Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Are You Entrepreneur or Just an Opportunist? an Analysis on Neo Liberal Theory

Faradilla Fadlia, Ismar Ramadani
This paper seeks to see the difference between entrepreneurs and opportunistic and trying to define both categories. The entrepreneur intended in this paper is a person who does business, has a brilliant idea, this person is very good at seeing opportunities and execute those opportunities and have moral...
Proceedings Article

Experiential Learning Design of E-Learning Website

Sasmoko, Yogi Udjaja, Yasinta Indrianti, Xiao Xiang Zhong, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar
The 4.0 industry revolution needed to change the revolution in higher education which is characterized by increased literacy and self-transformation so that there is an effort to maximize blended learning. This effort will give a positive result because it can provide a pleasant learning experience through...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Factors That Affect the Salary of Undergraduates

Li Cao
This paper uses linear regression to analyze the relationship between graduate students and their incomes. The dependent valuable indexes are the school from which they graduated, the student/teacher ratio, which city the school is located in, and their CET4/6 grades. By using R to modification the regression,...
Proceedings Article

A Literature Review of the Research on the Concept, Theory and Practice Path of Precision Funding

Chao WEI
Funded education is an important part of the education system of colleges and universities, and it is an important guarantee for colleges and universities to achieve educational fairness and morality. With the advancement of the reform of college funding work, improving the level of precision funding...
Proceedings Article

Efficiency and Productivity Changes of Commercial Banks and the Branches in China During 2007-2019

A DEA-Malmquist Approach

Libo Li, Wenbing Wu, Mingyu Zhang
Efficiency and productivity changes in the banking sector are important because understanding whether financial resource allocation is efficient provides the basis of policymaking, routine management, and bank reforms. Using a DEA-Malmquist approach, this study firstly compared bank efficiency of the...
Proceedings Article

The Method of Dating Language Materials from Historical Records

Chong Wang
Historical records are important source of materials for Chinese history researchers. This paper uses the research methods of “original materials” and “other materials” in ancient Chinese to propose a new classification standard for determining the age of historical materials. At the same time it comes...
Proceedings Article

Integration Research on Migrant Workers Returning Home to Start Business with the Data from Jilin Province

Yanling Cao, Hongying Li
Lots of problems emerged in entrepreneurship such as low educational level, narrow social network, lack of start-up capital make returned migrant workers fail in starting business. In order to resolve the above issues and improve entrepreneurial performance of returned migrant workers, questionnaires...
Proceedings Article

The think of Constructing the Ecological Education of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Based on the Interaction of Innovation Education Ecology System

Song Yao
At present, From the national and local colleges and universities are paying increasing attention to innovation and entrepreneurship education of college students, innovation and entrepreneurship education ultimately depends on whether or not to establish a benign ecology of innovation and entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Analysis of Daozhen Nuo Dance and Yongjing Nuo Dance From the Perspective of Intangible Heritage

Xueliang Zong
Through “The Origin of Art”, Grosse expressed his personal understanding of “dance”, and believed that primitive dance was the best embodiment of human aesthetic emotions in the early days. This statement shows Grosse’s cognition and attitude towards the true meaning of primitive dance, and at the same...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Regional Cultural Visual Language in the Packaging Design of Local Specialties

Qinlai Shen
Research content: This paper analyzes and refines the visual language of the regional culture, and explores the form and characteristics of the regional cultural visual language in the packaging design of local specialties, combined with the development trend and aesthetic requirements of modern design,...
Proceedings Article

Sensory Marketing for the Omnichannel Consumer Experience: Benefits and Ways Forward

Peny Meliaty Hutabarat, Erni Adelina
Human senses play a critical role in individual experiences in the process of decision-making, purchasing, and consumption. Consumer perceptions about products and services are also constructed through the five senses. However, it often goes unnoticed as a marketing strategy. Sensory marketing, which...
Proceedings Article

Kampung Budha Sodong’s Local Wisdom: The Symbolic Forms of Covid-19 Traditional Ritual, Its Internalization and Comparing to the Villagers’ Educational Backgrounds

M. Hanif, F. Chasanatun, H. E. Rudyanto
This research is aimed to describe and explain: (1) the symbolic form meaning of ritual materials held in Kampung Budha Sodong, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia; (2) the internalization of its villagers; and (3) the comparison of their act to their educational backgrounds. This research was conducted for...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Buying Interest: Marketing Mix and Instagram's Impact on Lontang Lantung Drinks

