Proceedings of the Fifth Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference (SULE-IC 2022)
41 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Meilinda, Jeri Araiku, Saparini, Meryansumayeka, Elika Kurniadi, Weni Dwi Pratiwi, Dedi Kurniawan, Dian Eka Amrina, Muhammad Akbar Budiman
Proceedings Article
Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Through the Reports of Practicum-Based Guided Inquiry Learning
Susy Amizera, Didi Jaya Santri, Zainal Arifin, Lucia Maria Santoso
Practicum guided inquiry learning is very important to improve students’ critical thinking skills related to student activities in collecting data, analyzing, and making conclusions. In addition, the ability to think critically can be seen through the descriptions of phenomena that students write in...
Proceedings Article
Correlation Analysis of Metacognitive Skills with Students Learning Outcomes on Reproductive System Materials
Vita Meylani, Enok Daniar Astriyana, Samuel Agus Triyanto, Didi Jaya Santri, Frista Mutiara
To adapt to the rapid development of the 21st century, students must possess solid soft and hard skills. Metacognitive skills can enable students to learn freely and comprehend topics more thoroughly, making them one of the most crucial components in promoting successful learning. This study intends...
Proceedings Article
Improving Student Ability in Solving Problems Through Electronic Student Worksheets
Camellia, Puspa Dianti, Edwin Nurdiansyah, Nona Sundari, Imroatun Khasanah
The ability of students to solve problems is an ability that must be continuously trained and improved. The ability to solve problems in citizenship courses is the ability to analyze problems and find effective solutions to solve problems in the lecture. Through this research, researchers want to know...
Proceedings Article
Development of Electronic-Citizens Education Book Based on Mind Mapping as Practical Teaching Materials
Mariyani, Edwin Nurdiansyah, Aulia Novemy Dhita, Ulfatul Hasanah, Ernawati
This study aims to determine the results of the development of an electronic book on Citizenship Education based on mind mapping for students in the Personality Development Unit of Personality Formation Course. This research is a type of research and development (Research and Development) which refers...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Teaching Materials on Engineering Materials and Evaluation Procedures
Kurnisar, Sri Artati Waluyati, Sulkipani, Ana Dwi Kusuma, Cindy Aisyah Pragista
This study aims to determine the analysis of the needs for teaching materials based on Project based Learning (PjBL) on technical materials and learning evaluation procedures, in the Civics Study Program. The concept of Project Based Learning is a learning method that uses project design, development,...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of the Development of the Moot Court Practice Module as an Effort to Improve Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Civil Procedure Law
Puspa Dianti, Kurnisar, Camellia, Erisa Ramona, Yesi Kumalasari
The availability of teaching modules as learning resources is an important element in learning. This study aims to analyze the needs of students in developing a moot court practice module as an effort to increase students’ knowledge and skills in the Civil Procedure Law Course. The method used in this...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of Using Teaching Materials Based on E-Book Problem-Based Learning
Rini Setiyowati, Husnul Fatihah, Adi Inggit Handoko, Devienna Chairunnisa, Putria Juni Parianda
The development of technology is running very rapidly in all aspects of education, including in the world of education. Technology and education today are two things that cannot be separated and go hand in hand. This study aims to outline the urgency of using e-book-based problem-based learning teaching...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Blended Learning-Based Vocationalogy Media as a Practicum Learning Loss Solution for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship (PKK) Lessons in SMK
Endah Andayani, Rini Agustina, Imron Sya’roni
The negative impact of PJJ/BDR or combined online and offline learning (Blended Learning) that is currently being carried out has not been able to provide optimal results, especially in productive subjects such as Creative Products and Entrepreneurship (PKK). Therefore, digital media is needed that can...
Proceedings Article
A Review on the Challenges of E-Learning on Higher Education in Indonesia
Fitri Aldresti
Many higher education institutions in Indonesia have implemented e-learning in the lecturing process with the aim of improving the quality of the learning process. Although there are many benefits derived from the implementation of e-learning, the implementation has not been running smoothly. This paper...
