Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on Effective Connection Construction of 3+2 Connection Training Mode—Taking Zaozhuang University Mechanical Major 3+2 Connection Training As a Research Example

Yanan Gou, Kun Yang
The 3+2 connection training mode bridges the gap between higher vocational education and application-oriented undergraduate education. This brand new training mode aims to integrate these two educational systems so as to cultivate the compound and high-qualified talents. However, with the implementation...
Proceedings Article

PAN Reflex in Maya Language in West New Guinea: A Preliminary Study on Understanding The Concept of South Halmahera-West New Guniea

Paesal Hadi, Burhanuddin, Sukri
This study aimed at uncovering reflexes of the Proto-Austronesian (PAN) in Maya language, spoken in Raja Ampat, West Papua province, and verifying the concepts that define South Halmahera-West Papua group proposed by Adriani and Kruyt (1914), Blust (1993), Ross (1994), and Kamholz (2014). To achieve...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Modelling and Aesthetic Concept of Shandong Folk Paper-cut

Mingming An
This topic clarifies the folk concept of Shandong folk paper-cutting from the perspective of folklore and anthropology, and explains the artistic characteristics of Shandong folk paper-cutting from the perspective of plastic arts, and on the basis discusses its unique aesthetic concept.From the perspective...
Proceedings Article

Changes in the Culinary Purchasing Behavior via Digital due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wahyu Tri Hastiningsih, A. Anditha Sari
Coronavirus (COVID-19), which spreads almost all over the world including Indonesia, is of great concern to the global public. In preventing the spread of virus, the government appealed to the public to work, study, worship, and even to process food process from home. The Public is required to provide...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Human Social Development from the Perspective of Marxism

Chun ji Qin
Artificial intelligence is the product of the high development of productive forces in the information industry era, and it is also an important driving force of the fourth industrial revolution, that is, the green industrial revolution. Artificial intelligence not only improves social productivity,...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Factors in International Chinese Teaching Take HSK Teaching as an Example

Siqi Yun
With the continuous advancement of globalization, the demand for language exchanges between countries has increased. Cultural factors play an important role in language learning, in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, people are paying more and more attention to Chinese learners’ understanding...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Implementation “KAMI HEBAT” Application in Online Resident Administration Services at Sukabumi City Demographic Affair Office

Gemiarty Puteri Yuanita Betha Anugerah, Hamdun Hamdillah
“Kami Hebat” application is an application that is used for the family status registration issuance in online administration services at Sukabumi City Demoghraphic Affair Office. The aim of this study is to find out how the effectiveness of implementation of “Kami Hebat” application. This study uses...
Proceedings Article

Positive Impact of Smartphone on the Children’s Thinking Ability Process

(Case Study: ABA 58 Surabaya Kindergarden)

Gusmaniarti, Wahono, Sudarmi Mauboi
ABA 58 Surabaya Kindergarden located in the east of Kota Surabaya by seeing firsthand the conditions in the classroom during the learning process, that's where I found that there were some children who focused on playing educational game tools, and playing with their friends, but there were some...
Proceedings Article

Distance Education: Digital Civic Education Developed Awareness for Higher Education

Riza Alrakhman, Dasim Budimansyah, Sapriya, Rahmat
The Digital era has brought open access to communication and information, and the digital era also brought communication to a new era in how people's communication-based face-to-face becomes digital. There is no boundary of distance to communicate with digital technology. Making space feel does...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection of Tourism Conscious Groups in the Development of Tourism Villages in Indonesia

Restu Adi Putra, Gentur Cahyo Setiono, David Gunawan
The world of tourism today continues to experience significant growth. One of its forms can be seen from the increasing number and development of tourism in the area which is packaged in the form of a tourism village. Tourism villages are efforts to develop local community-based tourism development that...
Proceedings Article

Media Image Presentation of Female Athletes in Beijing Winter Olympic Games

Taking People’s Daily’s WeChat Report as an Example

Yurong Li
The media is the final judge of the success of an Olympic Games. Winter Olympics coverage plays an irreplaceable role in national image construction and international communication. As Beijing is the only city in the world hosting double Olympic Games, it is of practical significance to study the media...
Proceedings Article

Kabela as Local Content Enrichment for a Non Traditional Choreography at Gorontalo

