Proceedings of the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2021 (BIS-HSS 2021)
178 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko, Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja, Lintang Muliawanti, Veni Soraya Dewi, Muji Setiyo, Fitriana Yuliastuti, Agus Setiawan
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 3rd BIS-HSS during December 15, 2021 in Magelang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the ScientificCommittee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description...
Proceedings Article
Self-Control and Procrastination during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Thoyyibatus Sarirah, Dian Dorma Sari Sihombing
Education in Indonesia, both formal and non-formal, all used online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Students who take online learning feel bored with monotonous learning activities, have difficulty understanding the subject matter, feel less able to manage time, feel less able to regulate themselves...
Proceedings Article
Innovative Work Behaviour in Bureaucratic Organizations: The Effect of Leadership and Self Efficacy in the Ministry of Home Affairs
Sukma Nurmala, Selly Dian Widyasari
This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of leadership and self-efficacy towards innovative work behaviour in the Ministry of Home Affairs. The sample of this research is 183 State Civil Apparatus who work in the Ministry of Home Affairs. This study uses three measuring tools, namely...
Proceedings Article
A Study of Students and Parents’ Awareness and Interest in Banjarmasin Polytechnic
Rudy Haryanto, Rahmatul Jannatin Naimah
Indonesia is currently focusing on vocational education and skills improvement to improve the quality of the human resources. The government has also long established several vocational universities, including in South Kalimantan. Therefore, this study seeks to describe the awareness and interest of...
Proceedings Article
How Covid-19 Pandemic Increase Domestic Violence? A Literature Review
Rayinda Faizah, Dwi Susanti
The COVID-19 pandemic causes many problems, one in particular is domestic violence. Based on various reports, the number of domestic violence cases has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this study is to examine some of the literature to identify factors which increase in domestic...
Proceedings Article
Tigero Tedong Jewellery Design Typical Bugis Tribe
Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani, Tati Narawati, Tri Karyono
Jewellery represents a period of people’s memory of their time. Showing symbols of power, ways of worshiping, status and social relations, as well as personalizing himself with nature, humans, and their creators. With the existence of a jewellery can increase a person’s productivity and confidence in...
Proceedings Article
Is the Therapeutic Adherence of Hypertensive Patients Closely Related to the Pharmacist-Patient Communication?
Setiyo Budi Santoso, Nurkholis Ashari, Ika Mulyono Putri Wibowo
Two-thirds of hypertensive patients are spread in developing countries. In Indonesia, hypertension, nowadays, ranks second nationally and becomes a priority in non-communicable disease control. Pharmacist-patient communication is presumably related to therapy adherence of hypertensive patients. However,...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Pesticide Exposure in Pregnant Women and the Incidence of LBW at the Sawangan 1 Public Health Centre, Magelang Regency
Arifah Rahmawati, Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu, Rohmayanti
Low birth weight (LBW) or babies less than 2,500 grams is the basic cause of neonatal death. The risk factors for LBW are influenced by maternal, fetal, and environmental factors. One of the environmental factors is a history of exposure to pesticides during pregnancy. Exposure to pesticides received...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Social Distance Learning to the Students’ Stress Level During the Covid 19 Pandemic among in State Senior High School
Ning Iswati, Dyah Puji Astuti, Dwi Hidayanti
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of life, including education. Presently, educational institutions should implement distance learning to reduce risks of the Covid-19 transmission. Teachers and students are required to implement learning methods using the internet without face-to-face interactions....
Proceedings Article
Resilience as Bottom-Line Strategy Towards Business Sustainability: a Review
Nia Kurniati Bachtiar, Nor Hanuni Ramli
How can a company stay in business? What method is used to keep a business afloat in this volatile world? All of these considerations point to two (two) critical factors in business and entrepreneurial practice: resilience and sustainability. To address those statements, this study develops a framework...
Proceedings Article
Resilience of Children in Refugee Camps in Sister Village Program
Kanthi Pamungkas Sari, Norma Dewi Shalikhah, Ahwy Oktradiksa, Irham Nugroho, Muis Sad Iman, Minzani Aufa
The resilience of children in refugee camps is very necessary, because in disaster emergency situations children often feel helpless and have a high dependence on adults. The implementation of the sister village program is expected to be able to provide greater opportunities. For the development of children’s...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Super Micro Credit on SMEs During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sony Hendra Permana, Nidya Waras Sayekti, Ariesy Tri Mauleny, Rafika Sari, Dewi Restu Mangeswuri, Nike Paramita
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the decline in economic sectors, including the SME sector. Based on research conducted by OJK, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on decreasing sales turnover for more than 80 percent of SMEs. Another study even stated that as many as 58% of SMEs...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of Regional Financial Supervision by Indonesian Regional People’s Representative Council
Mhd. Ansori
The management of regional finances or regional revenue and expenditure budgets is carried out by the Regional Head and his apparatus. Thus, abuse is prone to occur in its implementation, and often leads to corruption. Thus, the role of the Regional House of Representatives in supervision is very important,...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Halal Certification on Guest Satisfaction at the Restaurant Grand Sawit Hotel Samarinda
A Rinto Dwiatmojo, Said Keliwar, Evi Setyowati, Yusni Nyura, Etwin Fibrianie Soeprapto, Khairul Hisyam bin Kamarudin
Grand Sawit Hotel Is a hotel with sharia management located in Samarinda, with various facilities that meet the classification and qualifications (DSN-MUI). One of the adequate facilities for guest satisfaction is a restaurant, which provides food and drinks that guest need. The author’s research aimed...