Proceedings Article
The Development of an Android Webtoon Based on Maiyah Values
Yuni Suprapto, Wasino, Thriwaty Arsal, Agustinus Sugeng Priyanto
The purpose of this paper is to develop a learning product of an Android Webtoon Based on Maiyah Values with Sinau Bareng Model for learning diversity of high school students in Banyumas. The method uses Fenrich with 6 phases, in which each phase will be evaluated and revised, the first phase is data...
Proceedings Article
Project Based Learning Design “Gadget Play Duration Survey” for Junior High School Students
Selly Dian Utami Sitio, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Nyimas Aisyah
This study aims to produce a learning trajectory in project-based statistical learning using blended learning that helps students in the learning process during the pandemic. The research method used is design research, which is a research method that aims to develop local instruction theory through...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Representation in Educational Studies at Multi-ethnic Schools Sultan Iskandar Muda University Foundation
Argitha Aricindy, Wasino, Atika Wijaya, Hamdan Tri Atmaja
Multiculturalism is a concept that is addressed to a society in the context of nationality to recognize diversity, pluralism, and diversity of races, cultures, ethnicities, and religions. The purpose of this study is to describe the model of multicultural education at the Sultan Iskandar Muda educational...
Proceedings Article
A. K. Gani
Internalization of His Struggle for Gen Z in Sprit of Merdeka Belajar
Muhammad Reza Pahlevi, Aulia Novemy Dhita, Khalidatun Nuzula, Rieca Nona Mutia, Salsabila Nofradatu
Gen Z has the characteristics of being very technologically advanced which is currently very sophisticated. His proficiency in using technology makes it easier for Gen Z to obtain a lot of information. This of course is also related to spirit of Merdeka Belajar. In the midst of the hectic flow of information...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Literacy: Understanding the Cooperation Value in Pacu Jalur Tradition
Erlisnawati, Hendri Marhadi, Bedriati Ibrahim
This study aims to describe cultural literacy in understanding the cooperation value in Pacu Jalur tradition. Cultural literacy is defined as the ability to understand, analyze, communicate, and participate in cultural activities related to language, traditions, customs, values, beliefs, and arts and...
Proceedings Article
Perceptions of Using the Kahoot! Platform in the Evaluation of Sports and Health Physical Education Learning
Resty Gustiawati, Fahrudin, Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan, Soffi Nurhalizza Utami
This study aims to provide information on Perceptions of the Use of the Kahoot Platform in the Evaluation of Physical Education Sports and Health Learning for educators from evaluation problems encountered in learning Physical Education Sports and Health in schools. This study uses a quantitative research...
Proceedings Article
Designing Plant Material Learning for 5th Grade Elementary School Using STEM Autonomous Learning City Map Apps: A Preliminary Study
Neni Hermita, Zetra Hainul Putra, Jesi Alexander Alim, Zaldi Harfal, Mike Fitriani, Hastri Mulyani, Dewi Nasien, Tommy Tanu Wijaya, Muhammad Zakki Islami
This study aims to develop student worksheets using the STEM Autonomous Learning City Map application with plant material for fifth-grade students of State Elementary School 192 Pekanbaru. The material to be developed refers to the 2013 curriculum with ten practice questions given to students. In answering...
Proceedings Article
Developing Batobo-Based Worksheet as Teaching Material in Elementary School
Hendri Marhadi, Erlisnawati, Guslinda, Sapriya, Kama Abdul Hakam, Dasim Budimansyah
The current study was intended to develop and create students’ worksheet based on Batobo tradition as teaching material in elementary school. The Batobo-based worksheet was a task developed by integrating Batobo tradition which contain material, summary and the instruction to do the task. The students’...
Proceedings Article
Equitable Education for Bilingual Autism Spectrum Disorder Children
Luh Diah Surya Adnyani, Kisyani Laksono, Syafiul Anam, Suhartono
Inclusive and equitable quality education as the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 agenda is needed to provide education for all. All children, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), have the right to get equal access and quality in learning with their...
Proceedings Article
Design Gamification Model in Local History Learning
Oka Agus Kurniawan Shavab, Yulia Sofiani
The background of this writing is that lecturers are still not maximal in developing teaching materials or local history learning models in the classroom. This can be seen by the fact that there are still many lecturers who use power points, modules, and lecture methods that are not updated according...
