Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Character Education (ICCE 2020)

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41 articles
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Digital Citizenship’s Concept in Online Learning of Civic Education

Maftuhin, Abdul Azis, Dadi Mulyadi Nugraha
Online learning applied to citizenship education as a result of a Covid-19 pandemic gives a considerable challenge to the development of the student’s character. With this of course raises a question ̧ how can the character development of students be implemented only through online learning? By using...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening the Character of Civic Responsibility Through the Digital Literacy Movement

Alfiah, Triyanto, Moh Muchtarom
Digital citizenship is an issue in citizenship studies, especially on how to educate and instill character in the younger generation so that they become responsible, intelligent, and wise citizens in the face of globalization. One of the important characters in the era of globalization is the character...
Proceedings Article

A New Paradigm of Character Education During Covid-19 Pandemic: Comparative Analysis Towards Digital Revolution

Anita Trisiana
During this pandemic, new educational paradigms emerged to innovate to create creativity. They have to adapt more in using technology, and realize the important role of digital technology in supporting learning. The strategy of strengthening character education becomes a new challenge. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

Student Character Development in Javanese Language Learning Based on The Combination of Google Classroom and Whatsapp Group Using the Discussion Method

Astrid Wangsagirindra Pudjastawa, Varary Mechwafanitiara Cantika, Suwarna
Stochastic model checking is the extension and generalization of the classical model checking. Compared with classical model checking, stochastic model checking faces more severe state explosion problem, because it combines classical model checking algorithms and numerical methods for calculating probabilities....
Proceedings Article

The Development of Documentary Film Media in Civics Education Subject

Camellia, Kurnisar, Edwin Nurdiansyah
The purpose of this study is to develop a documentary film media in the civics education course at Sriwijaya University, which is valid and practical so that it is expected to improve students’ ability to solve problems. Thus, the knowledge and abilities obtained by students can be used in the life of...
Proceedings Article

“Dalian Natolu”: Local Democracy of the Mandailing Batak Community

Chandra Fhutu Neva, Triyanto, Winarno
Culture is often interpreted as an obstacle to the progress of democracy in parts of Indonesia, even though the stigma occurs due to the inability to live in harmony between local wisdom and government democracy. It is the influence of globalization that has an impact on local wisdom where each generation...
Proceedings Article

Promoting Character Values At Dayah in Aceh

Sanusi Sanusi, Rusli Yusuf, Maimun, Syaiful Bahri
This study aims to describe a model of character value promotion at dayah (Islamic boarding schools) in Aceh Besar District. Character education is the process of instilling values to students which include components of knowledge and awareness, passion, and actions to implement these learned values....
Proceedings Article

Building Tolerance Character for Students in the Digital Era

Triyanto, Triana Rejekiningsih
Character education plays a vital role in the life of a nation. The development of science and technology has an impact on changing character education strategies in the digital era. One of the important characters in the digital era is tolerance. Teachers have difficulties in building the character...
Proceedings Article

Mothers’ Self-Efficacy and Its Effect on Adolescents’ Academic Achievement

Yosef, Novi Karisma
Mothers as one of parents has important influence on children schooling. Their self-efficacy is considered to be a predictor to such influence. The objectives of this study are to examine differences of mothers’ self-efficacy that exist based on their educational level and the effect of mothers’ self-efficacy...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Character of Students in Learning Civic Education Based on High Order Thinking Skills

Umi Chotimah, Kurnisar, Ermanovida, Norma Juainah
There is no limit to character building, including for students in universities, because students are the younger generation who are educated to become intellectuals to support national development. Civics Education is one of the personality development courses (MPK), and students in tertiary institutions...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Text Books PPKn Class VII SMP Based on 2013 Curriculum in Character Education Perspective

This study aims to describe the PPKn SMP textbook analysis based on the 2013 curriculum from the perspective of character education. This type of research is library research. The data collection method uses documentation in the form of Class VII PPKn Textbooks, the publisher of the Ministry of Education...
Proceedings Article

Management of Community Based on the Democratic Education in Qarryah Tayyibah Salatiga Learning Community

Eko Lestiyawati, Muh.Hendri Nuryadi, Winarno
For a country that adheres to a democratic system like Indonesia, democratic education is an important thing to be implemented from an early age in a planned, systematic and sustainable manner. In the contextof education reparadigmatization, it is the involvement and active participation of the community...
Proceedings Article

Character Education in Online Learning on Citizenship Education (College Student’s Perspective)

Fathikah Fauziah Hanum
This study aims to determine college student perspectives on whether Citizenship Education through online learning can strengthen student character. The problems are in online learning according to various student perspectives from previous studies are not satisfactory in terms of understanding the material,...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of ARIAS Learning Model Based on Digital Literacy in Terms of Critical Thinking Ability of Elementary School Students

Fida Rahmatika Hadi, Liya Atika Anggrasari
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the digital literacy-based ARIAS learning model on the critical thinking skills of elementary school students. This research is quantitative research with experimental research methods. The research design used was a Quasi-Experimental Design with a Posttest...
Proceedings Article

The Thoughts of Pancasila in Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah in the Era of Reform Indonesia

