Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Education (ICoeSSE 2023)
57 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Jhoni Warmansyah, Artha Nesa Chandra, M. Haviz, Isra Nurmai Yenti, Safrizal Safrizal, Hadiyati Idrus
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Social Science and Education (ICoeSSE 2023) during 06-07 September 2023 in Batusangkar. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article
Risk Factors and Adverse Effects of Smartphone Addiction in Early Childhood: A Systematic Review
Amalina Amalina, N. A. Samat
Smartphones are technological devices that have a significant impact on people's daily lives. However, excessive smartphone usage can have negative effects on individuals. This study aims to systematically identify the risk factors and impacts associated with smartphone addiction in early childhood....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era
Ana Mariana, Fatimah Djafar, Arten Mobonggi, Muh. Arif, Najamuddin Petta Solong, Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula
Communication and job motivation are two critical factors in determining a person's performance achievement. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of communication and work motivation on the performance of non-permanent lecturers in carrying out the three commitments of higher education...
Proceedings Article
Development of Newton’s Law E-Module Integrated Alquran REACH Based Using the Flipbuilde App
Artha Nesa Chandra, Dino Andika Putra, Novia Lizelwati, Marjoni Imamora, Pera Agustia Putri, Syifa Hayatun Nufus Wahidah
The physics e-module integrating the Alquran with REACT steps is believed to be able to improve the quality of student learning. E-Modules have steps that can guide students to learn independently in understanding learning material. This underlies the importance of developing a REACT-based Alquran integration...
Proceedings Article
Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
Asmendri Asmendri, Annisaul Khairat, Fauzia Wulandari, Yanti Elvita, Adripen Adripen, Jamilus Jamilus, Yasril Yasril, Alwis Alwis, Milya Sari, Afnibar
This study aims to determine the validity and practicality of kinemaster-based learning videos. This research method is research and development (R&D) using the 4D model with four stages, namely: (1) Define, (2) Design, (3) Develop, (4) Disseminate. At the define stage, interviews were conducted...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Merdeka Curriculum Policies and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
Badrudin Badrudin, Elis Siti Sondari, Della Hanifah Nurbaeti
Improving the madrasah learning process is influenced by several factors, including schools being able to face change Curriculum policy is currently becoming a crucial topic in education. Motivation as a driving force in facing changes that plays a role in the implementation of learning in madrasas....
Proceedings Article
21st Century Learning and Its Application to The Independent Curriculum
Demina Demina, Sarmila Yanti Azizah, Adam Mudinillah, Silvia Susrizal, Syahrul Ramli, T. Idris Tanjung, Romi Maimori, Ridwal Trisoni
Education always experiences development and progress due to the influence of several factors. One of the most influential factors is the factor of technological progress. The contact of technology with the world of education at this time makes humans have to prepare to face 21st century learning. So...
Proceedings Article
Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
Hadiarni Hadiarni, Desri Jumiarti, Emeliya Hardi, Rina Yulitri, Sisrazeni, Ibra Wilza, Anggun Shaqhira, Delpita Darma
The main problem in research is that there are no modules available that can help students determine their future career direction. The aim of this research is to develop an interactive multimedia-based career guidance module so that it can provide new innovations for guidance and counseling teachers...
Proceedings Article
Investigating Students’ Needs in Developing an English Course Book: Islamic Value-based English for Journalists and Broadcasters
Elfi Elfi
This study was motivated by the need for appropriate English Material based on Islamic values for Journalistic and Broadcasting Students. The aim of this study has used R&D by using ADDIE model consist of five stages, they were: analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating. In this...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Instrument Using Rasch Model
Elfis Suanto, Putri Yuanita, Armis Armis, Fadilah Gustin Khainingsih
Reasoning ability is a necessary and important ability for students of mathematics education. This ability is required to construct a mathematical thought and provide evidence that the idea is true. Therefore, instruments for measuring mathematical reasoning abilities are very important. The focus of...
