Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Education (ICoeSSE 2023)

275 authors
Abd, Mohd. Yusri
Development of Constructivism-Based Pictorial Chemistry Cards on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solution Materials
Adripen, Adripen
Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
Adripen, Adripen
Bibliometric Analysis: The Role of AI In PAI Learning Activity In The Modern Education Era
Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
Agamas, Zetra Sivila
An Analysis of Presupposition Used in Dialogues of “Pathway to English” Textbook
Aisyah, Devi
Internalization The Learning of Islamic History Civilization Through Research-Based At Islamic Colleges in West Sumatra
Alfathani, Fatiyan
Developing a Listening Skill Teaching Material Based on The Camtasia Software
Alif, Ayni Ananda
Development of an Integrated Islamic Science Biology Module with the Support of Augmented Reality (AR) Media on Circulatory System Material in Senior High School
Alimin, Alimin
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
Alwis, Alwis
Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
Amalina, Amalina
Risk Factors and Adverse Effects of Smartphone Addiction in Early Childhood: A Systematic Review
Amelia, Amelia
Developing a Listening Skill Teaching Material Based on The Camtasia Software
Amelia, Amelia
Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
Amin, Nur Taqwa
Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
Amor, Atika
Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
Amrullah, Frizki Hidayat
Students’ Perception and Challenges Toward the Implementation of Project-based Learning in Public Speaking Class
Anastasha, Desty Ayu
Pedagogy and Digital Literacy Within the Framework of Popular Culture: How Early Childhood’s Choices Can Influence Educational Discourse?
Ardiani, Indah
The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Student Achievement in High Schools
Ardimen, Ardimen
E-Counseling Service Strategy for Students Final Semester As an Effort To Improve Motivation for Writing Thesis
Arif, Muh.
The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era
Arif, Muh.
Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
Ariyanti, Delvi Eka
Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
Armis, Armis
Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Instrument Using Rasch Model
Arsyad, Berti
Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
Asmendri, Asmendri
Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
Asmita, Wenda
The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
Astitah, Andi
Use of Learning Cycle 5E in Revealing the PAI Conceptual Abilities of Class XI Students at SMA Negeri 1 Makassar
Astuti, Dewi
Developing Digital Learning Media to Promote Early Children’s Cognitive Development
Azizah, Sarmila Yanti
21st Century Learning and Its Application to The Independent Curriculum
Azwar, Beni
Profile of Student Competence in Applying Technology as a Media for Guidance and Counseling Services
Badrudin, Badrudin
The Influence of Merdeka Curriculum Policies and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
Basri, Muhammad
Character Development of Social Care of Students through the Friday Infaq Movement
Bihantoro, Dhea Ovina
Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
Cahyani, dan Ridiya
E-Counseling Service Strategy for Students Final Semester As an Effort To Improve Motivation for Writing Thesis
Chandra, Artha Nesa
Peer-Review Statements
Chandra, Artha Nesa
Development of Newton’s Law E-Module Integrated Alquran REACH Based Using the Flipbuilde App
Daliyanda, Ririn
Development of Canva-based Picture Storybook Media to Increase Reading Interest in Early Childhood
Darma, Delpita
Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
David, David
The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Student Achievement in High Schools
Demina, Demina
21st Century Learning and Its Application to The Independent Curriculum
Dewanti, Utari
An Analysis of Presupposition Used in Dialogues of “Pathway to English” Textbook
Dirma, Muna
Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
Djafar, Fatimah
The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era
Doni, Chaterina Puteri
Gorontalo and Arabic Morphology: A Contrastive Analysis to Ease Language Learning and Translation
Elfi, Elfi
Investigating Students’ Needs in Developing an English Course Book: Islamic Value-based English for Journalists and Broadcasters
Eliwatis, Eliwatis
Development of E-Modules for Yassara Quran Memorization
Eliwatis, Eliwatis
Bibliometric Analysis: The Role of AI In PAI Learning Activity In The Modern Education Era
Eliwatis, Eliwatis
Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
Elvita, Yanti
Practicality of Using Kinemaster-Based Learning Videos in Islamic Education Lessons
Erlinda, Rita
An Analysis of Presupposition Used in Dialogues of “Pathway to English” Textbook
Fadri, Zainal
Pedagogy and Digital Literacy Within the Framework of Popular Culture: How Early Childhood’s Choices Can Influence Educational Discourse?
