Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020)

775 authors
Iriani, Sri Setyo
The Role of University in Empowerment of Clean Living for Anticipating the Spread of Covid-19 at East Java
Islam, Muh Ariffudin
Design Development of Infographics Content for Covid-19 Prevention Socialization
Islam, Muh. Ariffudin
Children’s Education Through Artistic-Aesthetic Negotiations in Batik Motifs Making at “Untukmu Si Kecil” Foundation Jember Indonesia
The Covid-19: Problem-Solving and Survival Way of Low-Income Families
Istianah, Farida
Development of Water Cycle Comic Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Istighfari, Firdita
Upcycling Training As Upcycle Community Skills Improvement Efforts
Jacobs, George M.
Preparing Students for Post-COVID-19: Looking at the Bright Side
Jamshad, Saba
Overthinking Hurts: Rumination, Worry and Mental Health of International Students in China During Covid-19 Pandemic
Jamshaid, Samrah
Overthinking Hurts: Rumination, Worry and Mental Health of International Students in China During Covid-19 Pandemic
Jamshed, Kamran
Overthinking Hurts: Rumination, Worry and Mental Health of International Students in China During Covid-19 Pandemic
Jannah, Fadilla C.
Improving the Number-Concept Recognition of Children Wth Autistic Spectrum Disorder Using Modified Abacus
Jaya, Ervan
Quality Assurance Management in SMART Ekselensia Indonesia School
Jayadi, Ika
Students Exercise Patterns During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jayani, Nikmatul I. E.
Collaborative Entrepreneurship and Group Commitment as a Strategy for Survival in the Pandemic Covid 19: A Case Study of SMEs in Bogo Village - Bojonegoro Regency- East Java
Development of Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) Based on the Scientific Reading Based Project (SRBP) Model Empowering Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
Jubaedah, Lilis
Millennial Response Watched YouTube of Beauty
Julaikah, Dwi I.
Supporting the Availability of the Basic Needs of Lidah Wetan Society Affected by Covid 19
Julaikah, Dwi Imroatul
Development of Poster as Media for the Beginner Students in Writing Class of German Department
Juniarisca, Dwi L.
Android - Based Sport Board Games for Intellectual Disabilities
Juwariyah, Anik
Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Physical Impact on Lecturers
Kaharina, Arifah
Quality of Life and Level of Physical Activity in Sports Education Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kaharina, Arifah
The Level of Physical Activity and Fitness Among University Student
Kardiansyah, M. Yuseano
Literary Translation Agents in the Space of Mediation:
Karim, Nansekh N.
Virtual Learning-Based Media to Improve Learning Quality
Kartika, Ajeng D.
Framing of COVID-19 in German and Indonesian News
Kartika, Ajeng D.
Ethnolinguistic in German Idiom With Plant Lexicon
Kartika, Ajeng D.
Supporting the Availability of the Basic Needs of Lidah Wetan Society Affected by Covid 19
Kartika, Ajeng Dianing
Language Errors in German Class
Kartiko, Dwi C.
Hybridity in Constructing Indonesian Muslimah’s Identity in Digital Space
Kartiko, Dwi C.
Android - Based Sport Board Games for Intellectual Disabilities
Developing Management Model of School Health Services to Encourage Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in Junior High School
Karyawanto, Harpang Y.
Vocal Class in Method Lecture During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Karyawanto, Harpang Yudha
Study of Dalcroze’ Eurhythmics Concept on Hanon Fingering Etude in Developing Piano Core Skill
Karyawanto, Harpang Yudha
Comparison of E-learning and Direct Learning Impact on Cello Major Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Karyawanto, Harpang Yudha
Processing Music Rhythm Patterns as Body Accompaniment in an Effort to Increase Body Immunity Against Covid-19
Kautsar, Citra Rahma El
The Role of Yogyakarta Sultanate in the Development of Yogyakarta Classical Batik
Khamidi, Amrozi
Developing Management Model of School Health Services to Encourage Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in Junior High School
Khan, Anbreen Y.
The Discussion on Concept of Women Rights in Islamic Sufism
Gender Stereotype on Solo Putri Bridal Makeup Java Indonesia
Khoiri, Much.
Amal’s Intercultural Encounter in Shaping Her Diasporic Identity in Susan Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin
Khoiri, Much.
Presupposition Used by the Student and the Lecturer
Khoirunnisa, Riza N.
Cooperative Games and Problem Solving Abilities in Preschool Children
Kholidy, Citra Fitri
Online Learning of Information Technology and Guidance Media Course Based on Learning Styles
Kholiq, Abd
Improving the Interpersonal Communication Skill Through Classical Guidance
Khory, Fifukha D.
Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Teachers Based on Physical Activity and Body Mass Index
Khotimah, Khusnul
Exploring Online Learning Experiences During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Khotimah, Khusnul
Indoglish in Social Media Platforms and Its Significance as a National Language Planning Material
Khotimah, Nurul
Developing Educational Game Tools of JUMOFAN (Fantasy Jumanji Modification) to Enhance the Begining Literacy Ability to the Children of 4–5 Years Old
Khotimah, Nurul
A Stress Immunity System of Covid-19 Through Academic Stress
Khusumadewi, Ari
Students’ Self-Control in Writing Negative Comments in Social Media
Kiristiastuti, Dwi
Differences in Achievement of Learning by Varying Academic Provenance
Kondowe, Wellman
Sources of Acculturative Stress and Coping Strategies Among Asian International Students in China
Kristiana, Nova
“Washing Hands” Public Service Announcement as a Covid-19 Response Effort
Kristiandri, Dhani
The Development of Main Stringed Instrument Module (Violin) for Beginner Level in the Music Study Program
Kristiandri, Dhani
Processing Music Rhythm Patterns as Body Accompaniment in an Effort to Increase Body Immunity Against Covid-19
Kurniasih, Esti
Learning Journal: A Tool to Help Students Grasp the Course Content
Kurniasih, Esti
The Profile of Elementary School English Teachers’ Competence in Surabaya
Kurniati, Nurul A.
Authorial Voice on Hijab Discourse in Singapore: Discursive Reading on the Reputed International Journal Article
Kurniati, Nurul A.
Redefining Hijab Discourse in Indonesia: A Discourse Analysis on Authorial Voice of Reputed International Journal Article
Conducting Historical Literacies In History Classroom
Students’ Expression of Attitude on Covid-19-Related Composition: A Study on Martin and White’s Appraisal System
Kurniawati, Wisma
Language Errors in German Class
Kusnanik, Nining Widyah
Agility and Balance Development Using Functional Training for Basketball Youth Athlete
Kusuma, Donny A.
The Level of Physical Activity and Fitness Among University Student
Kusuma, Donny A.
Research Trend Among Students in Faculty of Sport Science
Kusuma, Dony Ardy
Study of Seger Family Strategy in Covid-19 Prevention Measures in Achieving Health Indicator Objectives of Sustainable Development Goals
Kusumandyoko, Tri C.
Learning From Home Video Tutorial for Computer Graphic Courses
Kusumaningtyas, Dwi Nur C.S.
Semiotic Analysis of Cyber Literature Mini-Fiction @fiksimini
EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Reflections on Student Teaching
Kuswardani, Rahayu
The Use of Humor in Teaching Listening
Lailiyah, Fauza
Development of Water Cycle Comic Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Laksono, Kisyani
Development of Vocabulary Using Ladder Snake Game
Laksono, Kisyani
Composing Sentences Skill Using Word Card Games “Si Tera”
Laksono, Kisyani
Development of Language-Games Snakes and Ladders for Fun
Laksono, Kisyani
Development of the “Si Tera” Word Card Game for Fun
Laksono, Kisyani
Framing Takarir Application: A Need Analysis
Larasati, Dian Ayu
Study of Seger Family Strategy in Covid-19 Prevention Measures in Achieving Health Indicator Objectives of Sustainable Development Goals
Leiliyanti, Eva
Voicing the Politicization of Veil on Reputed International Journal Articles
Leiliyanti, Eva
Authorial Voices on Hijab Discourse in Malaysia: Reading Q2 and Q3 Scopus-Indexed Journal Articles
Leiliyanti, Eva
Authorial Voice on Hijab Discourse in Singapore: Discursive Reading on the Reputed International Journal Article
Leiliyanti, Eva
Redefining Hijab Discourse in Indonesia: A Discourse Analysis on Authorial Voice of Reputed International Journal Article
Lestari, Gunarti D.
The Parents’ Role in Family Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Lestari, Gunarti D.
Socialization of Masks and Hand Sanitizer Usage as a Preventive Activity of Covid-19
Lestari, Tri E.
Ethnolinguistic in German Idiom With Plant Lexicon
Lestari, Tri Edliani
Development of Poster as Media for the Beginner Students in Writing Class of German Department
Lestari, Tri Edliani
The Use of KASINO (Synonym Word) Learning Media in the Intermediate Grammar Class of BIPA
Lestari, Yuni
Development of Emotion Management Model for Parents Worker on Facing “Study from Home”
Lestari, dan Tri E.
Framing of COVID-19 in German and Indonesian News
Lisdiana, Lisa
The Covid-19: Problem-Solving and Survival Way of Low-Income Families
Mael, Masilva Raynox
The Use of KASINO (Synonym Word) Learning Media in the Intermediate Grammar Class of BIPA
Maghfiroh, Aimatul A.
Amal’s Intercultural Encounter in Shaping Her Diasporic Identity in Susan Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin
Mahatmaharti, Agung K.
Syntactical Construction of Verbal Composition
Mahdalena, Riza
The Effect of Cutting Occupational Therapy to Increase Soft Motoric of Children With Autism
Mahendra, Marda Putra
Comparison of E-learning and Direct Learning Impact on Cello Major Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Malik, Najma I
Overthinking Hurts: Rumination, Worry and Mental Health of International Students in China During Covid-19 Pandemic
Mangoensong, Hasprina Resmaniar Boru
Art as the Medium for Cultural Preservation Across Cultures
Manoy, Janet Trineke
The Role of University in Empowerment of Clean Living for Anticipating the Spread of Covid-19 at East Java
Mardiani, Desika P.
The Parents’ Role in Family Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mariana, Neni
Excavating Mathematical Concepts Within Alms Context: An Auto|Ethnographical Study
Mariana, Neni
Need Analysis of Balanced Literacy Indonesian Language Teaching Materials Education Course