Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018)
259 authors
- Hasanuddin WS, Hasanuddin WS
- Categories of Legends Folktale of Minangkabau People’s in West Sumatra
- Hayati, Yenni
- Model of Planting Discipline Traits for Children in Minangkabau Story
- Hayati, Yenni
- The Construction of The Role of Women in Indonesia Novels in the 1920s
- Hayati, Yenni
- Multicultural Values in Indonesian Children Story
- Hayati, Yenni
- Women’s Resistance towards the Patriarchal Culture System in Geni Jora Novel by Abidah EL Khalieqy and Jalan Bandungan by NH.Dini
- Hayati, Yenni
- The Portrait of LGBT in Modern Indonesia Novels
- Hayati, Yenni
- Representation of Women’s Struggle in Indonesia Contemporary Novels: Liberal-Feminist Studies
- Hidayati, Abna
- The Effect of Using Animated Media Films and Entering Behavior to Narrative Writing Skill in Indonesian Language Learning Class V
- Hirzan, Adli
- Literary Genre in Tapak Lapan Malay Economic System
- Indriyani, Vivi
- Learning Module Design Writing Argumentative Text Based Problem-Based Learning
- Islami, Rezki
- Development of Writing Exposition Text Materials Based-PBL
- Juansah, Dase Erwin
- Does the Writing Argumentative Text Ability Correlate To Writing Motivation and Gramatical Competence?
- Juansah, Dase Erwin
- Educational Values In Hujan By Tere Liye As A Literary Teaching Material In Senior High School
- Juita, Novia
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model on Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Type and Reading Habits of Exposition Text Writing Skills
- Juita, Novia
- Increasing Writing Skills in Text Based Short Story (Folklore) through Audio Visual Media
- Juita, Novia
- The Structure of the News Headlines with Education Theme on Padang Ekspres Newspaper In 2015 by Using Van Dijk Model
- Juita, Novia
- Shades of Meaning towards Mendengar Group Sinonym
- Juita, Novia
- Adjectives Synonymy Tasting Indonesian
- Juita, Novia
- Linguistic Performance of West Sumatera Executive officials in Communicating via Facebook
- Juita, Novia
- Nuance of Meaning Synonym Transitive Verb Activities of See in Indonesia
- Juita, Novia
- The Type of Paired Synonym of Intransitive Verbs ke-an in Indonesian
- Jumadi, Jumadi
- Function of Power in Class Discourse
- Khadijah, Ute
- Information Searching Pattern of Children With Special Needs (ABK): Background, Starters And Electoral Processes Information Needs
- Khoerunnisa, Lutfi
- Information Searching Pattern of Children With Special Needs (ABK): Background, Starters And Electoral Processes Information Needs
- Lase, Famahato
- A Model of Learning of Intelligent Characters in Higher Education
- Lestari, Fadhilah Sukma
- Narcisstic Womens Profile in the Trilogy Novel of Si Parasit Lajang By Ayu Utami
- Lestari P., Oktavia
- Language Variations Between Women and Men at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Medan Academic Years 2017/2018
- Manaf, Ngusman
- The Use of Politeness Principle in Teachers Directive Speech Acts on Teaching and Learning Process at SMA Negeri 5 Merangin Jambi Province
- Manaf, Ngusman
- Adjectives Synonymy Tasting Indonesian
- Manaf, Ngusman
- Nuance of Meaning Synonym Transitive Verb Activities of See in Indonesia
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The English Teachers’ Management for Genre-Based Writing Instruction in Learning Process of 2013 Curriculum at Senior High School
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Shades of Meaning towards Mendengar Group Sinonym
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Linguistic Performance of West Sumatera Executive officials in Communicating via Facebook
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Violation Principles by Politicians in the Discourse of Jakarta Election 2017 at Online Portal News
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The Type of Paired Synonym of Intransitive Verbs ke-an in Indonesian
- Manulang, Tumiyar
- The Use of Politeness Principle in Teachers Directive Speech Acts on Teaching and Learning Process at SMA Negeri 5 Merangin Jambi Province
- Manurung, Yayuk Hayulina
- Developing Students Critical Thinking on Speaking Through Socratic Questioning Method
- Marhamah, Marhamah
- Integrated Thematic Context on Contextual Learning Based on English Learning Process in the Fifth Year at As Shofa Islamic Elementary School
- Marjohan, Marjohan
- A Model of Learning of Intelligent Characters in Higher Education
- Marlini, Marlini
- The Strategy of Total Quality Management (TQM) In The Higher Education Library:Establishment of User Requirements for Information Requirements
- Marlini, Marlini
- Level Literacy of Information Technology Millennial Generation: A Case Study at Student Universitas Negeri Padang
- Marlini, Marlini
- The Reconstruction of Local Institution By Using Rolling Book Program To Improve The Economy of Community In Nagari Paninjauan
- Martha, Rinche Wahyuli
- Women’s Resistance towards the Patriarchal Culture System in Geni Jora Novel by Abidah EL Khalieqy and Jalan Bandungan by NH.Dini
- Mawene, Aleda
- The Importance of Revitalizing Sentani Traditional Proverbs
- Muhyidin, Asep
- Does the Writing Argumentative Text Ability Correlate To Writing Motivation and Gramatical Competence?