Devy Ayu Novianti, Ainur Rochmaniah, Kukuh Sinduwiatmo, Salim Sobirovich Togayev
This study investigates the influence of Marketing Mix and Instagram on the buying interest in Lontang Lantung drinks, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic's significant impact on the culinary industry. Utilizing quantitative methods with questionnaire data collection, the research employs multiple linear...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Agricultural Development Villages Based on Culinary Enterprises on Communities in Kulon Progo District

Sri Kuning Retno Dewandini, Amalia Nurul Huda, Zulfa Nur Auliatun Nissa, Ardela Nurmastiti
In the rice fields of Kulon Progo Regency, the growth of culinary enterprises such as cafes and restaurants is happening rather quickly. Many farming areas have been converted into eateries with mountain and rice paddies views. The aim of this research is to 1) examine the economic impact of culinary...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of the Sharia Credit Payment System on Increasing Income (Study Gold Store “Mas-Masan”)

Nugraheni Fitroh Rezqi Syakarna, Fatkhur Rohman Albanjari, Agus Mujiyono, Nurul Abidin, Sigit Dwi Laksana
Credit payment is a payment system set by a store or company to make it easier for customers to get the items they want at the store. In the credit payment system that occurs in the field, many are not trustworthy and contracts are not in accordance with sharia law. In addition, payment with a credit...
Proceedings Article

To Construct an Anti-doping Education Model Based on the Current Situation and Problems of Anti-doping Education in China

Hongjun Liu, Shiwei Xu
In recent years, Chinese athletes are expected to “compete for clean gold medals” and “compete for gold medals in sportsmanship.” The Outline for Building a Leading Sports Nation also explicitly includes doping control as part of the efforts to promote the rule of law in sports. This paper focuses on...
Proceedings Article

The Film Development of the East German Film Studio DEFA

Lin Wang, Fei Yu
The East German film studio Deutsche Film AG (DEFA) has gone through a full 45 years from its establishment in 1946 to its disappearance in 1991. In the interim, it produced about 750 feature films and 2,250 documentaries and short films, of which 14 feature films were listed among the 100 outstanding...
Proceedings Article

Commissives Speech Act of Vehicle’s Sales’ Advertisement on Electronic Media and Implementation of Indonesian Teaching Material in Junior High School

Nabilla Yhusri Ratnani, Harun Joko Prayitno, Miftakhul Huda, Laili Etika Rahmawati
The problem in this study is how the discourse of the commissives speech act implemented in vehicle’s sales’ advertisement on electronic media and how to deliver existing advertisements of vehicle’s sales on electronic media. The purpose of this study is to describe the actions of commissives in the...
Proceedings Article

Alter Ego of Payments Royalties for Songs and Music on Radio Stations

T. Keizerina Devi Azwar, Yati Sharfina Desiandri, Joiverdia Arifiyanto, Putri Rumondang Siagian, Hilbertus Sumplisius M. Wau
The requirement for radio companies to pay royalties as per government rule concerning song and or music copyright payments. According to Copyrights Act, musicians and songwriters are entitled to royalties Act. Radio companies should ask the copyright holder for permission before playing music on their...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom and Disseminating Moderate Islam; A Study of Wayang Golek Purwa

Anik Farida, Zakiyah Zakiyah
Wayang Golek Purwa is one of the living cultures that have existed in West Java. This art is usually performed by a dalang accompanied by certain gamelan. Initially, in this Wayang Golek a dalang would perform a story of Mahabharata or Ramayana coming from Hinduism from India, however in the recent time...
Proceedings Article

Sexuality and Its Preferences: between Binary and Plural Logic

Philipp Tagirov
The article analyzes a possibility of sex-identity built outside binary oppositions that are structural foundation for both our culture and our thinking. It also studies the problematic overcoming of the binarity without forming a new binary opposition. The author questions the limits and possibilities...
Proceedings Article

Philosophical Meaning of Modern Transformations of Education

Tatiana Leshkevich
The article is devoted to a critical examination of modern transformations in the educational process. The author seeks to substantiate the philosophical meaning of modern transformations. The article draws attention to four main aspects. First, the article reveals the shortcomings of the modern educational...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Theory and Practice of Higher Mathematics Concept Map

Nan Wang
Higher mathematics is one of the most important required courses in Colleges and Universities, the content of the teaching logic is very strong and the mathematical concept is abstract. The traditional teaching methods are monotonous, and there is a gap between senior high school mathematics and higher...
Proceedings Article

The Application of STAD Cooperative Learning Using Picture as the Media to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Motivation in Learning Social Science