Proceedings Article
Youtube as a Means of Balinese Language Maintenance by Youth in West Lombok Regency
Desak Made Yoniartini, Mahsun, Burhanuddin
The study of language defense has always been an exciting study for sociolinguists because we face the fact that more and more languages are almost extinct. However, one of the regional languages in Indonesia that is still actively used is Balinese. The younger generation is the next generation who should...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Online Islamic Elementary School Teacher Learning Management in Pandemic Covid-19
Minzani Aufa, Kanthi Pamungkas Sari, Norma Dewi Shalikhah, Irham Nugroho, Ahwy Oktradiksa, Muis Sad Iman
The purpose of the study was to determine how much the readiness of Islamic Elementary School Teacher in implementing online learning management during the Pandemic Covid-19 period. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The main source of data and information obtained from the research subjects...
Proceedings Article
Study of Economic Activities of the Affected Community Toll Road Development
A. R. Indra Tjahjani, Jonbi, Nuryani Tinumbia
The construction of toll roads in Indonesia until September 2021 has reached a length of 4420.6 km with 2127.54 km in operation. The toll road construction has provided a fairly high movement of people and goods. Data were collected from the Terbanggi Besar toll road in Lampung Sumatera, user community...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Nutritional Status with the Smoothness of Breast Milk in Breastfeeding Mothers at Binangun Community Health Centre of Cilacap Regency
Herniyatun, Istiana Puspitasari, Hastin Ika Indriyastuti
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in the world was only 36% in 2016, while the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia was 37.3%. This achievement still does not meet the target that has been set, which is 80%. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Parenting Self-Efficacy and Caregiver Burden in the Sandwich Generation
Afifa Surya Darmaning Tyas, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum
The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between parenting self-efficacy and caregiver burden that occurs in the sandwich generation. This is a quantitative research with Burden Scale used to determine the Family Caregivers short-version scale and Parenting Sense of Competence of...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Personal, Social, and Consumer Factors to the Purchase Intention of Halal Food in Purworejo Regency, Indonesia
Roisu Eny Mudawaroch
Muslim consumers want the food they eat to be guaranteed halal and Toyib. Research on awareness of consuming halal food in Purworejo district in Indonesia has not been widely studied. Those study aims to determine the relationship between personal factors, social factors and types of consumer factors...
Proceedings Article
Learning Assessment Methods During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Review
Arif Wiyat Purnanto, Agrissto Bintang Aji Pradana, Julia Rahmawati
Optimization of the process by integrating various components of learning is needed to create quality education. There are three important parts of the learning process, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. The evaluation process becomes a difficult part to do if students cannot be monitored...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Multiple Intelligence Theory in ELT: A Systematic Review
Agrissto Bintang Aji Pradana, Athia Fidian, Aditia Eska Wardana, Alida Vira Pramesti, Dyah Sekar Arum
The learning approach has altered over the last decade to one that is more focused on the characteristics and needs of children. This is one of the reasons why the Multiple Intelligence theory is emerging so swiftly. The features of children were based on eight types of intelligence in this concept....
Proceedings Article
Qiro’ah Arabic Textbook Analysis in the Line of Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah: Content and Presentation
Nurul Abidin, Nuraini, Bambang Wahrudin
Silsilah Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah is one of the Arabic language learning package books published by Imam Muhammad bin Saud University in Riyad, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This book includes Arabic language textbooks with the latest methods. This book was chosen as Arabic language teaching material...
Proceedings Article
Subjective Well Being Teacher Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic
Azid Syukroni, Dwi Estiningsih, Devid Dwi Erwahyudin
Subjective wellbeing (SWB) of teachers is the most important part of teachers to achieve a prosperous life and is expected to have an effect on the welfare of every student. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a multi-faceted impact. This study aims to reveal the subjective well-being of teachers during the...
Proceedings Article
The Spiritual Communication of Muallaf
Ravida Chauria Shavir
Currently, the spiritual communication becomes a form of sell-reflection that capable for raising the transcendent consciousness of human beings as religious beings. This form of communication is based on symbols, marks, and religious nuance that are manifest in the ty and the Kauniyyah texts. This study...
Proceedings Article
Opportunities and Challenges of Waqf Management in Indonesia: A Narrative Review
Fivin Choerotun Nisa, Fahmi Medias, Andi Triyanto
Various countries have proven that waqf is an economic instrument to boost the welfare of the people. Indonesia is a country with a majority Muslim population of 87.18%. With a large Muslim population, Indonesia has a high chance of waqf. Cash waqf in Indonesia is even assumed to reach 3 trillion annually....
