Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance (ICEBEF 2018)

435 authors
Saepudin, Saepudin
Balanced Scorecard Approach: Can the Performance of Sharia Banks be Measured? (Registered at the financial services authority)
Safitri, Wiji
The Impact of Viral Marketing on Consumers’ Intention to Use (Case study: Spotify Indonesia)
Santoso, Anton Budi
The Influence of Product Development on the Intention of Purchase
Santoso, Budi
Improving Learners’ Oral Communication Skills through Storytelling Learning Method and Learning Facilities
Santoso, Budi
The Influence of Assessment System of Employee Achievement towards Apparatus State Performance (Case study towards government employee in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
Santoso, Budi
Organizational Commitment and Teachers Jobs Performance with Employment Status
Santy, Raeni Dwi
Creative Industry, Creative City and Creativity Spillover in Indonesia: Preliminary research
Saputri, Marheni Eka
The Effect of Service Marketing Mix in Low Cost Airlines: A study of Scoot Airlines Indonesia
Saputri, Marheni Eka
Analyzing Conflict Resolution between Online and Conventional Transportation Using Graph Model for Conflict Resolution
Saputri, Marheni Eka
Queuing Management and Evaluation of Standard Operating Procedures for Hospital Mental Health Polyclinics
Saragih, Romat
Leadership Style and Work Stress as Antecedents of Job Satisfaction
Saraswati, Trisha Gilang
Evaluating IKEA’s Online Personal Shopper Services Using Importance Performance Analysis
Saraswati, Trisha Gilang
Queuing Management and Evaluation of Standard Operating Procedures for Hospital Mental Health Polyclinics
Sari, Astri Yuza
#MeTourism: How selfies affect re-visit intention in narcissistic age
Sari, Devilia
The Effect of Service Marketing Mix in Low Cost Airlines: A study of Scoot Airlines Indonesia
Sari, Devilia
Analyzing Conflict Resolution between Online and Conventional Transportation Using Graph Model for Conflict Resolution
Sari, Maya
The Implementation of Role-Playing in Understanding Ponzi Scheme Investment
Sarianti, Rini
Determinants of Actual Digital Library Usage
Sarino, Alit
Recruitement Effectiveness of Employees to Support Performance
Sastika, Widya
Website Atmosphere, Perceived Flow and Its Impact on Purchase Intention
Sa’adah, Samrotu
Employee Turnover Intention: The role of perceived organizational support and stress
Sekari, Ayu
Contribution of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence and Learning Facilities in School to Build a Quality Learning Process
Septrizola, Whyosi
Determinants of Actual Digital Library Usage
Serafico, Nikolee Marie
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Promoted Listings Using the Method of EPIC Model
Setiawati, Cut Irna
Problematic of Secondhand Car Products in Palembang: Analysis of marketing mix towards purchase decision
Setiawati, Cut Irna
Quality Analysis of Shopee Website by Using Importance Performance Analysis Approach
Seto, Agung Anggoro
Compensation Motivation and Competence to Interest in Doing Research on Lecturers at Tridinanti University of Palembang
Shabrina, Dwima Nur
The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction
Shofwan, Shofwan
The Determinant of Farming Land Conversion into Non-Farming Land for Urbanization Development: A case of Malang regency, East Java
Sholehah, Wina
Member Perception of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil
Sibarani, Choms Gary Ganda Tua
Furniture Business Opportunities in The University
Silvia, Armida
Model of Preventive Preservation Archives in Realizing the Good Governance at the Bank Indonesia Office Prov. Indonesia's West Sumatra
Siregar, Nelia Fariani
Could Economic Growth and Inflation Affect the Acceptance of Value Added Taxes?
Siregar, Soritaon
Market Reaction on the First Reshuffle of “Kabinet Kerja” at LQ 45
Sitanggang, Nathanael
Furniture Business Opportunities in The University
Sobandi, Ade
Teaching Skills and Learning Discipline as Factors Affecting Students’ Learning Outcomes
Sofa, Mega Nur
Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention in Public Telecommunication Company
Sofia, Alfira
Behavioral Intention Analysis on E-Money Services in Indonesia: Using the modified UTAUT model
Sofia, Alfira
Analysis of Investment Policy of Local Government in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Sojanah, Janah
Student Motivation and School Facilities as Determinants towards Student Learning Outcome
Solihati, Siska Yulia
Member Perception of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil
Solihati, Siska Yulia
Comparison Analysis of Sharia Banking Financial Performance Using Income Statement Approach and Value Added Statement Approach
Solikin, Ikin
Strategic Effort to Improve Tax Compliance
Srirejeki, Kiky
Accounting Certifications: Are students aware?