Proceedings Article
Illocutionary Analysis on Code-Switching Used by the Characters of “Layangan Putus” the TV Series
Nyayu Yayu Suryani
Illocution and code-switching can occur simultaneously in communities where many languages are spoken. “Layangan putus” is a viral TV series that uses code-switching on social media. Besides Indonesia, the TV series has become viral in many countries, including America and Singapore. This research was...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Educational Technology in Bilingual Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
Umi Farisiyah, Badrun Kartowagiran, Aminuddin Hassan, Nur Putro, Erwin Mubarok
Education packaged in bilingual classrooms is increasingly being offered in various developing and developed countries. One way to optimize learning outcomes in bilingual classrooms is to utilize technology in the learning process. This study aims to elaborate on the effectiveness of technology used...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students’ Reading Literacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using the PBL Model and According to the Pisa Context
A. Zahra, Zulkardi, L. N. Medio
Several research results show that the reading literacy of high school students is still low, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is also shown by Indonesia’s ranking in the Study Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) which is still at level 2 PISA. As an effort to improve it,...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Students’ Perceptions of Intercultural Awareness in Classroom Discourse
Ika Lusi Kristanti, Bambang Yulianto, Ahmad Munir, Suhartono
This study depicts the students’ perceptions of classroom discourse, mainly through extensive listening. The study recruits tertiary students from East Java, Indonesia as the participants of this study. The study applies a qualitative approach. The study concerns how they perceive intercultural awareness...
Proceedings Article
Rethinking Classroom Climates: Exploring Civic Education in Indonesia Using Data from the International Civic and Citizenship Study
Ryan T. Knowles, Lingga A. Suganda
This study utilizes data from the International Civic and Citizenship study to analyse responses from Indonesian eighth graders. The paper tests the implications of students’ perceptions of an open classroom climate for discussion. Findings show that an increase in students’ perception of an open classroom...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Character Values in National Integration Courses
Emil El Faisal, Riswan Jaenuddin, Sulkipani, Camellia
This study aims to see the importance of integrated character values in national integration courses as part of a needs analysis for the development of character values-based national integration textbooks. As an independent nation, of course, we must have values as a guide in acting and behaving. Especially...
Proceedings Article
Hybrid Learning: Model Pembelajaran Pasca Pandemic Covid-19 di FKIP Unsri Indralaya
Abdul Gafur, Nurhasan, Endang Switri, Apriyanti, Agus Wahyudi
Many problems have arisen as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the field of education, it is not possible to directly meet face-to-face between educators and students, as well as after the Covid-19 pandemic, Instructional process at Sriwijaya University cannot be implemented 100% face-to-face,...
Proceedings Article
Bajo Ethnopedagogic
The Strategy for Overcoming Socio-cultural Impacts Due to Modernization of Fishery on Saponda Island Konawe Regency
Pendasi Hak, La Ode Dinda
This study and research aim for mapping the aspects the socio-cultural impact due to the modernization of fishery that occurred and was introduced by the Bajo fisher of Saponda Island and this study also aim for formulating an ethnopedagogic strategy based on the Bajo Ethnic in the framework of minimizing...
Proceedings Article
From Bataviaasch Genotschap van Wetenschappen to Parc Vaccinogene: Development of the History of Science in History Learning
Wildan Insan Fauzi, Yon Machmudi, Abdurakhman
Technological developments in various fields will affect the pattern of human life. The world of education should respond by making changes that are deemed necessary, starting from paradigm shifts to technical matters, including historical education. The STEAM approach is more widely used in science...
Proceedings Article
Visual and Non-literal Literacy as Diversity Literacy Modalities in the New Generation in Post-conflict Areas
Mufti Riyani, Asnawi, Hanafiah, Rapita Aprilia
Aceh in post-conflict has special conditions that need to be observed and managed. Aceh is factually increasingly diverse, both due to socio historical factors and other factors as an excess of the peace agreement that has been reached. Ideally, diversity literacy as a content in the national curriculum...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Technology: Theme of Sexual Harassment in Academic Environments Through Podcasts
Nasution, Warsono, Sarmini, Sugeng Harianto, Wisnu, Faridatul Lailiyah
Learning innovation can be done one of them through learning media. In the last two years, podcasts have become a medium that is being discussed by many parties, including academics. Seeing these opportunities, this research tries to develop learning innovations through podcasts as learning media. The...
