adhy
The Application of Altman Revised Z-Score Four Variables and Ohlson O-Score as A Bankruptcy Prediction Tool in Small and Medium Enterprise Segments in Indonesia
Pratama, Dian Windu
The Effects of Asset Under Management, Sharpe Ratio, Inflation and IHSG on the Performance of Stock Mutual Funds and Fixed-Income Funds for the Period 2012-2017
Prihatin, Eka
The Evaluation Model of University Educators’ Performance
Primaskara, Ery Adam
The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust of Indonesian Frozen Food Products During Covid-19 Pandemic
Pujianti, A.
The Influence of Online Customer Reviews on Online Booking Intention in the Online B2C Travel Agent Industry in Indonesia
Purba, Ryana Andari
The Role of Paternalistic Leadership on Employee Innovative Behavior in Indonesia’s Digital-Based Companies
Purnamasari, Linda Mauliani
The Analysis of Brand Awareness Measurement in Amil Zakat Institution of Nu Care Lazisnu Bandung
Purnamasari, P.
Entrepreneurship Competence and Motivation to Improve Business Performance
Purnamasari, Pupung
The Value-Driven Strategy Models in Improving Higher Education Institutions’ Performance
Purnami, Rahayu Sri
The Role of Leadership Spirituality in Increasing Employee Engagement with Leadership Communication as Moderator
Indonesian Customer Attitude Towards Green Hotels
Purwaningsih, Dyah
The Effect of Talent Management on the Performance of Educational Employee in Higher Education Institutions
Purwanto, Heri
The Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Business and Marketing Areas: A Systematic Literature Review Using the Bibliometric Analysis Approach
Purwono, Yogo
The Analysis of Motor Vehicle Insurance Claim Reserve Using Robust Chain Ladder
Putra, Kurniawan
Accuracy Level Analysis of Pricing Model on State-Owned Enterprises Stocks
The Effect of Profitability and Tangibility on Capital Structures
Qi, Li
A Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Family Business’s Succession from the Perspective of Re-creation
Qibtiyah, Devira
The Influence of Discount on Repurchase Intention
Quzwen, Moh. Hasymi
Customer Relationship Management in Business-to-Business Marketing: The Impact on Corporate Performance
Rachmania, Nurul
Modelling National Medicine Inventory System Using System Dynamics
Rachmawati, Anita Dewi
The Analysis of Brand Image and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decisions
Rachmawati, Riani
Cross-Functional Team Effectiveness Factors in Technological-Based Service Company: NSIAPAY
Rahayu, Agus
Integrated Marketing Communication Analysis and Its Effect Towards Brand Equity
Rahayu, Agus
The Influence of Price & Product Quality on Purchase Intention of Samsung A10S Mobile Phone
Rahayu, Agus
The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention (Evidence from Indonesia)
Rahayu, Agus
The Influence of Perceived Value to Purchase Intention: Evidence of Maliqa Product in PT. Alghaniy Faza Utama
Rahayu, Agus
The Effects of Factors in Modified UTAUT on Millennial Generation Customer Satisfaction
Rahayu, Agus
Trust in Seller and Trust in Website as A Determiner of Consumer Buying Interest
Rahayu, Agus
The Impact of Online Customer Reviews on Purchase Intention in Online Marketplace
Rahayu, Agus
What to Do After Covid-19? The Market Intermediary Model to Indonesian Social Entrepreneurs
Rahayu, Agus
Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
Rahayu, Agus
Skill Mismatch and Industry Involvement in Improving the Job Readiness of Vocational School Graduates
Rahmawati, Yuli Diani
How to Promote the Geopark Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu as A Tourist Destination Area
Raja Pasha, AZFS
The Evaluation Model of University Educators’ Performance
Ramadhan, Fajar
The Effect of Content Quality and Perceived Enjoyment on Subscribe Intention in YouTube Channel
Ramdiana, Mochammad Reza
Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
Rasyid, Mohammad Kurniadi
The Design of the Xiaomi Smartphone Marketing Model Based on an Innovative Strategy of Blue Ocean Shift
Ratu Dintha, IZFS
The Evaluation Model of University Educators’ Performance
Razati, Girang
The Effect of Product Placement on Interest in Using Grab as An Online Transportation Services
Ridwanudin, Oce
Bandung City Image as A Halal Tourism Destination
Rindani, Dwi Taria
Improvement of Financial Records and Production of Financial Statements at the Grand Galaxy Convention Hall
Rismayanti, E.
Dividend Policy and Solvency Effects on Stock Returns of Manufacturing Companies
Rizal, Patih Fathin
Modelling National Medicine Inventory System Using System Dynamics
Rofaida, Rofi
Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources
Rohandi, Mochamad Malik Akbar
Defining and Measuring Microblogging Sentiment Investors on Stock Market: A Literature Review
Rohyana, Cahyat
Comparative Analysis Debt to Equity Ratio and Price to Book Value in State-Owned Enterprises and Private Companies
Rubini, Rizki Adriansyah
Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
Rulevy, Dila Fitriza
The Analysis of Factors That Affect Intention to Use on E-learning Users Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach
Rusmana, Sadikun Citra
Entrepreneurial Leadership of Young Independent Entrepreneurs in the Disruptive Era
Rustiadi, Sonny
Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Customer Purchase Intention for Cluster House Residence
Saadilah, Moh. Riky
Determination of User Satisfaction in Mobile Banking Services Using the Information Systems Success Model (ISSM) Perspective
Saepuloh, Dadang
Student Financial Literacy: A Review of Gender Differences and Parent’s Income
Safitri, Nur Gupita
The Effect of Product Placement on Interest in Using Grab as An Online Transportation Services
Sajekti, Tjipto
The Analysis of the Influence of Credit Service Quality of Credit Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Loyalty