Sri Handayani, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, Wiedy Murtini
This research aimed to describe the effect of the STAD type of cooperative learning model application on learning motivation and outcome of Social Science in the in the 9th graders of MTs Negeri Sragen. This study was a Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of...
Proceedings Article

Development of Maze Game on Interactive Whiteboard for Fine Motor Learning

Yerry Soepriyanto, Akhmad Fakharuddin Adi, Sihkabuden, Eka Pramono Adi
This development aims to create a valid product maze game on Interactive WhiteBoard (IWB) for fine motor learning. Game maze is a game consisting of a path or a collection of roads that branch in order to achieve the goal by finding the right path. IWB use for projection game and place which user can...
Proceedings Article

Liability of Custody for Minor Children from Divorced Family

Yunpeng Gao
With the continuous transformation of social concept, the divorce phenomenon has been accepted by the masses and the the divorce rate in China rises gradually. Divorce is the freedom and right of both men and women, but the divorce of parents may affect the children’s interests in the family with minor...
Proceedings Article

On the Relationship between Modern Industrial Design and Traditional Craft

Ya’nan Zheng
Under the industrial background of global diversification development with high-tech as the leading role, industrial design has obtained an unprecedented development opportunity. The correct design concept will influence the trend of design. Currently, product design is developing towards different direction...
Proceedings Article

Thinking on Fashion Talents and its Current Education Situation in China

Zhaofang Xu
In view of the current situation that students are generally lacking market awareness in employment, this paper started from the new problems in costume design teaching of colleges and universities in China and the clothing industry status to put forward that clothing teaching should be based on the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Practical Teaching Innovation of Automobile Manufacturing

Yang Renhua
Practical teaching innovation of automobile manufacturing is important for undergraduate majors in vehicle engineering. This paper studies the status quo and problems of practical teaching of automobile manufacturing practice, puts forward the basic ideas of teaching innovation of automobile manufacturing,...
Proceedings Article

Can Sukuk Support Sustainable Development through Monetary Policy Transmission?

Suriani Suriani, Raja Masbar, Nazaruddin A. Wahid, M.S.A Majid
Currently, the Islamic financial sector has become a global concern because it has potential in the development of a country. One of the products in this sector in the Islamic capital market is Sukuk. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of Sukuk on inflation and economic growth in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Employment of persons with disabilities in the new industrialization (by the example Omsk region

Anna Arbuz
The employment conditions of persons with disabilities are influenced by modern trends in the transformation of social and labor relations associated with the new industrialization and digitalization, social policy aimed at improving the quality of life of this category of persons and legislative changes....
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of Training International Software Engineering Talents

Jing Wang
The development of China's software industry is in urgent need of a large number of international software talents. The internationalization of software engineering education has gradually become the main reform direction of higher engineering education. This document expounds the connotation of international...
Proceedings Article

Banking Financial Services Risk Based on Information Management System

Ming Lu
To explore the risk of banking financial services under the background of information management, the connotation of financial product innovation in commercial banks is studied, and the motivation of financial product innovation is analysed. In addition, a new repeated game model of financial product...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Cooperation between Banks and Insurance Companies in China Rural Areas

Gujun Yan
Cooperation between banks and insurance companies, and the credit insurance intervention by insurance companies for the peasant household’s loan underwriting, are beneficial to reduce the risks in rural financial institutions’ lending business, thus increase the effective supply of agricultural credit....
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Reform of Higher Mathematics Education in Colleges and Universities in the Era of Big Data

Peiyu Yan
With the advent of big data era, the innovation of mathematical education method has become a new social ideology. In this era, mathematics education is developing towards informatization and visualization. This paper mainly discusses the innovation of education method of mathematics in the era of big...
Proceedings Article

The Big Possible Future Use of Military Power in ASEAN

Hendra Maujana Saragih, Ramlan Siregar, Zainul Djumadin
This paper will predict and describe the possibility for ASEAN to provide an important mandate and full trust in its members to use military force in total against conflicts that occur between member countries in this regional organization or outside members of this organizations which of course can...
Proceedings Article

Research on the integration of ancient architecture surveying and mapping teaching based on social demand

Qiang Liu, Nan Shi
through the ancient building surveying and mapping internship practice teaching reform, in meet the demand of normal teaching and teaching quality, on the basis of result orientation, to improve students' learning enthusiasm, striving to theoretical teaching and social needs (or practice) of the project,...
Proceedings Article

Hospitality Character Education: A Study of Character Education in the Study Program of Pastry Management of the Bandung Tourism College

