Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Progressive Education 2022 (ICOPE 2022)

233 authors
Exploring the Roots of Social Conflict and Its Resolution in Aceh Through the Study of the Hikayat Pocut Muhammad: Cultural Literacy
Mulyani, Eva Astuti
Theoretical Study to Design Digital Disaster Learning Resources for Prospective Elementary School Teachers
Implementation Movement Literacy School Through Corner Read in Improve the Ability of Read Participant Educate in SD Muhammadiyah Metro Center
Mursidi, Andi
Analysis Use of Application and Social Media Appropriate in Online Learning in Universities Indonesia
Musdad, Akhmad Arif
The Utilization of Gamification of Hijaiyyah Letters as an Effort to Improve the Reading Ability of Elementary School Students
Nikat, Rikardus Feribertus
HOTS Based Scientific Reasoning: Cognitive Model Assessment in Work and Energy Material
Nisa, Anistia Rizki Khoirun
Picture Storybook: Character Analysis of Responsibilities for Grade IV Elementary School Students
Noviana, Ayu
Development of Classical Aceh History Teaching Materials Based on Heyzine Flipbooks to Increase Learning Creativity at Syiah Kuala University’s Department of History Education
Noviana, Ayu
The Use of Time Magazine Media in History Subjects to Improve Learning Motivation of SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam Class XI Social Sciences
Noviana, Eddy
Theoretical Study to Design Digital Disaster Learning Resources for Prospective Elementary School Teachers
Novianti, Ria
Theoretical Study to Design Digital Disaster Learning Resources for Prospective Elementary School Teachers
Nugraha, Fajar
Analysis of Self Responsibility Level for Elementary School Students
Nugrahadi, Eko Wahyu
The Differences in Research Productivity Based on Gender, Age, Marital Status, and Academic Position Among Lecturers
Nur, Askar
Reinforcing Quality of Higher Education in Digital Era: An Anthropology of Education Study About Strategy and Innovation of Development in Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Makassar
Nur, Sahril
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning-Based Instruction in Teaching Speaking EFL in Indonesian Context
Nuranisak, Presa Fatmatiara
The Effectiveness of Radec Learning on Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking in the Era of Super Smart Society 5.0
The Use of Time Magazine Media in History Subjects to Improve Learning Motivation of SMA Negeri 1 Baitussalam Class XI Social Sciences
Nurhakim, Ihsan
Analysis Use of Application and Social Media Appropriate in Online Learning in Universities Indonesia
Acehnese Celebgrams’ Repetitive Language Style as an Endorsement Strategy: A Stylistic Study
Nurulsari, Novinta
Scientific Reasoning Analysis on the Implementation of PjBL-Worksheet on Renewable Energy Topic in High School Physics Learning
Nuthihar, Rahmad
Fostering Peace and Harmony Through Indonesian Heroes’ Stories: A Systematic Review of Literature
Octoria, Dini
Cooperative Education Units as an Alternative Option for Junior High School Education in Indonesia
Pahlawan, Reza
Analysis of Educational Values Embodied in the Maras Taun Tradition
Pang, Vincent
The Preliminary Study of an Integrated STEM Education with Design Thinking Module for Preschoolers
Panggabean, Fitri Yani
The Learning Achievement of Preservice Teachers from Internship: A Descriptive Study
Making Thematic Learning Modules Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Models in Improving Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Class V Students of State Elementary Schools
Parlindungan, Firman
Fostering Peace and Harmony Through Indonesian Heroes’ Stories: A Systematic Review of Literature
Building Critical Thinking Skills Through the ADI Model with STEM and Formative Assessment
Pentury, Jolanti Wisje
Profile of Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in 21st Century Skills-Based Learning
Perdana, Ryzal
Peer-Review Statements
Perdana, Ryzal
Using LKPD Based on Inquiry Social Complexity Improves Student’s Learning Outcomes
Perdana, Ryzal
Analysis of Student Needs for e-Assessment Tools Oriented to Higher Order Thinking Skills (Host) in Thematic Learning to Measure Soft Skills and Hard Skills Competence
Perdana, Ryzal
Making Pocket Books Based on Local Wisdom to Increase Students’ Interest in Learning
Perdana, Ryzal
Making Thematic Learning Modules Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Models in Improving Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Class V Students of State Elementary Schools
Permadi, Dimas
A Systematic Review of Project-Based Blended Learning as an Innovative Teaching Model
Permana, Dede
Theoretical Study to Design Digital Disaster Learning Resources for Prospective Elementary School Teachers
Prehanto, Adi
The Application of Android-Based Business English Learning Module
Puspita, Nurul
Exploring Students’ Attitudes of Using Essay Maker in Essay Writing Class
Putrawan, Gede Eka
Peer-Review Statements
Putri, Ni Made Anggi A.
