Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019)

497 authors
Riatma, Darmawan Lahru
Development of Learning Media for Force and Work for Junior High Schools with AR and VR Technology
Rintayati, Peduk
The Urgency of Science Comic Based on Local Culture in Forming Elementary School Character of Environmental Care and Awareness
Rintayati, Peduk
Preservice Elementary School Teachers’ Need for Interactive Multimedia Based on Augmented Reality in Science Learning
Analysis of Written Mathematical Communication Skills of Elementary School Students
Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Abilities in Primary Schools
Riyadi, Iswan
The Implementation of Thematic–Scientific Learning to Build High-Order Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students
Rizal, Yenni
Calibration and Standardization of Happiness Measurement Through Rasch Models Based on Multiethnic Teenagers in Indonesia
Rochmah, Elfi Yuliani
Perceptions and Expectations of Students Toward Academic Tutoring Services
Rochmawati, Dyah
Recounting as Realization of Brown and Levinson’s Positive Politeness Strategies in Instructional Interactions
Rodliyah, Iesyah
The Development of Education Game Learning Training Module Based on Information Technology in Industrial Revolution 4.0 for Teachers in MI Al Asy’ari Jombang
Implementing Management Vocational School of Building Relate Inclusive Concept with Approach of Diversities Program and Universal Design Learning
Teaching Strategies as a Powerful Hidden Curriculum: A Review Study
Effect of Father’s Involvement in Early Childhood Education
Rohman, Arif
Intervention of “Religious Activities” Instilling the Character of the Responsibility in Early Childhood to Welcome Revolution 4.0
Rohman, Arif
A Self-Government School with the Freedom to Determinate their Own Ideal Concept of Liberal School in Sanggar Anak Alam
Error Analysis of Learning Management in the Preliminary Classroom Activities of Lower Grade Elementary School Teachers in the District of Buluspesantren Kebumen, Indonesia
Mathematical Basic Ability Test in the Third Grade of Elementary School (a Case Study in Kebumen)
Rosli, Siti Nur Wahida
Sign Language Skills of Teachers in the Subject of Islamic Education
Rosliyah, Yuyun
Internalization of Character Values Through Project-Based Learning, Specifically Children’s Song Translation
Rosmaladewi, Okke
Agrotechnology Study Program Revitalization Through Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School on Indonesian National Qualification Framework-Based for Quality Improvement
Conceptual Biotechnology Measured by Using a Two-Tier Multiple Test
Teaching Strategies as a Powerful Hidden Curriculum: A Review Study
Rusdyaningtyas, Eva Tri
Teacher’s Policy Using Dangdut Music to Support Classroom Learning
Interactive Multimedia Based on “Sumpah Pemuda” Values: An Innovation for Civic Education
Increasing the Society’s Engagement Role Through Interfaith Dialogue
Perception Students Collage About Global Citizenship to Aware with Global Issue
Rustan, Nurul Azmy
Analysis of Science Process Skill on Science Learning in Primary School
Salabiyati, Icuk
The Teacher’s Perspectives About Challenges of Teaching English for Young Learners: A Case Study at English Course for Young Learners
Development of High Botanical Module to Integrated Islam Toward Independence Student Learning
Saleh, Mursid
School Literacy Improvement Efforts in a State Junior High School
Sani, Amirul Wisnu
Learning Model in Elementary School Saren 1 Elementary School, Kalijambe Subdistrict, Sragen Regency
Santoso, Gunawan Budi
Development of Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Character Education for Secondary School Students in Klaten Regency
Saputra, Dudu Suhandi
The Development of Android-Based Learning Media in Multiplication Concept for the Fourth Grade of Primary School
Saputra, Dudu Suhandi
The Development of Android-Based Mobile Learning in Learning Sundanese Script for Elementary School Students
Saputra, Edy Cahya
Sociodrama Techniques in Group Guidance to Improve Vocational High School Student’s Confidence to Face the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Saputra, Ikrimah
Civic Literacy Reinforcement to Cope with the Age of Free Flow of Information: Lesson Learned from Students in Boarding School Environment
Saputro, Dewi Retno Sari
Contribution of Learning Independence and Think Talk Writing Learning Model Toward Student Mathematical Communication Skill
Saputro, Sulistyo
Profile of Students’ Creative Thinking Skills in Science Learning
Sari, Ama Farida
Increasing the Society’s Engagement Role Through Interfaith Dialogue
Sari, Dewi Ika
The Concept of Human Literacy as Civics Education Strategy to Reinforce Students’ Character in the Era of Disruption
Sari, Eka Fitri Novita
The Improvement of Locomotor Basic Movement Through AniChrac Games
Sarifah, Iva
Developing Geometry Students Worksheet Based on Realistic Mathematics for Learning in Elementary School
Sariningtias, Rizki
The Van Hiele Geometry Thinking Level of Autism Students
The Effect of Gender on Student Learning Style in Class IV, SD N Mangkuyudan
Enhancement of Students Critical Thinking Skills Through Problem-Based Learning Multimedia
Satari, Noratiqah
Malaysian Early Childhood Educators’ Perceptions Regarding Children’s Social–Emotional Development
Satrio, I Putu Bayu Ardhya
Tendency for Learning Plateau: Literature Study in Grade Five at Bandung Regency Primary School
Seftia, Niken
Development of High Botanical Module to Integrated Islam Toward Independence Student Learning
Septiani, An-nisa Nur Sholihah Indah
Interactive Multimedia Based on “Sumpah Pemuda” Values: An Innovation for Civic Education
Setiawan, Arif Ady
The Role of “Info Cegatan Klaten,”, a Social Community, on Strengthening Youth Civic Engagement
Setyadi, Dwi Bambang Putut
Development of Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Character Education for Secondary School Students in Klaten Regency
Sholikhah, Atik Mar’atus
Transformational Leadership of Inclusion Principals in SD Negeri Giwangan, Yogyakarta
Siregar, Nani Restati
Teachers’ Understanding About Executive Function Toward Mathematics
Siswanto, Budi
Implementing Management Vocational School of Building Relate Inclusive Concept with Approach of Diversities Program and Universal Design Learning
Implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System in Improving the State Primary School Culture
Slamet, Isnandar
Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities in Terms of Emotional Intelligence with TGT and TAI Models
Slamet, Isnandar
How the Effects of the 21st-Century Learning Model on Higher Level Thinking Ability and Mathematical Learning Creativity Viewed from Student Mathematical Disposition
Slamet, St. Y.
