Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Applied Science, and Technology in Home Economics (ICONHOMECS 2019)

178 authors
Achmadi, Taofan Ali
Students’ Creativity After Joining Advanced Design Class by Applying Portfolio
Agus, Hery S.I
Implementation of Learning Teaching Factory Clothes SMK N 3 Malang
Aini, Iut Nur
The Development of Legha Sumenep Madura Bride Wedding Dress
Aini, Nurul
The Influence of Product Innovation on the Purchasing Interest of Handmade Fashion
Aini, Nurul
The Development of Adobe Premiere-Based Learning Media in Moodboard Making Material in SMKN 3 Malang
Ainina, Nur Qurota
Students’ Creativity After Joining Advanced Design Class by Applying Portfolio
Akanda, Jahurul Haque
Effect of Seaweed Powder on the Quality of the Pineapple-Chili Sauce
Aprilia, Ari
The Development of Adobe Premiere-Based Learning Media in Moodboard Making Material in SMKN 3 Malang
Ariani, Risa Panti
Balinese Fusion Food as Local Culinary Tourism Products
Ariani, Risa Panti
Modified Cassava Flour Utilizing as a Wheat Flour Substitution in Chochochip Cookies
Ariffin, Hashim Fadzil
Difference in Proximate Content Between Chicken Curry (Kandar Rice) and Chicken Curry (Padang Rice)
Aris, Asliza
Requirements Analysis on Design Assessment of Clothing Practicum Using Expert System
Ashar, Ahmad S
Requirements Analysis on Design Assessment of Clothing Practicum Using Expert System
Astuti, Nugrahani
Re-Create Systematized Interpersonal Skills Learning Models in Millennial Vocational Education and Training
Avizena, Ria Nadia
Analysis of Acceptance Levels on Lunch Menu Among Students at SD Islam Tompokersan Lumajang
Avizena, Ria Nadia
Analysis of Acceptance Levels on Lunch Menu Among Students at SD Islam Tompokersan Lumajang
Badriyah, Nur
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning and Critical Thinking Skills on Students’ Learning Outcomes of Vocational Schools
Cahyaningrum, Nur
Implementation of Learning Teaching Factory Clothes SMK N 3 Malang
Chan, Po Chun
Integration of Tsou Culture into Innovative Poster Creation
Chen, Yu Quan
Discussion on the Usability of Digital Mobile Museum Website: An Example of Pazeh Culture Mobile Museum Website
Chisbiyah, Lismi Animatul
Development of Skill Assessment Instruments Based on Food Sanitation Hygiene Principles in Learning Food Processing Practices for Vocational Students Catering Services Expertise Program in Malang City
Devi, M
The Effect of Basil Leaves (Ocimum Basilicum) Addition to Contents of β-Carotene, Calcium Levels, and Hedonic Test of Basil Leaves Biscuits
Devi, Mazarina
Effect of Seaweed Powder on the Quality of the Pineapple-Chili Sauce
Devi, Mazarina
Difference in Proximate Content Between Chicken Curry (Kandar Rice) and Chicken Curry (Padang Rice)
Devi, Mazarina
Culinary Model Innovation on Some Bitter Melon Cultivar (Momordica Charantia L.) Cultivar with High Pectin, Protein, and Diosgenin Characteristics
Devi, Mazarina
Functional Drinks from a Rhizome of Nut Grass (Cyperus rotundus L.) with Mixed Fruits
Devi, Mazarina
Chemical and Organoleptic Properties Analysis of Breadfruit Leaves (Artocarpus Altilis) Herbal Tea with Cinnamon and Clove Addition
Dewi, Made Heny Urmila
Food Souvenirs Preferences by Domestic Tourists-Indonesia
Elmunsyah, Hakkun
The Implementation Production Unit Expertise Dressmaking Program in Vocational High School (SMK) Malang
Esty, Nurbaity A
Tenun Goyor: Exploration Concepts of Tegal Local Tourism That Begin to Forgotten
Evawati, Diana
The Application of Sanitation and Hygiene Practice of Production Units to Enhance the Entrepreneurship Readiness to Produce Quality Food Products for Vocational High School Students of Culinary Program
Faidah, Mutimmatul
Local Wisdom Values in Dowry of Indonesia’s Bridewealth: A Study of East Java Horseshoe Communities
Fatmasari, Fitria Hansyah
The Effect of Blended Learning on Learning Activities and Student Learning Outcomes in Basic Trimming Subjects at SMKN 8 Surabaya
Hadijah, Idah
Interest of S1 Fashion Design Program Students in 2015 for Following Fashion Show Activities in Malang City
Hamar, Sri Wahyuningsih
An Investigation of Thermal Comfort of Woolpeach Modest-Fashion Products: A Case Study in Indonesia
Hamid, Mansoor Abdul
Effect of Seaweed Powder on the Quality of the Pineapple-Chili Sauce
Handajani, Sri
Study of Rice Analog from Cassava–Soybean and Processed Product
Hariyani, Susi Devi
Antioxidant Capacity Assay and Sensory Evaluation of Flavored Healthy Snack Composed from Nori of Green Grass Tree Leaves (Premna Oblongifolia Merr.)
