Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research

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25339 articles
Proceedings Article

The Mechanism of Infrastructure Support for Development of Small Youth Entrepreneurship

L G Rudenko, S P Goryachikh
The topic of the article is relevant in connection with rising unemployment among young people and an increase in the retirement age in Russia. As the methodological approach, the integrated approach is used, within which the methods of analysis, synthesis, historical and logical methods are applied....
Proceedings Article

Governmental Regulation and Support of Agro-Industrial Complex: Situation, Problems, Prospects

A.B. Efimov, V.V. Stashevskiy
The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state, problems, and prospects of the governmental regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The study revealed the need and importance of state support for agricultural producers in the current economic conditions. The Russian...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Housing Economy on China’s Economic Development During the COVID-19: Based on the Perspective of Data Analysis

Yifei Song, Zile Wang, Xinyu Zhu
Contemporarily, the COVID-19 has greatly affected the China’s economic development. Based on the perspective of data analysis, this paper impacts of housing economy during COVID-19 discussions about the effects on daily life and economic situation. Specifically, the descriptive research method is utilized...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Price, Product Quality and Religiosity on Purchasing Behavior of Halal-Labeled Sariayu Beauty Products

Anton Priyo Nugroho, Fajar Fandi Atmaja, Siti Mutaalimah, Yuli Andriansyah, Siti Achiria
This study aims to analyze the effect of price, product quality and religiosity on the purchasing behavior of halal-labeled Sariayu beauty products. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to respondents and sampling using purposive sampling technique to people who have used halal-labeled...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Influence of Capital Structure, Investment Opportunity Set and Profitability to Value Companies in Manufacturing Companies Before and During Pandemic COVID-19

Merisa Oktaria, Rinto Alexandro
This study aims to examine the effect of capital structure, investment opportunity set and profitability on the value of companies in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange in 2012-2016. This study uses a type of quantitative data using secondary data. Data analysis in this study...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Basic Public Service Expenditure on Income Level in Tibet

Haichao Wu
Using data from 1998 to 2021 in Tibet, this paper establishes an econometric model to empirically test the impact of basic public service expenditure on the average income level in Tibet, and divides the expenditure into five categories. To study the impact of expenditures on education, science and technology,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Medicinal Assortment as a Factor of Increasing the Competitiveness of Organizations in the Pharmacy Market of the Region

Tatyana I. Okonenko, Oxana A. Fikhtner, Galina A. Antropova
In the pharmaceutical market, there is fierce competition in its retail segment. In such a situation, the growth of competition between pharmacy organizations forces us to make adjustments to the assortment policy, which can affect the competitive position of an individual pharmacy in the region. The...
Proceedings Article

Digital Development of Agricultural Supply Chain Finance under Rural Revitalization Strategy

Liping Zhu
Digital development of agricultural supply chain finance can effectively alleviate the problems of rural finance suppression and farmer credit constraint, which have a positive impact on rural revitalization. This paper analyzes the main methods of agricultural supply chain finance digitalization development,...
Proceedings Article

The Problem of State Land Regulation in Indonesia and Comparison of Its Regulation with Malaysia

Iwan Permadi
In the national land law system, all land and other natural resources are controlled by the state. The concept of the right to control the state actually comes from the concept of customary law which was carried out by the indigenous people before the formation of Indonesia as a state. Customary law...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Monte-Carlo Method in Curriculum Efficiency, Cost Forecasting and Price Path Prediction

Qixuan Hu
As a matter of fact, Monte-Carlo method has been widely implemented in various fields including distribution issues and stochastic process in recent years. With this in mind, this study mainly focuses the utilization of Monte-Carlo simulation onto some real-life scenarios. In retrospect, the Monte-Carlo...
Proceedings Article

The Short and Long-term Consequences of Belt and Road Initiative for China

Siyue Cheng
Since the publication of the strategy of One Belt and One Road, China has developed rapidly in terms of trade, which has not only promoted the cooperation among countries, but also improved the economic level of underdeveloped domestic areas. The problem of overcapacity is also slowly improving. What...
Proceedings Article

Promotion, Application and System Construction of Reliability Evaluation for Distribution Network Facilities

Kai Shen, Xuan Yang, Fen Qin, Zhe Chen, Nian Jiang, Jun He, Qian Wu
The ultimate goal of conducting reliability evaluation of distribution network facilities is to seek the lowest life cycle cost without reducing the reliability of the facilities. At the end of 2022, the industry standard “Guidelines for Reliability Evaluation Indicators of Distribution Network Facilities”...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation model and Measurement for Reducing Carbon Emission Considering Port Activities

