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188759 articles

A Journey of Self-realization—An Interpretation of My Antonia With the Perspective of Jung’s Archetype Theory

Ruilin Yang
As one of the classic “Nebraska Prairie” series novels, My Antonia can be regarded as a song of women’s growth, praising women’s persevering, pioneering and aggressive spirit. The author, Willa Cather, in the story portrays Antonia, a female character who insists on resisting the male authority of the...

Prediction of Acidity Level of Avomango (Gadung Klonal 21) Using Local Polynomial Estimator

M Ulya, N Chamidah
The acidity level is one of the parameters that determine fruit maturity. Mature avomango has a low acidity level, indicated by its titratable acidity value. Non-destructive analysis using a near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy tool produces wavelength data that is used as a predictor variable with a titratable...

Analysis on the Changes of Internet Marketing and Its Influence Under the Guidance of Integrated Marketing Communication: Taking Genki Forest as an Example

Xinjie Xu
With the progress of information technology and the change of business environment, the marketing strategy adopted by brands or companies is changed from traditional marketing to Internet marketing. In this process, marketing communication as the main means of implementing marketing strategy is the part...

Predicting the Condition of Agricultural Lands in Pati Regency to Make Sustainable Food Providing Against the Future

Eva Banowati, Ariyani Indrayati, Atno, Yuria Sari, Mitha Fitria Anggraini, Aprilia Indriyani
The food crop agricultural sector in Pati Regency in 2019 succeeded in producing more than 592 thousand tons of rice with a harvest area of 99,453 hectares (BPS, 2021). This achievement must be increased without overexploiting the land. Field data for 2020 shows a population of 1,324,188 people, a population...

Corporate Governance, Participation and Microfinance Performance

Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

Suhadak, Jung-Hua Hung, Moh. Heru Budihantho
The objectives of this research is to investigate the effects on participation of corporate governance, corporate governance on financial performance and social performance, financial performance on social performance in MFI community empowerment programs. This is explanatory research with a quantitative...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Health Quarantine on the Weight Control in Patients with Sleeve Gastrectomy in Comparison with Obese Patients without Surgery

Nashwan Q Mahgoob, Yasser F. Zidan, Muthanna A. AL-Sharbaty
Background: Most of the world’s population underwent compulsory health quarantine during the pandemic of Coved 19 virus that led to a change in lifestyle and caused a negative psychological effect. Objective: This study aims to assess the effects of different variables in lifestyle on the weights of...

English Learning Activity and Middle School Writing Teaching

Xinhua Yuan
In the current development of middle school English teaching activities, a large number of instillation teaching based on knowledge teaching still exists, which is not conducive to improving students’ autonomy and the quality of teaching. Under the guidance of the student-oriented education philosophy,...
Proceedings Article

Birth Plan Assistance as a Way to Increase Birth Preparation and Parenthood Readiness

Ayu Nurdiyan, Indah Putri Ramadhanti, Lady Wizia
After acquiring information on pregnancy and childbirth processes, pregnant women will create a written legal document which called a birth plan. Birth plan is the central axis of therapeutic relationship that develops between pregnant women and midwives, and it guides health care from conception until...

A Preliminary Exploration of Carrying Out Effective Classroom Management for Teachers

Xi-Jin Xu, Yi Jin
In the past ten years, with the rise and development of curriculum and teaching reform in the world, classroom management research has been paid more and more attention, resulting in a lot of new theories, new models and new practices. It is of great significance to analyze and grasp the characteristics...

Indirect Assessment of Program Student Outcomes Through Student’s Learning Experiences at the Faculty of Engineering

Dedison Gasni, Haznam Putra
This paper is to investigate the relationship between the learning experiences of students and achieving program student outcomes (PSOs) based on ABET Accreditation of undergraduate study programs at the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Andalas. A questionnaire consisted of seven PSOs, which represent...

