Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2020)
406 authors
- Hakim, Moch. Lukmanul
- The Effect of Relationship Marketing Dimensions on Satisfaction (Case of ASN in Pemda KBB)
- Hamdani, Deni
- Income Smoothing as Dysfunctional Behavior Strategy to Develop Public Opinion of Good Performance
- Hamdani, Rahadian Agus
- Gap Analysis E-Procurement Satisfaction Service Quality Index Through Internal and External Survey Using E-Service Quality Model
- Hanafi, Ridha
- Design of Performance Management Business Process in State-Owned Enterprise in Field of Construction
- Hapsari, Safira Amalia
- The Theory of Planned Behavior and Financial Literacy to Analyze Intention in Mutual Fund Product Investment
- Harahap, Muslim Efendi
- Analysis of Dominant Causative Variable for Project-Based Work Delay at PT. XYZ
- Hartijasti, Yanki
- The Role of Paternalistic Leadership on Employee Innovative Behavior in Indonesia’s Digital-Based Companies
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Factors Affected the Decline of Indonesian Coffee Competitiveness in Export Market During 2009-2018
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Indonesian Customer Attitude Towards Green Hotels
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Effect of Content Quality and Perceived Enjoyment on Subscribe Intention in YouTube Channel
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Integrated Marketing Communication Analysis and Its Effect Towards Brand Equity
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Social Influence: Intention to Use e-Wallet
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust of Indonesian Frozen Food Products During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Analysis of Millenials’ Intention to Use the OVO E-Payment
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Influence of Price & Product Quality on Purchase Intention of Samsung A10S Mobile Phone
- Hendrayati, Heny
- E-Servqual: How E-Servqual Can Influence E-Satisfaction in Shopee
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Influence of Discount on Repurchase Intention
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention (Evidence from Indonesia)
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Influence of Perceived Value to Purchase Intention: Evidence of Maliqa Product in PT. Alghaniy Faza Utama
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Effects of Factors in Modified UTAUT on Millennial Generation Customer Satisfaction
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Self-service Technology Behavioral Intention: Indonesian Air Passengers
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Modern Marketing Management and New Trends in Marketing
- Hendrayati, Heny
- The Analysis of Brand Image and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decisions
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Perceived Ease of Use on Purchase Intention of Mobile Commerce Application
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Word of Mouth Marketing in Increasing the Repurchase Intention of Private Label Products in Minimarkets
- Hendrayati, Heny
- SMEs Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
- Herbert
- The Development and Effectiveness of Business Strategy Model with A Partnership Approach for Growing Entrepreneurship
- Hidayat, Yusuf Murtadlo
- The Effect of Liquidity and Leverage on Profitability in Agricultural Sector Companies
- Huriyati, Ratih
- Self-service Technology Behavioral Intention: Indonesian Air Passengers
- Huriyati, Ratih
- E-Promotion in The “Kopi Kenangan” Customers’ Purchase Decisions
- Huriyati, Ratih
- Comparative Analysis Debt to Equity Ratio and Price to Book Value in State-Owned Enterprises and Private Companies
- Hurriyati, R.
- The Design of the Xiaomi Smartphone Marketing Model Based on an Innovative Strategy of Blue Ocean Shift
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Factors Affected the Decline of Indonesian Coffee Competitiveness in Export Market During 2009-2018
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Indonesian Customer Attitude Towards Green Hotels
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Determination of User Satisfaction in Mobile Banking Services Using the Information Systems Success Model (ISSM) Perspective
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Effect of Content Quality and Perceived Enjoyment on Subscribe Intention in YouTube Channel
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Social Influence: Intention to Use e-Wallet
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Effect of Brand Identification and Sense of Community on Brand Love (A Survey of Kaskus Trading Forum Users in Bandung)
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust of Indonesian Frozen Food Products During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- A Study of E-Loyalty on Virtual Hotels Operator (VHO)
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Factors That Affect the Election of Higher Education in Holistic Marketing Point of View
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Business and Marketing Areas: A Systematic Literature Review Using the Bibliometric Analysis Approach
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Student Acceptance of E-Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Analysis of Brand Awareness Measurement in Amil Zakat Institution of Nu Care Lazisnu Bandung
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Analysis of Millenials’ Intention to Use the OVO E-Payment
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- How to Promote the Geopark Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu as A Tourist Destination Area
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Effects of Subjective Norm on the Intention to Use of the Online Shopping Customers in Bandung
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Effect of Relationship Marketing Dimensions on Satisfaction (Case of ASN in Pemda KBB)
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Modern Marketing Management and New Trends in Marketing
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Analysis of Information Technology User Behavior Model by Creative Economy-Based Entrepreneurs
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Customer Relationship Management in Business-to-Business Marketing: The Impact on Corporate Performance
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Relationship Marketing for B2B Indihome Consumer Loyalty
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Literature Review
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Value-Driven Strategy Models in Improving Higher Education Institutions’ Performance
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- A Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Family Business’s Succession from the Perspective of Re-creation
- Hurruyati, Ratih
- The Influence of Discount on Repurchase Intention
- Ibrahim, Kamal
- Description of Perceived of Usefulness and Continuance Intention in Users of Electronic Money Cards in Indonesia
- Ilma, Sarah Shahnaz
- Analysis of Cost Control Process in PT. S’ Project Management on a 2018’s Work Package: Constructing a 100-Tonne-Capacity Integrated Cold Storage Facility in Kampar District
- Irawan, Rini Larasati
- The Effects of Subjective Norm on the Intention to Use of the Online Shopping Customers in Bandung
- Irawan, Rudy
- The Implementation of the Multiperiod Mean-Variance for Asset Allocation of Pension Fund
- Irvianti, Laksmi Sito Dwi
- Student Acceptance of E-Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Izzati, S.N.
