Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Education (ICoeSSE 2023)
275 authors
- Abd, Mohd. Yusri
- Development of Constructivism-Based Pictorial Chemistry Cards on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solution Materials
- Adripen, Adripen
- Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
- Adripen, Adripen
- Bibliometric Analysis: The Role of AI In PAI Learning Activity In The Modern Education Era
- Afnibar
- Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
- Agamas, Zetra Sivila
- An Analysis of Presupposition Used in Dialogues of “Pathway to English” Textbook
- Aisyah, Devi
- Internalization The Learning of Islamic History Civilization Through Research-Based At Islamic Colleges in West Sumatra
- Alfathani, Fatiyan
- Developing a Listening Skill Teaching Material Based on The Camtasia Software
- Alif, Ayni Ananda
- Development of an Integrated Islamic Science Biology Module with the Support of Augmented Reality (AR) Media on Circulatory System Material in Senior High School
- Alimin, Alimin
- Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
- Alwis, Alwis
- Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
- Amalina, Amalina
- Risk Factors and Adverse Effects of Smartphone Addiction in Early Childhood: A Systematic Review
- Amelia, Amelia
- Developing a Listening Skill Teaching Material Based on The Camtasia Software
- Amelia, Amelia
- Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
- Amin, Nur Taqwa
- Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
- Amor, Atika
- Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
- Amrullah, Frizki Hidayat
- Students’ Perception and Challenges Toward the Implementation of Project-based Learning in Public Speaking Class
- Anastasha, Desty Ayu
- Pedagogy and Digital Literacy Within the Framework of Popular Culture: How Early Childhood’s Choices Can Influence Educational Discourse?
- Ardiani, Indah
- The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Student Achievement in High Schools
- Ardimen, Ardimen
- E-Counseling Service Strategy for Students Final Semester As an Effort To Improve Motivation for Writing Thesis
- Arif, Muh.
- The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era
- Arif, Muh.
- Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
- Ariyanti, Delvi Eka
- Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
- Armis, Armis
- Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Instrument Using Rasch Model
- Arsyad, Berti
- Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
- Asmendri, Asmendri
- Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
- Asmita, Wenda
- The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
- Astitah, Andi
- Use of Learning Cycle 5E in Revealing the PAI Conceptual Abilities of Class XI Students at SMA Negeri 1 Makassar
- Astuti, Dewi
- Developing Digital Learning Media to Promote Early Children’s Cognitive Development
- Azizah, Sarmila Yanti
- 21st Century Learning and Its Application to The Independent Curriculum
- Azwar, Beni
- Profile of Student Competence in Applying Technology as a Media for Guidance and Counseling Services
- Badrudin, Badrudin
- The Influence of Merdeka Curriculum Policies and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
- Basri, Muhammad
- Character Development of Social Care of Students through the Friday Infaq Movement
- Bihantoro, Dhea Ovina
- Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
- Cahyani, dan Ridiya
- E-Counseling Service Strategy for Students Final Semester As an Effort To Improve Motivation for Writing Thesis
- Chandra, Artha Nesa
- Peer-Review Statements
- Chandra, Artha Nesa
- Development of Newton’s Law E-Module Integrated Alquran REACH Based Using the Flipbuilde App
- Daliyanda, Ririn
- Development of Canva-based Picture Storybook Media to Increase Reading Interest in Early Childhood
- Darma, Delpita
- Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
- David, David
- The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Student Achievement in High Schools
- Demina, Demina
- 21st Century Learning and Its Application to The Independent Curriculum
- Dewanti, Utari
- An Analysis of Presupposition Used in Dialogues of “Pathway to English” Textbook
- Dirma, Muna
- Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
- Djafar, Fatimah
- The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era
- Doni, Chaterina Puteri
- Gorontalo and Arabic Morphology: A Contrastive Analysis to Ease Language Learning and Translation
- Elfi, Elfi
- Investigating Students’ Needs in Developing an English Course Book: Islamic Value-based English for Journalists and Broadcasters
- Eliwatis, Eliwatis
- Development of E-Modules for Yassara Quran Memorization
- Eliwatis, Eliwatis
- Bibliometric Analysis: The Role of AI In PAI Learning Activity In The Modern Education Era
- Eliwatis, Eliwatis
- Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
- Elvita, Yanti
- Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
- Erlinda, Rita
- An Analysis of Presupposition Used in Dialogues of “Pathway to English” Textbook
- Fadri, Zainal
- Pedagogy and Digital Literacy Within the Framework of Popular Culture: How Early Childhood’s Choices Can Influence Educational Discourse?
