Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

448 authors
Maharani, Nina
Purchase Intention of Private Label Products as the Impact of Visual Merchandising and Customer Value
Mahmud, Ade
Model of Applying Criminal Sanctions in Overcoming Corruption Through Criminal Sanction by Substitute Money
Malik, Zaini Abdul
Management of Waqf Assets at Waqf Institutions in Indonesia
Mardini, Riyang
Android-Based Accounting Application for MSME
Marleni, Marleni
Social Network Typology of Doing Transactions in Minangkabau Traditional Market
Martina, Dewi
Customers’ First Impression of a Brand and Its Relation to Their Shopping Experiences
Maryani, Aneu
The Implementation of Health BPJS Connected to Balance Principle in Economic Law and Sharia Principles
Maryani, Anne
The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaign on the Exposure Aspects on Social Media Facebook and Instagram
Maryani, Anne
Interpersonal Skill Communication of Social Workers to Improve Human Resources
Mashudi, Didi
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Sharia Stock Prices in the Jakarta Islamic Index
Masnipal, M.
Teaching Competency Development for Early Childhood Education
Maulana, Indra Topik
Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
Meisalucky, Agung
The Establishment of BMT Micro Business of Hulu-Hilir Coffee Processing at Margamulya, Pangalengan Village
Meiyanto, Sito
The Prospect of Co-Operative Structure in Secondary Education Graduates
Meiyanto, Sito
A Comparative Study on Structural Empowerment of Co-Operatives Members in Urban and Rural Setting
Mubarak, Ali
Mindful Parenting: Study on Parents of Preschool Children
Muhardi, Muhardi
Influence of Islamic Service Behavior on Patient Loyalty
Muhardi, Muhardi
Hospital Management System Analysis in Effort to Improve Service Quality by Using Structured Design Life Cycle Method (A Case Study of Al-Mulk Regional Public Hospital in Sukabumi City)
Muhardi, Muhardi
Patient Safety Management Re-Design by Using Hospital Failure Mode Effect Analysis (A Case Study of Assyifa Islamic Hospital Ward in Sukabumi)
Muhardi, Muhardi
Knowledge Sharing Through Majlis in Fostering the Economy of Jamaah
Muhardi, Muhardi
Knowledge Chain as a System in Developing Pesantren Entrepreneurship
Muhardi, Muhardi
Analysis of Rumah Sehat Terpadu - Dompet Dhuafa Hospital Bogor to Develop a Design Strategy of Speech Therapy Service
Mukhsin, Dadan
Determining Strategy to Improve Tourism Transportation Services
Muliya, Liya Sukma
The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
Mulyana, Asep
Purchase Intention of Private Label Products as the Impact of Visual Merchandising and Customer Value
Mulyana, R.
Challenges of Local Radios in Advertising Their Business
Mulyani, Dewi
The Literation of Disaster Mitigation for Early Childhood
Mulyati, Dewi Shofi
Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
Murniati, Andi
Competence of Islamic Higher Education Graduates from the Perspectives of Stakeholders in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Mustikawati, Febby
Boosting the Performance of Convection Creative Industry Through Supply Chain Management and Brand Image Enhancement
Muthiah, Tia
The Views of Online Media Journalists About Implementation of the Truth Principle in Covering Event of 212 Reunion
Nandang, HMZ
Analysis of Early Children Upbringing’s Community-Based Program
Nandang, HMZ
Climate Analysis of Islamic Services at Universitas Islam Bandung
Nawangsih, Endah
Personality and Social Media Addiction Among College Students
Nidar, Sulaeman Rahman
Dividend Payout Model on SOE (Go Public) in Indonesia
Nikmah, Farika
The Effect of Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning and Creativity on Employee’s Performance
Novianti, Evi
Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
Novianto, Novianto
The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
Nugraha, Aat Ruchiat
Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
Nugraha, Irfan Ahmad
Interpersonal Skill Communication of Social Workers to Improve Human Resources
Nugraha, Irwan
The Establishment of BMT Micro Business of Hulu-Hilir Coffee Processing at Margamulya, Pangalengan Village
Nugraha, Nugraha
Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
Nugraha, Rian
Study of Muhammad Natsir Thoughts About Dakwah Harakah
Nugrahawati, Eni N.
Effect of Gratitude and Self Control to Impulsive Buying in Unisba Students
Nugrahawati, Eni N.
Psychological First Aid Training for KSR-Unisba
Nur, Aini K.