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Developing Institutional Service Models for Regional Innovation in Indonesia
Andjar Prasetyo, Heri Wahyudianto, Agustinus Hartopo
One of the efforts to accelerate regional development can be done through regional innovation. These efforts in Indonesia have been implemented in recent years, but in the Province of Papua, there is still no real form of regional innovation that can be utilized. Therefore, the effort it takes is outlined...
Proceedings Article
Measurement of Partnerships, External Relations and Networks in Building Districts in Jayapura Regency
Andjar Prasetyo, Heri Wahyudianto, Agustinus Hartopo
The development program in Jayapura Regency refers to the Regional Medium Development Plan 2017-2022. In implementation through a form of building District that requires partnership, external relations, and networking. The purpose of the research is to determine and measure the maturity of network partnerships...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Snakes and Ladders Game on Adolescent Knowledge Levels about Leucorrhoea for Class VIII atSMP Negeri 1 Sukoharjo Pringsewu Lampung
Eka Riyanti, Herniyatun, Nur Isnaeni
Leucorrhoea is one of Women’s Reproductive Health. The problem of Leucorrhoea occurs in adolescents, and it needs more attention. If Leucorrhoea during adolescence is left unchecked, it will cause serious illness. Some women in Indonesia do not know about Leucorrhoea, and they think Leucorrhoea is a...
Proceedings Article
Adolescent Delinquency Handling System in School/Madrasah Guidance and Counselling Teacher Perspective Ponorogo District
Syarifan Nurjan, Ahmad Muslich, Edy Kurniawan
Delinquency behaviour starts from that adolescence is a period of transition or transition from childhood to adulthood (early teens: 12-15 years, middle teens: 16-18 years, and late teens: 19-21 years). At this time the individual experiences various changes, namely biological, cognitive and social....
Proceedings Article
Consumer Satisfaction: In the Relationship of Service Quality to Loyalty
Heri Purwanto, Ari Pranaditya, M. Trihudiyatmanto, Anggun Puspitarini
This paper aims to identify factors that influence customers in making decisions to repurchase the required products related to loyalty at the Semar Wonosobo Toserba. The aim is to explore how companies improve customer service and develop effective service methods. The type of research used in this...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Science Process Skills in Elementary Science Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Irham Nugroho, Norma Dewi Shalikhah
The outbreak of the COVID-19 outbreak has led to the provision of an emergency curriculum that triggers online learning. However, the implementation of the distance learning system during the pandemic is still considered not running optimally. Moreover, it is necessary to develop science process skills...
Proceedings Article
The Factors That Cause Early Marriage and the Impact on the Psychology of Couples in Rural Areas
Hery Ernawati, Anni Fithriyatul Mas’udah, Fery Setiawan, Laily Isroin
Early marriage is a global problem that has an impact on maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. The number of early marriages in Indonesia is increasing. The rate of early marriage in Ponorogo reaches 100%. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that cause early marriage and its...
Proceedings Article
Workforce Agility during COVID-19: The Effect of Teamwork and Empowering Leadership
Nopriadi Saputra, Retnowati WD Tuti, Evi Satispi
This article is an attempt to examine the impact of teamwork and empowering leadership on workforce agility in a construction company. A survey-based study was conducted for supporting this article. The data collection has involved about 378 employees of a construction service company in Indonesia. The...
Proceedings Article
The Husband’s Social Support on Participation in Pregnant Woman Class Program During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kebumen
Wulan Rahmadhani, Eka Novyriana
One of the government programs that aim to increase knowledge of pregnant women about pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and new-borns as well as toddlers is the Pregnant Woman Class Program. However, the participation of pregnant women in this class has decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. The husband’s...
Proceedings Article
Nutritional Status and Breast Milk Production of Post Sectio Caesarea Mothers at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Gombong
Siti Mutoharoh, Eka Riyanti, Miftachul Jannah
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the coverage of breast milk exclusively in the world is only 36%. This percentage is still below the breast milk exclusive of coverage target that has been set by WHO of 50%. One of the factors that affect breast milk production is nutritional status....
Proceedings Article
Information Literature on Affective Cognitive Aspects of Students in Online Learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2, Malang, Indonesia
Martutik, Setiawan, Moh.Safii, Reza Fawzia Ahmad
In the online learning during pandemic of Covid-19, many efforts have been made by the educational institution so that they can give the learning for the students in the school, one of the efforts is using the internet media as the main learning media. Islamic Junior High School 2 Malang City has tried...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Corruption in the Construction Procurement in Accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 16 of 2018
Agung Prapsetyo, Wardah Yuspin, Tri Widodo Besar Riyadi
Corruption is widespread and well-organized in all sectors of life, one of which is particularly concerning in the construction industry. Efforts to prevent corruption are a necessity that can be utilized as a solution to reduce corruption in the construction industry’s procurement process, because construction...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Internal Locus of Control, Subjective Norms, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Attitude toward Entrepreneurship on Entrepreneurial Intention – A Study of Former Migrant Workers in Indonesia
Ahmed Zulfikar, Aryana Satrya
Previous research shows that entrepreneurship is crucial in reducing unemployment and economic growth. In entrepreneurship, Intention is the principal capital for someone to start a business. This study aims to determine what factors are influential in classifying the level of Intention in entrepreneurship....