Proceedings Article
Development of E-Modules for Yassara Quran Memorization
Eliwatis Eliwatis, Silfia Hanani, Salmiwati Salmiwati, Susi Herawati, Romi Maimori, Riri Ramadhani
There is a phenomenon of students’ tendency to memorize the Qur’an which prioritizes the quantity of memorization rather than the quality of memorization, many students do not pay attention to the laws of tajweed and often do not focus on memorizing the Qur’an, in addition students are also not facilitated...
Proceedings Article
Development of Module Integrated with Quranic Verses Based on Discovery Learning on Reaction Rate Material
Elvy Rahmi Mawarnis, Suci Ramadhani, Mimi Herman
This study is grounded in the idea that the poor achievement of learners in class is, at least in part, attributable to a dearth of useful instructional resources. Quranic verses should be incorporated into Discovery Learning-based pedagogical tools for use in the classroom. The goal of this research...
Proceedings Article
Development of Constructivism-Based Pictorial Chemistry Cards on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solution Materials
Elvy Rahmi Mawarnis, Syafmiati Khaira, Mohd. Yusri Abd
Electrolyte solution is one of the abstract chemistry learning materials, which explains chemical phenomena mostly at the microscopic and symbolic representation levels. This can be an obstacle for students in learning and understanding the material so that it can result in low student learning outcomes....
Proceedings Article
Parents’ Beliefs, Attitudes toward School, and School Readiness of Preschoolers after Social Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Erni Agustina Setiowati, Jhoni Warmansyah
The Covid-19 pandemic situation has made schools including kindergartens conduct online learning for more than three semesters. This leads to face-to-face teachers and preschoolers being limited. This research examined school readiness among the last second semester of second-year kindergarten children...
Proceedings Article
E-Counseling Service Strategy for Students Final Semester As an Effort To Improve Motivation for Writing Thesis
Fadhilah Syafwar, Ardimen Ardimen, Rafsel Tas’adi, dan Ridiya Cahyani
E-counseling services are very important to be applied to graduate students. Based on reports from the Counseling Service Center at one university, there are still many semester IX, XI and XII students who have not completed their thesis for internal or personal reasons and an unsupportive environment....
Proceedings Article
Development of a Digital Test Instrument Using the Thurstone Scale to Measure Levels of Religious Moderation
Fadriati Fadriati, Fadhilah Rahmafitri, Dwifa Ramadhanty, Lita Sari Muchlis
There is an opinion by some people that religious moderation will shallow religious understanding. In fact, religious moderation actually implements true religious values. The phenomenon shows that people with a good understanding of religion will be friendly towards other people, especially when facing...
Proceedings Article
Internalization The Learning of Islamic History Civilization Through Research-Based At Islamic Colleges in West Sumatra
Fatmawati Fatmawati, Devi Aisyah
This article discusses internalization the learning of Islamic History Civilization at Islamic colleges (PTAI) in West Sumatra. This research aims to describe how to obtain heuristics sources for learning the History of Islamic Civilization (SPI) to SPI lecturers, to introduce the implementation of source...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Listening Skill Teaching Material Based on The Camtasia Software
Kamaluddin Kamaluddin, Ferki Ahmad Marlion, Nurlaila Nurlaila, Amelia Amelia, Hamidah Fitri, Masri Wahyuli Yanti, Fatiyan Alfathani
The purpose of this research is to know the development of teaching the skill of listening by means of Camtasia Software. The researcher followed the type of this research is Research and Development. The development model consists of definition, design and development stages. The data collection method...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Supporting and Inhibiting Factors on Islamic Character Education in Inclusive Schools
Fitri Meliani, Adang Hambali, Qiqi Yuliati Zaqiah, Mohammad Sulhan
The focus of this article discusses the inhibiting and supporting factors in character education in inclusive schools. Policy makers have actually made regulations in National Education System’s Law regarding the implementation of inclusive education, namely Regulation Number 70 of 2009. However, in...