Teddy Chandra, Sofyan Sauri, Ace Suryadi
This study aims to examine the Hospitality Character Education the Bandung Institute of Tourism (STPB –Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung). This qualitative research employed naturalistic case study. The data collection covered techniques of interview, observation, and documentation study. The subject...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation Program of Physical and Health Educational Learning in Junior Secondary School In The Gayo Lues Region of Aceh

Rani Fitria
This study evaluated the learning process, which aimed to explore the appropriateness of planning the learning process, the learning process of execution, and the evaluation of the standard of a physical and health education learning outcome process. The data comes from the physical and health teachers...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Restrictive Factors of Transformation and Upgrading in Yunnan Manufacturing Industry

Meijuan Li, Duo Yan
With the rapid development of economy, Yunnan is facing great challenges in the economic status from the whole country, the transformation and upgrading of its manufacturing industry are imminent. This paper focuses on the analysis of the main restrictive factors of transformation and upgrading in Yunnan...
Proceedings Article

Formation Mechanism and Development Path of Productive Service Industry Cluster

Hao Zheng
The industrial cluster is a kind of phenomenon that the related industrial activities concentrate on the geography or the specific location. The geographical concentration of an industry can form the relative competitive advantages compared with the same industry, and become an effective model for the...
Proceedings Article

Research and Discussion on the Development of Theory and Practice in Environment Accounting

Li Zhao
Environment accounting is an emerging product of China's enterprise economy in recent years. It is accompanied by global environmental problems, resource problems and the increasing environmental problems of enterprises. In such an environment, the enterprise must enhance the demand for environmental...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Intelligent Service System of Mass Sports under the Perspective of "Integration of Three Networks"

Zhiying Wang
According to the efficiency and popularizing rate of science and technology and intelligence, this paper researches the service system of mass sports through integration of digitized information, internet function and portable mobile network. The intelligent guidance, evaluation and monitoring form effective...
Proceedings Article

Thinking About Maker Education Under the Situation of Transformation and Development

Wei Zhang
Today education of maker has been a hot global topic. It attracts wide attention from all over the world since it has been put forward. How to develop maker education under the situation of transformation is a question. The paper discussed this question from the following aspects: origin, the concept...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Students’ Computer Self-Efficacy Instrument

Nurhikmah Nurhikmah H., Nurhikmah H.
This study aims to investigate students’ computer self-efficacy in online education in sociology course at the Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar. This paper reports analysis of an instrument used in our study. The instrument in this present...
Proceedings Article

Political Education Through the Application of the Abstentions Countermeasure Model by KPUD (Regional Election Commission) Deli Serdang

Mohammad Yusri, Dedi Amrizal
The implementation of the abstentions countermeasure model conducted by KPUD Deli Serdang can be an effective means of political education for the success of the general election in Deli Serdang. The objectives of this research are: 1) to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of the new...
Proceedings Article

Culture Variation in Ingroup Bias: Exposure to Individualist Culture’s Influence on People from Collectivist Culture

Yuexin Zou
The psychological mechanisms that underlie cultural variation in ingroup bias between collectivist and individualist cultures is a highly discussed topic. Evidence from past research suggests that ingroup bias and collectivism-individualism are closely related. This study will further investigate this...
Proceedings Article

EU’s Resilience Building in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Implications for ASEAN

Nguyen Dang Dao
Resilience has lately become popular in international relations discourse and the EU’s foreign policy. Asia, particularly Southeast Asia, was identified in the Global Strategy as one of the focus regions where the EU would like to promote a resilient government and society through its normative power...
Proceedings Article

Future Indonesia’s Migration Landscape and Border Control Policy

Facilitation and Security

Ridwan Arifin, Margaretha Hanita, Arthur Josias Simon Runturambi
Today’s global human migration and border control policy cause complexities and uncertainty in the movement trends and challenges. The immigration authority in Indonesia has responded to the global migration issues during the Covid-19 pandemic with a reactive approach to people mobility and border control...
Proceedings Article

Service Performance Analysis of Halal Tourism Based on CHSE Protocol in New Normal Era in Lampung Province

Toni Wijaya, A. Rudy Fardiyan
Halal tourism in Lampung is still in the introduction stage when viewed from the product life cycle. Lampung Province has great potential, but has not been managed optimally due to a lack of operational budget from the government, some tourist facilities seem inadequate, still lack facilities, cleanliness,...
Proceedings Article

Classroom Teacher Strategies in Overcoming Early Reading Difficulties in Second Grade Students

