Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education, Science, and Technology (ICEST 2019)

203 authors
Lukman, Muflih
The Muslim Communities Forgiveness Effect in Ramadan Month
Lukman, S.
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence for Team Conflict: Case Study in Government Hospital
The Analysis of Natural Intelligence Relates to Environmental Attitudes in Elementary School Students
Mahyuddin, Reza
Emotional Aspects and Dribbling Motor Skills in Football Players
Majid, Ahmad Farham
Comparison of STAD Cooperative Learning Types and Direct Learning With Approach Problems Posing With Connection Ability Student Mathematics
Makkasau, Andi
The Analysis of Natural Intelligence Relates to Environmental Attitudes in Elementary School Students
Mandra, Mohammad Ahsan
Community Engagement in Erosion Control of Riverbank in Walanae Watershed, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Mangesa, Riana Tangkin
Study of Availability of Productive Subjects’ Teaching Materials in Vocational High Schools in South Sulawesi
Mansyur, Ahmad Yasser
The Muslim Communities Forgiveness Effect in Ramadan Month
Mansyur, Ahmad Yasser
Study of Factors That Influence Women’s Diffidence in Marriage
Mansyur, M
The Improvement of Gross Motor Skill on Rhythmic Gymnastics Activities of Kindergarten Student
Mappanyukki, Andi Atssam
The Development of Teaching Models Guide Books Based on the Educator’s Needs in Physical Education
Mappaompo, Adam
The Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Physical Activities on Physical Fitness Level
Mattayang, Basmin
The Impact of Bureaucracy Politicization in the Public Services Process in Indonesia
Mattoliang, Lisnasari Andi
Comparison of STAD Cooperative Learning Types and Direct Learning With Approach Problems Posing With Connection Ability Student Mathematics
The Influence of Green Apples on the Lactic Acid Level After Physical Activity
Four-M Model for Bamboo Conservation in Riverbanks Management (Case Study in Communities of Soppeng Regency South Sulawesi Indonesia)
Muh. Fikruddin, B Abd H
Student Knowledge of Global Environmental Issues in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Muhiddin, Amir
The Development of Learning Devices Using Inquiry Learning Model to Increase the Students’ Creative Thinking
Comparison of STAD Cooperative Learning Types and Direct Learning With Approach Problems Posing With Connection Ability Student Mathematics
Murdiana, Sitti
Analysis of Optimism and Procrastination in Students Who are Writing Thesis
Mushawwir, Shaleh Afief Angga
The Model of Explanatory Style Training for Futsal Athlete
The Influence of Green Apples on the Lactic Acid Level After Physical Activity
The Relationship of the Insomnia Degree With Smoking Habit Overtraining
Nawir, Nukhrawi
The Effect of Ladder Exercises Varies on the Increase in Athlete’s Foot Agility
Nugraha, Dwi Yan
The Prosocial Behavior of College Students at the City Park in Makassar
Nur, Fitriani
Comparison of STAD Cooperative Learning Types and Direct Learning With Approach Problems Posing With Connection Ability Student Mathematics
Nur, Haerani
The Supporting Activity for Mother Who Has Specially Needs Children
Nur, Muhammad
The Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Physical Activities on Physical Fitness Level
Nurani, Gita Candra
The Analysis of Natural Intelligence Relates to Environmental Attitudes in Elementary School Students
Nurdin, Muh. Nurhidayat
Effectiveness of Psychoeducation to Reduce Homesickness in Islamic Boarding School Students’
Nurul, Musfira A.
Enhancement Shotput Skills With Shot Modification on Students
Palayukan, Novianty
Correlation of Lecturers’ Competence and the Learning Motivation of Students
Paris, Yusran
Reviewing Community Land Ownership Certificate Services in Various Studies
Factors Influencing Work Productivity of Community Health Center Employees
Permatasari, Intan
Bissu in Their Role as Maintenance and Preserving Classical Buginese Culture
Pertiwi, Nurlita
Farmer’s Behavior in Managing Postharvest in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Pertiwi, Nurlita
Four-M Model for Bamboo Conservation in Riverbanks Management (Case Study in Communities of Soppeng Regency South Sulawesi Indonesia)
Prasetio, Iwan
Relationship Between Flow and Performance of Employees of the Central Office PT. Pelindo IV (Persero) Makassar
Teachers Ability on Information and Communication Technology in Industry 4.0 Era
Purwanto, Adryan Yudhistira
The Analysis of Consumer Decision in Buying Poor Rural Products
Rachman, Andi Tenriesa
Rebuilding Trust; Psychological Change in Couples Who Has an Affair
Developing Physical Learning Multimedia Based on Physics Edutainment
Rahim, Rizky
The Supporting Activity for Mother Who Has Specially Needs Children
Comparison of STAD Cooperative Learning Types and Direct Learning With Approach Problems Posing With Connection Ability Student Mathematics
Rahmi, Silatul
The Contribution the Physical Condition on Underhand Serve Ability in Volleyball of Elementary School Students in Makassar City
Rakib, Muhammad
The Relationship Analysis of Entrepreneurial Interests: Entrepreneurial Literacy, Self-Eficacy, and Entrepreneurial Characters Vocational Students
Razak, Ahmad
The Muslim Communities Forgiveness Effect in Ramadan Month
Ridfah, Ahmad
The Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Therapy in Controlling Emotions of Adolescent Inmate
Ridfah, Ahmad
The Analysis of Hypnotherapy Model for Smokers
Ridfah, Ahmad
Analysis of Optimism and Procrastination in Students Who are Writing Thesis
Ridwan, Andi
The Effect of Running Practice Method on Football Shooting Skills of Sport Science Students
Rifani, Rohmah
Peer Conformity and Healthy Eating Behavior Among Adolescent
The Effect of Hand-Eye Coordination, Wrist Flexibility, and Self-Confidence on Serve Ability in Badminton on Senior High Schools Students
Rusli, Muhammad
The Effect of Physical Training on Rowing Sport Achievement
Emotional Aspects and Dribbling Motor Skills in Football Players
Sahabuddin, Chuduriah
Factors Influencing Work Productivity of Community Health Center Employees
Sahabuddin, Erma Suryani
The Analysis of Natural Intelligence Relates to Environmental Attitudes in Elementary School Students
Said, Abdul Azis
Directory and Inventory the Database of Silk Weaving Ornaments ‘Sabbe’ Sengkang as a Creativity Enhancement Equipment
Saleh, M. Sahib
The Effect of Instructional Media and Motivation on Student’s Skill of Dribbling in Indoor Hockey Games
Saleh, Muhammad Syahrul
The Effect of Instructional Media and Motivation on Student’s Skill of Dribbling in Indoor Hockey Games
Salsabila, Putri Magfirah
Bissu in Their Role as Maintenance and Preserving Classical Buginese Culture
The Improvement of Gross Motor Skill on Rhythmic Gymnastics Activities of Kindergarten Student
The Effect of Physical Training on Rowing Sport Achievement
Saman, Abdul
The Effect of Physical Training on Rowing Sport Achievement
Sappewali, Badriah
Overview of the Externalities Between Optimization and Overfishing of Fisheries
Saranani, Muh. Safiuddin
The Improvement of Gross Motor Skill on Rhythmic Gymnastics Activities of Kindergarten Student
Satriawati, Ilma
Peer Conformity and Healthy Eating Behavior Among Adolescent
Scholten, Aviva R
The Prosocial Behavior of College Students at the City Park in Makassar
Siswanti, Dian Novita
The Influence of Traditional Games Akkasing to Interpersonal Competence of Peers Group for Elementary School Children
Siswanti, Dian Novita
The Supporting Activity for Mother Who Has Specially Needs Children
Siswanti, Dian Novita
The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Burnout Among Journalist Profession in Makassar City
Sudirman, Ilmi Amaliah
Study of Factors That Influence Women’s Diffidence in Marriage
Suhardi, Iwan
Overview of School Readiness to Face the Computer-Based National Examination in Gowa District, South Sulawesi: Analysis of Test Results of Computer-Based Tests (CBT) and Paper-Based Tests (PBT)
Suhardi, Iwan
Study of Availability of Productive Subjects’ Teaching Materials in Vocational High Schools in South Sulawesi
The Effect of Physical Training on Rowing Sport Achievement
Sukamto, Anto
The Effects of Training Methods and Self-Confidence Towards the Skill of Playing Football for the Students
Sukamto, Anto
Effects of Training Methods and Motor Ability on Overhead Passing Skills in Volleyball Games
Factors Influencing Work Productivity of Community Health Center Employees
Sulastri, Tri
Effectiveness of Psychoeducation to Reduce Homesickness in Islamic Boarding School Students’
Suwardi, Andi
The Development of Teaching Models Guide Books Based on the Educator’s Needs in Physical Education
Syahrir, Nurlina
Bissu in Their Role as Maintenance and Preserving Classical Buginese Culture
The Effect of Instructional Media and Motivation on Student’s Skill of Dribbling in Indoor Hockey Games
Overview of School Readiness to Face the Computer-Based National Examination in Gowa District, South Sulawesi: Analysis of Test Results of Computer-Based Tests (CBT) and Paper-Based Tests (PBT)
Syaiful, A. Zulfikar
Student Knowledge of Global Environmental Issues in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Syam, Husain
The Impact of Bureaucracy Politicization in the Public Services Process in Indonesia
The Development of Learning Devices Using Inquiry Learning Model to Increase the Students’ Creative Thinking
The Utilization of Kelong Texts in Learning the Makassarese Syntax to Students
Tadjuddin, Fajriani
Customer Service Orientation, Emotional Labor Strategy, and Emotional Exhaustion
Taufieq, Nur Anny S.
Four-M Model for Bamboo Conservation in Riverbanks Management (Case Study in Communities of Soppeng Regency South Sulawesi Indonesia)
Tawe, Amiruddin
The Relationship Analysis of Entrepreneurial Interests: Entrepreneurial Literacy, Self-Eficacy, and Entrepreneurial Characters Vocational Students
Usman, Misnawaty
The Influence of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Model in Mastery of German Language Vocabulary
The Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Therapy in Controlling Emotions of Adolescent Inmate
Implementation of Sport Development Index (SDI) in Makassar Based on CIPP Evaluation Model
Wahyuni, Andi Fitri
The Model of Yoga Training for Women Adolescents
The Model of Yoga Training for Women Adolescents
Wulandari, Ayu
The Analysis of Hypnotherapy Model for Smokers
Wulandari, Septia
Bissu in Their Role as Maintenance and Preserving Classical Buginese Culture
Yanuar, Fahmi
The Intervention of Nudge With the Social Norms
Yusuf, A. Rumpang
Community Engagement in Erosion Control of Riverbank in Walanae Watershed, South Sulawesi, Indonesia