Proceedings Article
Development of Students’ Worksheet of Physics Practicum Based on Augmented Reality and Qur’an Integrated on Electricity in Senior High School
Hadiyati Idrus, Weri Oktavia, Venny Haris, Novia Lizelwati, Yupita Putri
Currently, there are many of the latest technological breakthroughs, the world of education is expected to be able to adapt and utilize technology as a support for learning activities. One of them is in the form of teaching materials or worksheet practicum. The lack of availability of worksheet practicum...
Proceedings Article
Profile of Student Competence in Applying Technology as a Media for Guidance and Counseling Services
Hartini Hartini, Beni Azwar, Edi Wahyudi M.
The purpose of this study is to determine the profile of student competence in applying technology as a medium for providing guidance and counseling services which is studied from aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are also analyzed based on gender and semester level. The study used a...
Proceedings Article
Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula, Muh. Arif, Suharia Sarif, Nur Taqwa Amin, Berti Arsyad, Sriwahyuningsih R. Saleh
The existence of Gorontalo Pegon Arabic manuscripts and their orthographic types is not widely known and is an almost extinct language and cultural heritage. The extinction of this heritage can be preserved with digital transliteration techniques to be copied, checked, and rewritten so that the manuscripts...
Proceedings Article
Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting
Irman Irman, Silvianetri Silvianetri, Zubaidah Zubaidah, Putri Yeni, Zulamri Zulamri, Nidya Juwita Roza, Zulfikar Zulfikar, Wahyu Gusria
The anxiety experienced by parents occurs at the beginning of leaving their child at the boarding school. Islamic boarding school counselors try to provide online counseling services based on zoom meetings. This study aims to determine the efforts of counselors to reduce the anxiety of parents of students...
Proceedings Article
Development of an Interactive E-Module (EMODI) Based Creative Problem-Solving Use Articulate Storyline for Probability Material
Isra Nurmai Yenti, Anisa Sarifah
Technological advances are increasingly rapidly encouraging the replacement of printing media with computers in learning activities. Teachers who only provide printed teaching materials make students less interested in learning. This study aims to produce a product in the form of an interactive e-module...
Proceedings Article
The Learning Development of ICARE-PPR Assisted by BioPhy to Train Kayuh Baimbai Characters and Biodiversity Conservation
Ita Ita, Lutfiyanti Fitriah
The lecture process should be able to accommodate developments in the cogni-tive, psychomotor and affective domains. Development of learning models is an innovation that must be done. Through the right learning model, students can be directed not only to be smart students but also to be able to mold...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
Jhoni Warmansyah, Afriyane Ismandela, Dinda Fatma Nabila, Widia Putri Wahyu, Retno Wulandari, Wilma Rahma Hidayati, Masril Masril, Elis Komala Sari, Meliana Sari, Restu Yuningsih, Tara Aneka Putri, Syarfina Syarfina, Erni Agustina Setiowati
Emotional dysregulation in early childhood can be influenced by various factors. This study aims to investigate the correlation between the mother-child relationship and emotional dysregulation in early childhood. The research uses a correlational quantitative research design and involves 162 parents...
Proceedings Article
Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
Kamaluddin Kamaluddin, Ferki Ahmad Marlion, Nurlaila Nurlaila, Amelia Amelia, Lathifah Husna, Hamidah Fitri, Muna Dirma
Speaking is one of the four Arabic skills that must be mastered by students. Interactive games are suitable learning media for use in learning speaking skills because they can stimulate students to be active in speaking and can also attract students’ attention. This study aims to develop interactive...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perception and Challenges Toward the Implementation of Project-based Learning in Public Speaking Class
Kasmaini Kasmaini, Frizki Hidayat Amrullah, Syafryadin Syafryadin
The objective of this study was to examine students’ perspectives regarding the integration of project-based learning and the challenges encountered by students when implementing project-based learning in a public speaking course at the University of Bengkulu. The participants in this study consisted...