Fadriati, Fadriati
Development of a Digital Test Instrument Using the Thurstone Scale to Measure Levels of Religious Moderation
Fahlefi, Rizal
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
Fajar, Najmiatul
Development of an Integrated Islamic Science Biology Module with the Support of Augmented Reality (AR) Media on Circulatory System Material in Senior High School
Fanany, Rebecca
Defining Bullying in the Indonesian Context: A Systematic Review
Fathia, Wilda
Utilization of The Publish or Perish Application as a source of Reference Digital in Compiling Textbooks by Islamic Boarding School Teachers
Fatmawati, Fatmawati
Internalization The Learning of Islamic History Civilization Through Research-Based At Islamic Colleges in West Sumatra
Fazis, Muhammad
Change Management in the Implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka)
Febrian, Vicky Rizki
Change Management in the Implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka)
Febriani, Dini
Analysis of Preventive Actions as an Effort to Increase the Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning
Ferry, Dharma
Analysis of Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Relationship with Academic Achievement in Science
Festiyed, Festiyed
The Influence of SETS Learning Model-Based Local Wisdom on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Collaboration 21st Century in Environmental Topics
Firda, Arlian
The Influence of SETS Learning Model-Based Local Wisdom on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Collaboration 21st Century in Environmental Topics
Fitri, Hamidah
Developing a Listening Skill Teaching Material Based on The Camtasia Software
Fitri, Hamidah
Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
Fitriah, Lutfiyanti
The Learning Development of ICARE-PPR Assisted by BioPhy to Train Kayuh Baimbai Characters and Biodiversity Conservation
Gusria, Wahyu
Reducing The Anxiety of Santri Parents Through Online Counseling Based on Zoom Meeting
Gusria, Wahyu
The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
Gustina, Gustina
Bibliometric Analysis: The Role of AI In PAI Learning Activity In The Modern Education Era
Hadiarni, Hadiarni
Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
Hambali, Adang
Identification of Supporting and Inhibiting Factors on Islamic Character Education in Inclusive Schools
Hanani, Silfia
Development of E-Modules for Yassara Quran Memorization
Hanifuddin, Iza
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
Harahap, Nur Hasanah
The Effectiveness of Youtube-Based Counseling Exercise to Increasing The Skills of Students in Guidance And Counseling Department
Hardi, Emeliya
Developing Multimedia-based Career Counseling Module to Enhance Students' Future Career Maturity Direction
Hardi, Emeliya
Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
Haris, Venny
Development of Students’ Worksheet of Physics Practicum Based on Augmented Reality and Qur’an Integrated on Electricity in Senior High School
Hartini, Hartini
Profile of Student Competence in Applying Technology as a Media for Guidance and Counseling Services
Hasan, Asyari
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
Hasaniyah, Nur
The Effectiveness of Using Lecture Maker-Based Learning Media to Student’s Arabic Listening Skills
Haviz, M.
Peer-Review Statements
Hendriani, Suswati
Teacher Workload Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Perspectives
Herawati, Susi
Development of E-Modules for Yassara Quran Memorization
Herawati, Susi
The Effect of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Student Achievement in High Schools
Herlina, Elda
Project Based Blended Learning Model with Moodle Application to Enhance Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability
Herlina, Elda
Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
Herman, Mimi
Development of Module Integrated with Quranic Verses Based on Discovery Learning on Reaction Rate Material
Hidayati, Laily
Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
Hidayati, Wilma Rahma
The Relationship between Mother-Child Relationship and Emotional Dysregulation in Early Childhood
Huda, Ummul
Project Based Blended Learning Model with Moodle Application to Enhance Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability
Huda, Ummul
Development of Android-based Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Articulate Storyline 3 in the Set Material
Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N.
The Effect of Communication and Work Motivation on the Achievement of Non-Permanent Lecturer Performance in the Technological Digital Era
Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N.
Digital Transliteration of Pegon Arabic Orthography for Language Preservation in Gorontalo Manuscripts
Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N.
The Effectiveness of Using Lecture Maker-Based Learning Media to Student’s Arabic Listening Skills
Hula, Ibnu Rawandhy N.
Gorontalo and Arabic Morphology: A Contrastive Analysis to Ease Language Learning and Translation
Husain, Dahlia
Gorontalo and Arabic Morphology: A Contrastive Analysis to Ease Language Learning and Translation
Husna, Hafizhah
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Motivation through Sharia based Entrepreneurship Education: A Study on Mustahik of Productive Zakat
Husna, Lathifah
Developing Interactive Game-Based Learning Media Using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 to Optimize Arabic Speaking Skills
Husna, Lathifah
Development of Canva-based Picture Storybook Media to Increase Reading Interest in Early Childhood
Husna, Lathifah
The Effectiveness of Using Lecture Maker-Based Learning Media to Student’s Arabic Listening Skills