Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICSSIS 2018)

238 authors
Mesra B
The Role of the Household and Its Contribution in Helping Family Economy at Hamparan Perak Subdistrict Deli Serdang Regency
Muda, Iskandar
The Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Operational Review of Information Technology Audits
Mujahidin, Akhmad
A New ‘Ilm Kalam: Thinking Between the Classical Heritage and the Philosophical Methodology
Mukmin, Budi Ali
Student Competency Evaluation in Internship Courses at University Negeri Medan
Mulya, Miswar Budi
The Effort to Maintain Mangrove Forest through the Development of Silvofishery Pond
Mulya, Miswar Budi
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Production of Pond Business in Tanjung Rejo Village, District Deli Serdang
Exploring the Values of Character Education in the Tradition of Tron Tanoh in Aceh Pidie Community
The Effect of a Reciprocal Teaching Style and Eyes Hands Feet Coordination Toward the Results of Groundstrokes Field Tennis
Nababan, Hokkof Fritles
Implementation of Social History Research Models in History Study in North Sumatera
Nainggolan, Elizon
Instructional Games “Remang” for Child Victims of Sinabung Mountain Eruption in Karo Regency
The Development and Utilization of E-Learning Media Using the Edmodo Applications for Statistic Course
The Development of Learning Media Based on Multiple Intelgence for Learning Strategies Class
Narpila, Suci Dahlya
The Development of Student Worksheet and Test Instrument for Statistical Thinking Skill Based on Local Culture and Accordance with Curriculum 2013 in Indonesia: Design Research Stage
The Evaluation of Principals’ Academic Supervision Implementation in Managing Teachers’ Learning at Kindergartens in Medan Denai District
Nasution, Bismar
Prudential Principle of Through Bail-In Scheme on Problem Systemic Bank Handling
Nasution, Nina Andriany
The Role of the Household and Its Contribution in Helping Family Economy at Hamparan Perak Subdistrict Deli Serdang Regency
Nasution, Sahkholid
Organizational Culture in Islamic Education Institution: An Analysis from a Historical Perspective
Nasution, Zulkifili
The Effort to Maintain Mangrove Forest through the Development of Silvofishery Pond
The Eruption of Mount Kelud in 1919: Its Impact and Mitigation Efforts
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Production of Pond Business in Tanjung Rejo Village, District Deli Serdang
Novira, Nina
Environmental and Economic Aspects of Organic Rice Farming in Lubuk Bayas
Novira, Nina
The Strategy to Strengthen Information Literacy Based on Library and Digital Resources
Nur Aini, Ela
Socio-Economic Violence Against the Post Revitalization Traders of New Dinoyo Market in Malang City
The Development of Problem-Based Learning Model with Scientific Literacy Approach in Elementary School
Nurhidayati, Devi Efika
The Crisis of Fisherman Regeneration in Banyutowo Village Pati Regency
The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan
Nurman, Ali
Impact Of NDVI Change To Spatial Distribution Of Land Surface Temperature (A Study in Medan City, Indonesia)
Nurman, Ali
Enhancing English Competencies and Character Building Trough a Bilingual Book
Pangalila, Theodorus
Pedagogic Competency and Teacher Learning Management in Strengthening Implementation of Civic Education Curriculum
Paranita Ningtyas, Dhita
Learning Media Model Development CD Interactive about Disaster Mitigation: Volcanic Eruption to Improve Self Awareness Early Childhood
Pasaribu, Payerli
The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District
Pinem, Kamarlin
Impact Of NDVI Change To Spatial Distribution Of Land Surface Temperature (A Study in Medan City, Indonesia)
Pinem, Mbina
Strengthening The Student’s Competencies Trough Collaborative Research
Pinem, Mbina
Enhancing English Competencies and Character Building Trough a Bilingual Book
Module Development Studies Community-Based Local Wisdom Involving Intelligence Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Student Education History
Pramuniati, Isda
Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom to Create Meaningful Learning in Aceh Province
Prawijaya, Septian
The Development of Problem-Based Learning Model with Scientific Literacy Approach in Elementary School
Analysis of Funds Management Through The Village Owned Business Entity at Gudang Garam Village, Bintang Bayu District, Serdang Bedagai Regency
Purba, Jamalum
Student Competency Evaluation in Internship Courses at University Negeri Medan
Purwoko, Agus
The Influence of Community Program for Go River Institute Youth on Community Development at Deli River, Medan, North Sumatera
The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District
Putri, Tri Nur
The Phenomenon of Ethnic Java Women as Weavers Hiou in Karang Rejo Village, Simalungun Regency
Rafni, Al
Political Education for Female Cadres as an Effort to Gender Equality in Politics
Rahmad, Riki
Environmental and Economic Aspects of Organic Rice Farming in Lubuk Bayas
Rahmad, Riki
Impact Of NDVI Change To Spatial Distribution Of Land Surface Temperature (A Study in Medan City, Indonesia)
Rahman, Arif
Student Competency Evaluation in Internship Courses at University Negeri Medan
The Development of Student Worksheet and Test Instrument for Statistical Thinking Skill Based on Local Culture and Accordance with Curriculum 2013 in Indonesia: Design Research Stage
Ramadhani, Fithri
Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom to Create Meaningful Learning in Aceh Province
Ramadhani, Rahmi
The Development of Student Worksheet and Test Instrument for Statistical Thinking Skill Based on Local Culture and Accordance with Curriculum 2013 in Indonesia: Design Research Stage
Rambe, Tappil
Mapping and Handling of Communal Land Conflict at Northern Sumatera
Ratnawati, Nurul
Worksheet Development for Natural Laboratory in Strengthening Student 4C’s
Risina, Duana Fera
Learning Media Model Development CD Interactive about Disaster Mitigation: Volcanic Eruption to Improve Self Awareness Early Childhood
Rivai, M.