Zhenhuan Jiang, Zhengyi Lin, Yao Yu
This study employs a "bottom-up approach" to analyze the unique characteristics of production activities at container terminals in Shanghai Port. The activities are divided into two processes: ship docking and in-port operations. The "emission factor method" is applied, where the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Present Situation of China's International Competitiveness Advantages of Service Trade

Zhi-Juan Zhou, Feng Feng
Service trade is the main embodiment of a country's international competitiveness. 2001 to 2014, China's service trade exports and imports rose from 12th and 10th place respectively to 5th and 2nd in the world. But compared with developed countries, there is still a large gap. Therefore, how to improve...
Proceedings Article

The Making Of Contemporary Australian Monetary Policy - Forward Or Backward Looking?

Ying Chen, Maoguo Wu
Monetary authorities rarely disclose their true reasons for their policy reactions. Tracing the policy reaction function to see if the monetary authority is using simple rules would offer profound insight into the past behavioral relationship between the monetary authority and economic agencies. A reasonable...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Conditions and Approaches for Developing MOOCs in Shanxi Universities

Yuxia Qiu, Guoqiang Sun, Qianyu Zhang, Wen Zhao
The emergence of MOOCs has broken the traditional classroom teaching model of higher education. A new Sharing Model of "teaching" and "learning" is coming. Faced with the storm of MOOCs, Chinese universities should take the initiative to take advantage of the situation and combine the advantages of MOOCs...
Proceedings Article

Practice of Flexible Teaching on Computer Specialized Courses

Wei Chen
According to the basic idea of higher vocational education teaching reform and requirements for modern personnel training, in view of the current higher vocational computer specialized teaching process, in flexible teaching of computer specialized course has been discussed thoroughly, and implemented...
Proceedings Article

Current Issues of Food Security in Russia

Tatyana Vorotyntseva, Olga Dmitrieva, Elena Rudakova, Dmitry Morkovkin
Relevance of the research topic is determined by the expediency of strengthening food security and providing the population with safe food products. One of the important analyzed aspects was the study of non-target mutation applied methods' safety in the use of genetic engineering in the food production....
Proceedings Article

Research on MOOC Teaching and English Blended Learning Strategies for Mongolian College Students’ Oral English

Mingbo Yu
The MOOC course of college oral English is based on the topic and takes the training of oral skills as a traction to improve the practical application ability of the oral English communication of Mongolian college students from longitudinal and deep dimensions. The course introduces the standard and...
Proceedings Article

Does An IPO Create Better Corporate Governance? (Empirical Evidence from an Indonesian Islamic Bank)

Huda Aulia Arifin, Desi Adhariani
This research is aimed to serve as an exploratory research on the impact of IPO on corporate governance practices. Drawn from a content analysis using the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard of an Indonesia Islamic Bank as a case study, the findings show significant changes in the governance score of...
Proceedings Article

Technologies of development of the nature study interest through the competence approach to the organization of environmental education

M. Butakova, I. Muhin, O. Lopicheva, I. Akhmetova
The article summarizes the results of the study on the problem of competence-based approach to the organization of students’ environmental education. The conditions affecting the development of interest in the study of objects of nature are substantiated. The article shows the positive impact of the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Entrepreneur Personal Information Socialization on Consumer Brand Preference

Yong Liu, Liao Li
The rapid development of social media has led to more entrepreneurs' personal information exposing. It indicates consumers receive a large amount of personal information and related comments of entrepreneurs every day. Through the content analysis method, this article uses the data crawler tool to capture...
Proceedings Article

Innovative Trends in the Process Modelling of International Strategies: Systematic of Fundamental Factor Models

Lidiia Karpenko, Pavlo Voronzhak, Oksana Zhylinska, Pavlo Pashko
This paper investigates the innovative trends in the process modelling of international strategies in the coordinates of globalization changes and European integration, such as: maximizing the geometric mean return, the systematic fundamental factor models, the output and inputs of a factor model, Barra...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Strategy Research on Precise Poverty Alleviation Model of Rural E-Commerce Informationization

Lin Chen
The information chain between production and consumption is broken, and the agricultural production chain is missing due to the deterioration of function for the supply and marketing cooperatives that work as a bridge. This work made a detailed explanation of the strategy for rural e-commerce informatization,...
Proceedings Article

Methodological aspects of the construction of the innovative model of a sustainable development of cities in the imperatives of contemporary policy of the Organization of the United Nations: essence and modernization