Proceedings Article
Superflex Learning to Improve the Social Skills of Children with Cancer at the “Rumah Pejuang Kanker Ambu (RPKA)”
Huriah Rachmah, Mentari Luthfika Dewi, Lasmanah, Alma Husnu Tazkia, Muhammad Lucky Fahrezi, Septiani Melawati Dewi
The problems experienced by children with cancer are routine hospital care, the economic support of parents, and education that is often left behind because they are often given permission to take treatment. Lack of education creates self-confidence and a sense of inferiority so that social skills are...
Proceedings Article
Trade Constellation of Ethnic Groups of Bumiputera, Arab, Chinese, India, and European in Palembang City of 1945–1950
Helen Susanti
This study examines the trade constellation of ethnic groups (Bumiputera, Arab, Chinese, India and European) in Palembang City from 1945–1950. Several studies on the revolutionary period in the city of Palembang until now still focus on the events of the “War” at that time. Many other exciting themes,...
Proceedings Article
Educative Game-Based Edutainment Model Design in Social Studies Learning
Yeni Kurniawati, Kokom Komalasari, Nana Supriatna, Erlina Wiyanarti
This research is based on the importance of developing the creativity of social studies teachers in creating fun learning while at the same time accommodating the achievement of student competencies. This study seeks to examine and describe edutainment-based social studies learning innovations at the...
Proceedings Article
Future Thinking of Culture of Indonesia Education Towards The Attainment of SDGs
Riswan Jaenudin, Umi Chotimah, Farida, Dedi Irwanto, Sally A. Jarin, Nova Arquillano
This study aims to describe level of integration of key elements of active and responsible global citizenship in the curriculum of Indonesian education institutions necessary to make the students as partners in the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Besides the aims to describe of level...
Proceedings Article
Actualizing the Values of Pancasila Student Profiles Through the Little Journalist Project
Umi Chotimah, Emil El Faisal, Sri Sumarni, Rini Setiyowati, Husnil Kirom, Sella Violeta
This study aims to determine the ways to actualize the values of the Pancasila Student Profile through the Little Journalists Project. The implementation of this study was carried out at SMPN 1 Indralaya Utara in Pancasila and Citizenship Education subjects with VII A class students as the research...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Jawara Values as a Social Asset School Leadership
Syadeli, Achmad Hufad, Grandson Atikah
Efforts to manage the quality of sustainable education in schools must be distinct from the cultural element as the primary value. Culture becomes a value internalized in the interaction of community life, which influences the implementation of the educational process in schools. Jawara, one of the groups...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Orang Laut and Palembang in 17–18 Centuries
Farida Ratu Wargadalem, Diki Tri Apriansyah Putra
In Indonesia's maritime history, Palembang holds important legitimacy as the capital of Sriwijaya Kingdom and Palembang Sultanate which is a large maritime kingdom in Sumatra Island region and Malacca Strait. Of course, in achieving this success, it turns out that there is a role for the Orang Laut...
Proceedings Article
Third Culture Kids: Challenges in a Globalized World
Solange Francielle Silva
In the past century the world has experienced a number of changes in the economy, technology, jobs, businesses, etc. All of that is due to the process of globalization. One of the major changes is related to global mobility. Whole families moved overseas for different reasons and their children brought...
Proceedings Article
The Development of the Hybrid Learning Method with the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Application
A Need Analysis Review
Makmum Raharjo, Erna Retna safitri, Ardi Saputra
Along with the progress of the 21st century which is marked by the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 as a century of openness and globalization, there have been many fundamental changes. In the world of education, technology is crucial in facilitating the learning process to keep up with the advancements...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Integrating ICT in Learning on Students English Learning Achievement
Elizabeth Meiske Maythy Lasut
This quantitative study had a purpose to prove that students’ academic achievement in English subject would be increased by teacher’s effort in integrating ICT effectively in learning process. Grade five students who were registered at Unklab Adventist Elementary School in Airmadidi, North Minahasa were...