Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019)

497 authors
Hadiprayitno, Gito
Student Perspectives in the Implementation of Learning Based on Lesson Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Mataram
Hajaroh, Mami
School Management Based on Culture in Public Junior High School 1 Jetis and Public Junior High School 3 Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Preparing the Preservice Teachers to be the Industrial Revolution Teacher 4.0 Era
Hamzah, Mohd Isa
The Cultural of Fourth Industrial Revolution in Learning Process
Hamzah, Mohd Isa
Teaching and Learning-Assisted Learning Management System
Hamzah, Mohd Isa
Sign Language Skills of Teachers in the Subject of Islamic Education
Handayani, Sri
Internalization of Character Values Through Project-Based Learning, Specifically Children’s Song Translation
Handayani, Trikinasih
The Utilization of Mobile Learning in Junior High School Physics Science Learning in Rural Area of Sikka, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Hanifah, Wardatul
Creative Thinking Skills in Science Lessons in Elementary Schools
Hantoro, Widi
Management of Education Quality Improvement Strategies at Sapen Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah Elementary School and Yogyakarta Suronatan Muhammadiyah Elementary School
Harimurti, Shubhi Mahmashony
The Influence of Religiosity Toward Universitas Islam Indonesia Students Nationalism Using Structural Equation Modeling and Loglinear Model
Harini, Bunda
Implementation of Character Value of SD Negeri 2 Indralaya Students Through Social Studies Learning Media Based on Edutainment in Primary School
The Analysis of Learning Progression on Genetics
Haron, Zolkepeli
The Cultural of Fourth Industrial Revolution in Learning Process
Haron, Zolkepeli
Teaching and Learning-Assisted Learning Management System
Hartanti, Monica
The Development of Tools for Designing the Local Characteristic Food Packaging Based on Digital Applications as an Attempt to Accelerate Education
Hartanto, Sigit
Analysis of Critical Thinking Ability of Sixth-Grade Students Primary School
Implementation of Motivation Physical Education Learning in Elementary Schools
Conceptual Biotechnology Measured by Using a Two-Tier Multiple Test
Development of Thematic Textbook Based on REACT Strategy at Elementary School
The Analysis on the Usage of Thematic Teaching Materials Grade IV at Elementary School
Utilization of Information and Communication Technology for Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools
Harun, Zokepeli
Sign Language Skills of Teachers in the Subject of Islamic Education
Haryadi, Pedri
The Effect of Curriculum Peculiarities on Psychological Well-Being Possessed by Students and Alumni of SMART Ekselensia Indonesia School
The Implementation of Curriculum at State Vocational School (SMKN) 2 Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta
Hasanah, Siti Nur
Profile of Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Junior High Schools in Surakarta
Herdhaningtyas, An Nissa
Partnership Management Between SMK Negeri 2 Gedangsari Fashion Expertise Program and Astra Michael D. Ruslim Education Foundation
Herdi, Herdi
Does Gender Makes a Difference in the Counseling Alliance of Multicultural Counselor’s Candidates?