Prehistory in the Interdisciplinary Discourse of A. Chechelnitsky: Implementation of Scientific Principles and Ethics

Irina Alekseevna Gataullina, Olga Mikhailovna Gilmutdinova, Natalia Mikhailovna Topal
The far Eastern version of the prehistory of mankind by astrophysicist A. Chechelnitsky is considered as a model of implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of the past, which left no physical evidence. The contradictory evidence from ancient sources revealed by the scientist and...

Criminal Delinquency as an Object of Scientific Researches: Problems and Prospects

Tetiana Kaganovska, Dmytro Slinko
The article considers the category of delinquency as a unified concept of a criminal offense, delict, misconduct. The definition of this category is proposed according to the theoretical approaches in the social and legal sciences, as well as the practice of applied legal norms. The practical problems...

Science Process Skills of Senior High School Students in Kebumen Regency on the Topic of Environmental Change

Rahmah Novitasari, Tien Aminatun
This research aims to analyze the results of students science process skills on the topic of environmental change. This research was conducted in public high shools in Kebumen Regency. This research used a quantitative descriptive method by using 5 essay questions. The sample were 150 students of class...

Read, Encode, Annotate and Ponder (REAP) on Reading Comprehension

Agus Sholeh, Maria Fatima Osu
The main purpose of this study was to find out the effect of Read, Encode, Annotate and Ponder (REAP) strategy towards the students’ reading comprehension. It helps students comprehend the text by connecting a text with their own words to enable them to communicate their understanding of the text. This...
Journal: eFood
Research Article

Dendrobine Suppresses Lipopolysaccharide-induced Gut Inflammation in a Co-culture of Intestinal Epithelial Caco-2 Cells and RAW264.7 Macrophages

Huifan Liu, Jiaxi Liang, Gengsheng Xiao, Lukai Ma, Qin Wang
Pages: 92 - 99
We evaluated dendrobine for its potential effect on Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) progression using the intestinal epithelial Caco-2/RAW264.7 macrophage co-culture cell model. The results showed that dendrobine maintained the tight junction (TJ) proteins in co-cultured Caco-2 cells, suggesting its...

Antihyperlipidemia Effects of Jengkol Leaf Extract (Archidendron jiringa)

Ade Arinia Rasyad, Ensiwi Munarsih, Fadilah Safitri
This Jengkol is one of the native plants in Indonesia. Jengkol beans are known as a popular food ingredient, and empirically the leaf is also used by people to treat hyperlipidemia. This study aimed to determine the antihyperlipidemic effect of Jengkol leaf extract (Achidendron jiringa) on male white...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Implementation of Web Crawler Distributed News Domain Detection System

I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana, Dedy Rahman Prehanto, I Kadek Dwi Nuryana
Spreading data or info through internet to increase the chances of success in a business through analysis of market trends is very common today. Web Crawl is one important thing, so that the incomplete data will not be appeared, and the data received is the most recent data. Exploration Web crawler technology...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Modified Self-Hypnosis on Anxiety Students Facing the Final Task and Case Studies

Angga Saeful Rahmat
The last semester students are facing the final task and case studies, this situation can be scary for students and unpleasant due to the process of the identified problem and get it done through a discussion scientific plus doing case study running simultaneously. A student can be anxious, there are...

Stability of Money Supply, E-money, Interest Rate, and Inflation in Indonesia

Moh. Ridha Mahatir, Hasdi Aimon, Sri Ulfa Sentosa
This study examines the stability of money supply, e-money, interest rates and inflation in Indonesia. Using the month data for the period 2009m1-2019m12, cointegration and VECM. The results showed that, in the short term money supply and inflation had a significant effect on money supply. While in the...

Analysis on the Application of Chinese Public Goods in Health & Insurance Area

Ji Zheng
In our daily life, public goods and programs are familiar to us. It is not exaggeration to say that all countries in our world have public goods. Public goods include things like policies, roads, parks. In fact, when firefighters jump into a burning house to save your dog, or when you are fined for speeding...