Proceedings Article
The Concept of Alzheimer’s Disease in Qur’an
Tri Ermayani, Iyus Herdiana Saputra
the same previous discussion has not been found to specifically discuss Alzheimer’s in the Qur’an. The purpose of this study was to find ways or strategies to minimize the symptoms of Alzheimer’s so it doesn’t get worse. The concept of the Qur’an has clearly explained about senile dementia, it is even...
Proceedings Article
Physical Intervention on Pain Scales in Babies after Immunization Procedures
Nurlaila, Triana Sulandari, Wuri Utami
Immunization can cause pain and trauma in children. One of the strategies to deal with immunization-related pain is combination between physical intervention and cognitive therapy called 5S method, which includes swaddling side-stomach, shushing, swinging, and sucking. This method involves some senses,...
Proceedings Article
Application of Project Based Learning and STEAM in Higher Education
Miranti Puspaningtyas, Sulastri, Sulikah
The aim of this articles provides views on the application of PBL in several courses in the Accounting Department. Application of the PBL model can be combined with the STEAM approach. The application of this approach integrates each component of STEAM into project-based learning. This research design...
Proceedings Article
Family Support as a Predictor of Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients in Indonesia
Mira Ariyani, Rahmadianty Gazadinda, Fellianti Muzdalifah, Wiedy Ayu Shavira Febriyanti
Breast cancer has been increasing and it is often resulted to the death among women in Indonesia. Like other cancer patients, the quality of life among breast cancer patients is assumed being affected. However, previous study found that individual’s quality of life can be increased by family support....
Proceedings Article
Spiritual Well-Being as a Predictor of Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients in Indonesia
Fellianti Muzdalifah, Mira Ariyani, Rahmadianty Gazadinda, Tsalitsaturrajbiyah
Breast cancer patients arise significantly in Indonesia. Due to the sickness, their quality of life is assumed to be affected. Cancer is often related to religiosity issue, but Indonesian people is known having strong religiosity belief. Previous study found spiritual well-being as one of the factors...
Proceedings Article
Collaborative Governance in Creating a Lifestyle of People who Care about Hygienic Drinking Water and Sanitation
Eny Boedi Orbawati, Retno Dewi Pramodia Ahsani, Catur Wulandari, Ari Mukti, Apsari Wahyu Kinanti
The purpose of this study is to outline the pattern of cooperation carried out by actors of interest in creating a healthy lifestyle of people who care about the consumption of clean and hygienic drinking water and the use of proper sanitation. Access, facilities, quality, quantity, and contingency are...
Proceedings Article
The Challenges of Bank Syariah Indonesia Post-Merger
Nidya Waras Sayekti, Ariesy Tri Mauleny, Sony Hendra Permana, Achmad Chotib
Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) was officially merged on February 1, 2021. After the BSI merger, management have to face various challenges both internal and external to the company. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative methods and uses secondary data from various literatures. This study...
Proceedings Article
Learning from Journals and Reflective Questions Strategy: A Reflection of English Speaking Class
Umi Rachmawati
Reflective teaching has been considered as a key measurement of the teaching and learning success. The addressed reflective questions and journals reflect on what the teachers and the students have done in their teaching and learning. this study is aimed at discussing the students’ and teacher’s reflection...
Proceedings Article
Description of Antiviral Usage in Covid-19 Patients at One of COVID-19 Referral Hospital in Semarang City
Arik Dian Eka Pratiwi, Dhimas Adhityasmara, Erna Prasetya Ningrum
COVID-19 is a pandemic that is causing increasing health burdens almost all over the world, and until the outbreak of the virus spreads, no effective therapy has been found to deal with the infection. As a result, effective antiviral therapy is needed to inhibit the spread of viral transmission. Several...
Proceedings Article
The Existence of Kembang Sembah Dance as Welcoming Dance by Sasakese Community of Lombok in Nusa Tenggara Barat
Yani Timor Prajawati, Tika Puspita Sari
The focus of this research is to look for factors that influence the existence of Kembang Sembah Dance and the right solution to popularize it in the world of performing arts, especially on the island of Lombok and in Indonesia in general. In addition to uncovering factors that affect the existence of...
Proceedings Article
Expression in Social Media: True or Fake?
Rofiq Nurhadi, Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri, Tri Ermayani, Natalie Anastasi
Speech function is an utterance that serves a function such as statement, question, offer, and command. As people carry out a casual conversation to exchange goods-and-services and information, they perform speech functions at the same time. This study is to elaborate the negotiation pattern/speech by...