- An Analysis of Workload and Job Stress on Employee Job Performance
- Izzati, Sabila Nur
- An Analysis of Workload and Job Stress on Employees’ Job Performance
- Jamilah
- Exploring Values in the Sociopreneurship Course in Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirits in Social Science Education Students
- Jaya, Rama Chandra
- Business Intelligence & Analytics and Its Effect on Indonesia’s Startup Performance
- Jayadi
- Entrepreneurship Behavior and Business Competitiveness of Creative Industries
- Karamang, Erza
- The Effect of Social Media Marketing and Brand Image on Choosing Decision of A School of Business in Bandung
- Kartikaningsih, Dewi
- The Analysis of Exchange Rate Factors and Interest Rate on Stock Price of Pharmaceutical Companies in Indonesia
- Kasir
- Analysis of Financial Distress Altman Z-Core Method and Springate S-Core Method in PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk
- Khotijah, S.
- LMX and OCB Civil Servants in Bandung, West Java
- Koeswandi, Tika
- What to Do After Covid-19? The Market Intermediary Model to Indonesian Social Entrepreneurs
- Koeswandi, Tika Annisa Lestari
- The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust of Indonesian Frozen Food Products During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Koeswandi, Tika.A
- Does Digital Marketing Affect Millennial Purchase Decision in Covid-19 Situation?
- Komarudin
- The Implications of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (ESE) and Social Capital on Product Innovation Capability of SME’s Performance in Jatinangor Higher Education Area, West Java, Indonesia
- Kosadi, F.
- Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Easy of Use and Actual Usage of Online Payment and Transaction Data Reconciliation Process
- Kurniawan, Agus
- The Effects of Factors in Modified UTAUT on Millennial Generation Customer Satisfaction
- Kusnendi
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior
- Kusumah, Echo Perdana
- Self-service Technology Behavioral Intention: Indonesian Air Passengers
- Kusumah, Echo Perdana
- E-Promotion in The “Kopi Kenangan” Customers’ Purchase Decisions
- Kusumawardani, Astrin
- The Analysis of the Influence of Credit Service Quality of Credit Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Loyalty
- Kusumo, Sutopoh
- The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention (Evidence from Indonesia)
- Lasamanah
- The Effect of DER, EPS, and Underwriter Reputation on Initial Return with Interest Rate
- Lebang, Febria Angelina
- The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Work Stress on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as A Mediator at Anti-Corruption Institution in Indonesia
- Lestari, Yuliani Dwi
- Determinant Factors Influencing Firm’s Entry in Halal Business – A Case Study in Taiwan
- Lindayani
- Post-Usage E-Banking Behavior on BNI 46 Customer Loyalty in Kabupaten Garut
- Lisnawati
- Trust in Seller and Trust in Website as A Determiner of Consumer Buying Interest
- Lisnawati
- Description of Perceived of Usefulness and Continuance Intention in Users of Electronic Money Cards in Indonesia
- Lisnawati
- The Influence of Online Customer Reviews on Online Booking Intention in the Online B2C Travel Agent Industry in Indonesia
- Lisnawati
- The Influence of Brand Image Towards the Purchase Intention on Family Car
- Lisnawati
- Experience Through Digital Branding in Improving the Brand Loyalty Casual Restaurant
- Lisnawati
- Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Literature Review
- Luddin, Muchlis R.
- Evaluation of Hydro-Oceanographic Specialization Education Program in the Sea Naval Education-Oceanography Education Center
- Machmud, Pajar
- The Influence of Perceived Value to Purchase Intention: Evidence of Maliqa Product in PT. Alghaniy Faza Utama
- Mahmud, Nurazree bin
- Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
- Mahpudin, Endang
- The Impact of Macroeconomics on Stock Market Index in Brazil
- Mammadbayov, Elshad
- Modern Marketing Management and New Trends in Marketing
- Mangestika, Gilang
- Designing A Performance Measurement Tools at SMASH.ID Digital Startup with Balanced Scorecard Method
- Marino, Wilman San
- Drivers of Portfolio Equity Flows to Emerging Market Countries