A Systematic Review of Project-Based Blended Learning as an Innovative Teaching Model
Putri, Utami Nurhafsari
The Learning Achievement of Preservice Teachers from Internship: A Descriptive Study
Rahmadani, Silvi
Development of Articulate Storyline 3 Learning Media Based on Local Wisdom in Traditional Lampung GamesIn Improving Science Skills
Rakhmawati, Ismi
The Effect of Fungi Blended Learning Model on Scientific Communication Skill and Reading Literacy of Tenth Grade Students
Implementation Movement Literacy School Through Corner Read in Improve the Ability of Read Participant Educate in SD Muhammadiyah Metro Center
Rasyid, Muhammad Nur Akbar
Reinforcing Quality of Higher Education in Digital Era: An Anthropology of Education Study About Strategy and Innovation of Development in Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Makassar
Ratmaningsih, Neiny
Exploration of Entrepreneurship Character in Minangkabau Livestock Toke as a Source for Social Studies Learning for Junior High School
Raviq R, Abd.
Reinforcing Quality of Higher Education in Digital Era: An Anthropology of Education Study About Strategy and Innovation of Development in Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Makassar
Rifai, Irfan
Fostering Peace and Harmony Through Indonesian Heroes’ Stories: A Systematic Review of Literature
Rini, Riswanti
School Principal’s Leadership Skills in 21st Century Based on Teacher Point View
Rini, Setia
Students’ Perception of Flipped Classroom in College French Reading
Rosalinda, Anisa
The Interactive Students E-Worksheet Based on Discovery Learning and Representations on Hydrolyzing Salt Topic
Rosidin, Undang
Analysis of Student Needs for e-Assessment Tools Oriented to Higher Order Thinking Skills (Host) in Thematic Learning to Measure Soft Skills and Hard Skills Competence
Rosidin, Undang
The Developing of e-Module Flip Pdf Professional Based on Napai Ethnoscience to Improve Science Literacy on Biotechnology Materials
Rosidin, Undang
Making Thematic Learning Modules Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Models in Improving Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Class V Students of State Elementary Schools
Rosilawati, Ila
The Interactive Students E-Worksheet Based on Discovery Learning and Representations on Hydrolyzing Salt Topic
Rosita, Diana
Students’ Perception of Flipped Classroom in College French Reading
Analysis Use of Application and Social Media Appropriate in Online Learning in Universities Indonesia
Rozaini, Noni
Educational Attainment Inequality in Indonesia
Rozaini, Noni
How to Shape Students’ Character Traits? Teacher Credibility Matters
The Influence of the Environment and the Family Economy on Children’s School Motivation in the Local Village Area, Merauke District, Papua-Indonesia
Rusli, Herman
Exploring the Roots of Social Conflict and Its Resolution in Aceh Through the Study of the Hikayat Pocut Muhammad: Cultural Literacy
Sagala, Gaffar Hafiz
The Differences in Research Productivity Based on Gender, Age, Marital Status, and Academic Position Among Lecturers
Santoso, Edi
Students’ Perception on Blog Based Liveworksheet in English Language Learning at Senior High School of Sport Lampung
Exploration of Entrepreneurship Character in Minangkabau Livestock Toke as a Source for Social Studies Learning for Junior High School
Saputra, Andrian
The Interactive Students E-Worksheet Based on Discovery Learning and Representations on Hydrolyzing Salt Topic
Saputra, Bayu
Peer-Review Statements
Saputra, Bayu
Picture Storybook: Character Analysis of Responsibilities for Grade IV Elementary School Students
Sari, Ilda Purnama