- Muhyidin, Asep
- Educational Values In Hujan By Tere Liye As A Literary Teaching Material In Senior High School
- Mukhaiyar, Mukhaiyar
- Culture of Literacy through Dongeng Text as Efforts to Improve Student Character in Islamic Primary School Khaira Ummah
- Mukhaiyar, Mukhaiyar
- Integrated Thematic Context on Contextual Learning Based on English Learning Process in the Fifth Year at As Shofa Islamic Elementary School
- Mukhaiyar, Mukhaiyar
- The English Teachers’ Management for Genre-Based Writing Instruction in Learning Process of 2013 Curriculum at Senior High School
- Mulyati, Yeti
- Developing Reading Skills and Beginning Writing through Literary Literacy
- Mursal, Mursal
- Development of Writing Learning Model Using Process Approach In Class III Elementary School
- Neviyarni, Neviyarni
- A Model of Learning of Intelligent Characters in Higher Education
- Nirwana, Herman
- A Model of Learning of Intelligent Characters in Higher Education
- Noermansyah, Noermansyah
- The Rhetorical Structure Model Reconstruction of Unaccredited Journal Entries to Become Special Accredited Journal Entris in the Introduction Chapter
- Nofrita, Misra
- Values of the Characters in Riau Folklore for Construction of Children Character in TK Pembina Negeri Rokan Hulu Riau
- Novelti, Novelti
- Developing an Instructional Model Assisted Audio Visual Media
- Noveria, Ena
- Development of Authentic Assessment Learning Model in Achieving Skill of Literary Text: A Strategy for Establishment of Young Generation Character
- Noveria, Ena
- Utilization of Indirect Speech Act In Kick Andy Talk Show as Learning Skill for Interviewer
- Nurizzati, Nurizzati
- Development of Authentic Assessment Learning Model in Achieving Skill of Literary Text: A Strategy for Establishment of Young Generation Character
- Oktami, Nila
- Adjectives Synonymy Tasting Indonesian
- Pangestika, Widya
- Violation Principles by Politicians in the Discourse of Jakarta Election 2017 at Online Portal News
- Permatasari, Ranti
- Nuance of Meaning Synonym Transitive Verb Activities of See in Indonesia
- Pradita, Aditya Agung
- Development of a Learning Module of Writing Debate Text based Problem Based Learning (PBL)
- Pramesti, Utami Dewi
- Editorial Structure and Editing Task in Soleh Solihun Mau Jadi Apa? movies and their Implication in Introduction to Journalism course
- Pratama, Aldora
- The Effect of Using Animated Media Films and Entering Behavior to Narrative Writing Skill in Indonesian Language Learning Class V
- Puteri, Anggia
- Grammatical Cohesion In The Thesis
- Putra, Ade
- The Construction of The Role of Women in Indonesia Novels in the 1920s
- Putrayasa, Ida Bagus
- The Analysis of Sentences Structure of Students Compositions at Grade VI of Elementary Schools in Bali Province
- Putri, Delia
- Values of the Characters in Riau Folklore for Construction of Children Character in TK Pembina Negeri Rokan Hulu Riau
- Putri, Delsy Arma
- Development of CTL-Based Reading Materials
- Rahmah, Elva
- The Strategy of Total Quality Management (TQM) In The Higher Education Library:Establishment of User Requirements for Information Requirements
- Rahmah, Elva
- Level Literacy of Information Technology Millennial Generation: A Case Study at Student Universitas Negeri Padang
- Rahmah, Elva
- The Reconstruction of Local Institution By Using Rolling Book Program To Improve The Economy of Community In Nagari Paninjauan
- Rahmatina, Rahmatina
- Problems in Language Teaching in Elementary School
- Rahmawati, Laili Etika
- Prototype of Indonesian Reading Test for The Foreign Students
- Rahmayati, Reski
- Inclusion of Criminal News In Daily Online Newspaper Haluan Padang: Theo Van Leeuwen Perspective
- Rahmi, Fauziah
- Politeness Strategies of Minangkabau Speakers in Criticizing based on Their Education Level
- Rahmi, Winda
- Development of Context-Based Reading Materials
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Practical Utilization of ICT in Adult Language Learning: Challenges and Barriers
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Model and Motivation towards Skill of Fable Text Writing
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Development of Writing Learning Model Using Process Approach In Class III Elementary School
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Developing an Instructional Model Assisted Audio Visual Media
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Teaching with Adult Learners: Peer-Assessment Software in Translation and Interpretation
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Development of Writing Exposition Text Materials Based-PBL
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Effect of The Use of Cooperative Learning Approach Type Think Pair Share And Students Interest In Reading Towards Students Skill In Writing Observation Report Text
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Culture of Literacy through Dongeng Text as Efforts to Improve Student Character in Islamic Primary School Khaira Ummah
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Learning Module Design Writing Argumentative Text Based Problem-Based Learning
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Development of a Learning Module of Writing Debate Text based Problem Based Learning (PBL)
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model on Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Type and Reading Habits of Exposition Text Writing Skills
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Development of Teaching Material for Narrative Writing Using Graphic Organizer Type Circle Organizer in Elementary School
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Improving Students Public Speaking Skill through Instagram
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Integrated Thematic Context on Contextual Learning Based on English Learning Process in the Fifth Year at As Shofa Islamic Elementary School
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- The Effects of Cooperative Learning Model Type TPS and Reading Habits Toward Skills in Writing Short Story Reviews Text
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- The Value of Religiosity in the Poetry of Hamid Jabbar: Structural Approach in Studying Literature
- Ramendra, Dewa Putu
- The Analysis of Sentences Structure of Students Compositions at Grade VI of Elementary Schools in Bali Province
- Ras, Fakhri
- Local Wisdom Based on Riau-Malay Language in Kuantan Singingi Regency
- Rasdana, Oki
- The Aesthetic of Mantra As Medical Treatment In Malay-Riau
- Rasyid, Yulianti
- Editorial Structure and Editing Task in Soleh Solihun Mau Jadi Apa? movies and their Implication in Introduction to Journalism course
- Ratih, Rina
- Do Teachers of Lecturers need to Write Children’s Literature?
- Ratna, Ellya
- The Role and Position of Bundo Kanduang in Local Color of Minangkabau Contemporary Novels