Theresyam Kabanga, Perdy Karuru, Enjel Lestaria Sobon, Roni La’biran, Priska Wanda Sari
This study aims to describe the classroom teacher strategies in overcoming early reading difficulties in second grade students at SDN 4 Rindingallo, North Toraja Regency. This research adopts a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques employed in this study include observation, interviews,...
Proceedings Article

Involvement of Traditional Villages in Bali in Empowerment of Area and Land Indicated Abandoned for Sustainable Tourism Development

I Ketut Sutrisna
The state has the power to regulate land use in order to ensure that it is utilized for the benefit of the community, the country, and the state as well as the rights holders. The state has the authority to designate an area and land into an area and abandoned land. Considering this context, it is interesting...
Proceedings Article

Empowering Cattle Farmers with Machine-Assisted Composting Training

R. Anggia Listyaningrum, Rezka Arina Rahma, Ica Purnamasari, Fuad Indra Kusuma, Anisa Rizky Riyandini
Cattle business is one of the profitable businesses, but its maintenance also requires extra attention. In addition to regular feeding, owning a cattle business is also required to maintain the cleanliness of the enclosure. Therefore, the owner or worker always cleans the cow dung and piles it separately....
Proceedings Article

Improving Academic Learning Outcomes through the Team-based Project Learning Model in the Audio and Video Processing Engineering Course

Wahyu Nur Hidayat, Dzurriyyatul ‘Ulya, Syaad Patmanthara, Rahajeng Kartika Sari
The purpose of this research is to find out whether the team-based project model increases learning outcomes and is efficiently applied to the Audio and Video Processing Engineering Subject for Class XII Students of SMKN 1 Baureno Bojonegoro. This research is based on changes in the pattern of learning...
Proceedings Article

FinTech and Green Finance: The Case of Ant Forest in China

Jiaheng Zhang
In the process of green economic development in China, commercial banks have been playing a leading role. With the development of FinTech and its extensive use in the financial area, green finance has developed new innovative models such as Ant Forest based on the Internet, big data, and mobile payment...
Proceedings Article

Immune Response of Helicobacter pylori and disadvantages of antibiotic therapy

Chunqian Zheng
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a gram-negative bacterium which is closely related to many digestive diseases and only parasitics on gastric mucosa and its surface.In China, the infection rate of Hp is more than 60%, and only 20% of them are infected and seek medical treatment voluntarily. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in Developing Early English Acquisition

Xinyi Lu
Mobile-assisted language learning is the newest method of language learning, which involves the use of online websites or mobile applications to facilitate English education. The question of whether mobile-assisted language learning improves students’ language learning skills has become a popular topic,...
Proceedings Article

Depression in Adolescence: A General Review

Runzhi Cai, Kexin Yuan, Kun Zang
Though hardly get attention from the public, depressive disorder in adolescents has become a serious problem in many countries. The general symptoms of this kind of disorder may be depressed mood, poor academic performance, etc. It is especially severe when children cannot get treatment in the time since...
Proceedings Article

Adaptation Patterns of An-Nadzir Congregation in Building Social Relationships

(Study of the An-Nadzir Congregation Community in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi)

Najamuddin, Bustan, Abdul Rahman
This research aims to; analyze the phenomenon of the emergence of alternative ideology Jemaah An-Nadzir among adherents of mainstream religion, its ability to adapt, and build social relations with the community which consists of people with various backgrounds, traditions of beliefs, beliefs and different...
Proceedings Article

Scenery Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network Towards Indonesia Tourism

Nana Ramadijanti, Tita Karlita, Achmad Basuki, Ulima Inas Shabrina, Feri Afrianto, Andro Aprila Adiputra, Muhammad Dzalhaqi
Indonesia is a country that possesses natural wonders and historical buildings, which made Indonesia become one of the popular tourist destination. The scenery classification is a challenging task where the feature distribution from each image may spread. In addition, Indonesian tourism spots are plentiful....
Proceedings Article

Character-Based Analysis of Arabic Learning Planning

Miswari, Titi Prihatin, Rusdarti, Soesanto
Learning planning is still an obstacle for teachers, because teachers do not understand the importance of lesson plans that can help the learning process run smoothly. The purpose of this study is to describe character-based learning planning in Arabic and to analyze the components of character-based...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Background of Amending the Regulation on the Collective Management of Copyright in China