Riana Diah Sitharesmi, Helman Manay
The Kabela is a dance as one of cultural treasures in the area of Tomini Bay, which reflects the noble values of the traditions of the people who own it: Bolaang Mongondow. Behind the ephemeral form and nature, it is necessary to investigate more deeply the rules and essential values, so that the understanding...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Transformational Leadership of Secondary School Principals on Teacher’s Organizational Commitment: Base on the Mediating Role of Teacher-School Value Matching

Xiaodong Shu, Na Li
In order to explore the mechanism of person-organization matching on teacher’s organizational commitment, in present study the mechanism of transformational leadership of secondary school principals on teacher’s organizational commitment is carried out by the theories of person-organization matching...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Project-based Flipped Learning (PjBFL) in Geomatika Class: An Analysis of Undergraduate Students

Moh. Yusuf Tuloli
Many believed that the traditional learning model, where the lecturer role is more dominant, might be one of the roots to why students become bored and less motivated to study, either in a classroom setting or independently. When the students are less motivated, a number of problems arise, one of which...
Proceedings Article

Work Environment, Compensation and its Role towards Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance

Lisa Binti Harun, Herlina Herlina
This research is quantitative. The subjects of this research were all employees in the spatial planning Office at the Nunukan Public Works Office, with 20 respondents as the sample and population or what is called a saturation sampling. For data analysis, a model test was used using smartPLS version...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Affective State and Valence of Words on L2 Vocabulary Memory Retrieval

Yuqing Yang
The effects of affective state on the cognitive process have enjoyed substantial empirical attention. The research aims to investigate the effects of mood conditions and valence of words on L2 vocabulary memory retrieval. Twenty undergraduates participated in the experiment and completed memory retrieval...
Proceedings Article

State Responsibility in Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of Micro and Small Enterprise Products in the Culture-Based Tourism Industry

Yadhy Cahyady, Faisal Santiago
This study aims to analyze state responsibility in protecting the intellectual property rights of micro and small enterprise products in the culture-based tourism industry. This study employed a normative legal research method, which was descriptive and analytical, with a statute approach. This study...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Dilemma and Countermeasures of English Vocabulary Mobile Learning for College Students

Youzhu Jin
The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has set off a boom in online learning. While mobile learning has been widely used, it has also sparked a lot of controversies. Vocabulary-based mobile learning software has been welcomed by students as an online learning method because of its portability and fun nature[1]. Based...
Proceedings Article

Dynamics of Elite Theory Case Study: Elites Configuration in Indonesia

Indra Kesuma Nasution
The fall of the Suharto regime has resulted in changes in the configuration of political power in Indonesia. Political power defined as the capacity to control the political system. Suharto’s regime was the central political power to control the political system and Indonesian society. Indonesia’s political...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and practice of the training mode of internationalized applied talents --Northwestern Polytechnical University, Ming De College HND CSCSE-SQA project

Dingyi Wu, Yuren Li, Lingsheng Gou, Xin Di, Xizhe Zhi
In order to adapt to the trend of the internationalization of higher education, training with international vision, familiar with international rules, to participate in international affairs and international competition of international talents, this paper is based on Northwestern Polytechnical University...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of the Effective Communication of Visual Information on Modern Exhibition Space

Yuan Chen, Xin Bian
In recent years, the government has increased its support for cultural creative industry, which makes the exhibition play an important role in economic development as cultural “soft power”. While effective communication of visual information will directly affect the success of exhibition. This thesis...
Proceedings Article

The Research on The Change of Rice-pattern Porcelain Craft

Mingyu Liu
Rice-pattern porcelain has a long history. The crafts of carving exquisite eye and filling in the exquisite glaze and decoration of rice-pattern porcelain had experienced constantly changing.The important factors which leading to the change of rice-pattern porcelain are that the technical factors, economic...
Proceedings Article

The Difference of the Symbolism between Chinese Painting and Western Painting

Weiran Lin
This article, by comparing the symbolic characteristics of Chinese and western painting, emphasizes that the symbolism of Chinese painting is not only different from the western art, but more importantly, the unique aesthetic image pursuit of Chinese painting and the cultural tradition of "moral comparison"...
Proceedings Article

A Review of the Relationship between Management Research and Management Practice in Mainland China

Zhixiang Deng
The divorce between management research and management practice has attracted intensive attention. It means that the findings or theories developed in management research are not used effectively in practices. This paper describes the divorce between management research and management practice, analyzes...
Proceedings Article

