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188759 articles

Social Role and Gender Equality in the Gender Mainstreaming Era: The Meaning of Subjectivity Study of Female Students Perception in Jakarta State University

Wuri Handayani
It is necessary to vary the meaning and extension of the legitimacy of the concept of traditional gender roles in gender discourse as the essence of gender equality. Gender equality that has been pursued through programs to empower women with the main aspects of economic income (in addition to education,...

Evaluation of Teaching Materials in Writing Literature Text at SMPIT Masjid Syuhada Yogyakarta

Hanifah Nurunnikmah, Tadkiroatun Musfiroh
This study aims to determine the results of evaluation for teaching materials used by teachers to implement literary writing skills learning in the 2013 curriculum at Syuhada Junior High School. This study uses a qualitative approach with a description method. The population in this study were students...

The Incidence and Timing of Blood Cultures in Multiple Myeloma – Results from a Retrospective, Single Center, Real-World Study

Agoston Gyula Szabo, Katrine Fladeland Iversen, Flemming Schønning Rosenvinge, Sören Möller, Torben Plesner
Pages: 168 - 172

Women’s Participation Pattern in Coastal Tourism Communication in Sawarna Beach Lebak District Banten Province Indonesia

Irmulansati Tomohardjo, Ida Anggraeni Ananda, Santa Margaretha Niken Restaty
This study aims to determine the pattern of women’s participation in coastal tourism communication in Sawarna Beach, Bayah District, Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia. The research method is a case study, qualitative descriptive and in-depth interview data collection techniques to key informants,...

A Study on the Path, Mechanism and Government Behavior of Improving the Timeliness of Clearance in China—Taking Overall Customs Clearance Time in Chongqing as an Example

Gu Jijian
The World Bank evaluates the business environment of various countries and uses the customs clearance time as a carrier to rank countries in the world. China’s ranking in the world is obviously inconsistent with China’s status as an economic and political power. On the basis of the customs clearance...

The Geopolitical Transformation of the World Order at the Turn of the Twentieth - Twenty-First Centuries: Modern Realities and Prospects

Sergey Alekseevich Butorov, Aleksey Sergeevich Butorov, Olga Mihailovna Kanygina
The article is devoted to the analysis of the geopolitical transformation of the world order at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries. The author defines the concept of “geopolitical transformation of the world order”, outlines the chronological framework of this process. The article describes the changes...

Implementation of Sport Development Index (SDI) in Makassar Based on CIPP Evaluation Model

This study aims to resume the Sports Development Index or SDI implementation in the Makassar city South Sulawesi province. It determines the components based on evaluation CIPP include context, input, process, and product. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach in the administrative region...

Research on Optimization Strategy of Online Course Teaching of College Chinese during the Epidemic

Xiying Xia
During the special period when everyone fights against the epidemic to prevent its further spreading, large-scale online teaching practice has brought new technologies, new ideas and new energy into traditional teaching, which promoted the profound ideological innovation of curriculum teaching. During...

Factors That Influence the Interests of Households in Medicinal Plants Farming in the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation

Aflahun Fadhly Siregar, Salsabila, Ade Firmansyah Tanjung
Utilization of available yards is one effort that can be done to cultivate the plants, especially medicinal plants during the Covid-19 pandemic. Various kinds of medicinal plants can be planted in the available yard, such as ginger, temulawak, turmeric, piper betle, lemongrass, and others. The products...

Conceptual and Adaptive Performance of Tax Volunteer on Tax Reporting Services During the Pandemic

Rosalita Rachma Agusti, Hanifa Maulani Ramadhan
One of the implementations of information technology in the field of taxation is marked by tax reform to improve services to taxpayers and to create modern tax administration. The Directorate General of Taxes develops cooperation programs with other agencies related to create golden tax generation of...
Research Article

In silico-based Discovery of New Potential Drugs Targeting Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Spike Glycoprotein

Hayam Abdelkader, Mahmoud Rifaat, Mohammed Baghdadi, Nariman Sindi, Radwa Rifaat
Pages: 168 - 178
The SARS-CoV-2-induced novel coronavirus disease has become a global pandemic. As the latest coronavirus variants are even more infectious and deadly, its treatment is very difficult. Currently used drugs such as remdesivir, saquinavir, and chloroquine have several drawbacks. Recent studies have reported...