Proceedings Article
The Direction of Innovation of Antibacterial Agents in Preventing Wounds Infection: A Systematic Review
Sodiq Kamal, Estrin Handayani, Alfian Syarifuddin
Skin is a part of the body that serves to protect other body parts in it. Wounds are a disruption of skin integrity, as well as a threat to the security of the body, especially from the risk of infection. The current management of infection has complicated problems that have not been resolved properly,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Digital Technology in Gold-Pawning Practice in Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
Rini Ariyanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Fitria Rahmah, Akbar Sarif, Nurul Aini binti Muhammed
Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) was only officially legalized and established on the1st of February 2021. Albeit being a new bank, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) was presented to provide more complete, varied products, a broader network, a better capital capacity, and novel service innovation aimed to ease...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Employee Engagement, Perceived Organizational Support, and Employer Branding on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediation Role of Organizational Communication Satisfaction Study on State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Employees in Indonesia
Gilang Adi Yuliarso, Elok Savitri Pusparini
State-owned Enterprises in Indonesia have a fairly tight level of competition between them in every sector of industry. One way to have strong competitiveness is to have superior human resources. Each State-owned Enterprises has a different method of developing their company’s human resources. On the...
Proceedings Article
A Review of Pharmaceutical Services at Community Pharmacies for Persons with Disabilities
Ni Made Ayu Nila Septianingrum, Fitriana Yuliastuti, Widarika Santi Hapsari
WHO data shows that Persons with Disabilities in the world in 2010 was 15.6 percent of the total world population or more than 1 billion. The results of the 2018 Basic Health they are says, people with disabilities have the same rights as normal people in general, especially in public services in the...
Proceedings Article
Contraceptive use and Related Factors in Women Living with HIV/AIDS
Susanti, Sujianti, Yogi Andhi Lestari
Couples in which one of them is diagnosed with HIV are generally emphasized not to have sex without a condom. This includes the selection of contraceptive methods for women with HIV / AIDS to achieve the reproductive goals of women with HIV / AIDS. Analysing the relationship between mother's attitude,...
Proceedings Article
Ecotourism and Women Enterpreuner in Buffer Zone of Karimunjawa National Park
Budi Setiawan
Karimunjawa National Park has the potential to become a major tourism attraction in Central Java. There are numerous potentials for tourism business development in the buffer zone community of Karimunjawa Marine National Park. The point of this study is to examine the obstacles to women entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article
Technology Capacity Development Model as an Effort to Build a Conducive and Competitive Internal Environment of MSMEs in the Global Market
Anes Arini, Hesti Respatiningsih
The acceleration of digital transformation in Indonesia is growing faster and companies capable of transforming can survive in this competitive era. For Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), this condition is certainly not only a challenge but also a great opportunity to remain competitive so...
Proceedings Article
Fadil Jaidi's Personal Branding on Instagram Social Media
Irmawan Rahyadi, Elviara Dwi Raissa, Muhammad Mirza Adira, Noella Ludylane Tersiana, Rara Andica Oryza Sativa
The development of digital technology has made major changes in many fields, including marketing. Digital media and the internet offer new ways of storing, informing, engaging, selling, learning and providing services to customers with new versions. Likewise, one of the concepts in marketing communication...
Proceedings Article
Land Ownership by Indonesian Railway Corporation [PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)] in Kota Intan, Indonesia
Listyowati Sumanto, Irene Eka Sihombing, Endang Pandamdari
Since the Dutch era, the Indonesian Railway Corporation (“PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)”) has held ownership of all land alongside every railroads. However, due to the increase of population and changes in the area, the lands in Kota Intan, Jakarta have been controlled by other parties without the...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Prokesia (Protokol Kesehatan Lansia) Booklets to Improve Elderly Knowledge Dealing with Covid-19 Health Protocol
Endang Tri Sulistyowati, Rahma Trisnaningsih, Nur Amalia
The elderly will have a positive impact if they are in a healthy, an active and a productive state. On the other hand, it will have a negative impact if the large number of elderlies, people becomes a burden when the elderly have health problems. The age group is vulnerable to the effects of the covid-19...
Proceedings Article
Socially Vulnerable Groups and Inclusive Policies of Covid-19 Outbreak Handling: Perspective Review of Social Changes
Kanthi Pamungkas Sari, Irham Nugroho, Norma Dewi Shalikhah
The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic in all countries around the world causes extraordinary social changes in various aspects of people’s lives, from health, economy, politic, to culture. When the President announced the first case of Covid-19 in Indonesia in March 2020, what implied was optimism that...