Practice on Improving the “Computer Network” Teaching with Knowledge Visualization Representation

Guojun Ouyang, Yanling Zhao
Knowledge visualization promotes the knowledge creation and knowledge transfer with various graphic visual representation means. According to the problems of universities in “Computer Network” teaching including abstract expounded theory and shortage of experimental equipment, and the updating can’t...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration Of Flipped Classroom In College Chinese Teaching

Xu Yang
There are many shortcomings in the traditional teaching of College Chinese, which need to be reformed. As a new classroom teaching mode, the Flipped Classroom has become an important part of the innovation of university classroom teaching in the aspects of teaching ideas, learning process and learning...
Proceedings Article

Digital Inheritance of the Art of Folk New Year Pictures

Juan Huangfu
The woodcut New Year picture of folk primitive art form is the treasure of traditional Chinese culture and art, but it gradually loses vitality in digital age. At present, although the development of digital art and folk art in our country has different situation, both of them have many problems. The...
Proceedings Article

The Research of Clothing Space Design

Qiao Chen, Xiaoping Hu
This research mainly aims at the close relationship between clothing and human activities in people’s daily life, trying to design different costumes to address the demand problem for clothing functionality that people usually have in different environment or different activities. It demonstrates that...
Proceedings Article

Research of urban Female Fitness Status in Henan province

Lijuan Zhang
From the perspective of social cultural science and by using literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics, logical reasoning and analytical methods, female sport fitness status in cities of Henan Province is analyzed and it shows that the awareness of women in our province for sport Fitness has...
Proceedings Article

Survey on Primary and Middle School Teachers’ In-service Learning Demand in Minority Area of Northern Guangdong

Jianlan Wang, Lina Zhang, Xiaoma Xiao, Chongmin Liu, Houlei Teng
The research group carries out a survey on 12 schools in minority area of northern Guangdong; the questionnaire involves 734 primary and middle school teachers, and the teachers of minority account for 34%. Through comparison on nationality, gender, education background, primary and middle school in...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in Building an E-Commerce Website

Ms. Nahlah, Mr. Paramudia, Mr. Amiruddin, Mr. Lukman
OOP (Object Oriented Programming) is an object-oriented programming method. The purpose of OOP is to facilitate the development of the program by following the models that have existed in everyday life. Object-oriented programming techniques are becoming very popular today in the process of creating...
Proceedings Article

The Illocutionary Speech Acts of Insha’Allah: Pragmatic analysis of teachers talks in daily school activities

Abdulkhaleq Ali Ahmed Al-Rawafi, Wawan Gunawan
However Insha’Allah is a compulsory marker in Muslims’ talks to make future plans and promises, Muslims, in recent days, have different perspectives on when, where, how, and to whom they use Insha’Allah. The present study was aimed to explore the illocutionary acts of the conditional pragmatic marker...
Proceedings Article

The Challenge and Development of Vocational Education Under the Background of Artificial Intelligence

Jinhua Ma
With the development of artificial intelligence, vocational education is facing unprecedented development opportunities, including the support and guidance of national policies, artificial intelligence technology support. At the same time, the arrival of the era of artificial intelligence has also brought...
Proceedings Article

Research of Cultivating Music Inner Hearing based on the Principles of Business Psychology

Xiaxuan Zheng
As a very important part of music quality, it is very important and necessary to improve and cultivate the music content auditory ability. The auditory quality is not only innate, but also can be improved through continuous training. Based on the effective application of the principles of business psychology...
Proceedings Article

Measuring Export Performance Commodities: A Proposed Model

Syaifuddin Yana, Badaruddin Badaruddin, Halimatussakdiah Halimatussakdiah
The purpose of this research is to examine the variables that have an impact on the performance of Aceh commodity exports. It is very few studies had addressed to the export and international trade of commodities by exporters in certain countries, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. To...
Proceedings Article

“Any justice here is corrupt...” foreigners’ notes about corruption in Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries

Nikolay Yu. Nikolaev, Sergei P. Ramazanov, Yuriy I. Mironov, Dmitry V. Garbuzov, Daria S. Yurchenko
The article analyzes the foreigners’ assessments of official abuse in Muscovite state in the XVI-XVII centuries. The main authors who wrote about Russian corruption are identified, the specific features of foreigners' notes are revealed, the stages in a foreign narrative are highlighted. The first stage...
Proceedings Article

