Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences Education (ICSSE 2020)

268 authors
Saputra, Aswin Nur
Content of Fecal Coliform Bacteria as an Indicator of Water Quality in the Sungai Jingah, Banjarmasin City
Saputra, Aswin Nur
Effect of Coal Mining on the Abiotic Environment in Pantai Cabe Village, Tapin Selatan District Tapin Regency
Saputra, Aswin Nur
Application of Classification Tree Analysis (CTA) to Model the Potential Distribution of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB’s)
Saputra, Aswin Nur
Mapping of Shifting Cultivation (Gilir Balik) Patterns in Dayak Meratus Tribe
Sarah, Siti
Basic Science Process Skills in Senior High School for Solve Wetlands Problems
Evaluation of Environmental Citizenship Levels and Their Implications Against Ecological Values and Practices; How about Prospective Teacher Students
Sari, Nina Permata
Environment and Differences of Self Adjustment Ability Between Students of Natural Sciences Programs and Students of Social Sciences Programs
Sari, Raihanah
Internalization of River Culture Literacy Based on Ecological Citizenship at Adiwiyata School
Sarinang, Fitria Febry
The Impact of Electronic Mind Map as Part of Learning
Satria, Andri
Leadership of Tourism and Culture Department in Development of Cultural Reserves at District
Setiawan, Ananda
ANTASARI’s Developing Blended Learning Model Based on Ecopedagogy Study to Improve Ecological Awareness, Soft and Social Skills on Elementary Education
Setiawan, Ananda
Entrepreneurial Survival Values on Tanggui Craftsmen Within the Creative Economy Context
Setiawan, Ananda
The Practice of Sharing Economy in the Night Market Merchant Community
Setiawan, Faisal Arif
Floating Market Tourism Area: Sustainable Tourism Management Strategy
Setiawan, Faisal Arif
The Role of Community in Land Fire Prevention Efforts in Liang Anggang District, Banjarbaru City
Setiawan, Faisal Arif
Livelihood Strategies of Fish Farmers in Tiwingan Lama Village
Setiawan, Faisal Arif
The Role of Local Ecological Knowledge of Loksado Dayak Society in the Turn-Back Cultivation System
Setiawan, Faisal Arif
Effect of Coal Mining on the Abiotic Environment in Pantai Cabe Village, Tapin Selatan District Tapin Regency
Setiawan, Iyan
Increasing Social Entrepreneurship Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDEs)
Setiti, Sri
Project Based Learning Models in Advancing Learning Results of Handicraft Entrepreneurs With Object Inspiration of Local Culture
Shaleh, Rizky M.
Lok Baintan Floating Market: The Ecotourism Potential of Rural Communities
Sholihah, Nuni Ruqiyyatus
Ecoliteracy of Elementary School Students in Social Studies: In Online Learning During the Pandemic of COVID 19
Singingi, Kuantan
Leadership of Tourism and Culture Department in Development of Cultural Reserves at District
Sompa, Andi Tenri
Sustainable Community Empowerment Efforts Through the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of Eceng Gondok
Analysis of the Effectiveness of MPBH: The Mains of Mandai as a Saving Food in Banjarmasin Community
Subhayano, Takihimi
Ecological Citizenship Camat and Village Head in Maintaining Peace and Order at Pangkalan Kerinci Sub District Pelalawan Regency
Subiyakto, Bambang
Siring Piere Tendean; Examine Patternans of Community Activity in the Public Room
Subiyakto, Bambang
Ecological Awareness Based on Religious Activities
Subroto, Wisnu
Changes of Community Orientation of Banjarmasin City from River to Land in the XX Century
Subroto, Wisnu
Environmental Culture and Nature in South Kalimantan Painting: An Overview of Fine Arts
Supriatna, Nana
Ecoliteracy of Elementary School Students in Social Studies: In Online Learning During the Pandemic of COVID 19
Supriatna, Nana
An Environmental Sustainability-Based Ecopreneurship Learning Process
The Influence of Teacher Pedagogical Competence and Teacher Professional Competence on Students’ Environmental Care Attitudes in Craft and Entrepreneurship Subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Barabai