Proceedings Article
Tendency of Using Google Translate during Online English Class: Students’ Concern
Rohfin Andria Gestanti, Elok Putri Nimasari, Krisna Megantari, Ahmad Ridho Rojabi, Fita Faridah, Dian Luthfiyati, Riryn Fatmawaty
In English as foreign language (EFL) classroom, using all-English materials is considered effortful due to the circumstances in which English is not basically used in student's daily inquiries. Yet the obligation to accomplish online tasks and practices during online class due to Covid-19 pandemic...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of House Building Materials, Lighting and Occupational Density to the Incidence of Tuberculosis
Isma Yuniar, Aswin Wahyono, Heri Purnomo
The World Health Organization (WHO) declares Tuberculosis (TB) as a very important and serious public health problem throughout the world and is a disease that causes a global because in most countries in the world pulmonary TB disease is uncontrolled, this is caused by the number of patients who are...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Learning Programs in Vocational Schools
Sugeng Eko Putro Widoyoko, Cahyana Nursidiq, Suyitno, Budi Setiawan
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the entrepreneurship subject learning program at Purworejo State Vocational School in 2019/2020. The research uses an evaluation research approach (evaluation research). The evaluation model used is the EKOP model (Evaluation of Learning Quality and Learning...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Adolescent Moral Aspects: A Descriptive Study of Junior High School in Magelang Regency
Purwati Purwati, Muhammad Japar, Dewi Lianasari
Morality is a good way of behaving, which comes from the heart of conscience. Although morality comes from the heart, morality is universal. The purpose of the study was to describe the morals of adolescents in “X” Junior High School, to test the validity of the item as a whole and each dimension of...
Proceedings Article
Triple Helix Development Model in Improving Marketing of The Arrow Industry in Krandegan Village, Purworejo Regency
Rusmiyatun, Nur Siyami
Purworejo Regency has a very strategic location among national strategic projects, including being close to Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA), Bener Dam Project and Borobudur Authority Agency. In accordance with the Purworejo district’s vision to reach Purworejo which is competitive in 2025, MSME...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Attachment to God and Students' Psychological Well-Being
Zaimah Lutfia Ningrum, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum
This study aims to determine the relationship between attachment to God and psychological well-being among 244 Muslim students. This study is quantitative in nature because it uses a Likert scale. Data were collected using the Short 18 item scale of psychological well-being developed by Ryff and the...
Proceedings Article
Pain in Maternity Mothers, can Birth Ball Reduce it?: A Literature Review
Lies Karwati, Erma Nur Fauziandari, Benny Karuniawati
Labor pain is physiological in the delivery process. Causes of labor pain are uterine muscle contractions, pelvic muscle base strain, episiotomies and psychological conditions. A Swedish study showed that 41% of participants reported labor pain as the worst experience they had as a result of labor pain...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Green Brand, Green Advertising, and Green Products on Consumer Purchase Decisions on AVOSKIN PHTE in Yogyakarta
Adisty Riska Hardianti, Subagyo, M. Anas, Arthur Daniel Limantara
This study aims to determine how the influence of green brand, inexperience advertising and inexperience merchandise on purchasing decisions on AVOSKIN PHTE skincare products in Yogyakarta. This research is an open quantitative descriptive study with buyers of Avoskin PHT skin care products. The most...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Physical Exercise on the Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Review
Alinda Nur Ramadhani, Wahyuni, Dea Linia Romadhoni, Dita Mirawati
One of the most prevalent types of scoliosis is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Syndromic scoliosis is linked to a neuromuscular, skeletal, or connective tissue problem, neurofibromatosis, or another serious medical condition. Exercise is almost usually included in the therapy plan, especially...
Proceedings Article
Human’s-Planet Connection in Maluku, Indonesia: Ecology Anthropology Perspective
Efilina Kissiya
The degrading natural environment in the modern era requires both traditional and modern strategies for sustainable natural resource management. The relationship between humans and nature in Maluku relies on local wisdom. Meanwhile, Maluku’s environmental management is based on the knowledge of local...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Islamic Social Reporting on Performance of Maqashid Sharia
Farida, Gita Dwi Cahyani, Pranita Siska Utami, Ravindra Ardiana Darmadi
The purpose of this study is to investigate and assess the impact of Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) on the performance of Maqashid Sharia ini Islamic Banks in Indonesia and Malaysia. ISR is used to assess Islamic banks’ social responsibility, whereas the Maqashid Sharia Index (MSI) indicator with the...
Proceedings Article
Critical Discourse Analysis and Conflict Management Issues Jokowi’s Speech at the World Bank IMF Meeting in Bali
Eli Purwati, Fingky Ayu Puspitasari, Ayub Dwi Anggoro, Krisna Megantari, Oki Cahyo Nugroho
The plenary meeting of the IMF World Bank Annual Meeting in Bali was started by President Joko Widodo. Jokowi’s speech during the event was fascinating to research because it went viral in the public and addressed both the advantages and disadvantages. Critical discourse analysis and management of conflict...
Proceedings Article
Factor of Choosing a 3-Month Injection KB
Murti Krismiyati, Amri Wulandari, Ulfi Widyaningrum
Family planning is an effort to regulate the birth of a child, distance, and ideal age of childbirth, arranging pregnancy, through promotion, protection, and assistance according to reproductive rights to realize a quality family. Pregnancy arrangements in the family planning program use contraceptives....
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Innovation as Determinants of Voluntary Adoption of Mobile Money in Indonesia
Ricardo Indra, Z. Hidayat, Tukina
Humans are faced with technological developments that can have life-changing social impacts. The presence of technology in society is now inevitable, such as mobile money for all activities in daily life. A quantitative approach is used to find innovation characteristics as a determinant of the technology...