Curriculum Management in Education Era 4.0 at International Islamic Elementary School Al-Abidin Surakarta (SDII Al-Abidin)
Slamet, St. Y.
Utilization of Information and Communication Technology for Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools
Analysis of the Preliminary Ability of Scientific Literacy on Temperature and Heat
Sonny, Michael
Ease Evaluation Using the Best Moodle Learning Management System with Data Mining Concepts
Soraya, Irani
The Effect of Curriculum Peculiarities on Psychological Well-Being Possessed by Students and Alumni of SMART Ekselensia Indonesia School
Sriwardiningsih, Enggal
How Could Website, Motivation, Internet Literacy, and Satisfaction Influence Student’s Education Behavior
Sriyanto, Muhammad Ismail
The Effectiveness of the Use of Digital-Based Educational Comic Media in Improving Reading Interest in Elementary School Students
Sriyono, Heru
How is the Influence of Critical Thinking on Education Revolution Era 4.0?: A Pilot Study
Subarkah, Affif Firdaus
Curriculum Management in Education Era 4.0 at International Islamic Elementary School Al-Abidin Surakarta (SDII Al-Abidin)
Subiyantoro, Slamet
The Urgency of Science Comic Based on Local Culture in Forming Elementary School Character of Environmental Care and Awareness
Subiyantoro, Slamet
Fulfillment of the Right to Social Guidance for Children in Elementary School
Subiyantoro, Slamet
Creative Thinking Skills in Science Lessons in Elementary Schools
Subiyantoro, Slamet
Preservice Elementary School Teachers’ Need for Interactive Multimedia Based on Augmented Reality in Science Learning
Suciningrum, Rohmah
Utilization of Information and Communication Technology for Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools
Learning Model in Elementary School Saren 1 Elementary School, Kalijambe Subdistrict, Sragen Regency
Analysis on Mathematics Learning Misconceptions of the Second-Grade Students of Elementary School in Addition and Subtraction Integer Topics
The Role of Teachers’ in Developing Students’ Cooperative Attitudes
Madrasah Education Management Ibtidaiyah Ma’arif Saman Bantul
Implementation of Inclusive Education in Yogyakarta Private Primary School
Recounting as Realization of Brown and Levinson’s Positive Politeness Strategies in Instructional Interactions
The Effectiveness of Experiential Learning Based on Creative Industry to Improve Competency of Entrepreneurship of Vocational High School Students
Thematic Learning in Elementary School: Problems and Possibilities
The Improvement of Locomotor Basic Movement Through AniChrac Games
Sujarwo, Markus
Analysis on Mathematics Learning Misconceptions of the Second-Grade Students of Elementary School in Addition and Subtraction Integer Topics
The Impact of Reading Activity Before Lesson on Creative Thinking Skill
Strengthening of School-Based Character Education (Case Study of Full-Day School at Cemara Dua Elementary School, Surakarta)
The Effect of Means Ends Analysis Model on Reasoning Skills of Planes
Problems Faced by Participants Online Continuing Professional Development for Principals and Strategies to Solve
The Improvement of Locomotor Basic Movement Through AniChrac Games
Sukoco, Pamuji
Implementation of Motivation Physical Education Learning in Elementary Schools
Sukri, Akhmad
Student Perspectives in the Implementation of Learning Based on Lesson Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Mataram
Sulistiyarini, Ambar
The Impact of Reading Activity Before Lesson on Creative Thinking Skill
Sulisworo, Dwi
The Utilization of Mobile Learning in Junior High School Physics Science Learning in Rural Area of Sikka, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Sumartias, Suwandi
The Importance of Local Wisdom in Building National Character in the Industrial Age 4.0
Problems Faced by Participants Online Continuing Professional Development for Principals and Strategies to Solve
Learning of Local Wisdom About Food Security in Rural Primary School: Identification of Materials and Learning Strategies
Sumiati, Tati
Indigenous Wisdom and Technology-Enabled Learning: Efforts to Prepare LPTK Graduates for the 21st Century
Thematic Learning in Elementary School: Problems and Possibilities
Preschool Teachers’ Attitude Toward Inclusive Education in Central Java, Indonesia
Sunardi, Yulius
Teachers’ Understanding About Executive Function Toward Mathematics
Sunarno, Widha
Profile of Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Junior High Schools in Surakarta
Sunarno, Widha
Analysis of the Preliminary Ability of Scientific Literacy on Temperature and Heat
Surahman, Endang
POE2WE Model as an Alternative for Learning Physics in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era