Irina Bogomolova, Vitaly Borovik, Lyudmila Mashentsova
The problems of the provision of a sustainable development of cities and inhabited localities at the September Summit of 2015 held by the Organization of the United Nations are categorized as ones of the most important for the nearest years. In the article on the basis of the methodological research...
Proceedings Article

Methodology of Research of World Economy as Three-Sector System of Economics in Conditions of Financial Globalization

I.Sh. Khasanov
In the world economy, exporting countries, which supply goods, importing countries that form demand for goods, interact, and third countries act as exporters and importers. Products and services that are traded on world markets are the goods of three sectors (groups of industries) of the national economy...
Proceedings Article

The Mechanism of Resource Constrained Innovation in Technological SMEs: A Case Study on the Perspective of Resource-focused Action

Jingqin Su, Jingjing Lin
We explore how technology SMEs can improve their capabilities through resource-focused actions and break through resource constraints in this particular resource-constrain situation and become a hidden champion in the industry. By providing insight into the relation between resource-focused action and...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Tourism Development of Local Real Estate Price in China

Jing Tie, Wenjing Zhao, Dan Wu
In recent years, the living standards of people continue to improve with the rapid development and rise of China. The Chinese tourism and real estate industry have become an vital strength of economic contribution in China. The coordinated development and relationship between the industries have attracted...
Proceedings Article

Quality Evaluation of World's Top 40 Universities Based on Multivariate Analysis

Mengran Yuan
University comprehensive quality evaluation is an important method to evaluate the quality of World University. Scoring on a university via the study and research of all aspects of a university , is an ideal way to show the whole picture of a university, that is, its quality level is built on the comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Practical Teaching System of Application-Oriented Undergraduate E-Commerce Specialty Based on OBE Concept

Mengmegn Zhang
Scientifically and rationally setting up an applied undergraduate practice teaching system is the core task of deepening the reform of the talent training model and continuously improving the quality of personnel training. Based on the OBE concept and the investigation of the talent needs of employers,...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Exchange Rate Shocks on Prices of China - ASEAN Free Trade Area

Yaxian Lu, Jin Shuang
This paper mainly discusses the correlation between exchange rate and price, which is conducive to the study of economic and trade development between China and ASEAN Free Trade Area. The research method is mainly using VAR model with related data of exchange rate and price, researching and analyzing...
Proceedings Article

Research on Student-Centered Financial Aid to College Students With Financial Difficulties

Rui Zhang
From the perspective of concept and practice, this paper proposes to update the concept of funding work and improve economic funding through policy review, investigation and analysis of relevant units. Measures to enhance personal ability, including fund from government, banks, schools and society, should...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Covid-19 on Movie Industry in China During 2020

He Qing Wang
Covid-19 has had a huge impact on the world economy as a whole, including China, and the impact on the film industry is inevitable. This article studies the impact of Covid-19 on cinema ticket sales and industry development. Using data and graphic analysis, it shows the changes in movie theater ticket...
Proceedings Article

Awareness and Attitude of Young People in Hanoi City Toward Environmentally Friendly Products: A Case Study of Bio-Plastic Bags

Trinh Thu THUY, Nguyen Thi Bich NGUYET
The awareness and attitude of consumers towards the use of biodegradable plastic bags are important in minimizing environmental pollution caused by plastic bags usage. Awareness of plastic bags’ harmful effects on the environment helps limit the use of plastic bags and reducing environmental pollution...
Proceedings Article

Better Ways to Make Investment Decisions

Ke Hua
With the development of the economy, the focus of the company’s development shifts to investment decision-making. The indicators used in evaluating investment options are divided into discounted and non-discounted indicators. Discounted indicators take the time value factor into account, including net...
Proceedings Article

The Main Psycholinguistic Problems of International Students in the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom

Inna Rubakova, Alina Vasko
In the modern world, intercultural and international education is becoming more and more in demand. The number of exchange programs for students from different countries is growing every year; opportunities are opening up to receive education abroad and gain experience in intercultural communication....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Impact of Increasing Non-Tax State Revenue Directorate General of Intellectual Property on the Quality of Public Services in the Field of Intellectual Property at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property

Bayu Santoso, Eleonora Sofildsa, Dini Hariyanti
As mandated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the policies to increase State Revenue through intensification and extensification efforts continue to be carried out, one of which is through Non-Tax State Revenue. Non-Tax State Revenue is expected to contribute to financing national...
Proceedings Article

Financial Literacy in Promoting Sustainable Finance

A. Ruban Christopher, A. R. Nithya
In an era marked by heightened environmental awareness and concerns about the long-term health of our planet, sustainable finance has gained significant traction as a means to align financial activities with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. At the heart of this transformation lies...
Proceedings Article