Gender-Responsive Analysis Through Non-Formal Education

Alendra Y. Rahmi, Ani Safitri
This study aims to examine, analyze and describe the implementation of gender-responsive non-formal education through the family capacity building meeting (P2K2) for participants of the Hope Family Program (PKH) in the city of Bogor. Gender mainstreaming has become an actual issue in various studies,...

Digital State Services: Practice and Development Perspectives in Russia and Its Regions

Khalilova Tatiana, Volkova Natalya, Eremeeva Ekaterina, Julia Torkunova, Kurgaeva Zhanna
Digital state services development can be considered basic state-reforming management course. In modern pandemic COVID-19 conditions, it acquires exceptional importance. In connection to that, the Russian experience of specialized web sites of digital state services use is reviewed within the article...

A Study on Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability, Teacher-student Interaction and Its Influence on Academic Development during the COVID-19 Epidemic

Xiaotian Sun
During the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, online teaching was in full swing. However, due to a variety of factors, there are significant differences in students’ academic development at this stage. This paper collects the experience and evaluation of undergraduate students’ learning ability, teacher-student...

About the Possibility of Building of the System-Phenomenological Models of the World Economy

Gennadiy Averin, Anna Zviagintseva, Anzhela Shvetsova
The historical and most widely known “Mir-2” and “Mir-3” models developed at the initiative of the club of Rome by J. Forrestor and D. meadows are analyzed. The model of M. Mesarovich and E. Pestel is briefly described. The analysis of such models of the world economy as the model of A. Onishi, V. Leontiev,...

Contribution of Transformational Leadership, School Committees, Supervision, and Local Governments to School-Based Management at Junior Secondary Schools

Hadiyanto, Rifma, Adek Febriyanti, Usti Ba’di Fitrillah
Several laws and regulations have governed the implementation of school-based management (SBM) nationally in Indonesia since 2003. However, the implementation of the SBM was ‘apparent death’ because the government policies and implementation in the field were not in line with the initial intention. Some...

Designing of Blended Learning Environment

Hartono Hartono
The learning environment is very important in supporting learning behavior and transactions. Blended learning provides learning alternatives that facilitate learning through 3 modes, namely online, face-to-face and independent learnings. During the Covid 19 pandemic disaster, the blended learning was...

The Ablowitz–Ladik hierarchy integrability analysis revisited: the vertex operator solution representation structure

Yarema A. Prykarpatskyy
Pages: 92 - 107
A regular gradient-holonomic approach to studying the Lax type integrability of the Ablowitz–Ladik hierarchy of nonlinear Lax type integrable discrete dynamical systems in the vertex operator representation is presented. The relationship to the Lie-algebraic integrability scheme is analyzed and the connection...
Proceedings Article

Histologic and Histomorphometry of Uterine of Gayo Mare

Juli Melia, Welda R. Brillian, Erdiansyah Rahmi, Rosmaidar Rosmaidar, Hafizuddin Hafizuddin, Amrozi Amrozi
This study was aimed at finding out the histology description and histomorphometry of uterine Gayo mare. The samples were collected from three Gayo mares in Takengon, Central Aceh. The uterine samples were processed by microtechnique and stained with hematoxylin-eosin before examined under a binocular...

Research on the Analysis of Freshmen’s Mental Health Survey in a Finance University

Shuxian He, Hanjie Wang
A finance university in China adopted the form of online testing, using the College Students Mental Health Screening Scale to evaluate the psychological status of all 2020 freshmen. The testing results showed that there were 274 students who have got first-level psychological problems, accounting for...

Research on the Setting of Key Topic Selections

Jinglei Nie
Thematic publishing projects mainly focus on a series of publishing activities, including topic selection planning, editing and publishing, publishing and marketing activities, focusing on various aspects of the party and the country’s political life, economic development, cultural prosperity, spiritual...
Proceedings Article

Trichoderma and Bacillus as Combined Biocontrol Agent of Moler Disease on Shallots

Susilo H. Poromarto, Supyani, Supriyadi, SA. Indriani, Hadiwiyono
Moler disease of shallot (MDS) or basal plate rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. capae (Foce) is an important disease on shallot. In low land such Brebes Central Java where is one of the center production of shallots in Indonesia, the disease is the most important and harmful. The specific symptom...