Hasanah, Siti
An Investigation of Thermal Comfort of Woolpeach Modest-Fashion Products: A Case Study in Indonesia
Herawati, Eti
Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Learning Difficulties Toward Physiology Anatomy Lesson at SMK Negeri 3 Tangerang (Case Study Class X of Cosmetology at SMK 3 Tangerang)
Hermayani, Kadek
Bridal Make Up Jembrana Regency, Bali Province
Hidayati, Laili
Antioxidant Capacity Assay and Sensory Evaluation of Flavored Healthy Snack Composed from Nori of Green Grass Tree Leaves (Premna Oblongifolia Merr.)
Hidayati, Laili
Difference in Proximate Content Between Chicken Curry (Kandar Rice) and Chicken Curry (Padang Rice)
Hidayati, Laili
Effects of Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.)) Powder Addition on Chemical Substances of Pegagan Sticks
Hidayati, Lutfiyah
Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Teaching Factory Implementation in Preparing Work Competence in Era 4.0
Hidayati, Nurul
The Influence of Product Innovation on the Purchasing Interest of Handmade Fashion
Hidayati, Nurul
The Development of Adobe Flash-Based Learning Media in the Material of Night Party Dress Making
Hsieh, Hsiu Ching Laura
Research on the Integration of Tsou Culture into Creative Board Game Design–an Example of Walk Around Laiji
Hsieh, Hsiu Ching Laura
Innovative Practice of Pazeh Community Participatory Aesthetics: An Example of Pazeh Culture Travel Map
Hsieh, Hsiu Ching Laura
Integration of Tsou Culture into Innovative Poster Creation
Hsieh, Hsiu Ching Laura
Discussion on the Usability of Digital Mobile Museum Website: An Example of Pazeh Culture Mobile Museum Website
Hsu, Yu Hsien
Research on the Integration of Tsou Culture into Creative Board Game Design–an Example of Walk Around Laiji
Imron, Aly
Exploration and Mapping Utilization of Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia L.) and Its Culinary
Imron, Aly
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Approach Application Toward Students’ Learning Outcome
Understanding the Purchase Behavior of Young Indonesian Hijaber on Fashion Product
Irianti, Agus Hery Supadmi
Requirements Analysis on Design Assessment of Clothing Practicum Using Expert System
Irianti, Agus Hery Supadmi
Improving Human Resource Through School-Industry Cooperation Program to Face Industry 4.0
Irianti, Agus Hery Supadmi
The Development of Legha Sumenep Madura Bride Wedding Dress
Irzatul, Titin
Requirements Analysis on Design Assessment of Clothing Practicum Using Expert System
Ismayanti, Euis
Development of Diploma 4 Fashion Design Curriculum
Ismayati, Euis
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning and Critical Thinking Skills on Students’ Learning Outcomes of Vocational Schools
Analysis of Acceptance Levels on Lunch Menu Among Students at SD Islam Tompokersan Lumajang
Analysis of Acceptance Levels on Lunch Menu Among Students at SD Islam Tompokersan Lumajang
Issutarti, Devi
Effects of Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.)) Powder Addition on Chemical Substances of Pegagan Sticks
Kharnolis, Mein
Development of Soil Batik Based on Consumer’s Needs
Kiranawati, T M
The Effect of Basil Leaves (Ocimum Basilicum) Addition to Contents of β-Carotene, Calcium Levels, and Hedonic Test of Basil Leaves Biscuits
Kiranawati, Titi Mutiara
Moringa Leaves Flour and Tengger Potato Flour as Composite Flour for GFCF Diets
Kiranawati, Titi Mutiara
The Special Dishes Philosophy of Sayut Ceremony in Argosari Village
Kusumawardani, Hapsari
Developing the European Foundation for Quality Management for MSME Performance Measurement (A Case Study of MSME Managed by ‘Preman Super’ Community in Malang City)
Kusumawardani, Hapsari