Green Entrepreneurial Leadership Style

E. Nivedha, M. N. Prabadevi
Technology advancement is both a blessing and a curse because it has caused a shift in people’s lifestyles that is harmful to both humans and the environment. People are shifting toward more sustainable lifestyles as a result of the exploitation of the earth for the sake of development. This shift in...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Information and Communication Technology-Based Knowledge Management on Employee Innovation to Solve Work Problems

Tacbir Hendro Pudjiantoro, Syamsul Hadi Senen, Eeng Ahman, Hari Mulyadi
Information technology-based knowledge management can improve employee performance innovation. This research aims to find many studies that deal with knowledge management based on information technology and innovation of employees to solve the problems they face. This research is a review of articles...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Corporate Financialization Deviation on Corporate Financial Stability

Jinlin Tan
Against the backdrop of a cooling real economy, the financialization tendency of non-financial enterprises has been growing. It is of great significance for maintaining the healthy and stable development of enterprises to reasonably define the appropriate level of corporate financialization and guide...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Information Symmetry and the Size in the Team with the Choices Between Personal and Common Interests in the Group

Yihao Wu
Teamwork is extremely important from everyday life to international relations. Nonetheless, plenty of issues are created during collaboration. To be specific, there is free rider problem, unequal distribution, outcome distribution. This article argues, through a cross-section of literature and experimental...
Proceedings Article

Research on SysML-Based Urban-village Security Administration System

Xiaoning Zhu, Liwei Yang, Jiasheng Han
Urban-village is a special and widespread phenomenon which has been resulted from urban-rural dual structure. Urban-village security problem is the major difficulty for urban governance. As the reconstruction of Urban-village can't be accomplished in one-time action, Urban-village security problems will...
Proceedings Article

Study on New Medial Application in College Ideological and Political Education

Zhongheng Luan
In recent years, social media represented by microblog and WeChat have become the ideal way for communication. Nowadays, the scale of netizens in China has broken through 600 million, where mobile phone netizens are in the majority. College students are a large-scale group among the netizens. New media...
Proceedings Article

Microfinance Strengthening Analysis: Strategic HRM And Innovation Performance In Processing Industry In Makassar

Idayanti Nursyamsi, Ria Mardiana
This paper aims to analyze the direct and indirect effect of strategic human resource management on performance innovation and microfinance strenghtening in processing industry in Makassar. This research also tests four hypotheses in the research concept. Research design uses causality concept to measure...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Customer Trust and Its Implication

Nandan Limakrisna, Deden Komar Priatna, Winna Roswina
The real conditions a Sharia Banking in Bandung, shows that there is a very loyal customer which contributes more than 50 percent of the Moslem. The conditions reinforce the notion that the profit sharing and customer relationship have an influence in determining customer trust and in turn has implications...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Impact of Industrial Structure on GDP and Economic Growth in China Based on Multiple Regression

Xiaoyi Liang
The transformation of industrial structure and economic growth are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Under certain conditions, the change of industrial structure is the basis of economic growth and the main factor to promote economic growth.This paper summarizes the GDP and the growth rate of...
Proceedings Article

Discussion of University Performance-Related Pay Incentive Mechanism Based on the Analysis of Gini Coefficient

Ying Zhang, Ming-Ming Huang
A university performance-related pay analysis using Gini Coefficient, through the questionnaire survey data to calculate a new performance-related pay university Gini Coefficient of 0.33, the corollary of Gini Coefficient 0.33-0.4 is the reasonable value of the university performance-related pay. The...
Proceedings Article

Developing Risk Management Framework at Fat-and-Oil Industry Enterprises

Igor Posokhov, Yulia Zhadan, Myroslava Korin, Hanna Obruch
The aim of the article is consideration of questions associated with the risk management mechanism formation at the Ukrainian fat-and-oil industry enterprises. The purpose of the article is to study the issues of developing risk management framework at industrial facilities and modern scientific publications...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Digital Marketing in Improving Sales to SMEs in Dealing with ASEAN Economic Community

Mohamad Trio Febriyantoro, Debby Arisandi
Technology continues to grow, and the benefits of the Internet increasingly felt for users who can not be separated from the Internet, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in utilizing information technology to run its business. An increasing number of competitors into consideration for business...
Proceedings Article

Development of the Designing Capability of Scientific Approach-Based Learning Tools