- Fadriati, Fadriati
- Development of a Digital Test Instrument Using the Thurstone Scale to Measure Levels of Religious Moderation
- Fahlefi, Rizal
- Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
- Fajar, Najmiatul
- Development of an Integrated Islamic Science Biology Module with the Support of Augmented Reality (AR) Media on Circulatory System Material in Senior High School
- Fanany, Rebecca
- Defining Bullying in the Indonesian Context: A Systematic Review
- Fathia, Wilda
- Utilization of The Publish or Perish Application as a source of Reference Digital in Compiling Textbooks by Islamic Boarding School Teachers
- Fatmawati, Fatmawati
- Internalization The Learning of Islamic History Civilization Through Research-Based At Islamic Colleges in West Sumatra
- Fazis, Muhammad
- Change Management in the Implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka)
- Febrian, Vicky Rizki
- Change Management in the Implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka)
- Febriani, Dini
- Analysis of Preventive Actions as an Effort to Increase the Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning
- Ferry, Dharma
- Analysis of Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Relationship with Academic Achievement in Science
- Festiyed, Festiyed
- The Influence of SETS Learning Model-Based Local Wisdom on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Collaboration 21st Century in Environmental Topics
- Firda, Arlian
- The Influence of SETS Learning Model-Based Local Wisdom on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Collaboration 21st Century in Environmental Topics
- Fitri, Hamidah
- Developing a Listening Skill Teaching Material Based on The Camtasia Software
- Fitri, Hamidah
- Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
- Fitriah, Lutfiyanti
- The Learning Development of ICARE-PPR Assisted by BioPhy to Train Kayuh Baimbai Characters and Biodiversity Conservation
- Gusria, Wahyu
- Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting
- Gusria, Wahyu
- The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
- Gustina, Gustina
- Bibliometric Analysis: The Role of AI In PAI Learning Activity In The Modern Education Era
- Hadiarni, Hadiarni
- Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
- Hambali, Adang
- Identification of Supporting and Inhibiting Factors on Islamic Character Education in Inclusive Schools
- Hanani, Silfia
- Development of E-Modules for Yassara Quran Memorization
- Hanifuddin, Iza
- Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
- Harahap, Nur Hasanah
- The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
- Hardi, Emeliya
- Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
- Hardi, Emeliya
- Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
- Haris, Venny
- Development of Students’ Worksheet of Physics Practicum Based on Augmented Reality and Qur’an Integrated on Electricity in Senior High School
- Hartini, Hartini
- Profile of Student Competence in Applying Technology as a Media for Guidance and Counseling Services
- Hasan, Asyari
- Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
- Hasaniyah, Nur
- The Effectiveness of Using Lecture Maker-Based Learning Media to Student’s Arabic Listening Skills
- Haviz, M.
- Peer-Review Statements
- Hendriani, Suswati
- Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
- Herawati, Susi
- Development of E-Modules for Yassara Quran Memorization
- Herawati, Susi
- The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Student Achievement in High Schools
- Herlina, Elda
- Project Based Blended Learning Model with Moodle Application to Enhance Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability
- Herlina, Elda
- Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
- Herman, Mimi
- Development of Module Integrated with Quranic Verses Based on Discovery Learning on Reaction Rate Material
- Hidayati, Laily
- Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
- Hidayati, Wilma Rahma
- The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
- Huda, Ummul
- Project Based Blended Learning Model with Moodle Application to Enhance Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability
- Huda, Ummul
- Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
- Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N.
- The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era
- Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N.
- Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
- Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N.
- The Effectiveness of Using Lecture Maker-Based Learning Media to Student’s Arabic Listening Skills
- Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N.
- Gorontalo and Arabic Morphology: A Contrastive Analysis to Ease Language Learning and Translation
- Husain, Dahlia
- Gorontalo and Arabic Morphology: A Contrastive Analysis to Ease Language Learning and Translation
- Husna, Hafizhah
- Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
- Husna, Lathifah
- Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
- Husna, Lathifah
- Development of Canva-based Picture Storybook Media to Increase Reading Interest in Early Childhood
- Husna, Lathifah
- The Effectiveness of Using Lecture Maker-Based Learning Media to Student’s Arabic Listening Skills