On the Innovative Way and System Demand for the Development of Teachers of Professional Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges in the Internet Era

Lihuan Liu, Jiang Cen, Huifang Xiao
Teachers of professional courses in higher vocational colleges have dual attributes of higher education and professionalism. Under the background of Internet plus era, it is necessary to innovate the path of the development of professional course teachers in higher vocational colleges in order to meet...
Proceedings Article

Confidence of Chinese Traditional Art in Packaging Design

Mei Zhang, Junsong Zhao, Yingzhen Zheng, Yan Tang
Packaging design in marketing in the new era is not only a simple function of protection, accommodation, transportation, and product publicity, but also reflects a country's cultural accomplishment. In order to show China's modern packaging in the world commodity packaging industry, to be unique and...
Proceedings Article

Self-Efficacy as the Mediator of the Relationship between Paternal Approval and Suicidal Ideation among Malaysian Adolescents

Shin Ling Wu, Siti Nor Yaacob
Suicide phenomenon among young generation has become a leading cause of death especially among adolescents. In Asian countries, suicidal rate is at an alarming state in which it has contributed around 60% of the world suicide cases. In order to prevent suicidal behavior, suicidal ideation need to be...
Proceedings Article

Design of a Hydraulic Lift Platform

Wei Yan, Hui Li, Hu Guo
This paper designs a hydraulic lift platform which can smoothly transport goods up and down. The transport platform is composed of a lifting cylinder, pulley blocks and steel wire ropes, which can cover a wide range of lifting heights by making use of a single lifting cylinder with a relatively short...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Efficiency of Financial Poverty Alleviation Funds in Guizhou Province??"??"Take Four National Poverty Counties in Anshun City as Example

Yayuan Wang, Hongqiong Zhu
The financial poverty alleviation fund is the main resource input of poverty alleviation. Its efficiency directly affects the result of poverty effect. Based on present situation that financial poverty alleviation fund is facing status of increasing scale and decreasing efficiency in Huizhou province,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Difference of Regional Financial Agglomeration in Shandong Province of China

Ruibo Liu, Xi Zhang
With the continuous deepening of the financial system reform, the degree of financial agglomeration has become an important symbol of economic development and has an irreplaceable impact on economic growth. Therefore, this paper selects the data of Shandong Province from 2004 to 2016, and calculates...
Proceedings Article

A Brief Discussion on General Education in College English Teaching

Ling Pan
General education strategy of College English is the focus of foreign language teaching in China. General education has been paid much attention by all walks of life with its humanistic thought, good divergences and comprehensive thinking. Although General education of college English in China has achieved...
Proceedings Article

Survey on the Implementation of Flipped Classroom and Countermeasures

Xiaohui Yang, Yuting Shen, Yusi Wu
Flipped classroom is a teaching mode that promotes students' self-learning. It has been promoted and developed in our country. While this teaching mode has received widespread attention , the problem of ‘endemic’ in its implementation is also very important. Through the methods such as literature, questionnaire...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening of Mathematics Character Education Students (Teacher Candidates) in Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century

Sunismi, Abdul Halim Fathani, Muhammad Baidawi
In the 21st century, professional mathematics teachers are very necessary for developing of mathematics education. To become a professional mathematics teacher, there are several competencies that must be mastered by teacher-candidate students when studying at LPTK, which are knowledge, practice, and...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Private Information Market Mechanism

Wenjun Zhang
In the paper, we present supply model, demand model and the pricing structure under the condition of equilibrium market. Firstly, we define the supply model and demand model being related to the risk extent through analyzing the quantity of the same private information for the same demander is only one...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Distribution Characteristics of IMIS Enrollment Plan of TCM Colleges in China

Haifeng Yang, Fang Mei, Chao Lei, Qian Liu, Miao Zhang, Binqian Liu, Yangbo Su, Kang Chen
In order to ameliorate the enrollment strategies of the specialty of Information Management & Information System (IMIS) in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) colleges, we collected and processed the IMIS enrollment plans in 42 Colleges from 2013 to 2016, and also the actual enrollment volume of 11 TCM...
Proceedings Article

Study on Cultural Identity from the Comparison Between "A House for Mr. Biswas" and "The Joy Luck Club"