Qianxin Huang
Collective management of copyright has already developed for more than 20 years in China. Regulation on the Collective Management of Copyright was issued and implemented in March 2005. However, the limitations of existing regulation became more pronounced as the emergence of new-media and the transformation...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Unbalanced Development of Digital Library in China

Lishu Zhang, Ziran Zhang, Lili Zhao
The ever-extending bookshelves of the China Digital Library make searching for information much easier - it is just a few clicks of the mouse away. As China's key information infrastructure construction project, the digital library has been listed as a key project in China's "10th Five-year Plan". China...
Proceedings Article

The Culture Conflict between West and China Reflected in Idioms

Desheng Chen, Shuyin Lin
Idioms are those that are used in particular form, with a particular meaning most widely used language. Idioms have a long history both in China and west. The different culture has bred the ethnic characteristics idioms thus the use of idioms is deeply effected by the geographical environment, national...
Proceedings Article

Current Situation Analysis and Countermeasure Research on Rural Primary and Middle School Basic Music Education in Liaoning Province

Xinxin Lv
Music education is the weak link of basic education in rural primary and secondary school, and has a certain distance between requirement for quality education. This paper accord to "situation analysis - investigate cause - induction reason - propose solution" research ideas, basic theoretical research...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Influence of Internet Culture on Ideological Education of College Students

Heming Wu
The network culture spread at unprecedented speed, it has created a good opportunity for Undergraduates' ideological and political education. But it has also brought some serious challenges for Undergraduates' ideological and political education. Therefore, how to seize the opportunity, meet the challenge,...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Analysis on Bank's Net Interest Margin under the Background of Interest Rate Liberation: Taking the Banking Sector in Weihai for Example

Lei Tang
The market-oriented reform of interest rate in China will shorten the official basis spreads, so that it will affect the profitability of the banks. Based on the net interest spread as a measure of profitability, this paper put the four class bank in order, following by the large national funding bank,...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Practice of Interactive Teaching Activities in College English Teaching—Based on Empirical Research

Yun Cai
The interactive teaching mode of College English is one of the focus on a teaching mode of higher degree, which is able to realize the common transformation of teachers' teaching styles and learning styles of students, and effectively improve the efficiency of classroom teaching of English Curriculum...
Proceedings Article

The Semantic Analysis of Traditional Symbolic Graphics in the Design of Brand Visual Image

Chen Xu
It reflects people's basic necessities from the perspective of traditional graphics. It reflects the different historical background of customs. It makes analysis of its semantic value from the cultural roots of folk traditional graphics. It should open creative ideas, learn its ways of extraction and...
Proceedings Article

Cognition-Based Rhetorical Appeals and the Teaching of English Composition

Zhang Jingwei
Nowadays, there is an increasing awareness of the upset situation concerning English writing among college English teachers. More and more teachers come to expose themselves to various but effective approaches to teaching writing in order to remedy the unsatisfying teaching situation. Process and product...
Proceedings Article

New Viewpoints of Indoor Display Oriented Environment Art Teaching

Jianwei Ban
According to the interior design we get the deepening course which named interior furnishings design .In the process of environment art of teaching practice, based on the traditional teaching mode, put indoor display design for the new direction, making the students transform learning of knowledge in...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Project Complexity

Yawen Zhong, Shu Tang
When decision-making and goal realization are related to complex projects, it is important for project managers to understand complexity. As projects become more and more complex, people pay more and more attention to the concept of project complexity, because it has an impact on the project management...
Proceedings Article

Application Research of Online Course Teaching Mode Based on “Central Curricular Platform”

Xu Zhang
With the constant changes of the times and the continuous development of Internet technology, there are increasingly high requirements to talents in the market. To cultivate a large number of talents that meet the needs of the market, colleges and universities have reformed their own teaching modes and...
Proceedings Article

Marlon James’s Queer Perspective on Woman’s Heterosexuality in A Brief History of Seven Killings

Marliza Yeni
This article examines Marlon James’ novel A Brief History of Seven Killings (2014), which presumably presents his queer perspective on woman’s straight sexual orientation through a female character named Nina Burgess. Burgess is the main female character who has to experience many traumatic dramas in...
Proceedings Article

Interactive Teaching Methods in Education: the Experience of Socio-psychological and Communication Games with Schoolchildren and Students

Sergey Kurilov, Margarita Besova
The article actualizes the problem of creativity in modern culture and education; the question about the importance of a creative component in the process of a person’s establishment as an individual. The necessity of the creative interactive methods’ application in training and education is shown in...
Proceedings Article