Technological Progress in Indonesian Food Processing

Suyanto Suyanto, Yenny Sugiarti, Olivia Tanaya
Technological progress is a critical factor in Society 5.0. Firm technological progress reflects the advancement in firm knowledge. This current study analyzes the key determinants of technological progress in 393 Indonesian food processing companies to assess the readiness to pursue Society 5.0. Adopting...

The Management of Teacher Professionalism Development Program at the Indonesian Public Primary School

Siti Romelah, Happy Fitria, Yessi Fitriani
This study analyzes the managmenet of teacher professional development programs, identifies the barriers and the solutions to those barriers. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The research site was in pubic primary school (PPS) 1 Sumber Marga Telang. This study involved the principal, and the...

Suddenly Online

The Etiquette and Phenomenon of Online Learning in the D3 (3-year diploma) Accounting of Poliban Students

Sirajudin, Nurul Mukhlisah, Lea Emilia Farida
This research aims to explore the etiquette and phenomenon of online learning in D3 Accounting Poliban students. The learning process in the D3 Accounting environment has been running offline or directly. Yet along with the industrial revolution 4.0, online learning models must have been included in...
Proceedings Article

Characteristic of SGOT and SGPT Elevation in Patient with Lung Tuberculosis within OAT Therapy:

From Lung Policlinic RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung within 2016

I Wayan Agus Putra, Khairana Lonovi, Lina Damayanti, Trisnu Kamajaya
Lung Tuberculosis (TB) is still a disease-causing severe health problem globally, including Indonesia, based on morbidity yet mortality perspectives. Tuberculosis therapy having a side effect from its hepatotoxicity, causing hepatitis-caused anti-tuberculosis drugs (OAT). Many factors were to influence...

The Implementation for Polishing Students’ Programming Skills Solving Problems

Yonghui Wu
The key to programming education is to polish students’ programming skills solving problems. The current programming courses in universities are mainly classroom-teaching models, and students’ skill solving problems by programming can hardly be polished. Polishing students’ programming skills solving...

Development of Environmentally and Economically Patchouli Cultivation Using System Dynamic Analysis in Aceh Jaya Regency, Indonesia

Sofia Keumalasari, Anisa Nabila, Cut Intan Maulina, Ahmad Humam, Indra, Agus Nugroho
Patchouli oil is one of the Indonesian essential commodities accounting for approximately 95 % of the world market. Patchouli farming requires generous support of inputs. This situation puts traditional Patchouli farmers in a dilemma between boosting the quantity or protecting the environment. This study...

Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Model on E-Learning Assisted Residential Installation Job Sheet

Syaiful Islami, Ambiyar, Fadhilah, Syahril, Yose Indarta
Learning residential installations found that the problems of student practice were not in accordance with the existing job sheet. The difficulty of students in carrying out the work steps on the existing worksheet. This study aims to develop a valid, practical, and effective project-based housing installation...
Proceedings Article

Vitamin D Status in Women with Tuberculosis

M.V. Egorova, L.I. Mordovskaya, T.M. Klimova
The study was conducted at the Phthisiatry Research-Practice Center in Yakutsk. 70 hospitalized women with confirmed TB diagnosis and 70 women with ruled out TB were observed. Informed consent was obtained from all participants in compliance with an ethics code. Apparently healthy state with no signs...

Social Profit Density of Health-Care Waqf

Case Study of Muhammadiyah Hospitals and Clinic in Yogyakarta

Yuli Utami, Ega Wiguna, Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono, Abu Azam Al Hadi
This paper aims to analyze the development of productive waqf (health-care endowment) by Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in improving its social benefits. The objects in this study are PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Jl. Achmad Dahlan, PKU Kotagede (Mother and Child Hospital), and Firdaus Primary Clinic. The key informants...
Proceedings Article

A Design of the Second Generation of UIN Sunan Kalijaga’s UV Fluorescence Spectro-Imaging System

Frida Agung Rakhmadi, Widayanti, Rochan Rifai
Research on design of the second generation of UIN Sunan Kalijaga’s UV fluorescence spectro-imaging system was done. The purpose of this research was to make a design of the second generation of UIN Sunan Kalijaga’s UV fluorescence spectro-imaging system as a development of the first generation. This...