Proceedings Article
Project Based Blended Learning Model with Moodle Application to Enhance Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability
Kurnia Rahmi Yuberta, Zuryati Zuryati, Ummul Huda, Elda Herlina, Nola Nari, Anggita Susila Putri
One of the mathematical competencies that students should possess is mathematical critical thinking ability. However, the outcomes they achieve are not as expected. This could be because the online learning carried out during Covid-19 has not gone well. The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Kahoot Apps in Foreign Language Learning
Melisa Rezi, Renggi Vrika, Andika Guruh Saputra, Adam Mudinillah
Language is the unifying medium of the nation, to be able to understand a lot of foreign knowledge, one must first understand the foreign language. But there are still many who still have difficulty understanding foreign languages. Education in modern times provides media that serves to complement students’...
Proceedings Article
Character Development of Social Care of Students through the Friday Infaq Movement
Muhammad Basri, Zunidar Zunidar, Fani Tahria
The Friday infaq movement at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swaswa (MIS) Mutiara located on Jl. Jati No. 125 A Pasar IV Dusun II A Sei Mencirim Village, Sunggal District, Kabupatean Deli Serdang, North Sumtera, Indonesia, is the focus of research to develop students’ social care character. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
Change Management in the Implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka)
Muhammad Fazis, Vicky Rizki Febrian
The implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) certainly requires appropriate change management in its implementation, the goal is to make the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka)...
Proceedings Article
Development of an Integrated Islamic Science Biology Module with the Support of Augmented Reality (AR) Media on Circulatory System Material in Senior High School
Ayni Ananda Alif, Najmiatul Fajar, Bismi Safmita
This research is motivated by the problems faced in learning biology, among others, the content of understanding solid material, the media and methods used by teachers tend to be boring so that it affects students' interest in learning. Then the teaching materials and textbooks in the teaching and...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Cognitive Strategies in Learning Grammar
Nina Suzanne, Sirajul Munir, Syarah Salsabilah
Cognitive strategy is a way that students choose to assist them better understand the material that they are studying. Because of the technique used, a number of English students were able to participate in the grammar learning process effectively and received high grades. This study aimed to describe...
Proceedings Article
Development of Canva-based Picture Storybook Media to Increase Reading Interest in Early Childhood
Nurlaila Nurlaila, Ririn Daliyanda, Jhoni Warmansyah, Lathifah Husna, Elis Komalasari, Restu Yuningsih, Meliana Sari
Reading is one of the basic language skills that children need to learn. To increase reading interest of children, interesting learning media is needcxsed. One of the interesting learning media is picture storybook. This study aims to develop a canva-based picture storybook media to increase reading...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Using Lecture Maker-Based Learning Media to Student’s Arabic Listening Skills
Nurlaila Nurlaila, Rini Olta Piyana, Kamaluddin Kamaluddin, Lathifah Husna, Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula, Nur Hasaniyah
Listening is one of the important Arabic skills to be learned by elementary school students. However, many Arabic teachersonly use traditional learning media in teaching listening, even though in the digital era, there is a lot of software that can be used to produce learning media. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
Gorontalo and Arabic Morphology: A Contrastive Analysis to Ease Language Learning and Translation
Nurul Aini N. Pakaya, Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula, Chaterina Puteri Doni, Sriwahyuningsih R. Saleh, Dahlia Husain, Anggraeni M. S. Lagalo
As a foreign language, Arabic has an interesting morphological system to study when compared to Gorontalo language. Even though Gorontalo is only a regional language, the influence of Arabic is significant. This can be seen in the large amount of Arabic vocabularies that has been absorbed into the Gorontalo...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Relationship with Academic Achievement in Science
Ogi Danika Pranata, Emayulia Sastria, Dharma Ferry, Dinyah Rizki Yanti Zebua
The pandemic has significantly reshaped our lives, particularly the way we learn. Despite the increased use of technology in education during this period, there have been persistent negative effects that extend beyond cognitive aspects, impacting students emotionally. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Preventive Actions as an Effort to Increase the Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning
Miftahir Rizqa, Radhiatul Husni, Annisa Rahmadina, Dini Febriani, Ghina Mardhiyah
Teachers take Preventive actions to prevent deviant behavior that occurs in students during learning. Every teacher must be able to create a comfortable and safe learning environment without any strange behavior so that the learning process can run effectively. This research aims to observe indicators...
