Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020)
775 authors
- Pradoko, A. M. Susilo
- Philosophy of the Musical Instrument “Klengkopak” of the Dayak Deah Tribe
- Prakoso, Bayu B.
- Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Teachers Based on Physical Activity and Body Mass Index
- Prakoso, Bayu B.
- Android - Based Sport Board Games for Intellectual Disabilities
- Prakoso, Bayu B.
- Research Trend Among Students in Faculty of Sport Science
- Pramono, Bayu Agung
- Need-Assessment of Physical Activity as an Effort to Increase Immunity During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Pramono, Made
- Development of Vocabulary Using Ladder Snake Game
- Pramono, Made
- Composing Sentences Skill Using Word Card Games “Si Tera”
- Pramono, Made
- Development of Language-Games Snakes and Ladders for Fun
- Pramono, Made
- Development of the “Si Tera” Word Card Game for Fun
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- Training on Making Flyers for Optimizing SMEs Product Marketing due to COVID 19 Impact
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type Team Games Tournaments (TGT) and Learning Motivation on Student Learning Outcomes
- Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
- Development of Video Tutorials on Making Paper-Based Literature Review to Improve Student Literacy Ability in the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
- Prasetyo, Ketut
- Training on Making Flyers for Optimizing SMEs Product Marketing due to COVID 19 Impact
- Prastiwi, Muji Sri
- CIPP Model for Curriculum Evaluation of Biology Education
- Prastyo, Ahmad Bayu
- Framing Takarir Application: A Need Analysis
- Pratama, Hendi
- Building Hoax Resistant Generation at Higher Education Institution
- Pratama, Ian Puja
- Self-Regulated Learning Skill to Improve Students’ Writing Competence for Junior High School
- Pratita, Ina I.
- Product Development of Innovative Arts Learning Based on Local Wisdom With Copper Metal Basis
- Pratiwi, Titin Indah
- Effectiveness of the Traumatic Counseling Model for Reducing PTSD Symptoms in High School Students
- Priambodo, Anung
- Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Teachers Based on Physical Activity and Body Mass Index
- Pribadi, Farid
- Indoglish in Social Media Platforms and Its Significance as a National Language Planning Material
- Prihatin, Yulianah
- Effectiveness of KWLA (Know, What, Learned, Affect) Strategy in Improving the Ability of Reading
- Pritasari, Octaverina Kecvara
- The Role of Skills Lab in Improving the Essential Skills and Motor Compete of Students in Cosmetology Program
- Priyanto, Yatim
- Community Learning Center Management to Improve the Quantity Service of Non Formal Education
- Pujosusanto, Ari
- Analysis of Student Translation Results (Indonesian - German) in Auszug Thesis 2019
- Pukky Tetralian, B.N
- Aplimath Result of Validity Media Based Android at Courses of Calculus 1
- Purbaningrum, Endang
- Mind Map as a Writing Exercise Method for Deaf Learners
- Purbaningrum, Endang
- Deaf Digital Technology Uses: A Demography Survey in East Java Indonesia
- Purnomo, Aris Rudi
- Representation of Information Literacy Skills Interpreted From GPA and Gender: A Study of Prospective Science Education Teachers
- Purnomo, Mochamad
- Need-Assessment of Physical Activity as an Effort to Increase Immunity During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Purnomo, Mochamad
- Research Trend Among Students in Faculty of Sport Science
- Purnomo, Mochamad
- Study of Seger Family Strategy in Covid-19 Prevention Measures in Achieving Health Indicator Objectives of Sustainable Development Goals
- Purnomo, Nugroho
- Organizational Effectiveness in Helping Affected Communities Covid-19
- Purwadi, Didiek
- Perception of Civil Engineering Students Towards the Effectiveness of Virtual Learning Implementation During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Purwaningsih, Sri M.
- Social Construction of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Increasing the Body’s Immunity to Prevent COVID 19 Through Cultivation Practice in East Java
- Purwanto, Agung
- Development of Mobile Learning Based on Socio Technology Approaches in Reduction and Oxidation
- Purwati, Oikurema
- The Use of Humor in Teaching Listening
- Purwati, Oikurema
- Is it a Must to be on Campus to Learn? Best Practice of Teaching and Learning Process in Higher Education Through Online Courses During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Purwidiani, Niken
- Evaluation of Learning on Curriculum Development in the Vocational Study Program
- Purwidiani, Niken
- Differences in Achievement of Learning by Varying Academic Provenance
- Purwoko, Budi
- Improving the Interpersonal Communication Skill Through Classical Guidance
- Purwoko, Budi
- Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Improve Student Self-Compassion
- Purwoko, Budi
- Online Counselling Website for Student Psychological Assistance in Learning From Home
- Pusparini, Ririn
- Learning Journal: A Tool to Help Students Grasp the Course Content
- Pusparini, Ririn
- The Profile of Elementary School English Teachers’ Competence in Surabaya
- Puspasari, Afrin
- Using the Heroes Puppets as the Learning Media for Elementary School Students
- Puspitawati, Rinie Pratiwi
- CIPP Model for Curriculum Evaluation of Biology Education
- Puspitorini, Arita
- The Role of Skills Lab in Improving the Essential Skills and Motor Compete of Students in Cosmetology Program
- Puspitorini, Arita
- Empowerment of Islamic Boarding School Students Based on the Local Potential in Indonesia
- Putra, Ricky Eka
- Rasch and Classical Test Theory Validation of Automated Assessment Tool for Measuring Students’ Creativity in Computer Programming
- Putri, Ariensa Gita Pralistyo
- Mind Map as a Writing Exercise Method for Deaf Learners
- Putri, Larasati N.