Proceedings Article
Multiple Intelligences Profile of Grade IV Elementary School Students in Magelang
Sri Hartatik, Galih Istiningsih, Ari Suryawan, Septiyati Purwandari
This study aims to determinant the profile of student’s multiple intelligences. The sample in this study was the fourth-grade students at State Elementary School of Pasuruhan 1, Mertoyudan District, Magelang Regency for the Academic Year 2021/2022 as many as 28 students. Female student consists of 18...
Proceedings Article
Governance Policy and Education Financing Strategy to Improve National Education Development
Anip Dwi Saputro, Muh.Shulthon Rachmandhani, Sigit Dwi Laksana
Policy occupies a key position in determining the direction of education development in Indonesia. Through the right policies, it is believed to be able to deliver the quality of education in a better direction. For this reason, an appropriate financing strategy is needed so that the policy can be implemented...
Proceedings Article
The Psychology Changes and Self-Concept Adolescent Has Given Birth Premarital in Dealing with Change of Role as a Mother
Tri Sumarsih, Sari Lestari, Arnika Dwi Asti
Birth in premarital changing roles as mothers Changes in the role of a mother cause many problems for women, especially when the role as a mother is obtained as a result of premarital pregnancy. Women who become mothers due to premarital pregnancy will experience unpreparedness in their new role. The...
Proceedings Article
Disgorgement in Indonesian Competition Law: A Comparative Approach Following the Job Creation Law Enactment
Uni Tsulasi Putri, Vina Damayanti
On November 2, 2020, the Indonesian Government enacted Law No. 11 the Year 2020 on the Job Creation Law. This Job Creation Law amend article 47 of Law No. 5 the Year 1999 on the Anti-Monopoly and Unfair Competition concerning administrative sanction to the violator of the unfair competition law, which...
Proceedings Article
Factors Related to Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis
Sodikin, Dhefi Hutami, Sutarno, Dewi Prasetyani
Approximately 50 to 60% of haemodialysis patients suffer from sleep disturbances. This study aims to identify factors associated with sleep quality in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) at Fatimah Cilacap Hospital. This type of research is an analytic survey with a cross sectional design of 57...
Proceedings Article
How the Structural Official Appointed based on Government Regulation in Klaten Regency?
Anom Wahyu Asmorojati, Putri Nur Jannah
This study aims to find out and understand the implementation of PP Number 72 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 18 of 2016 concerning Regional Government in the appointment of structural officials in the Klaten Regency regional government and to find out the obstacles in the...
Proceedings Article
How to Manage Student Elementary School Learning in Disaster Areas?
Puji Rahmawati, Rasidi
Natural disasters are emergencies that frequently occur throughout the world. Education for elementary school students when a disaster occurs is one of the focuses that must receive attention. This study aims to review various forms of learning activities that can be presented to elementary school students...
Proceedings Article
Packaging Design Elements and Consumers Impressions: A Context in Local Food Branding and Communication of Indigenous Community in Indonesia
Maria Widyarini, Timothy Andrianus Philemon, Elivas Simatupang
The product packaging has an essential function in attracting customers, persuading them to buy the goods, and serving as a vehicle for brand communication. Taking case study of a new packaging design for culinary heritage products of a local social enterprise of indigenous community of Kampung Adat...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Classical Music Therapy to Reducing Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients
Dinar Wahyuningtyas, Laily Mualifah, Abdul Aziz
Hallucinations are perceptions that are received by the five senses without an external stimulus or are not real. Hallucinations are identical to schizophrenia where almost 70% of sufferers experience auditory hallucinations. Besides, a music therapy is one of the effective therapies to improve anxiety...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model to Join in the Program through Behavioural Intention
Reminta Lumban Batu, Hartelina, Ayuk Hidayanti, Sherliana Halim
This research is a quantitative study with a descriptive and verification approach. The population in this study are Bangkit 2021 participants from sample calculations using the Issac and Michael formula and determined using a probability sampling technique with a stratified sampling approach. The analysis...
Proceedings Article
Good Faith in the Implementation of Car Financing Agreements During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sri Wahyuni, Efa Laela Fakhriah, Anita Afriana, Sonyendah Retnaningsih
One way that one can buy a car by instalment is through a financing company, one can pay payment instalments according to their ability, when the parties have agreed and signed a financing agreement then the parties have been bound by an agreement that is Binding on both parties, this is in accordance...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Housewives, Motivation, Business Independence and Education on the Economic Improvement of the Family
Sri Hartiyah, Mila Fursiana Salma Musfiroh
This research is a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were the wives of potato farmers in Simpangan village, Batur, Banjarnegara. The object of this research is the improvement of the family economy. Data collection was done by interview, observation, and documentation methods. To prove...
Proceedings Article
Utilizing Information Technology to Fight the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus
Enik Suhariyanti, Nugroho Agung Prabowo
The lack of transparency at the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak created misinformation in the public sphere. An infodemic is formed in the form of an abundance of information that makes it difficult for people to determine a valid source. The use of information technology with social media forms a...