Proceedings Article
Defining Bullying in the Indonesian Context: A Systematic Review
Rafsel Tas’adi, Rebecca Fanany
Bullying has largely been heavily studied in western school contexts using western social norms as to ascribe meaning to this phenomenon. This research has informed work on bullying in Indonesia and shaped efforts to stop it. However, bullying cannot be separated from the local context in which it occurs...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of The Publish or Perish Application as a source of Reference Digital in Compiling Textbooks by Islamic Boarding School Teachers
Ratmiati Ratmiati, Wilda Fathia, Muspardi Muspardi, Syaiful Marwan
This study aims to describe the use of digital applications PoP in the process of compiling textbooks by the teacher assembly of the Royatul Islam Islamic boarding school. This research is qualitative approach with the type of research in the form of community service, namely PAR (Participatory Action...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of SETS Learning Model-Based Local Wisdom on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Collaboration 21st Century in Environmental Topics
Rikizaputra Rikizaputra, Arlian Firda, Ermina Sari, Mega Lestari, Safira Safira, Festiyed Festiyed, Yulkifli Yulkifli
The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of SETS (Science Environment Technology Society) learning model based on local wisdom on students’ critical thinking and 21st century collaboration skills. This research was conducted in SMAN 13 Pekanbaru class X in the academic year 2021/2022 on...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Presupposition Used in Dialogues of “Pathway to English” Textbook
Rita Erlinda, Wahyu Milsa Mursyida, Zetra Sivila Agamas, Utari Dewanti
The present study aims to investigate types of presuppositions employed in dialogues of the Pathway to English textbook designed for 12th grade of Senior High School students. This research used qualitative descriptive method with content analysis design. The data were analyzed by using the theory proposed...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
Rizal Fahlefi, Hafizhah Husna, Asyari Hasan, Iza Hanifuddin, Alimin Alimin
The research aimed to enhance the entrepreneurial motivation of mustahik through Sharia-based entrepreneurship education, namely entrepreneurship education based on Islamic values derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah. The research used a qualitative approach with an action research method. The re-searchers...
Proceedings Article
Bibliometric Analysis: The Role of AI In PAI Learning Activity In The Modern Education Era
Rizki Pebrina, Rahayu Eka Putri, Adam Mudinillah, Adripen Adripen, Eliwatis Eliwatis, Gustina Gustina, T. Idris
PAI is supporting learning which aims to instill religious characteristics in individual lives. We strive to support the advancement of sophisticated technology to play an important role in helping educators in shaping the character of the nation’s children with religious knowledge and science and technology...
Proceedings Article
Development of Science Student Worksheets based on a Scientific Approach to the Topic of Light and Its Properties for Grade IV Elementary School Students
Safrizal Safrizal, Yufi Latmini Lasari, Anjani Putri Belawati Pandiangan, Parulian Siregar, Mega Adyna Movitaria, Pungky Sesnita
This research is motivated by the lack of student learning resources in schools that only use textbooks as the main source, the findings of the use of student worksheets used also do not accommodate students’ critical thinking skills. This research aims to produce a product in the form of science student...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
Silvianetri Silvianetri, Irman Irman, Wenda Asmita, Yulianti, Nur Hasanah Harahap, M. Habibullah Silvir, Muhammad Rafiul Muiz, Deni Rahman, Wahyu Gusria
A growing trend in recent years is the use of technology in various fields. For example, there is increasing interest in reviewing the effectiveness of counseling services on video sharing and social media platforms such as YouTube. One of the aims of this research is to test the effectiveness of YouTube-based...