- Authorial Voice on Hijab Discourse in Singapore: Discursive Reading on the Reputed International Journal Article
- Putri, Yuana Anike
- Learning Collaboration Music as Implementation of the Learning Concept of Learning
- Putri Aisyiah, RD
- Development of Emotion Management Model for Parents Worker on Facing “Study from Home”
- Qodriani, Laila U.
- “Drop your ‘Hello!’ here!”: Investigating the Language Variation Used in Online Classroom for Tertiary Level in Indonesia
- Qoiriah, Anita
- Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Using E-Commerce Application
- Rachmadyanti, Putri
- How to Integrate Batik Kenanga as a Learning Resource for Integrated Learning at Elementary School
- Rachmadyanti, Putri
- Parenting Role: Parents’ Education Level and Children’s Life Skill Development
- Rachmadyanti, Putri
- Development of Independent Homeschooling Model Primary School Division as the Impact of Covid 19
- Rafida, Veni
- Explorative Study of Online Learning on Salesmanship Course in Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rafli, Zaenal
- Improving Critical Thinking Skill of Elementary School Students Through Brain Based Learning
- Rahaju, Tjitjik
- Improving the Community Economy in the New Normal Era Through the Application of Rebahan
- Raharjo, Resdianto Permata
- Misticism in Tengger Mask Puppet Show to Strengthen Society’s Character in the Era of Information Technology Development (Industrial Revolution 4.0)
- Rahayu, Eko W.
- Mang-tèmang the Traditional Event of the Madurese People as a Blessing Ceremony
- Rahma, Annisa Lazuardi
- The Implementation of the Cultural Exception Concept on the French Cinema Development and the Complexion of its Domestic Movie Theater Industry
- Rahman, Yunanfathur
- Analysis of Student Translation Results (Indonesian - German) in Auszug Thesis 2019
- Rahman, Yunanfathur
- Supporting the Availability of the Basic Needs of Lidah Wetan Society Affected by Covid 19
- Rahman, Zainur
- Performance Optimization of Village- Owned Enterprises Through Business Management Training
- Rahmawati, Arfita
- Mapping the Favorite Online Learning Application and Method During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
- Rahmawati, Ika
- Development of Water Cycle Comic Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Rahmawati, Vivi
- How to Integrate Batik Kenanga as a Learning Resource for Integrated Learning at Elementary School
- Rahmi, Alendra Y.
- Gender-Responsive Analysis Through Non-Formal Education
- Rakhmawati, Deny Efita Nur
- Hybridity in Constructing Indonesian Muslimah’s Identity in Digital Space
- Rakhmawati, Nur I. S.
- Father’s Multiple Role to Growing Independence of Children at the Pandemic Covid-19
- Rakhmawati, Nur I.S.
- Developing Children’s Early Numeracy Skill Through Traditional Game “Dragon Snakes”
- Ramadhani, Nugrahardi
- Designing WhatsApp Stickers With Madurese Cultural Identity as a Visual Communication Media to Raise Awareness of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
- Rani, Karina C.
- Collaborative Entrepreneurship and Group Commitment as a Strategy for Survival in the Pandemic Covid 19: A Case Study of SMEs in Bogo Village - Bojonegoro Regency- East Java
- Ratyaningrum, Fera
- Learning From Home Video Tutorial for Computer Graphic Courses
- Ratyaningrum, Fera
- Children’s Education Through Artistic-Aesthetic Negotiations in Batik Motifs Making at “Untukmu Si Kecil” Foundation Jember Indonesia
- Ratyaningrum, Fera
- Empowerment of the People Effected by Covid-19 Through GULIJAT Technical Training for Member of FBS Cleaning Service at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- Renfei, Xiao
- The Error Analysis of Narrative Text on Mandarin Discourse
- Rengganis, Ririe
- Form and Theme in Merindu Kampus: A Reflection Note About Pandemic Covid-19 by Indonesian Language and Literature Students
- Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi
- EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Reflections on Student Teaching
- Retnowati, Endah
- Using Worked Examples During Geometry Instructions
- Reza, Muhammad
- A Stress Immunity System of Covid-19 Through Academic Stress
- Rhubido, Dadang
- Development of Vocabulary Using Ladder Snake Game
- Rhubido, Dadang
- Composing Sentences Skill Using Word Card Games “Si Tera”
- Rhubido, Dadang
- Development of Language-Games Snakes and Ladders for Fun
- Rhubido, Dadang
- Development of the “Si Tera” Word Card Game for Fun
- Rianto, Edy
- Deaf Digital Technology Uses: A Demography Survey in East Java Indonesia
- Ricahyono, Sigit
- Intercultural Place e-Branding (IPB) of Travel Agent Websites in Special Region of Yogyakarta
- Ridwan, Agus
- Development of Poster as Media for the Beginner Students in Writing Class of German Department
- Rifai, Moch.
- Design and Implementation of Self-Test Learning Application to Increase Competence
- Rifa’i, Mochammad
- Influence of College Accreditation Rank, Cumulative Achievement Index, and Field Interest on Training Result in the Training Credit System
- Rifqi, Ainur
- How to Make Online Learning Effective and Enjoyable? Using Google Classroom With Video and Learning Management One Day Active Learning
- Rijanto, Tri
- The Concept Model of Implementing a 4-Year Fashion Design Vocational School Curriculum
- Riswanto, Dody
- Effectiveness of Behavioral Contract Counseling in Improving Student Psychological Strength
- Riyanto, Yatim
- Developing Educational Game Tools of JUMOFAN (Fantasy Jumanji Modification) to Enhance the Begining Literacy Ability to the Children of 4–5 Years Old
- Rizal, Agus
- Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Improve Student Self-Compassion
- Rochmania, Azizati
- Students Exercise Patterns During the COVID-19 Pandemic