Suriansyah, Ahmad
ANTASARI’s Developing Blended Learning Model Based on Ecopedagogy Study to Improve Ecological Awareness, Soft and Social Skills on Elementary Education
Susanto, Heri
Migration and Adaptation of the Loksado Dayak Tribe (Historical Study of Dayak Loksado Community in Pelantingan Village)
Susanto, Heri
Analysis of the Effectiveness of MPBH: The Mains of Mandai as a Saving Food in Banjarmasin Community
Susanto, Heri
Impact of Coal Mining Company Expansion for Transmigrants in Wonorejo Village, Juai District, Balangan Regency
Syafari, Riduansyah
Sustainable Community Empowerment Efforts Through the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of Eceng Gondok
Education of Inorganic Waste Management Through Training of Creations
Efforts to Improve Community Economy Through Making Hand Crafts Based on Purun Plants
Strengthening Environmental Awareness Through Waste Bank Activities
Tarwati, Lina
Ecopedagogic Based Education in Social Science Learning at Junior High School
Strengthening Social Studies Literacy in the Social Distancing Policy Paradigm in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era (Study of Basic Understanding of Junior High School Students in the South Region of Garut Regency)
Strengthening Ecological Citizenship Through Social Studies Based on the Values of Multicultural Society
Utami, Nurul Hidayati
Basic Science Process Skills in Senior High School for Solve Wetlands Problems
Local Wisdom in Banjar Cultural Perspective
Wedayanti, Made Devi
The Effect of Leadership and Incentives on Employee Performance of Market Retribution
Wedayanti, Made Devi
Ecological Citizenship Camat and Village Head in Maintaining Peace and Order at Pangkalan Kerinci Sub District Pelalawan Regency
Wedayanti, Made Devi
The Role of Organizational Culture on Employee Satisfaction and Performance
Wedayanti, Made Devi
Leadership of Tourism and Culture Department in Development of Cultural Reserves at District
Werdhiningsih, Chlorella
Ecological Literation of Rawapening Communities in Asinan Village, Semarang District
Widayati, Cucu
Local Wisdom of Bugis Makassar Siri ‘na Pacce From Millennials Glasses
Widayati, Cucu
Strengthening Social Capital in Empowering Village Farming Communities in Padaherang District, Pangandaran Regency
Widayaty, Cucu
Development in Bulukumba District
Widyanti, Triani
Strengthening Social Studies Literacy in the Social Distancing Policy Paradigm in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era (Study of Basic Understanding of Junior High School Students in the South Region of Garut Regency)
Widyanti, Triani
Strengthening Ecological Citizenship Through Social Studies Based on the Values of Multicultural Society
Wulandari, Ika Sakti
Entrepreneurial Survival Values on Tanggui Craftsmen Within the Creative Economy Context
Yogia, Moris Adidi
Ecological Citizenship Camat and Village Head in Maintaining Peace and Order at Pangkalan Kerinci Sub District Pelalawan Regency
Yogia, Moris Adidi
Leadership of Tourism and Culture Department in Development of Cultural Reserves at District
Yogia, Morris Adidi
The Effect of Leadership and Incentives on Employee Performance of Market Retribution
Yogia, Morris Adidi
The Role of Organizational Culture on Employee Satisfaction and Performance
Yuliarti, Astinana
Public Communication for Covid-19 Disaster Mitigation
Yuvirawan, Muhammad Firdi
Students’ Problems in Reading Narrative Text
Yuwono, Imam
Survey of the Influence of Students With Special Needs for the Achievement of Learning Volunteer Student Volunteers Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin
The Effect of Leadership and Incentives on Employee Performance of Market Retribution
Ecological Citizenship Camat and Village Head in Maintaining Peace and Order at Pangkalan Kerinci Sub District Pelalawan Regency
The Role of Organizational Culture on Employee Satisfaction and Performance
Leadership of Tourism and Culture Department in Development of Cultural Reserves at District