Herdiawan, Rama Dwika
School Literacy Improvement Efforts in a State Junior High School
Improving Ability to Write Narrative Texts Through Picture and Picture Learning Model (Class VII Action Research at MTs Nur-Attaqwa)
Hermawati, Sri
Web-Based Motion Literation Assessment in Dance Learning on Junior High School
Hestiana, Ratna
Madrasah Education Management Ibtidaiyah Ma’arif Saman Bantul
Hidayah, Hani’atul
Service Learning: Establishing Students’ Relationship Between School and Society
Hidayah, Nenik
The Analysis on the Usage of Thematic Teaching Materials Grade IV at Elementary School
Hidayat, Arif Wahyu
The Effect of Means Ends Analysis Model on Reasoning Skills of Planes
Hilmy Nur, AM
Implementing Management Vocational School of Building Relate Inclusive Concept with Approach of Diversities Program and Universal Design Learning
Critical Thinking Skills of 10th Grade Students and the Effect on Learning Achievement
Huda, Ahmadi Nur
The Student Problems in Guidance and Counseling Unit at Faculty of Medicine, Sultan Agung Islamic University, in 2018
Husain, Balqis
Implementation of Doodling Technique in Teaching Writing to the Slow Learners
Husnita, Isna
Student Engagement Among High School Students: Roles of Parental Involvement, Peer Attachment, Teacher Support, and Academic Self-Efficacy
Ika, Lestari
Preliminary Analysis of the Student’s Creative Thinking Skills in the Elementary School Teachers Education Study Program
Tendency for Learning Plateau: Literature Study in Grade Five at Bandung Regency Primary School
Indrayanti, Tri
Recounting as Realization of Brown and Levinson’s Positive Politeness Strategies in Instructional Interactions
Indrian, Dini
Indigenous Wisdom and Technology-Enabled Learning: Efforts to Prepare LPTK Graduates for the 21st Century
Indrianto, Budi
School Management Based on Culture in Public Junior High School 1 Jetis and Public Junior High School 3 Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Indriayu, Mintasih
Implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System in Improving the State Primary School Culture
Indriayu, Mintasih
Curriculum Management in Education Era 4.0 at International Islamic Elementary School Al-Abidin Surakarta (SDII Al-Abidin)
Indryanai, Dita Destari Iin Risky
Mindful Parenting Based on Development Brain Children in PAUD Fortune
Irmawatie, Lilis
Agrotechnology Study Program Revitalization Through Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School on Indonesian National Qualification Framework-Based for Quality Improvement
Ismawati, Esti
From Wulangreh to Layar Terkembang: The Potrait of Innovation and Transformation of Educational Values in Indonesia
Isnaningsih, Anti
Intervention of “Religious Activities” Instilling the Character of the Responsibility in Early Childhood to Welcome Revolution 4.0
Istiqomah, Ratih Laila
The Urgency of Science Comic Based on Local Culture in Forming Elementary School Character of Environmental Care and Awareness
Jafar, Muhammad
The Impact of the Use of Group Counseling Motivational Interviewing as a Strength-Based Approach to Reduce Students’ Disruptive Classroom Behaviors
Jamal, Jurana
The Effect of Symbolic Modeling Techniques Through Video Shows to Reduce Bullying Behavior of Students in Industrial Revolution 4.0
Jani, Andra Ardila
Student Engagement Among High School Students: Roles of Parental Involvement, Peer Attachment, Teacher Support, and Academic Self-Efficacy
Januar, Anis Kania Putri
A Comparative Study of Guided Discovery Learning and REACT Strategy Toward Problem-Solving Skill and Self-Regulated Learning on Fifth Grade Students
Januarti, Ika Buana
The Student Problems in Guidance and Counseling Unit at Faculty of Medicine, Sultan Agung Islamic University, in 2018
Mathematical Basic Ability Test in the Third Grade of Elementary School (a Case Study in Kebumen)
Implementation of Adiwiyata Program in IntraCurricular Activities at SMA Negeri 2 Brebes
Kartadinata, Sunaryo
Does Gender Makes a Difference in the Counseling Alliance of Multicultural Counselor’s Candidates?
Kartikasari, Isnaeni Aprilia
Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Abilities in Primary Schools
Khair, Baiq Niswatul
Student Perspectives in the Implementation of Learning Based on Lesson Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Mataram
Khomaeny, Elfan Fanhas Fatwa
Character Education Learning Method for Early Childhood According to Q.S. Lukman: 12–19
Koesrohmaniah, Sri
Teachers’ Understanding About Executive Function Toward Mathematics
Kuncoro, Roni Yudo
The Existence of the Internet as a Learning Resource for Civic Education Teachers
Kurnianti, Endang M.