Iyus Akhmad Haris, Nyoman Sujana
The purpose of this study is to increase student competence in developing learning tools based on scientific approachthrough learning strategies and design courses in the Economic Education Study Program at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. This research was conducted in 2019...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Risk Assessment and Zoning of Sea Ice Disaster in Shandong Province

Benkun Yuan, Jie Shang, Shan Zhong, Qingrong Liu, Ge Li, Yan Jiao, Chengqing Ruan
Sea ice disaster is one of the main marine disasters in Shandong province. To carry out risk assessment and zoning of sea ice disaster is helpful to guide the coastal governments at all levels to formulate and optimize the decision-making of sea ice disaster prevention and mitigation. Through selecting...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Sand Mining Areas in Lumajang Using WEBGIS

Usman Nurhasan, Pramana Yoga Saputra
Mining process can also be described as the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth, usually from an orebody, lode, vein, seam, reef or placer deposit. These deposits form a mineralized package that is of economic interest to the miner. Mining is one of the sectors...
Proceedings Article

Defining Radicals: Comparison Between Language Style Used in Social Media Between Government-Approved and Radical Moslem Group

Rian Hardinata, Ms. Liestyowati
Lately, there is a rise on Muslim radical groups topic in Indonesia. Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) is one of a group deemed as the militant group that endangers Indonesia's unity according to the official statement by Wiranto, Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, on behalf of ÿIndonesian...
Proceedings Article

Research on Status Quo and Countermeasures of Cold Chain Logistics of Agricultural Products in Hunan Province*

Bo Wei
This paper conducts a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the development status and main problems of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Hunan Province. The countermeasures for the development of cold chain logistics for agricultural products are put forward from the aspects of...
Proceedings Article

Forms of Interaction of Participants of Timber Industry Clusters in North-West Russia

A Plastinin, O. Sushko
The field study was conducted in order to identify the forms of interaction of cluster participants and the scale of the clustering process of the Russian timber industry complex. The timber industry complex of Russia is characterized by weak cooperation of timber industry enterprises using a common...
Proceedings Article

Attitude of Students with Disabilities to Tutorial Assistance at the University

S. T. Kokhan, S. A. Ivanov, S. E. Starostina
The article presents the results of students’ opinions sociological research in the framework of the inclusive education process, adaptation and social rehabilitation of students with disabilities. The article shows that the most students have a positive attitude towards co-education with special students...
Proceedings Article

Revisiting the Role of Intellectual Capital on Firms’ Performance: Indonesian Evidence

F. Nancy, D. Sulistiawan, F.A. Rudiawarni
The purpose of this study is to revisit the effect of intellectual capital on firms’ performance. This study develops previous researches by measuring firm performance from various dimensions. Further analysis is performed by dividing the sample based on firm size. Using Indonesian data, the results...
Proceedings Article

Asset Growth, Investment Opportunity Set, Free Cash Flow as Determination of Dividend Payment Probability for Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia

Rasyid Hs Umrie, Samadi W Bakar, Supardi Bakri
The purpose of this paper to investigate the asset growth, investment opportunity set, free cash flow on dividend payment probability. Non probability sampling research sample with selected purposive sampling of 101 manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The research period is 2016-2018. The unit of analysis...
Proceedings Article

Study on Synergistic Development of Ice and Snow Industry Between Heilongjiang Province and Russia

Shouwen Wang
The continuous development of economy and society and the strengthening of international trade cooperation lead to more economic, political and cultural exchanges between China and its neighbors. As an important neighbor of China, Russia has strong edges in geographical location, politics and economy,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Shaping Path of Government Image From the Government New Media

Li Luo, Kexin Hu
The government new media as the “bridge” between the government and the public is an important platform for shaping the image of the government. The investigation showed that the use of the government new media needs to be improved, the public participation rate is low, and the public preferences are...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Demographic Factors on Investment Decisions in Indonesia in the Pandemic Time Covid-19

Asri Nur Wahyuni, Yanti Puji Astuti
Investment growth in Indonesia is increasing. This can be seen in the increase in the number of investment instruments available in the market. People are starting to become aware of the need for investment. They began to make investment a necessity that must be met. Demographic factors as a reflection...
Proceedings Article

Digital Transformation of the Supply Chain Network

Z.B. Khmelnitskaya, P.L. Sizov
The article analyzes the implementation of digital technologies in supply chain management systems. The principles and tasks for digitization of supply chains are described. The digital technologies and their implementation, used for the improvement of efficiency in supply chain management, are described....
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Opportunity Costs in Financial Management in Connection to the Economic Profit