Migration and Karo Ethnic Identity in the Coastal of Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra
Environmental and Economic Aspects of Organic Rice Farming in Lubuk Bayas
Study of Suitability Between Existing Land Use and the Spatial Plans in Medan Perjuangan Sub District
Rosni, Rosni
Developing of The Demography Teaching Book Based on KKNI-Curriculum and High Order Thinking Skills
The Contribution of Batak Ethnic Women in the Province of North Sumatera Legislative
Rozi, Fahrur
The Development of Problem-Based Learning Model with Scientific Literacy Approach in Elementary School
The Development of Student Worksheet and Test Instrument for Statistical Thinking Skill Based on Local Culture and Accordance with Curriculum 2013 in Indonesia: Design Research Stage
21st Century Civic Education: Creating Awareness of Cultural Diversity as Citizens of the World
Saputro, Roso
The Development of Students Worksheet (SW) based on Inquiry to Improve Activity and Learning Outcomes in Civic Lesson of Students Grade VII
Saragih, Daulat
The Development of Students Worksheet (SW) based on Inquiry to Improve Activity and Learning Outcomes in Civic Lesson of Students Grade VII
Saragih, Erika Revida
The Influence of Role of Youth in Extricating Poverty in Medan Marelan Subdistrict
Sari, Indah
The Students’ Tendency of Language Use in the Social Media Based on the Information and Electronic Transaction Laws Perspective
Sasmita, Nurhadi
The Eruption of Mount Kelud in 1919: Its Impact and Mitigation Efforts
Setiawan, Deny
The Development of Authentic Assessment Instruments Based on Characters in Measuring Students’ Competence at Primary School
Setiawan, Deny
The Development of Students Worksheet (SW) based on Inquiry to Improve Activity and Learning Outcomes in Civic Lesson of Students Grade VII
Setiawan, Deny
The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Students’ Social Skills at Social Science Faculty of Universitas Negeri Medan
Siadari, Ribka Meilan
Use of Film Media to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Civic Education Lessons in Class V Public Elementary School 064960 Medan Polonia
Siagian, Sarmauli Hanny
Review of Human and Environment Factor in Implementing Working Effectiveness
Sibarani, Robert
Exploring the Values of Character Education in the Tradition of Tron Tanoh in Aceh Pidie Community
Sibuea, Abdul Muin
The Effectiveness of Internal Quality Management Evaluation Model at The Universitas Sumatera Utara
Use of Picture Media through Spectra Multimedia to Improve Student Learning Motivation in IPS Study in State 3 Vocational School, Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau
Siburian, Paningkat
The Effectiveness of Internal Quality Management Evaluation Model at The Universitas Sumatera Utara
Siburian, Zulfikar Panigoran
Use of Picture Media through Spectra Multimedia to Improve Student Learning Motivation in IPS Study in State 3 Vocational School, Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau
Sidauruk, Tumiar
Strengthening The Student’s Competencies Trough Collaborative Research
Sidauruk, Tumiar
Enhancing English Competencies and Character Building Trough a Bilingual Book
Sidiq, Ricu
The Development and Utilization of E-Learning Media Using the Edmodo Applications for Statistic Course
Sidiq, Ricu
The Development of Learning Media Based on Multiple Intelgence for Learning Strategies Class
Sigalingging, Bisdan
Prudential Principle of Through Bail-In Scheme on Problem Systemic Bank Handling
Sihotang, Afrizal
Job Satisfaction Mediate the Influence of Work Motivation on Lectures’ Performance at Akademi Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Darma Agung
Simanihuruk, Akden
The Effect of Argument Driven Inquiry Model Using Virtual Laboratory to Increase the Scientific Argumentation Ability of Primary School Teacher Education Program Students
Simanungkalit, Nahor
Identification of the Physical Characteristics of Mangrove Ecosystems in the Coastal Area of Pantai Labu Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra
Simaremare, Aman
The Evaluation of Principals’ Academic Supervision Implementation in Managing Teachers’ Learning at Kindergartens in Medan Denai District
Simarmata, Tumpal
The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan
Simarmata, Tumpal
Improving the Quality of Graduates through Strengthening Learning Achievements
Simatupang, Dorlince
The Evaluation of Principals’ Academic Supervision Implementation in Managing Teachers’ Learning at Kindergartens in Medan Denai District
Simbolon, Ramadona
Are The Model of Fraud Triangle Elements Sufficient Enough to Prevent Fraud?: Evidence In North Sumatra Province
Sinaga, Rosmaida
Implementation of Social History Research Models in History Study in North Sumatera
Siregar, Rosnah
The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Students’ Social Skills at Social Science Faculty of Universitas Negeri Medan
Sitompul, Marlinang
Integration of Mini Research and Project Assignments
Sitompul, Zulkarnain
Prudential Principle of Through Bail-In Scheme on Problem Systemic Bank Handling
Sitorus, Henri
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Production of Pond Business in Tanjung Rejo Village, District Deli Serdang
Science for Early Childhood Education: Practicality of Science Teaching Materials Oriented Science Literation for Early Childhood
Instructional Games “Remang” for Child Victims of Sinabung Mountain Eruption in Karo Regency
Enhancing English Competencies and Character Building Trough a Bilingual Book
Suhendro, Pristi
The Development of Learning Media Based on Multiple Intelgence for Learning Strategies Class
Sukamto, Sukamto
Worksheet Development for Natural Laboratory in Strengthening Student 4C’s
Sulistyo Rini, Hartati
Social Reconsiliation: Re-establish Post-conflict Social Ties in Kendeng Mountain Area
Sulistyowati, Tutik
Socio-Economic Violence Against the Post Revitalization Traders of New Dinoyo Market in Malang City