Developing Geometry Students Worksheet Based on Realistic Mathematics for Learning in Elementary School
Kurniawan, Prihadi
Use of Software Authograph in Integral
Kurniawan, Sandra Bayu
Learning Model in Elementary School Saren 1 Elementary School, Kalijambe Subdistrict, Sragen Regency
Kurniawan, Sandra Bayu
Analysis on Mathematics Learning Misconceptions of the Second-Grade Students of Elementary School in Addition and Subtraction Integer Topics
Kusmayadi, Tri Atmojo
Identification of Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Solving Higher Order Thinking Skills Problems
Kusuma, Arrofvianti Nurwindha
Development of Learning Media for Force and Work for Junior High Schools with AR and VR Technology
Kusumaningtyas, Dian Artha
The Utilization of Mobile Learning in Junior High School Physics Science Learning in Rural Area of Sikka, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Laeli, C. M. H.
Misconception of Science Learning in Primary School Students
Laila, Azzah Nor
The Readiness of Santri in Using Technology to Support Memorizing of the Qur’an in Millennial Era
Larasati, Rahayu
Conflict Management in Improving Schools Effectiveness
Lestari, Ika
English e-Book for Elementary School Students: Research by Design Based on Whole Language Approach
Lestari, Ririn Hunafa
Mother’s Perception of Father’s Involvement in Developing Social–Emotional Development of Early Childhood
Lestariningsih, Nanik
Development of High Botanical Module to Integrated Islam Toward Independence Student Learning
Linda, Zakiah
Preliminary Analysis of the Student’s Creative Thinking Skills in the Elementary School Teachers Education Study Program
Lukman, Christine Claudia
The Development of Tools for Designing the Local Characteristic Food Packaging Based on Digital Applications as an Attempt to Accelerate Education
Madyani, Ida
Profile of Students’ Creative Thinking Skills in Science Learning
Maesaroh, Siti
The Student Problems in Guidance and Counseling Unit at Faculty of Medicine, Sultan Agung Islamic University, in 2018
Mafada, Arini Alfa
Identification of Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Solving Higher Order Thinking Skills Problems
Mahardiani, Lina
Profile of Students’ Creative Thinking Skills in Science Learning
Mahfud, Hasan
Implementation of Creative Entrepreneurship Learning Model Based on Discovery Skills to Improve PSTE Students’ Entrepreneurial Skills in Science Learning of Energy Material
Majid, Nuur Wachid Abdul
Indigenous Wisdom and Technology-Enabled Learning: Efforts to Prepare LPTK Graduates for the 21st Century
Manikam, Wendy Librata Ratna
Increasing Ecological Awareness to Inculcate Environmental Care Character: A Case Study of Home Industry Catering Waste Management in Surakarta
Marantika, Juliaans Eliezer Rulland
Learner Autonomy as Strategy to Enhance the Quality of Learner
Marfu’i, Lucky Nindi Riandika
How is the Influence of Critical Thinking on Education Revolution Era 4.0?: A Pilot Study
Marmoah, Sri
The Divergent Thinking Ability of Fifth-Grade Students in Elementary Schools
Marmoah, Sri
The Analysis on the Usage of Thematic Teaching Materials Grade IV at Elementary School
Marmoah, Sri
Analysis of Critical Thinking Ability of Sixth-Grade Students Primary School
Prospective Teachers’ Understanding and Difficulties in Implementing Research Using Experimental Design
Maryani, Sri
Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities in Terms of Emotional Intelligence with TGT and TAI Models
Maula, Faizatin Qisthi
Implementation of Adiwiyata Program in IntraCurricular Activities at SMA Negeri 2 Brebes
Maulana, Dick-Dick
Agrotechnology Study Program Revitalization Through Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School on Indonesian National Qualification Framework-Based for Quality Improvement
Meifiani, Nely Indra
Prospective Teachers’ Understanding and Difficulties in Implementing Research Using Experimental Design
Meinarni, Ni Putu Suci
E-Commerce Regulation Analysis Related to Student Entrepreneurship Interest in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia
Meinarni, Ni Putu Suci
Legal Knowledge Development Plan in Responding Student’s Understanding on IT Law: “Pawongan” Approach
Mohamed, Suziyani
Malaysian Early Childhood Educators’ Perceptions Regarding Children’s Social–Emotional Development