Dusan Karpac, Viera Bartosova
The main goal of the paper is to present the position of opportunity costs in the analysis of financial management. The article discusses the costs of lost opportunities, explains their importance for the financial management of business entities and, based on a theoretical basis, points to the need...
Proceedings Article

Spatial Analysis of Russian University Excellence Centers and Calculation of Regional University Competitiveness

Vladimir Moskovkin, LiuYawei, Zhang He, Elena Pupynina
Fifty one Russian universities that entered at least one of the rankings such as QS or THE in past three years were identified. These universities were grouped according to 23 regions of Russia. We counted the number of universities in each region and calculated their aggregate positioning in each of...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Strategy: Covid-19 VS Tourism Village

Case Study of Social Media Utilization in Sidetape Village North Bali

Nyoman Dini Andiani, A.A.N. Yudha Martin Mahardika, Trianasari Trianasari, Putu Indah Rahmawati
The purpose of this study is to determine the most effective promotional media to use during the pandemic of covid 19. With so many promotional media that make use of information technology, this research aims to assist tourist villages, specifically the Sidetapa tourist village, in determining priority...
Proceedings Article

Factor Analysis of Performance Appraisal with Employee Performance Promoter Score Approach in Hotel Sector in West Sumatera

Trisna Putra, Youmil Abrian, Arif Adrian
This research is motivated by the importance of performance appraisal in the hospitality sector, performance appraisal can be interpreted as the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. Seeing the importance...
Proceedings Article

Humanizing the Fourth Industry Revolution in Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Munia Ahamed, Mohd Fairuz Abd Rahim, Abdul Aziz Ahmad
The transition to Industry 4.0 and the growing adoption of new digital technologies in industrial operations present new challenges and opportunities in terms of human work and work organization. To overcome these obstacles and seize emerging opportunities, new socio-technical and human-centered design...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Impact of Enterprise Information Disclosure Quality on Corporate Operation

——An Analysis Perspective Based on the Mandatory or Non-Mandatory Nature of Information Disclosure and Disclosure Media

Tengfei Wei
Corporate disclosure has received increasing attention in recent years as a way for investors to understand companies. While existing research focuses on the truthfulness of corporate disclosure, this paper analyzes the impact of corporate disclosure quality on both internal and external aspects of the...
Proceedings Article

Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City

Danielle Kai Ying, Alysha Samantha Antonius, Yossy Fauziah, Virgie Alyka Putri, Fuad Wahdan Muhibuddin
Studies have shown that the earth has taken massive damages due to unsustainable living methods humans have applied over the last decades. Hence, this study attempted to review various methods in supporting the SDGs and the possibilities in conducting them. Such modification is ought to be implemented...
Proceedings Article

The Negative Effects Caused by COVID-19 and in Catering Industries in China

Mijian Han, Zehua Lai, Weihang Zhang
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst global health emergencies in modern history. Like many other industries, the restaurant industry has also been attacked hardly by the pandemic. After COVID-19 happened, more than 90% of restaurants were closed following the restrictions of the Chinese government....
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Research on LDA Model Focusing on Smart Logistics

Zhenyu Zhao, Yuyuan Feng, Feiyang Zhang
The rapid development of mobile Internet, so that a large number of logistics facilities to achieve interoperability, "smart logistics" concept is increasingly mentioned. The concept of "smart logistics" has been mentioned more and more. The development of smart logistics, combining...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Selection of Educational Tourism Subsidies——A Case Of Educational Tourism From 2000–2007 in China

Tingting Ni, Cheng Liu, Junyi Wei
The development of China’s educational tourism market restricting its sustainability of financial shortcomings has an apparent policy-oriented feature. We investigate the supply-side subsidy and the two-way subsidy and find: In the choice of subsidy method, the two-side subsidy is more effective when...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Needed Abilities of Professional Teacher in University

Lei Hu, Jiang Li
This paper investigates the basic meaning and major duties of teacher in university on basis of defining the meaning of university, professional course and professional teacher, then discuss the needed abilities of a professional teacher in university.
Proceedings Article

China-ASEAN Free Trade Area of E-commerce Development

Molin Wang, Hongkun Li, Yongsong Liu, Lisheng Yang, Yunlong Duan
Create a board upgrade of China-Asean Free Trade Area, e-commerce plays a very important role, its current development still exist many problems, actively explore how to improve the service system, to build the "One Belt, One Road", electricity supplier ASEAN new strategic platform, for the free trade...
Proceedings Article

HR-management tools as the elements of labour market adaptation mechanism

Alexandr Kokovikhin, Ivan Borisov, Natalia Sharapova, Valentina Sharapova
This paper shows that national specifics of labour market determines management tools of labour market adaptation mechanism. The aim of the research is to identify management tools of labour market adaptation, using data of Russian Federation. Methodology research includes publication research, an in-depth...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Shifting Cultivation Using Agro-ecology Approach