Jieqiong Duan
The issue of identity is closely related to cultural and traditional issues. From the perspective of the cultural conflicts of immigrants, this paper explores the dilemma choice of traditional culture and the culture of immigrant destination country from the perspective of the protagonist's choice, the...
Proceedings Article

Custom House Visual Study of Gorontalo City

Siska Udilawaty
this study aims at discussing the meaning of the motive and the form of the Dulohupa traditional house. The method used in this study was qualitative-descriptive approach as a process of collecting a number of actual data and to get a detailed description of the symbols in the Dulohupa traditional house....
Proceedings Article

Learning Development Through Local Identity and Multicultural: Papuan-Ness High School Students Jayapura

Susanto T. Handoko, Mr Wasino, Mr Masrukhi, Hamdan Tri Atmaja
The main problem of history learning in Papua is the alienation of students with the content lessons. Because most of the historical content is far from the reality of everyday life of the students because of the setting and locality generally from outside Papua. Therefore, history learning must emphasize...
Proceedings Article

Landscape Design of Vine Garden of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Min Liu, Xiuying Qin
This paper, starting from the historical context of Xishuangbanna and the botanical garden and focusing on local human culture, natural and vine resources, analyzes the landscape characteristics of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) vine garden and mainly discusses the plant landscape...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Preparation and Implementation of Students’ Presentations as a Learning Process in Class

Daroe Iswatiningsih
The process of learning in university invites the students to be able to think rationally and systematically. In the field of social sciences and humanities, the students are required to be able to capture, explain, and interpret facts and phenomena that are found to be easier and simpler based on existing...
Proceedings Article

Driving system of university mathematics practice teaching system III: view of learning

Xiaobo Liu
If the university mathematics teaching is divided into theoretical teaching and practical teaching, so these two different types of teaching performed not only the teaching content and way, but also change the way of thinking. There must be differences into teachers view, curriculum view, learning view,...
Proceedings Article

Cross-cultural Analysis of Cultural Conflicts in Film Gua Sha

Lei Li
The film "Gua Sha" tells about the legal disputes and family conflicts of Xu Datong, a Chinese-American, after his old father went to the United States and scratched his son to treat his diseases, reflecting the differences between Chinese and American cultures. This paper analyzes the cultural conflicts...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge mapping analysis of CHD research in Web of Science

Youliang Huang, Sajid Ali, Xingguang Ma, Fengying Guo, Li Wang, Renquan Liu
Based on web of science retrieval tools, bibliometric analysis published on the world through the research field of 2007-2017 years of the coronary heart disease, combined with CiteSpace and Excel analyze the development of coronary heart disease in the research field of Excel software, the research...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Social Integration of the Top Management Team

Lin Yu
Social integration of top management teams is an important condition for sustainable development of enterprises.The article points out that social integration involves social capital integration, emotional conflict integration, the level of information exchange, collective decision-making level and team...
Proceedings Article

The Path of Improving the Quality of College Teachers

Minghui Wang
By sorting out the basic connotation of teachers' quality in Colleges and universities, from the aspects of morality, knowledge, ability, and demonstrates the quality requirements of teachers in Colleges and universities, establish advanced educational concepts, advocating good ethics, studying excellent...
Proceedings Article

Didactical Design of Trapezoid Concept for Elementary School Students

Atikah Sari, Didi Suryadi, Ernawulan Syaodih
This study aims to formulate an alternative learning design related to trapezoid concept which is based on the existence of learning obstacle on the concept, such as the definition of the concept that is only procedural and monotonous learning approaches (didactical obstacle), generalization of the concept...
Proceedings Article

Guidance and Counseling Teacher’s Role and Function within Disruption Era

Pepi Pepi Nuroniah, Pepi Nuroniah, Rina Nurhudi Ramdhani, Nadia Aulia Nadhirah
This study aimed to describe the perception of the role and function of the guidance and counseling teacher within the era of rapid and precise disruption. The research was conducted with qualitative design with a phenomenological model. Research subjects were sociology education students from various...
Proceedings Article

The Development of English Teaching Material Based on the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) at Sailing Vocational High School

Ria Lestari, Efendi Napitupulu
The aim of this research and development was: (1) Produce a proper English teaching material based on the HOTS which was used by the students; (2) Finding out the effectiveness of the implementation results of English teaching material based on the HOTS which was used by the students. This study belongs...
Proceedings Article