Darussalam Gontor Waqf Models Based on Local Wisdom in Creating Inclusive and Quality Education

Khoirul Umam, Amir Bin Shaharuddin, Akbar Zulfia Fratama, Luthfi Noor Mahmudi, Isma Aulia Roslan
This article aims to design a model of waqf to address the education gap in Indonesia. Using a qualitative-normative approach involving literature analysis and in-depth discussions with pesantren practitioners, academics, and administrators, the study recognizes pesantren as a significant educational...

A Study on the Value of the Integration of Music Education and Local Music Culture in Local Colleges and Universities Under the Background of New Liberal Arts Construction

Bai yuqi
Culture is the soul and symbol of a nation and even a country. It is the historical deposit and foundation of a nation. We should not only inherit and carry forward the local culture, but also enhance the confidence of national culture, enhancing the soft power of culture. It is of great significance...

Policy and Implementation of English Learning for Elementary Schools in Indonesia

Erisa Kurniati, Muhammad Zaim, Jufrizal, Jufri
English is crucial for success in the globalized world because it is a powerful language: both for transmitting information and as a tool of innovation. Furthermore, this condition has implications for English’s standing as a foreign language in Indonesia. People have an increased interest in learning...
Proceedings Article

Protein Protection to Increase Ruminant Feed Protein Efficiency in Vitro

Wahidin Teguh Sasongko, Firsoni, Teguh Wahyono
This study aimed to determine the effect of protein protection to increase ruminant feed protein efficiency in vitro. The benefit of making this protected protein is that it can provide information to farmers that the provision of protein can be more efficient. The material used as protein protection...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Hoarseness in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung 2015-2019

Mohammad Adithya Prawiranata
Background Hoarseness is a symptom that is often found in the ORL-HNS polyclinic. The incidence rate of hoarseness in the world is 1.16% and the annual prevalence is 33.3%. Purpose: This study aims to determine the characteristics of patients with hoarseness in Hasan Sadikin Hospital...

Development of Automated Assessment Tool to Measure Student Creativity in Computer Programming

Ricky E. Putra, Ekohariadi Ekohariadi, I K. D. Nuryana, Yeni Anistyasari
Computer programming is one of the favorite learning topics among students in the 21st century. However, the students’ creative thinking skills are often less able to compensate for this computer programming learning. One of the learning activities applied to hone students’ creativity in computer programming...

Comparative Study of Politeness in Ustaz Abdul Somad’s Lecture with Ustazah Mama Dedeh’s Lecture

Ermanto, David Syasli, Novia Juita
This study presents a comparisonthe principle of courtesy in the communication of Ustaz Abdul Somad’s lecture with Ustazah Mama Dedeh. The object of this research is a comparison the principle of courtesy of Ustaz Abdul Somad with Ustazah Mama Dedeh in his lecture communication, until This research is...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Mass Media in Sports

Ika Novitaria Marani, Rhewindinar, Heni Widyaningsih, Eva Yulianti, Ari Subarkah, Mansur Jauhari
Mass media is a tool in communication that can spread, shape and influence the message or information conveyed. The message conveyed will have a different effect depending on the media used. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of the mass media on sports performance in Indonesian badminton...

Overview Of Vehicle Transport At KMP.Mutis On The Tanjung Kalian - Tanjung Api - Api Route

Raden M. Firzatullah, Oktrianti Diani, Vita Permata Sari, Eric Cantona
In the transportation system, security and safety are highly prioritized as a form of providing good services. Such as arranging and handling vehicle cargo on board. However, the procedures for transporting and fastening vehicles on board the KMP.Mutis ship operating at Tanjung Kalian Port on the Tanjung...