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection Against Victims of Verbal Violence (Name-Calling) in Indonesia
Devi Mardiyanti, Gentur Cahyo Setiono, Irham Rahman, Bambang Pujiono, Arthur Daniel Limantara
The application of violence prevention was the subject of this study. It aims to find out and analyse the extent of the government’s role in combating violence, the obstacles experienced, and to find out and explore the consistency of legislation No. 23 of 2002 on child protection. This study uses a...
Proceedings Article
Covid-19 Vaccination is Approaching, Why Should You Hesitate? Effect of Disgust, Conspiratorial Belief on Anti-Vaccination Attitude
Ika Herani, Dwi Maimunatul Nadia
Covid-19 has had a wide influence with the increasing number of sufferers and deaths of Covid-19 patients. The government is trying to reduce the rate of spread by promoting the Covid-19 vaccination program. Many factors affect the success of this Covid-19 vaccination program. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
Development of Fundamental Tournament Learning Model for Elementary School Children in Limited Face-to-face Learning
Fahrudin, Moch. Asmawi, Firmansyah Dlis, Ardawi Sumarno, Resty Gustiawati
The implementation of learning with a limited face-to-face meeting system. After online learning since the covid-19 pandemic, children are again getting a little bit of happiness in being able to interact and socialize at school. Therefore, the development of motion learning models through group competition...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the Provincial Unemployment Rate in Indonesia
Ratna Wulaningrum, Venti Eka Satya, Muhammad Kadafi
The fourth revolution era can impact increasing the efficiency of the manufacturing chain and product quality through its connectivity and digitalization. However, although it can accelerate economic growth, the industrial revolution has a negative impact on employment and affects conventional business....
Proceedings Article
Online Learning in English for Nursing Using Moodle: Students’ Perspectives on Satisfaction
Barlian Kristanto, Diannike Putri, Thanee Glomjai
The emergent shift in education due to the COVID19 pandemic leads to the implementation of online learning exclusively using various digital platforms. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) as the popular learning management system used offers various features and flexibility...
Proceedings Article
Green Satisfaction: Relationship of Green Brand Image to Green Brand Equity
M. Trihudiyatmanto, Indah Larasati
People are increasingly inspired to care about the environment by altering their behavior and attitudes to utilize more environmentally friendly items. As a result, many businesses are forced to take responsibility for environmental sustainability by developing brands that promote environmental sustainability...
Proceedings Article
Virtual Collaborative Community to Increase the Participation of Purworejo’s Diaspora to Realizing Purworejo Smart City
Community member is an important part of realizing the development of a region. Purworejo is included in the 100 smart city plan and is preparing innovations to go to Purworejo smart city. The potential of the Purworejo community outside Purworejo is very large. Many Purworejo people who migrate outside...
Proceedings Article
How to Improve Employee Performance Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Agro-Tourism Sector Based on Service 4.0
Ida Nuraida
The goal of this study is to assess the efficacy of an employee performance management model for five small and medium-sized firms in the agrotourism industry based on prior research findings. It is critical to boost local and international visitor interest in agrotourism in Indonesia, particularly in...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Intention of Post Indonesian Migrant Worker: The Role of Opportunity Recognition and Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy
Muhammad Syaiful Panigoro, Aryana Satrya
The volume of remittances sent by migrant employees while working overseas demonstrates the importance of migrant workers to the Indonesian economy. Nonetheless, when they return to Indonesia, very few use their earnings from working overseas to start a business in their native country. This study will...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review: Development of Methods for Measurement of Burn Area in Children
Sarah Indah Pujiati, Sodiq Kamal, Eka Sakti Wahyuningtyas
Argo Bibit is a local business in Magelang District which is engaged in selling fruit seeds by providing various types of durian fruit. Currently, the process of buying and selling seeds is carried out conventionally, prospective buyers must come to the nursery to select seeds to buy and make transactions....
Proceedings Article
Coping Mechanism of Indonesian Teenagers with Online Learning Education Program during the Pandemic Covid-19
Ike Mardiati Agustin, Retno Rizky Astuti, Sawiji, Ernawati, Tri Sumarsih, Suryo Ediyono
Coronavirus or COVID-19 spreads quickly between people, especially in Indonesian country and affects the education system. Pandemic becomes one of the causes psychologic on teenagers who as students. They were bored and stressed, therefore needed a way to cover the students’ problems, such as coping...
Proceedings Article
Community-Based Local Food System in Nutritional Problems Management of Children Under 5 Years: a Qualitative Study in Banyumas District
Fauziah Hanum Nur Adriyani, Ipam Fuaddina Adam, Linda Yanti, Rosi Kurnia Sugiharti, Surtiningsih, Arlyana Hikmanti, Feti Kumala Dewi
The nutritional difficulties of children under the age of five in Banyumas Regency rank fifth in Central Java. Provision of Supplementary Food Recovery prepared from local ingredients is currently underutilized as one of the district’s local potentials for overcoming nutritional difficulties. The goal...