An Investigation of Thermal Comfort of Woolpeach Modest-Fashion Products: A Case Study in Indonesia
Kusumawardani, Hapsari
The Fitting Factor in Komarudin’s Pattern
Liu, Chun Wei
Innovative Practice of Pazeh Community Participatory Aesthetics: An Example of Pazeh Culture Travel Map
Lutfiani, Febrina
Chemical and Organoleptic Properties Analysis of Breadfruit Leaves (Artocarpus Altilis) Herbal Tea with Cinnamon and Clove Addition
Lutfiati, Dewi
Sensory Evaluation Formula Hair Tonic Extracts Pandanus Amaryllifolius and Seaweed
Lutfiati, Dewi
Local Wisdom Values in Dowry of Indonesia’s Bridewealth: A Study of East Java Horseshoe Communities
Mamat, Hasmadi
Effect of Seaweed Powder on the Quality of the Pineapple-Chili Sauce
Mariana, Rina Rifqie
Analysis of Nutritional and Fatty Acid Composition of a Bowl of Meatball Soup in Malang, Indonesia
Mariana, Rina Rifqie
Critical Thinking Skills and Problem-Solving Level of Malang Culinary Program Vocational School
Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Teaching Factory Implementation in Preparing Work Competence in Era 4.0
Marsiti, Cokorda Istri Raka
Developing Culinary Tourism: The Role of Traditional Food as Cultural Heritage in Bali
Martalia, Diana
The Special Dishes Philosophy of Sayut Ceremony in Argosari Village
Masdarini, Luh
Modified Cassava Flour Utilizing as a Wheat Flour Substitution in Chochochip Cookies
Matsumoto, Toru
Development of Digital Learning Media for Renewable Energy Subject Based on Concepts Understanding of Electrical Engineering Department’s Students State University of Malang
Mayasari, Peppy
Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Teaching Factory Implementation in Preparing Work Competence in Era 4.0
Effects of Pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.)) Powder Addition on Chemical Substances of Pegagan Sticks
Megasari, Dindy Sinta
Development of Guided Inquiry Learning to Improve the Ability of Makeup Design Using Corel Draw
Merawati, Desiana
Functional Drinks from a Rhizome of Nut Grass (Cyperus rotundus L.) with Mixed Fruits
Misbahuddin, Agus Ridwan
Determination of Effectiveness Traditional Cosmetics of Coconut Oil and Turmeric as Anti-Dandruff
Muhartiningsih, Rizki
Requirements Analysis on Design Assessment of Clothing Practicum Using Expert System
Mukti, Ria Andriani
Determination of Effectiveness Traditional Cosmetics of Coconut Oil and Turmeric as Anti-Dandruff
Sensory Evaluation Formula Hair Tonic Extracts Pandanus Amaryllifolius and Seaweed
Nafiah, Annisau
The Implementation Production Unit Expertise Dressmaking Program in Vocational High School (SMK) Malang
Nailufar, Yuyun
Critical Thinking Skills and Problem-Solving Level of Malang Culinary Program Vocational School
Ningsih, Y W
The Effect of Basil Leaves (Ocimum Basilicum) Addition to Contents of β-Carotene, Calcium Levels, and Hedonic Test of Basil Leaves Biscuits
Nurdiansyah, Rudi
Developing the European Foundation for Quality Management for MSME Performance Measurement (A Case Study of MSME Managed by ‘Preman Super’ Community in Malang City)
Nurjanah, Nunung
Moringa Leaves Flour and Tengger Potato Flour as Composite Flour for GFCF Diets
Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
Re-Create Systematized Interpersonal Skills Learning Models in Millennial Vocational Education and Training
Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning and Critical Thinking Skills on Students’ Learning Outcomes of Vocational Schools
Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
Development of Guided Inquiry Learning to Improve the Ability of Makeup Design Using Corel Draw
Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
Development of Diploma 4 Fashion Design Curriculum