Suaesih, Ae
Comparison of Various Liquidity Measures in LQ45 Stocks
Subarno, Anton
The Challenge of Vocational High School Teachers in Indonesia
Sudjiman, Lorina Siregar
DER ROE, Percentage Offering of Shares and their Influences to Initial Return in its Companies Doing IPO (Empirical study on non-financial companies listed on BEI)
Sugianto, Iwan
The Analysis of Financial Performance by Using Economic Value Added (EVA) Method and Financial Value Added (FVA) Case Studies on Manufacturing Companies Cosmetics and Household Sub-Sector Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange During 2014-2016
Sugiarti, Rubi’ah
Job Involvement as Determinant of Teacher Job Satisfaction
Suhaeti, Yuli
Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Multimedia Based Economic Learning (Research and development on Ten Grade Students of Senior High Schools in Kuningan, West Java)
Sukardi, Hadi Ahmad
Comparison of Various Liquidity Measures in LQ45 Stocks
Sukmayana, Dodi
Building Competitive Advantages and Its Implications on Sales
Sulaeman, Ardika
Determining SMEs Business Sustainability: Human resources management for sustainability approach
Sulastri, Lalas
Capacity Building in Improving the Performance of Village-Owned Enterprises in Sumedang Regency
Sultan, Mokh Adib
Tourists’ Intention to Revisit Tourism of Heritage Buildings in Bandung
Sultan, Mokh. Adib
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on Transportation Services
Sumirat, Erman Arif
Investment Feasibility Analysis of a Coal Project Related to Improvement Production Capacity
Sumirat, Erman Arif
Applying Customer Lifetime Value to Justify Investment in Clinic Management System to Improve Customer Engagement in a Multi Chain Clinic
Supardi, Endang
Recruitement Effectiveness of Employees to Support Performance
Supardi, Supardi
Financial Factors, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: Evidence from Indonesian manufacturing industry
Suparno, Suparno
Model of Employee Empowerment and Organizational Performance at National Strategic Manufacturing Companies in West Java
Supeno, Saras
Accounting Certifications: Are students aware?
Supiyadi, Dedi
The Determinants of Bank Profitability: Empirical evidence from Indonesian Sharia Banking Sector
Supriatna, Nana
How Does Student's Engagement Build Consumer Green Behavior ?
Suryana, Suryana
Women Entrepreneurship Intensions in Indonesia
Suryawardani, Bethani
Website Atmosphere, Perceived Flow and Its Impact on Purchase Intention
Susanti, Dessi
The Study of Creative Industry Fashion Condition, Based on Issues It Faces
Susanti, Fifka Amelia
Good Corporate Governance Mechanism and Bank’s Financial Performance: Evidence In Indonesia
Susanty, Ade Irma
Corporate Internal Communication through the Use of WhatsApp Messaging Application and the Employee Performance of an IT Company in Indonesia
Susilawati, Endang
Analysis of Company's Financial Condition, Growth, Size and Reputation of the Public Accountant Firms on Going Concern Opinion
Sutarni, Nani
Influences of Problem Posing Method and Conventional Method on Problem-Solving Ability in High-School Student
Sutarni, Nani
Quadrant Model of Change Management at Vocational High School in West Java
Sutawidjaya, Achmad Hidayat
How the Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) Process Can Be Adopted for the Organization Business?
Suwatno, Suwatno
Influence of Learning Model through Problem-Based Learning Method to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Suwatno, Suwatno
The Effect of Educational Entrepreneurship and Creativity to Entrepreneurial Intermediation
Suwatno, Suwatno
Improving Learners’ Oral Communication Skills through Storytelling Learning Method and Learning Facilities
Syifaudin, Ahmad
Factors that Affect Management Accounting Information Systems and its Implication to the Quality of Management Accounting Information (Cooperative industries at Kuningan Indonesia)
Tasman, Abel
Good Corporate Governance Mechanism and Bank’s Financial Performance: Evidence In Indonesia
Thabrani, Gesit
Efficiency Analysis of Local Government Health Service in West Sumatra Province Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Tirta, Rosalina Puspa
Influence of Learning Model through Problem-Based Learning Method to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Tisnawatisule, Ernie
Determining SMEs Business Sustainability: Human resources management for sustainability approach
Trenggana, Arlin Ferlina Mochamad
The Influence of Relationship Marketing and Customer Retention
Triantoro, Arvian
Organizational Culture and Organizational Effectiveness at Public Universities of Educational Institution of Education Personnel
Tricahyono, Dodie
The Impact of Viral Marketing on Consumers’ Intention to Use (Case study: Spotify Indonesia)
Trinanda, Okki
#MeTourism: How selfies affect re-visit intention in narcissistic age
Tumiwa, Ramon Arthur Ferry
Entrepreneurship Conceptual Model Based on Local Economic Potentials in Coastal Likupang Beach North Minahasa District, Indonesia
Usino, Wendi
Involvement Willingness as Mediation Variable of The Influence of Customer Relationship Management on Social Customer Relationship Management
Utami, Larisha Widya
The Impact of Viral Marketing on Consumers’ Intention to Use (Case study: Spotify Indonesia)
Utami, Suci Aprilliani
The Internal Factors Determining Rate of Return on Mudharaba Deposits in Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
Wahdiat, Irwan Sutirman
Factors that Affect Management Accounting Information Systems and its Implication to the Quality of Management Accounting Information (Cooperative industries at Kuningan Indonesia)
Wahyuni, Itca Istia
The Role of Online Community indorunnersbdg in Building the Brand Equity
Wahyuni, Itca Istia
The Digital Marketing of Re-branding Bandung become a Smart City
Wanda, Venesya
Internet Banking Adoption Analysis in Medan and Bandung City using the Unified Theory of Use and Acceptance of Technology (UTAUT) Model with Culture as Moderator
Waspada, Ikaputera
Determinants of Factor That Affect Liquidity Risk of Islamic Banks in Indonesia and Malaysia
Waspada, Ikaputera
The Influence of Assessment System of Employee Achievement towards Apparatus State Performance (Case study towards government employee in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Management Commitment and Partner Relationship Program toward Export Performance of Handicraft Industry
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Learning Activeness through Learning Media and Class Management
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Smart Tourism Strategy in Increasing the Number of Tourist in Indonesia
Widaningsih, Mimin
Influence of Carbon Management Accounting on Firm Value
Widaningsih, Sri
The Effect of Fashion Orientation, Money Attitude, Self Esteem, and Conformity on Compulsive Buying: A study on youth customer in Bandung