Interest and Reading Ability of Islamic Education Student in Increasing Teacher Candidates Competence

Anisa Dwi Makrufi, Yusuf Abdul Hasan, Tumin, Ilma Nafi’ah
Reading activities have a very positive impact, including being able to stimulate mentally, reduce stress, add insight, improve memory quality, train thinking and analysis skills. The teacher’s interest and reading power are needed in order to strengthen his competence in carrying out the learning process....

Investigation of the Risk Awareness of Wearing Masks by the Public during COVID-19 According to the Health Belief Questionnaires of Shanxi Province Residents

Hou Ruyi, Duan Tingyu, Sui Chunying, Wu Yibo, Wang Xiujun, Wang Yujie, Sun Yu
Pages: 168 - 175
When some parts of the world are still debating whether the public wearing masks will help prevent and control the COVID-19. We have used questionnaires to investigate the wearing of masks and its influencing factors among residents in 11 cities in Shanxi Province. The questionnaire was designed based...
Proceedings Article

Development of Swimming Sport in Tanjungpinang City

Andri Gemaini, Argantos, Bafirman
This research aims to determine development of swimming sport, that viewed from Coach qualifications, athlete conditions, supporting facilities conditions, and mechanism of swimming sport organizations in Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province. This research is qualitative research, informant from...

Teacher Competency of Vocational High School (SMK) in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Johar Maknun, M Syaom Barliana, Yulia Rahmawati, Dinn Wahyudin
The world is currently in the industrial revolution 4.0 era, which is marked by new technological advances that are physically, digitally, and biologically integrated. According to several studies, technology is likely to replace the role of teachers assuming their function is limited to the transfer...

Design of Warehouse Management Experiment Based on the Combination of Virtuality and Reality

Xiulian Hu, Yi-Fei Chuang
For the purpose of cultivating and bringing up application-oriented warehouse management talents, this paper points out the pain points of warehouse management experiment on the basis of analyzing the teaching status of logistics management specialty, and puts forward an experimental teaching mode of...

Research on the External Communication of Grand Canal Culture in the Context of “the Belt and Road Initiative”: The Case of Zaozhuang Section

Yunfei Zhang
This paper discusses the current situation and analyzes the existing problems of the external communication of the Grand Canal culture in Zaozhuang, and then provides some suggestions on how to strengthen the external communication of the Grand Canal culture in Zaozhuang in the context of “the Belt and...

Evidence by Criminal Cases About Fraud with Using of Electronic Payment Facilities

Dmitry Tatianin, Elena Tensina, Larisa Tatianina
In this article specific debatable questions about evidence by criminal cases about fraud which was made with using of electronic payment facilities are considered. Practically there are some questions of delimitation of criminal from civil matters and also determination of mechanisms of stealing with...

Selecting Innovative Approaches to Teaching English to Law Students Via Questionnaire Analysis

Liudmyla Balykina-Halanets, Ivan Balykin
English in Ukraine is one of the integral parts of the training of future lawyers, but there is a problem in accordance with the knowledge of the language by graduates. To solve the problem, in 2018-2019 the authors conducted a survey at five universities of Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Law...

School Literacy Movement

Nurul Septiani, Leli Kurniawati
Literacy is an ability that students must develop from an early age. This literacy is related to reading and writing. This ability will later become provisions for future children’s lives in their daily lives. However, the level of literacy in Indonesia is still low. This condition shows that the Indonesian...

