Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Education (ICoeSSE 2023)
275 authors
- Salsabilah, Syarah
- Students’ Cognitive Strategies in Learning Grammar
- Samat, N. A.
- Risk Factors and Adverse Effects of Smartphone Addiction in Early Childhood: A Systematic Review
- Saputra, Andika Guruh
- The Role of Kahoot Apps in Foreign Language Learning
- Sari, Elis Komala
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Sari, Ermina
- The Influence of SETS Learning Model-Based Local Wisdom on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Collaboration 21st Century in Environmental Topics
- Sari, Meliana
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Sari, Meliana
- Development of Canva-based Picture Storybook Media to Increase Reading Interest in Early Childhood
- Sari, Milya
- Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
- Sarif, Suharia
- Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
- Sarifah, Anisa
- Development of an Interactive E-Module (EMODI) Based Creative Problem-Solving Use Articulate Storyline for Probability Material
- Sastria, Emayulia
- Analysis of Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Relationship with Academic Achievement in Science
- Sesnita, Pungky
- Development of Science Student Worksheets based on a Scientific Approach to the Topic of Light and Its Properties for Grade IV Elementary School Students
- Setiowati, Erni Agustina
- Parents’ Beliefs, Attitudes toward School, and School Readiness of Preschoolers after Social Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Setiowati, Erni Agustina
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Shaqhira, Anggun
- Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
- Silvianetri, Silvianetri
- Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting
- Silvianetri, Silvianetri
- The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
- Silvir, M. Habibullah
- The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
- Siregar, Parulian
- Development of Science Student Worksheets based on a Scientific Approach to the Topic of Light and Its Properties for Grade IV Elementary School Students
- Sisrazeni
- Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
- Solong, Najamuddin Petta
- The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era
- Sondari, Elis Siti
- The Influence of Merdeka Curriculum Policies and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
- Suanto, Elfis
- Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Instrument Using Rasch Model
- Sudirman, Sudirman
- Effectiveness of Using Black Track Detector Robot (BTDR) Probs to Improve Student Physics Learning Outcomes
- Sulhan, Mohammad
- Identification of Supporting and Inhibiting Factors on Islamic Character Education in Inclusive Schools
- Susrizal, Silvia
- 21st Century Learning and Its Application to The Independent Curriculum
- Suyono, Suyono
- Implementing Differentiated Learning in an EFL Class: How Students from Different Learning Styles Perceived Its Advantages
- Suzanne, Nina
- Students’ Cognitive Strategies in Learning Grammar
- Syafryadin, Syafryadin
- Students’ Perception and Challenges Toward the Implementation of Project-based Learning in Public Speaking Class
- Syafwar, Fadhilah
- E-Counseling Service Strategy for Students Final Semester As an Effort To Improve Motivation for Writing Thesis
- Syarfina, Syarfina
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Syarfina, Syarfina
- Developing Digital Learning Media to Promote Early Children’s Cognitive Development
- Tahria, Fani
- Character Development of Social Care of Students through the Friday Infaq Movement
- Tanjung, T. Idris
- 21st Century Learning and Its Application to The Independent Curriculum
- Tas’adi, Rafsel
- E-Counseling Service Strategy for Students Final Semester As an Effort To Improve Motivation for Writing Thesis
- Tas’adi, Rafsel
- Defining Bullying in the Indonesian Context: A Systematic Review
- Trisoni, Ridwal
- 21st Century Learning and Its Application to The Independent Curriculum
- Trisoni, Ridwal
- The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Student Achievement in High Schools
- Vrika, Renggi
- The Role of Kahoot Apps in Foreign Language Learning
- Wahidah, Syifa Hayatun Nufus
- Development of Newton’s Law E-Module Integrated Alquran REACH Based Using the Flipbuilde App
- Wahyu, Widia Putri
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Wahyudi M., Edi
- Profile of Student Competence in Applying Technology as a Media for Guidance and Counseling Services
- Warmansyah, Jhoni
- Peer-Review Statements
- Warmansyah, Jhoni
- Parents’ Beliefs, Attitudes toward School, and School Readiness of Preschoolers after Social Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Warmansyah, Jhoni
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Warmansyah, Jhoni
- Development of Canva-based Picture Storybook Media to Increase Reading Interest in Early Childhood
- Warmansyah, Jhoni
- Developing Digital Learning Media to Promote Early Children’s Cognitive Development
- Wilza, Ibra
- Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
- Wulandari, Fauzia
- Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
- Wulandari, Retno
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Yanti, Masri Wahyuli
- Developing a Listening Skill Teaching Material Based on The Camtasia Software
- Yasril, Yasril
- Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
- Yeni, Putri
- Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting
- Yennita, Y.
- Ethnoscience in Pacu Jalur Kuantan Riau: Exploring Local Cultural Traditions as a Context of Teaching Physics in School
- Yenti, Isra Nurmai
- Peer-Review Statements
- Yenti, Isra Nurmai
- Development of an Interactive E-Module (EMODI) Based Creative Problem-Solving Use Articulate Storyline for Probability Material
- Yuanita, Putri
- Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Instrument Using Rasch Model
- Yuberta, Kurnia Rahmi
- Project Based Blended Learning Model with Moodle Application to Enhance Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability
- Yuberta, Kurnia Rahmi
- Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
- Yulianti
- The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
- Yulitri, Rina
- Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
- Yulkifli, Yulkifli
- The Influence of SETS Learning Model-Based Local Wisdom on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Collaboration 21st Century in Environmental Topics
- Yuningsih, Restu
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Yuningsih, Restu
- Development of Canva-based Picture Storybook Media to Increase Reading Interest in Early Childhood
- Zain, Azizah
- Developing Digital Learning Media to Promote Early Children’s Cognitive Development
- Zaqiah, Qiqi Yuliati
- Identification of Supporting and Inhibiting Factors on Islamic Character Education in Inclusive Schools
- Zebua, Dinyah Rizki Yanti
- Analysis of Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Relationship with Academic Achievement in Science
- Zubaidah, Zubaidah
- Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting
- Zulamri, Zulamri
- Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting
- Zulfikar, Zulfikar
- Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting
- Zulhermindra, Zulhermindra
- Implementing Differentiated Learning in an EFL Class: How Students from Different Learning Styles Perceived Its Advantages
- Zulirfan, Z.
- Ethnoscience in Pacu Jalur Kuantan Riau: Exploring Local Cultural Traditions as a Context of Teaching Physics in School
- Zunidar, Zunidar
- Character Development of Social Care of Students through the Friday Infaq Movement
- Zuryati, Zuryati
- Project Based Blended Learning Model with Moodle Application to Enhance Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability
- ‘Uyun, Zafirah Quroatun
- Pedagogy and Digital Literacy Within the Framework of Popular Culture: How Early Childhood’s Choices Can Influence Educational Discourse?