Giri Harto Wiratomo, Suprayogi, Natal Kristiono
Pancasila is a basic consensus in the Indonesia country. Since the reform era, the thought of Pancasila has not been explored much. The largest religious-based social organizations in Indonesia, namely Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, bind Pancasila as the main guide in people’s lives. Pancasila...
Proceedings Article

The Perception of Civic Education Teachers on the Challenges of Building Character in the Pandemic Era of Covid 19

Hasmika, Ratu Aulia, Tri Utami
Education is a long-term investment for the future, and it brings benefits to an individual and also can shape and influence the character and mindset of a person. It means that education must not quit halfway especially in the condition of Indonesia facing the Covid-19 pandemic which had many negative...
Proceedings Article

Legal Politics Learning Process in Implementing Characters in The Course of Pancasila in Higher Education in the Pandemic Era Covid 19

Hassan Suryono, Raharjo
This paper aims to explain how the learning strategy is to instill the values of Pancasila character values in the Pancasila course in Higher Education. The method used is a descriptive method that explains the current or actual situation. The analysis used is the Dimension of Effectiveness in the Implementation...
Proceedings Article

Building a Love Character of the Cultural Environment Through Historical Learning

Hudaidah, Retno Susanti, Dian Sri Andriani
The focus of this article is to see how learning history can build character, that is, the character of loving the cultural environment. The problem in this article is about the role of historical learning in building a love character for the cultural environment. Then the purpose of this article is...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Organizer Sempoa (Abacuses) of Pregnant Women, Children, and Mother of Toddlers as a Media of Health Education

Indri Astuti Purwanti, Lia Mulyanti, Novita Nining Anggraini
The use of the Maternal and Child Health book (KIA book) as a health promotion medium to increase knowledge about stunting is considered not optimal. This encourages researchers to create media creations for organizer abacuses of pregnant women, children and mothers of toddlers. The research location...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of the Use of Flipbook Culture Story Media on Reading Literations of Elementary School Students

Liya Atika Anggrasari, Dian Permatasari Kusuma Dayu, Thitania Ambar Widihantari, Niken Dwi Setyaningsih
This study aims to determine the effect of using the flipbook culture story media on the reading literacy of elementary school students. This research is quantitative research with a true experimental design that is a post-test only design. The population in this study were all grade 5 students of an...
Proceedings Article

The Fading Value of Tolerance “Andhap Asor”, Among Millennial Generation in Surakarta

Luhur Budi Sayekti, Triana Rejekiningsih, Rini Triastuti
The cultural wealth is a gift that is owned by Indonesia to make diversity a priority in Indonesia. Surakarta City is one area that is closely related to local culture and values that are integrated into the life of its people. The city, which is inhabited by various cultures and ethnicities, makes local...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Character Education for Children at Semarang Kindergarten, Indonesia

Marini, Masrukhi
Character education needs to be developed since children at an early age. Kindergarten as an educational institution should give a priority to develop children’s character. Character education in kindergarten requires an appropriate strategy. The purpose of this research is to describe the character...
Proceedings Article

Cultivating Character Education Based on Values Culturalin Students in the Globalization Era

Muhammad Alhadika, Hassan Suryono, Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi
In this article, it describes that culture is a form of social structure that exists in society. In essence, culture has values that are always inherited, interpreted, and implemented in line with the process of social change. Character education in students can not only be obtained through a curriculum...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy of Civics Education Teachers in Strengthening the Character of Responsibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Resti Anika Sari, Mukhamad Murdiono
The learning carried out remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge for civics education teacher. Teacher must be able to create a learning environment to develop ethics, responsibility, and character of students. This study describes the strategies of civics education teacher in strengthening...
Proceedings Article

Virtues of the Madura Society

Nur Wahyu Rochmadi
Madura society is a phenomenal, because every Indonesian to know how the character of madura society. Even though they changed generations, the character of the madura society to have not many changes, becoming the identity of the madura society. This phenomenon is interesting to do an exploration of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Online Learning Implementation and Student Learning Activities in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era and Its Problems

Nurul Zuriah, Fahdian Rahmandani
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a pandemic and the Government of Indonesia based on Presidential Decree No.11 of 2020 concerning Determination of Public Health Emergencies. COVID-19 is a public health emergency that requires efforts to overcome it. In the education sector,...
Proceedings Article

Pancasila as the Establishing Ideology of Nationalism Indonesian Young Generation

Nuzon Sugito, Ratu Aulia, Lisa Rukmana
The Indonesian as a nation cannot avoid the challenges of globalization in all spheres of life, but by sticking to the values of the Pancasila as the guiding principles of the Indonesia Country will be able to survive facing the times, because everything has been regulated in the philosophy of Pancasila....
Proceedings Article

The Development of Adobe Animate Application in the Form of a Digital Learning of Wayang Golek Reyog Ponorogo to Introduce the Characters of Patriotism in Early Childhood in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic

Sulton, Prihma Sinta Utami, Betty Yulia Wulansari
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is a challenge for people to be able to compete according to their fields, especially in literacy and the learning process independently. The current Covid-19 pandemic has certainly changed many aspects of life, one of which is clearly felt for the world of education...
Proceedings Article