Native Advertising in Video Blogs: Language and Genre Specificity

M.V. Terskikh
The article studies the formats of advertising integration into video blogs, the advantages of video blogging as a way for promotion of advertising information. Special attention is paid to verbal and non-verbal elements of speech behavior of video bloggers in the process of advertising integration....
Proceedings Article

The Use of Instagram to Increase Students’ Motivation and Students’ Competence in Learning English

Hanip Pujiati, Zahra, Ellis Tamela
Social media is a part of modern people lifestyle in Industrial Revolution 4.0. Furthermore, it has started to be utilized in education field as one of the learning media, for example, Instagram. It is widely known among social media users. Several studies have proved positive impacts on the use of social...
Proceedings Article

Study on Construction Process of MOOC Course

Yong Luo, Jianping Li, Jianmin Zhu, Zheng Xie, Xiaorong Hu, Guochang Zhou, Zhihao Xiao
With the rapid development of MOOC, course resources are quickly constructed. Because of lack of experience, the quality of many courses is affected. At the same time, there are still many inefficient teams. Therefore, it is very necessary to study scientific MOOC construction process. In the article,...
Proceedings Article

Research on China’s New Principles of Development and Chinese Regional Economics Innovation and Development

Yanming Wang
On the basis of the scientific connotation of the new development concept and the current development situation of regional economic disciplines in China, this paper studies how to innovate and develop regional economics in China under the new development concept from five aspects: innovation concept,...
Proceedings Article

Asian Community Series Courses Design in Business Japanese Teaching A Case of Dalian Neusoft University of Information

Xiaoping Cui
As employment needs change, foreign language talents not only must master foreign languages and understand foreign trade, but also have a command of knowledge in accounting, enterprise management and marketing, and must be in line with international standards in the field of thought. Therefore, major...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Architecture as the Medium of Public Ethical Value

Cheng-Xia Xiong, Limbaroyati
Traditional Chinese architecture in the narrative of a system of more than 3000 years, As the core values of the enlightenment function of social ethics, Traditional architectural externalizing symbol of "state" sensual ethical echo, So that the construction of metaphor in order code and the profane...
Proceedings Article

Language Teaching Profile of Curriculum 2013 in Bengkulu City

The 2013 curriculum is revised in accordance with the needs and development of science including language teaching. The purpose of this study was to describe the assessment of teaching materials, lexical density, and scientific implementation. This research applied descriptive method. Data of this research...
Proceedings Article

The Rendering of Community Culture Reshaping During the Process of Urbanization in Palace Temple Architecture: Taking the Nine Palace Temples in the South of Quanzhou City as Examples

Jingwen Jiang, Hao Ying
In the context of contemporary China, Palace Temple is a symbol that conveys Minnan culture. When the palace temple is used as a transit point for Minnan culture, how to create an environmental gene that conforms to the current context, thus reshaping the community culture after re-editing the people,...
Proceedings Article

The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era

Ratna Suhartini, Urip Wahyuningsih, Yulistiana, Irma Russanti, Indarti, Yuhri Inang Prihatina
This study aims to describe the implementation of the D4 Fashion Design curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curriculum 2018 in semester five, curriculum 2019 in semester 3, curriculum 2020 in semester 1. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected through focus group discussions...
Proceedings Article

The Advantages of Using Augmented Reality (AR) Technology in Midwifery Education: A Literature Review

Astuti Dyah Bestari, Guswan Wiwaha
Introduction: The Indonesian government has expressed the importance of the implementation of quality assurance systems through national standards of higher education (Permenristekdikti 44/2015) including educational infrastructure standards which educational media is one of them. In the industrial revolution...
Proceedings Article

Supported Model for Educational Awareness in the Low-Income Families

Kukuh Miroso Raharjo, Hardika, Umi Dayati, Rezka Arina Rahma, Monica Widyaswari
This study aims to produce a valid supported model for a non-formal education. Moreover, it can be use by facilitating program or society empowerment activist, and a similar program to change the awareness of educations mindset for low-income families. The research use research and development (R&D)...
Proceedings Article

Equating Test Instruments Using Anchor to Map Student Abilities Through the R Program Analysis

Melly Elvira, Syamsir Sainuddin
This study aims at investigating the equivalence of mathematics try out scores of junior high school through anchor. In the study, the 2 Parameters Logistic (2PL) model of Item Response Theory (IRT) analysis was used through the Haebara method. The estimation step of the equating parameter utilized the...
Proceedings Article

Theoretical Research on the Teaching Reform of Cultivating Applied Talents in Animation Majors