Proceedings Article
Tourism Education in the Digital Era: Navigating Innovation and Transformation
Siska Mandalia
In the contemporary era, the tourism industry is undergoing a profound transformation due to the digital revolution, which requires a comprehensive study of how education responds to this transformational shift. This study uses a qualitative research approach to gain in-depth insight into how innovation...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Using Black Track Detector Robot (BTDR) Probs to Improve Student Physics Learning Outcomes
Sudirman Sudirman
The low value of student physics learning outcomes is influenced by students’ attention and interest in the learning process. Whereas the conventional learning process is monotonous, students feel saturated and lose enthusiasm for receiving learning materials. This study aims to improve the learning...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Student Achievement in High Schools
Ridwal Trisoni, Indah Ardiani, Susi Herawati, Adam Mudinillah, Romi Maimori, Annisaul Khairat, David David, Nazliati Nazliati
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a process for shaping human thinking styles so that they can design machines to behave like humans or also known as Cognitive Tasks, namely from information data that has been programmed to make machines able to do work like what humans are doing automatically. The research...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
Suswati Hendriani, Eliwatis Eliwatis, Emeliya Hardi, Hendra Eka Putra, Atika Amor, Dhea Ovina Bihantoro
This research was conducted due to some teachers’ complaining about their workload. The research was aimed to explore out secondary teachers’ perspective on their workload amid COVID-19 Pandemic. The research was conducted through mixed methods using triangulation design. The research subjects were ninety-eight...
Proceedings Article
Developing Digital Learning Media to Promote Early Children’s Cognitive Development
Rita Mahriza, Syarfina Syarfina, Dewi Astuti, Jhoni Warmansyah, Azizah Zain
This research aims to develop a digital learning media called “Who Game” to promote children’s cognitive development aged 4-5 years. This research and development (R&D) use the Borg and Gall model, which consists of 9 steps; information collecting, planning, developing a preliminary form of product,...
Proceedings Article
Use of Learning Cycle 5E in Revealing the PAI Conceptual Abilities of Class XI Students at SMA Negeri 1 Makassar
Ulfiani Rahman, Andi Astitah
There appears to be a gap between students’ understanding and the use of student-centered learning models in the classroom. This research aims to outline the effect of using 5E learning cycle in uncovering the conceptual abilities of the eleventh-grade PAI students at SMAN 1 Makassar. This research is...
Proceedings Article
Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
Ummul Huda, Silvia Maturrani, Laily Hidayati, Kurnia Rahmi Yuberta, Elda Herlina, Delvi Eka Ariyanti
The increasingly rapid development of technology requires teachers to be able to choose, use and develop various types of media or teaching materials that can construct students’ knowledge independently at their own pace. Learning does not only focus on material and pedagogy but must be enriched with...
Proceedings Article
Pedagogy and Digital Literacy Within the Framework of Popular Culture: How Early Childhood’s Choices Can Influence Educational Discourse?
Zafirah Quroatun ‘Uyun, Safrizal Safrizal, Desri Jumiarti, Desty Ayu Anastasha, Zainal Fadri
The linkage of education and technology forces digital literacy to emerge as an alternative conceptual framework and practice of using digital media. Meanwhile, early childhood in digital media practices still invites debate. This research does not attempt to question the positive and negative aspects...
Proceedings Article
Implementing Differentiated Learning in an EFL Class: How Students from Different Learning Styles Perceived Its Advantages
Zulhermindra Zulhermindra, Suyono Suyono, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Yuliana Kasuma, Silfia Rahmi, Anita Kurniasih
This study aimed at investigating how students from different learning styles perceived the advantages of implementing differentiated learning in their English class. This research used a survey method with a cross-sectional design. The population was 205 eleventh-grade students of SMAN 1 Tilatang Kamang...
Proceedings Article
Ethnoscience in Pacu Jalur Kuantan Riau: Exploring Local Cultural Traditions as a Context of Teaching Physics in School
Z. Zulirfan, Y. Yennita, Zuhdi Maaruf, Muhammad Sahal
The cultural traditions of a community group are usually attached to the life of that community. Most of the cultural traditions can be explained scientifically. The Pacu Jalur tradition is a famous long boat race event on the Kuantan River in Riau, Indonesia, and is held every year. This long boat or...