Pancasila Clinic Model Based on Local Affairs in Village Communities (Village Case Around the Semarang State University Campus)

Masrukhi, Margi Wahono, Tijan, AT Sugeng Priyanto
Local wisdom within the village community is an order of wisdom values that are locality, but are maintained from generation to generation. Its existence is a very important social capital in community empowerment. In general, people in rural areas are vulnerable to the impacts of globalization. Their...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Pancasila in Developing National Insights During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ratu Aulia, Nuzon Sugito, Hasmika
National insight is an important thing that must be maintained continuously in the process of nationhood and statehood because national insight is the spirit of the spirit of national life that determines the existence of a country. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic spread to various parts of the...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Strengthening the Nation Character of Indonesian Chinese-Muslims Ethnic Through Haji Muhammad Cheng Hoo Foundation Surabaya

Religia Fatihasari Berliana, Rusnaini, Triyanto
Nation character building had already been as an Indonesian government’s focus on strengthening Indonesian citizen’s nationalism. Especially for the minority that is still trying their best for showing their Indonesian nationalism. Sometimes the majority still can not believe with the minority. As a...
Proceedings Article

Application of Motion and Song Learning in Early Childhood

Jauhari, Ria Octa Viana
The application of motion and song learning is one of the strategies implemented in Raudhatul Athfal institution. Motion is a process; an activity takes place in a process to achieve the goal of learning. Song learning, songs can stimulate children’s development. in singing an early childhood song when...
Proceedings Article

The Performance of Social Studies Teachers in Junior High Schools in Palembang-Indonesia and Lampang-Thailand Implement Their Social Studies Curricula

Riswan Jaenudin, Umi Chotimah, Farida, Pongsatorn Khamjainuk
This research taims to determine the performance of social studies teachers in Indonesia and Lampang. The researchers conducted observations on social studies teacher respondents whom each school was represented by a social studies teacher in their respective schools in carrying out the social studies...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment Model to Develop Civic Virtue Towards Communal Health as an Effort to Tackle the Spread of Pandemic (A study on School Program ‘Siaga Covid’ at SMAN 7 Bandung)

Sapriya Sapriya, Susan Fitriasari, Syaifullah Syaifullah, Iim Siti Masyitoh, Akhmad Fauzi, Nyi Rd Dewi Kurniaty
The rapid spread of the Covid 19 pandemic cases and the high number of victims who have died have had an impact on the structure of human life in the world. To overcome this problem requires a high awareness of the citizens to participate, work together in breaking the chain of the spread of this pandemic....
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Character Education in Distance Learning in The Era of Pandemic Covid-19

Strengthening character education is the habituation and culture of religious attitudes, nationalism, integrity, independence and mutual cooperation. Control of the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires physical destancing to break the chain of transmission. Face-to-face learning in schools cannot be implemented....
Proceedings Article

Moral Teaching in Piwulang Manuscript and Its Relevance to The Teaching of Character Education in Indonesia

Siti Nur Zumrotun Niswah, Astrid Wangsagirindra Pudjastawa, Suwardi Endraswara
Online learning in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic requires teachers not only to teach subject matter, but also to instill character education to students. Piwulang manuscript contains moral teachings that can be used as guidelines for teachers in teaching character education. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Hula Hoop Dance to Stimulate Child’s Characters in Kindergarten

Sri Sumarni, Windi Dwi Andika, Umi Chotimah, Ruri Tria Astika
Character development develops optimally at an early age. Stimulation of children’s characters can be done with various kindergarten activities, the Hula Hoop Dance. However, the reality is only through habituation activities. This research aims to discover more about kindergarten children’s characters...
Proceedings Article

Multicultural Learning in The Subjects of Civic Education, History and Sociology

Case Study: SMA Negeri 1 Purwodadi

This study aims to examine the implementation of multicultural education in the subjects of Citizenship Education, History and Sociology at SMA N 1 Purwodadi. The subjects in the study were teachers and students at SMA N 1 Purwodadi. The method in this study used a qualitative approach. The results showed...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy of Pancasila and Civic Education Teachers in Building Student Character in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Tri Utami, Suharno
Character building of students in the Covid-19 Pandemic is very important. It is because all life systems change with all the existing rules to overcome the rapid growth of Covid-19. One of them is in the educational setting, where learning is carried out online, and besides, and the character of students...
Proceedings Article

School Culture That Supports Graduate Competency Development: A Case Study at SMK PIKA Semarang

Wahyu Noviansyah, Itok Dwi Kurniawan
SMK PIKA Semarang is a vocational school that has succeeded in shaping graduate competencies that are in line with the world of work’s needs. The phenomenon of the excellence of SMK PIKA in shaping graduate competencies cannot be separated from the role of schools’ competency culture process. This study...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Online Explaining Skills on Teacher Competence

Sixson Roberto Simangunsong, Sabda Dian Nurani Siahaan, Dodi Pramana
This study aims to find the effect of teacher skills in explaining online on teacher competence with data collection conducted by researchers to obtain data is to use several methods including online questionnaires, and filled in as many as thirty teacher respondents. Along with the development of technology,...