Xuan Minh Tran, Guoping Lei, Ngoc Dan Nguyen
Traditional shifting cultivation is a long-standing practice that has contributed to self-sufficiency and self-supply in the lives of mountainous ethnic minorities in the long history. However, it is the direct cause of deforestation; Uncontrolled burning of vegetation is also a major cause of forest...
Proceedings Article

W-win Model Research on Construction of New Energy Vehicle Charging Facilities and Economic Development of the New Urban

Yue Yu, Lei Zhang
Based on the analysis of the software and hardware characteristics of the new urban area(The new urban include economic development zone, University City, economic cooperation zone, science and Technology Park, etc.), we make full use of its advantages and design scheme of charging facilities construction...
Proceedings Article

Issues of Development of Methodologies to Measure Inequality and Poverty in Transition to New Sources of Information

O.S. Oleynik, M.P. Pridachuk
The paper provides grounds for different methodological approaches to measure inequality and poverty of the Russian population. The assessment of poverty level was carried out using direct data of the survey of household budgets and the specific analytical model. The authors have proved the need to expand...
Proceedings Article

Application of Standardization Management in Information System Project Research

Qiulin Wang, Li Zhuang, Yang Li, Huaigang Zhang
With the continuous progress of science and technology, the application of standardized management system has been paid more and more attention. The so-called enterprise standardized management is the implementation management of engineering projects and the formulation of corresponding charters to carry...
Proceedings Article

Research on QFD-based Bicycle-sharing Function Optimization from the Perspective of Public Management

Lingfang Huang
The popularity of shared bicycles greatly facilitates people's travel, and at the same time, the concept of environmental protection is deeply rooted in people’s hearts. If the bicycle sharing industry wants to maintain a long-term development in the market, manufacturers should design products that...
Proceedings Article

Digital economy as a result of the genesis of the information revolution of society

D.M. Nazarov, E.K. Fitina, A.O. Juraeva
The article presents the author's view on the emergence of the digital economy in the context of the prevailing economic theories, based on an analysis of the processes of information revolutions in society. Informational revolutions are considered as points of bifurcation of social development. The...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction: The Case of Agriculture Department of Tanah Datar Regency

Deri Elsa Fitri, Syamsul Amar, Abror Abror
Human resources are a contribution to the growth and development of the organization. The achievement in organization is determined by the role of human resources quality. This study aims to analyze and explain the significant influence of leadership on working climate, leadership on work motivation,...
Proceedings Article

Study on Versions and Circulation of Lu Shan Ji Written by Shunyu Chen

Xiaoyun Ji
Shun-yu Chen, whose style name was Ling-ju, was born in Wucheng, Huzhou. He lived in Northern Song dynasty, but there was no clear record on his birth date. Chen was erudite and knowledgeable. He succeeded in the highest imperial examinations in the sixth year of Qingli, and won the first place in Zhiju,...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Influence of Central Business District on House Market Price: a Case Study of Nanchang City, China

Junsong Jia, Yueyue Rong, Zhongyu Gu, Dongming Xie
It is significant to make clear the influence of the city’s central business district (CBD) on the surrounding house market price (HMP), which is reflected by the following indicators: rental and purchase price. Thus, taking Nanchang of China as a case, we choose two CBDs (Bayi Square and Honggutan)...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Indonesian Foreign Debt

Ali Anis, Hari Setia Putra, Widia Ayu Lastri
This study aims to determine and analyze the factors that influence foreign debt in Indonesia with influencing variables including economic growth, inflation, and foreign interest rates. This type of research is associative descriptive research, where the data used are secondary data from 1970 to 2017...
Proceedings Article

Results of Economic Activity of Personal Subsidiary Plots Engaged in Distant-Pasture Animal Husbandry in the Republic of Tuva

Regina Taibyl, Chayana Darzhaa, Amarsanaa Bor
Animal husbandry is a means of subsistence and a major source of income for families in rural areas in the Central Asia. The article discusses the results of economic activity of personal subsidiary plots engaged in livestock in the Republic of Tuva. The Republic of Tuva lies at the Asian part of Russia...
Proceedings Article

Attendance Challenge Peer to Peer Lending Economic Development in Indonesia

Alum Simbolon, Irene Puteri
The big challenge to be aware of the government over the presence of peer to peer lending in the economic development of Indonesia, and even pose many risks for related parties. Risks to the organizers collector (user), to the recipient (borrower) and to the lender (investor), and risk of loss to the...
Proceedings Article