Project Based Learning on Students’ Activities and Learning Outcomes in Geography Class XI IPS
Sari, Intan Kartika
Theoretical Study to Design Digital Disaster Learning Resources for Prospective Elementary School Teachers
Sari, Ratna Komala
The Effect of Fungi Blended Learning Model on Scientific Communication Skill and Reading Literacy of Tenth Grade Students
Saripudin, Didin
Learning Model of Social Studies Role Playing Card Based on Madura Ethnic Entrepreneurs Values
Septiawan, Trio Yuda
Peer-Review Statements
Septiyana, Linda
Need Analysis of Trilingual E-Dictionary for Early Childhood; Indonesian- English-Lampung
Setiawan, Risky
The Influence of the Means-Ends Analysis Learning Model on Critical Thinking Ability in History Subjects Class X SHS IT Insan Mulia Boarding School for the 2021/2022 School Year
Setyawan, Harits
Visual Language: A Literature Review for Bridging Linguistics and Visual Communication Design
Siahaan, Parsaoran
HOTS Based Scientific Reasoning: Cognitive Model Assessment in Work and Energy Material
Sihotang, Rebecca Ester M.
School Profiling in Indonesia Based on Scholastic Ability Using Cluster Analysis
Silubun, Helga Charolina A.
The Influence of the Environment and the Family Economy on Children’s School Motivation in the Local Village Area, Merauke District, Papua-Indonesia
Sinaga, Parlindungan
HOTS Based Scientific Reasoning: Cognitive Model Assessment in Work and Energy Material
Siska, Felia
Exploration of Entrepreneurship Character in Minangkabau Livestock Toke as a Source for Social Studies Learning for Junior High School
School Principal’s Leadership Skills in 21st Century Based on Teacher Point View
Suana, Wayan
A Systematic Review of Project-Based Blended Learning as an Innovative Teaching Model
Project Based Learning on Students’ Activities and Learning Outcomes in Geography Class XI IPS
Suganda, Tomy
Building Critical Thinking Skills Through the ADI Model with STEM and Formative Assessment
Implementation of Reading to Learn and Discovery Learning Models in Science Education Learning: Teaching Learning Process and Students’ Response
Sugiyarto, Aditya Wisnugraha
School Profiling in Indonesia Based on Scholastic Ability Using Cluster Analysis
Sukamto, Ismu
School Principal’s Leadership Skills in 21st Century Based on Teacher Point View
Augmented Reality Technology Based on Biological Practicum Due to Improving Student’s Ability of Digital Literacy
Building Critical Thinking Skills Through the ADI Model with STEM and Formative Assessment
Peer-Review Statements
Using LKPD Based on Inquiry Social Complexity Improves Student’s Learning Outcomes
The Developing of e-Module Flip Pdf Professional Based on Napai Ethnoscience to Improve Science Literacy on Biotechnology Materials
Development of e-LKPD Based on Nyeruit Ethnoscience to Train Science Literacy on Additives and Addictive Substances
Suprianto, Awal Putra
Analysis of Educational Values Embodied in the Maras Taun Tradition
Supriatna, Nana
Exploration of Entrepreneurship Character in Minangkabau Livestock Toke as a Source for Social Studies Learning for Junior High School
Susanto, Harnowo
Cooperative Education Units as an Alternative Option for Junior High School Education in Indonesia
Suyatna, Agus
Communication Skills in Learning: An Integrative Review
Suyatna, Agus
Scientific Reasoning Analysis on the Implementation of PjBL-Worksheet on Renewable Energy Topic in High School Physics Learning
Sy, Yenny Ratnasarie
Investigating Students’ Perception Toward the Use of Instagram in EFL Learning
Taib, Rostina
Development of Creative-Reading Skill Assessment Instruments for Indonesian Language Learning in Elementary Schools