Wendong Jiang
Application-oriented universities are higher education institutions accompanied by quality-oriented education. Compared with ordinary undergraduate education, this type of institution education pays more attention to the cultivation of applied talents. This article takes the current most popular animation...
Proceedings Article

Development of Flexible Hospital Management Information Systems and End User Training Improve Hospital Performance

Anggun Nugroho, Shofwan Hanief, I. Wayan Karang Utama
Hospital management is very challenging because of the many activities, services, transactions, and information flows. Data and information management also plays an important role in the provision of nursing services which can be improved by the role of information and communication technology, especially...
Proceedings Article

Digital Fashion Design: Catering to Generation Z’s Unique Consumer Psychology

Rufan Lin
This exploration delves into the intriguing world of “Generation Z” and its unique consumer psychology, marked by a strong interest in the appearance economy and a desire for personalized consumption. It further examines the alignment of digital clothing with Generation Z’s psychological aspects, including...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Empowering the City of Surabaya as a Disability-Friendly and Elderly Friendly City

Mochamad Purnomo, Sapto Wibowo, Kunjung Ashadi, Hijrin Fithroni
As citizens, persons with disabilities and the elderly have the same rights to live independently. This right can only be fulfilled if public facilities that support their accessibility are well available. Realizing this need, the Surabaya City government then launched a program to make Surabaya a disability...
Proceedings Article

Education for Citizens in the New Era: Challenges and Opportunities in Realizing Constitutional Rights

Sjamsi Pasandaran, Deitje Adolfien Katuuk
This study examines the challenges and problems in the context of fulfilling the constitutional rights of citizens’ education in the new era. The purpose of this study is to identify challenges and opportunities as well as efforts to develop education for citizens in fulfilling their constitutional rights...
Proceedings Article

The Connotation and Development Path of SPOC-based Blended Course Adapted to “Internet + Vocational Education”

Bin Xie, Yingfeng Deng
To adapt to the demand of “Internet + vocational education”, and improve teaching with modern information technology are the trend of current vocational education development. The necessity of blended course development and the theory are mainly analyzed. And a blended course development path model suitable...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Teaching Materials to Write Explanatory Text Using an Ecological-Based Flipbook for Grade XI Students at SMA Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan 2021

Mhd.Hamzah Fansuri Hsb, M. Oky Fardian Gafari, Wisman Hadi
This study aims to produce a teaching material product to write explanatory text using an ecological-based flipbook for grade XI students at SMA Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan. The method applied in this study was research and development. The results of the needs analysis showed that 100% of teachers and...
Proceedings Article

Media for Teaching Mathematics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review

Tria Mardiana, Teguh Prasetyo
This study aims to determine the learning methods in Mathematics subjects used during the covid-19 pandemic. This is important because of the need for information on various alternative learning media used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various efforts have been made by the teacher so that mathematics...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Impact of Opinion Leaders on Social Media Consumption

Take the Public’s Trust in Beauty Bloggers as an Example

Yingwen Chen
Due to the increasing proliferation of advertising on social media, people increasingly distrust opinion leaders on social media. This paper mainly discusses how consumers find reliable information and opinion leaders on social media platforms from the perspective of consumer behavior. This paper mainly...
Proceedings Article

Changing of University Teaching Management under the Background of the Transformation of Local Undergraduate Colleges and Universities

Feng Gao, Qinghong Qu, Shu Liu
In recent years, at least six hundred undergraduate colleges and universities in China, which almost half of total, will transfer to the technical applied undergraduate universities or vocational education universities. Under the background of transformation, a part of undergraduate colleges and universities...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Teaching Strategy for Professional English Course for Automation Bachelor Program in Current Universities

C.L. Li, R.Y. Zhao
In current universities, professional English course for students majored in automation of bachelor degree program is playing an increasing important role for training to master the international academic and the latest developments in automation industries. Inevitably, some obvious problems emerge in...
Proceedings Article

Longitudinal Changes in Water Quality to Landscape Gradients along Jialu River Basin

Wen Teng
Lateral and longitudinal scales are both critical to understand the response of stream ecosystem to landscape changes. The aim in this study was to investigate the characteristic reaches explaining water quality most along the longitudinal scale of Jialu River Basin, a highly polluted stream in China....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Digital Music Generating Model based on the Music Mapping and Visualization Technology

Sui Wu
In this paper, we conduct research on digital music generating model based on the music mapping and the visualization technology. Music creation, composers in the form of the structure of the organization in following some specific development logic, conform to the aesthetic taste of the audience is...