The Development of E-Learning in the Philosophy of Tri Hita Karana Concept on the Natural Science Course in PGSD Study Program, FIP UNDIKSHA

I Gede Margunayasa, I Made Citra Wibawa, Nyoman Kusmariyatni, I Gusti Ayu Tri Agustiana, Luh Sri Surya Wisma Jayanti
The problems experienced by natural science lecturers in the PGSD study program include: (1) there was no e-learning device containing the Tri Hita Karana concept in the Science course in PGSD Study program, (2) the e-learning learning system for the natural Science course in PGSD study program was not...

An Uncertain and Preference Evaluation Model with Basic Uncertain Information in Educational Management

Cheng Zhu, Er Zi Zhang, Zhen Wang, Ronald R. Yager, Zhi Song Chen, Le Sheng Jin, Zhen-Song Chen
Pages: 168 - 173
Most of the evaluation problems are comprehensive and with ever-increasingly more uncertainties. By quantifying the involved uncertainties, Basic Uncertain Information can both well handle and merge those uncertainties in the input information. This study proposed a two-level comprehensive evaluation...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Housewives to Increase the Immunity of Family Members During Covid-19 Pandemic

Dwi A. Rahayu, Reni Ambarwati, Rinie P. Puspitawati, Isnawati, Nur Kuswanti
Currently we are battling with the outbreak of a new type of infectious disease known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This virus causes severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). The spread of SARS-CoV-2 from human to human becomes the main transmission source; hence the rate...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between the Post Power Syndrome and the Fulfillment Needs of Activity Daily Living of Elderly in Graha Werdha Aussi Kusuma Lestari

Anastasia Oli Ina Ladopurab, Indriati Kusumaningsih, Paramitha Wirdani Ningsih Marlina
Background: The elderly is a period of decline in biological function that cannot be avoided by every human being. The decline in biological function can affect various aspects of life including physical, psychological, and social aspects. One change in social roles that has a major impact on the elderly...

The Powers of the Court of First Instance for the Reconciliation of the Parties in the Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation

Evgeny N. Kulyushin
The article is devoted to the study of the varieties of the powers of the court of first instance to reconcile the parties in the administrative proceedings of the Russian Federation in order to clarify the list of cases in administrative proceedings and the conditions under which the possibility of...

Analysis on the Factors Influencing the International Competitiveness of Shanxi Agricultural Products

Yaqi Jin, Yulan Du
With the further improvement of China’s opening to the outside world, the export volume of agricultural products in Shanxi Province has also shown a rising state, which not only promotes the development of Shanxi’s economy to a certain extent, but also benefits the growth of its agricultural industry....

Findings Related to Student Identity Using the Large-Scale Civic Education Datasets

Ryan T. Knowles
This presentation reveals the results of a content analysis of 101 secondary analysis publications that utilized either the IEA CIVED or IEA ICCS datasets. The analysis was conducted in three steps: deciding inclusion criteria, conducting a literature search, and synthesizing research specific aims....

The Role of Motivation Mediates the Effect of Partner Style and Team Identity Salience on Professional Skepticisms

Ida Bagus Anom Yasa, I Ketut Sukayasa, I Ketut Parnata
Professional skepticism is the basic construction in auditing, which must be carried out by the auditor, during the implementation of each engagement. Concerns are expressed by regulators, because auditors do not consistently apply professional skepticism. This study aims to analyze the role of motivation...

English Learning Achievement of Multilingual Learners Through Digital Literacy Practices

Fauris Zuhri
Developing and implementing digital literacy practices for multilingual learners can gradually enhance their achievement of learning English. They have different first language backgrounds by developing and implementing digital literacy practices in multilingual learners, progressively, but they are...

The Psychological Dynamics of Prisoners Undergoing Assimilation Program During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Khoirun Nisak
One of the problems in Indonesian penitentiaries is overcapacity. Most of the penitentiaries have exceeded more than 100% of their capacity. The implementation of the assimilation program that was previously carried out independently in a penitentiary or in cooperation with the third parties by providing...