Challenges of Local Radios in Advertising Their Business
Nurahman, Ahmad Arief
Empowerment of Housewives and Teenagers in Albinaa Madrasa Sukarasa Village, Arjasari Sub-District Bandung Regency
Nuralfiani, Alfi
Effectiveness of Training and Development Toward Cultural Competence of Indonesian Fisheries Migrant in South Korea
Nurcahyono, Arinto
Corporate Social Responsibility in ASEAN: Case Study ASEAN CSR Network
Nurcholisah, Kania
Effect of Intellectual Capital on Performance with Islamic Work Ethics as a Moderating Factor
Nurdin, Nurdin
Knowledge Sharing Through Majlis in Fostering the Economy of Jamaah
Nurdin, Nurdin
Knowledge Chain as a System in Developing Pesantren Entrepreneurship
Nurfahmiyati, Nurfahmiyati
Effect of Intellectual Capital on Performance with Islamic Work Ethics as a Moderating Factor
Nurhasanah, Neneng
The Establishment of BMT Micro Business of Hulu-Hilir Coffee Processing at Margamulya, Pangalengan Village
Nurhasanah, Neneng
The Implementation of Health BPJS Connected to Balance Principle in Economic Law and Sharia Principles
Nurhayati, Nunung
The Quality of Financial Reporting of Zakat Funds in West Java
Nurhayati, Nurhayati
Training of Making Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel to Bankable Financial Statement at Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung City
Nurkamto, Joko
Character-Building Values in Indonesian Fairy-Tale Textbooks of Junior High Students
Nurleli, Nurleli
Effect of Intellectual Capital on Performance with Islamic Work Ethics as a Moderating Factor
Nurleli, Nurleli
Training of Making Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel to Bankable Financial Statement at Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung City
Nurlimah, Nila
Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDENT by Mardani Ali Sera (Case Study Regarding the Process Hashtag #2019GANTIPRESIDEN Becoming a Political Movement in the 2019 Elections)
Nurrahmawati, Nurrahmawati
The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaign on the Exposure Aspects on Social Media Facebook and Instagram
Nurrahmawati, Nurrahmawati
Interpersonal Skill Communication of Social Workers to Improve Human Resources
Nursagita, Chicha
Economics Feasibility Analysis of Fragrant Lemongrass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation and Distillation System (Case study in Ganunghalu and Rongga sub-district, Bandung Barat Regency)
Nuryatin, Agus
Folklore Bibliotherapy Method for Early Childhood
Oemar, Hirawati
Improving the Awareness of Providing Halal Food Among Street Vendors
Oktarina, Tina
Patient Safety Management Re-Design by Using Hospital Failure Mode Effect Analysis (A Case Study of Assyifa Islamic Hospital Ward in Sukabumi)
Oktaroza, Magnas Lestira
Training of Making Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel to Bankable Financial Statement at Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung City
Oktaroza, Magnaz Lestira
Accounting Information System Design for Zakat on Bandung Islamic University Baitul Maal
Parihat, Parihat
Fast Method Training Read the Qur’an Bilhikmah for the Tutor Candidate of the Mosque al-Furqan of UPI and the Mosque Around It
Parihat, Parihat
Improving Strategy of the Zakat Infaq Management of Baitul Maal Unisba
Pedro, Hendrikus
The Prospect of Co-Operative Structure in Secondary Education Graduates
Pedro, Hendrikus
A Comparative Study on Structural Empowerment of Co-Operatives Members in Urban and Rural Setting
Permana, Rizka Hadian
Application of the Rasch Model in Analysis of Exam Questions at the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Islam Bandung
Permana, Rizka Hadian
Increasing Knowledge and Skill in Preventing Children Sexual Abuse
Permatasari, Andalusia Neneng
The Views of Online Media Journalists About Implementation of the Truth Principle in Covering Event of 212 Reunion
Pramono, Irena Paramita
Android-Based Accounting Application for MSME
Pramono, Irena Paramita
The Implementation of SAK EMKM on UMKM Financial Reports (Case Study of Cibuntu Tofu UMKM, Bandung)
Pranadita, Nugraha
Existence of Potential Areas of Space According to Ibn Sina’s Ontology Perspective
Pranadita, Nugraha
The Use of Artificial Intelligence to Reveal Negative Impact of a Products Legally as an Understanded Side
Prasetyaningsih, Endang
Empowerment of Housewives and Teenagers in Albinaa Madrasa Sukarasa Village, Arjasari Sub-District Bandung Regency
Prastyaningsih, Ika
The Implementation of Sharia Compliance in the Murabaha Contract
Purnamasari, Pupung
How Does the Good Corporate Governance Prevent the Internal Fraud in Banks?
Purwowibowo, Purwowibowo
The Total Communication Learning Model to Support the Effectiveness of Social Interaction for Deaf Children
Puspawati, Anita
The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
Putra, Ikhsan Muharma
Social Network Typology of Doing Transactions in Minangkabau Traditional Market
Putra, Panji Adam Agus
Sharia-Based Rehabilitation Model of Social Economic
Putra, Purnama
Challenges in Management of Baitul Maal wa Tamwil Based on Waqf
Putra, Raditya Pratama
The Development of Village Entrepreneurship Through Digital Marketing Communication
Putra, Raditya Pratama
Value Proposition of Instagrammable Digital Tourism in Forming Brand Identity
Putra, Raditya Pratama
The Hooked Model as Communication Strategy of “Kembaliin” App as an Information Media for Handling Lost and Found
Putri, Balqis Andini
Psychological First Aid Training for KSR-Unisba
Putri, Dian Widya
The Comparison of Credibility and Authenticity of Scoutmasters of Indonesian Scouting
Putri, Dian Widya
Development of Media Literation on Group of Vocational School Students
Putri, Leonita
Dividend Payout Model on SOE (Go Public) in Indonesia
Putri, Rahmadani
The Role and Duties of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Combating Terrorism in Military Operations Other than War
Qodariah, Siti
Factors Influencing Risky Driving Behavior in Young Motorcyclists at Bandung City, Indonesia
Qodariah, Siti
Evaluation of Psychoeducation Programs to Increase Knowledge’s Family Caregivers of People with Psychotic Disorders
Rachmawati, Indri
Teacher and Student Communication in Science Education at Schools
Rachmiatie, Atie
Implementation of Origami Construction to Improve Logical Thinking Ability on Early Age Children