The Feasibility Analysis and Construction Strategy of Cultural Tourism Circle in Great Xi’an

Zhiyan Ren
The foundation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism indicates integration of culture and tourism is the theme of tourism development. By strengthening the concept of culture and tourism integration, implementing integrated management, Great Xi’an can enhance regional integration and realize Great Xi’an...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Digital Government in Digital Economy

Bingqian Chen
“ Digital government “is an important content to promote the construction of digital China. China’s digital government construction can be divided into three stages: the embryonic stage, the growth stage and the consolidation stage. Now it has entered the comprehensive promotion stage, and the theoretical...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Perspective on the Competency of Internet of Thing-Based Lecturers as a Basic Skill in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Annur Fitri Hayati, Jean Elikal Marna
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is currently needed to produce competitive human resources. Higher education is the highest institution that produces the most workforce, so universities must increase the capacity and capability of their lecturers. Educational competencies are competencies related...
Proceedings Article

Advertising Investment on Marketplace to Conversion Rate

A Case Study on Kurma Alif Advertising Strategy Decision

Mutiara Nisa Rozdianda
This Research purpose is to analyze and evaluate the Company’s decision on effectivity digital advertising investment for conversion rate, especially in the marketplace. The analysis for this research is conducted using qualitative research through marketing funnel analysis in a case study method that...
Proceedings Article

Continuous Engagement in Social Media Contest Does Experience Matter?

Rinka Apsari, Daniel Tumpal Hamonangan Aruan
This study assessed the effect of past experience to increase the intention to re-participate in social media contest and emphasize the important role in designing sales promotion strategy in social media. A cross-sectional survey was conducted online in Indonesia, reaching a sample of 309 individuals...
Proceedings Article

Impacts of Apple’s M1 SoC on the Technology Industry

Xiaokai Liao, Bairong Li, Jionghui Li
The Apple’s M1 System-on-a-Chip, a highly integrated processing unit that has all the essential components to a fully-functional computer, has brought lower power consumption in general to buyers in the laptop and desktop markets without sacrificing much performance. This study was aimed to investigate...
Proceedings Article

The Development Prospects of Heart Rate Monitor

Zhenyi Liu
Nowadays, heart rate monitors are common to be seen in daily life. However, current monitors are simple and sometimes provide inaccurate results. Thus, a sophisticated heart rate monitor is critical for researchers to invent. This paper focuses on the development of a heart rate monitor. This paper mainly...
Proceedings Article

Conditions for the Reproduction of Human Capital in a Sustainable City on the Example of Krasnodar

Eleanor Chernenko, Inna Lebedeva, Victoriya Kupina
Ideally, a sustainable city creates a sustainable lifestyle in four areas: ecology, economics, politics and culture. The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of “healthy lifestyle” - it is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life,...
Proceedings Article

The Rise of Online Shopping with Augmented Reality, for the New Hope of Indonesian Economics Rebound

Iisnawati Iisnawati, Taufiq Marwa, Zakaria Wahab, Muchsin Saggaff Shihab
Indonesian economics growth is in the lowest position at the Q1 of 2020 due to pandemic Covid-19, including in business sector. Now, business sector is starting to raise up by maximizing online channel and develop their technology. E-commerce/Marketplace in Indonesia has involved AR technology in process...
Proceedings Article

Competitiveness and Influence of Indonesia’s Coal Exports on International Trade: Case Study of 5 Destination Countries

Shila Herbigovina, Eni Setyowati
This study intends to evaluate the competitiveness of Indonesian coal commodities and to quantify the impact of GDP per capita, population, exchange rate, and price ratio on the volume of coal exported from Indonesia to other nations. Exporting countries (India, the Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, and...
Proceedings Article

Empowerment of Inter-Student Achievements as a Form of Manifestation “Mapres Copy Mapres” Sustainable

Nadila Rizky Amelia, Irfan Wahendra, Stefani Wijaya, Jefril Rahmadoni
Currently, students face many opportunities and golden opportunities for self-development, both from on-campus and off-campus activities. Self-development could be through competitions between students, scholarship programs, student exchange programs, and various internship programs available from small...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Evaluation of Supermarket Chain Agricultural Products Supply Chain Performance Based on Improved FCE

Ning Cui, Jun Wang
In the context of rural revitalization, it is important to study the performance evaluation of agricultural products supply chain. Based on previous research, this paper refers to the more typical and advanced fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method used in supply chain performance evaluation, considers...