Study on Effective Cooperation of University-Admission Mode in Guangdong- Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Ying Sun
According to the Outline of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GHMGBA)’s Development Plan, higher education should play an important role to accelerate the country’s development. The author investigates the current admission mode of the all kinds of universities in GHMGBA and analyse their advantages...

An Analysis of the Use of Diction on Covid-19 News in

Zainudin Syafari, Lalu Muhaimi, N Nuriadi
The aim of this study is to analyze the use of diction in Covid-19 reporting on the news site written by Dahlan Iskan, a senior Indonesian journalist. This study to analyze the diction based on the Gorys Keraf theory which includes; (1) diction based on meaning consist of denotation and connotation...

United States–Russia Space Cooperation Post-Crimea Annexation

US Agenda of Strategic Engagement

Muhammad Kamil Ghiffary Abdurrahman
This paper discusses US policy regarding the decision to extend space cooperation agreements with Russia. The relationship between the United States and Russia was harmed and stretched by Russia’s decision to annex Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula. However, President Barack Obama actually had the final...

Take Madame Butterfly’s Heroine as an Example to Discuss Puccini’s Characterization Characteristics and Causes

Yu Liu
Madama Butterfly, one of the ten most famous operas in the world, is one of Puccini’s great realistic operas, and its cultural and artistic values are outstanding. This paper takes the tragic heroine in Puccini’s Madama Butterfly as the starting point and tries to summarize the characteristics of Puccini’s...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Giving Bay Leaf (Syzygium polyanthum) Extract Into Drinking Water on External Morphometry in Mojosari Alabio (MA) Male Duck

Anggraeni, Ristika Handarini, Ary Ridho Musthofa
Mojosari Alabio (MA) is a local breed characterized by its qualitative and quantitative specific performance. Utilization of herbs including Indonesian bay leaf containing phytochemicals such as flavonoids is a way to improve the potential and productivity of MA ducks. Flavonoid is polypherol compounds...

Teaching Reform and Practice of Specialized Practice Courses

Xiangfeng He, Yazhou Zhao, Jing Wu, Kefeng Fang, Hongwei Chen, Wei Ge
It’s important for the students majored in forestry and landscape architecture to cultivate the practical skills prior to their employment and future career. And College of Landscape Architecture, Beijing University of Agriculture offers practical courses, the Specialized Practice courses, for undergraduates....
Proceedings Article

Soy Protein Isolate (SPI) Based Delivery System as Promising Mastitis Vaccine Carrier Candidate

Dadang Priyoatmojo, Tri Handayani, Afi Candra Trinugraha, Teguh Wahyono, Nina Herlina
An orally administered vaccine application is a part of strategies on veterinary vaccine development. Soy protein isolate (SPI) has been scientifically tested in various studies as a potent drug carrier. Mastitis is one of the livestock diseases mainly caused by Streptococcus agalactiae, which can be...

The Teaching Factory Planning

Concepts and Strategies for Higher Vocational Education Majoring in Agribusiness Management

Uyun Erma Malika, Dewi Kurniawati, R. Alamsyah Sutantio
This study aims to formulate a Teaching Factory (TEFA) planning strategy, especially in the Department of Agribusiness Management at Politeknik Negeri Jember. The urgency of research can be used as the basis for pioneering TEFA in the Department of Agribusiness Management that is integrated and sustainable....

Utilization Learning Media Based Animation in the Teaching of Children’s Literature Subject

Azhar Umar, Inayah Hanum, Trisnawati Hutagalung
A animation is a medium. Media to change something, from an imagination, an idea, a concept, to a visual, until finally giving an influence to the world is not only a barrier in the world of animation. One of the courses in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program is Teaching of...
Proceedings Article

Compatibility of Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) to Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung

Amalia Triakumara, Wijana, Shinta Fitri Boesoirie
Background: Hearing impairment can interfere with a patient's quality of life, especially children. Early diagnosis of hearing impairment is critical. Currently, OAE and BERA are the standard test for hearing impairment screening, but these tests are costly and require experienced professionals...
Proceedings Article

Status of Tuberculosis Infection and the Progression of HIV: Literature Study

Umi Solekhah, Rara Warih Gayatri, Tika Dwi tama
There are several factors that affect the development of HIV, one of which is TB co-infection. HIV and TB both play a role in reducing the function of the immune system. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the status of TB infection in HIV+ patients with the development/progression...

Empowerment of Balinese Local Wisdom and Important Elements of Community Life as Learning Sources in of IPS SMP/MTs in Buleleng Regency

I Wayan Kertih, I Gede Astra Wesnawa, I Putu Sriartha, Tuty Maryati
The study was aimed at identifying and analysing the Balinese local wisdom forms and essential aspects of community life in order to use as a complement to social studies material for SMP/MTs. This study was a library research design. Curriculum materials, books of community wisdom, and important elements...
Proceedings Article

Research on Human Resource Performance Evaluation of Furniture Enterprise Based on DEA Model

Huang Huiliang, Jasmin Niguidulala, Ronaldo Juanatas, Huang Xingqiang, Zhou Wei, Guo Cailiang
Human resource performance management can help enterprises to improve their overall strength and gain advantages in the fierce market competition. For Furniture Enterprises, making the right human resources decisions and carrying out effective human resources activities can greatly improve the overall...
Proceedings Article

Postpartum Depression Associated with Beliefs in Pelesit: A Case Report

Melli Sesarya, Elmeida Effendy
Background: Depression can occur in postpartum mothers, influenced by various biological factors, such as temperament, genetic or biochemical, and other psychological problems, including personality/personal history and family environment. Previous studies also stated that the condition is associated...

Hypothetical Learning Trajectory Based on Theory of Didactical Situation: An Initial Learning Trajectory Design to Enhance Mathematical Creativity and Resilience

Abdul Aziz Saefudin, Ariyadi Wijaya, Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum
The aim of this study was to formulate an initial Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) aimed at fostering the growth of mathematical creativity and resilience. During the design process, researchers implement the Theory of Didactical Situations, which includes specific phases including action situations,...

Research on Crowdfunding Mechanism for 5G Internet of Things Construction for Application Communities

Xirong Gao, Mengxiang Liu
In order to crack the problem of high cost of 5G IoT construction and promote the construction process of 5G IoT, this paper explores the establishment of a crowdfunding construction mechanism for application-oriented communities. This paper analyzes the high cost and high benefit characteristics of...

Extraction Of Seaweed Cargenanan (Kappaphycus Alvarezii) With The Addition Of Naoh (Sodium Hydroxide) Solution Concentration

Siti Hajar, Maifar Santika Parden
Sebatik Island is well-known for its production of According to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), seaweed commodities have a significant economic value, as evidenced by the volume of seaweed in the 2021 export market increasing to 225,612 tons with a value of USD 345.11 million. Seaweed...

Hass’s Theory: How Is the Students’ Spatial Intelligence in Solving Problems?

Miftakhul Rohmah, Budiyono, Diari Indriati
Spatial intelligence is one of the eight crucial human bits of intelligence possessed by students in learning. Spatial intelligence can be defined as the ability to understand the visual-spatial world accurately and make changes to that perception. Based on Hass’s theory, there are four spatial intelligence...

Analysis of China’s Current Situation of Population Aging and Its Impact on the Economy

Shiyuan Xu
With the development of Chinese society, the current situation of China’s aging population is more and more serious, which attracts people’s attention. China’s aging acceleration is manifested by the large size of the elderly population, the proportion of the total population is getting higher and higher,...

Efforts to Increase Science Learning Outcomes by Increasing Interaction Between Students in Learning

Astri Widyasari, Pratiwi Pujiastuti, Nada Savitri Nawangsari, Albi Anggito
Students experiencing difficulties in learning sometimes feel embarrassed to ask the teacher. They feel more comfortable asking their peers instead of their teachers. Therefore, there is a need to increase interaction and exchange between students. The researcher conducted a Classroom Action Study to...