Positive Study on the International Competitiveness of China’s Cotton Products

Chunxiang Liu, Yalan Gao*
In order to measure the international competitiveness of China’s cotton products, this paper carried out an empirical study by means of RCA, RTA, LnRXA, RC, IIT, EC and DRCC indexes. It also chose America, Australia, India, Greece, Brazil, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Turkey and Burkina Faso these nine cotton...
Proceedings Article

New Reflections on Higher Education and Social Services in the New Era

Xuemin Huang
With the rapid development of China’s economy, science and technology have also been at the forefront of the world. These changes have led to an increase in the number of colleges and universities in China in the new era, and the scale of running schools has also increased. It has provided good backup...
Proceedings Article

Philosophical Thinking on Cultural Globalization*

Haofan Fang
Along with economic globalization, cultural globalization has also become an important issue for the world. In the process of economic globalization, cultural exchanges and conflicts are inevitable. However, the academic circles hold different views on the existence of cultural globalization and its...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Method of Improving the Quality of Classroom Teaching in Private Colleges

Chen Ruihua
Classroom teaching quality is effected by various factors in private colleges, such as students are loss of learning consciousness, teachers are lack of necessary expertise and responsibility, or teachers can’t maintain discipline in classroom. This paper takes the classroom teaching of “Marketing”as...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Strategy Analysis on the Talent Cultivation Program of New-Type Application-Oriented Undergraduate Colleges

Zhu Qiu, Xi Zhang, Genhua Zhang
New-type application-oriented undergraduate colleges are an important part of China’s higher education landscape. The top-level design of the overall optimization of the talent cultivation program is an important link for the colleges to form characteristics, enhance core competitiveness, and promote...
Proceedings Article

Information Systems and Databases in Determining Models for Modernizing the System for Preventing Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency in Russia

M.V. Gorbachev
In any society juveniles are a vulnerable group which needs care and safeguard from dangers, threats, and temptations of the permanently complicating world. Any government realising the young generation importance and significance for its future defends and guards children and youth through a corresponding...
Proceedings Article

Public Space Cultural Landscape Research— Take the City Square as An Example

Tian Tian
Comfortable and beautiful public space is an indispensable element in urban life. The development of social economy and culture has changed the appearance of the city and exposed the problems of cultural landscape in public space. This article from the method of public space design principles and the...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Perception of Blended Learning Implementation for Plant Structure and Development Courses and Their Influence on Student Grades in Biology Department of Andalas University

Tesri Maideliza, Ahmad Taufik, Mansyurdin
Nowadays, information technology (internet) has a major influence on the world of education. The application of various learning media or “blended learning” has been carried out in the Plant Structure and Development course in the Biology Department, Andalas University. In its application, several obstacles...
Proceedings Article

Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with Hologram Simulation to Improve Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability

Arum Mawardani, Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, Mochtar Purwo Nugroho, Surtini
This study aims to improve students’ mathematical representation skills after using the Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with hologram simulation. The study was conducted using a pre-experimental design with a pre-test post-test group. Research is being carried out in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Proceedings Article

Examining Political Subjectivity Through the Truth Procedure in Ahmad Tohari’s Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk

Aprinus Salam, Sulistya Ningtyas
Ahmad Tohari’s novel, Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, portrays the struggle of the underclass of Dukuh Paruk in facing the political turmoil, particularly around the 1960s. The present study examines political subjectivity through the truth procedure in the novel. The research problems are answered by using a...
Proceedings Article

The Chinese Ethnic Culture Orientation and Discrimintation Experience

Ninawati, Kurnia Setiawan, Meiske Yunithree Suparman
The experience of discrimination was received continuously by the Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. This issue has never been solved even today. The experience of ethnic Chinese discrimination is an unequal treatment based on ethnicity, related to personal, social and citizenship matters. The study was conducted...
Proceedings Article

The Landscaping Art and Cultural Interpretation of Walls in Traditional Suzhou Buildings

Shu Yang, Lin Gui
This paper takes the most basic and most important physical element walls among the architectural elements as the main body of the research, takes traditional Suzhou buildings as the background, mainly takes the space spirit, form characteristics, cultural connotation and aesthetic characteristics of...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Perceptions of Online Mathematics Learning and Its Relationship Towards Their Achievement

Nuril Huda, Tutik Sri Wahyuni, Fida Dinar Fauziyah
To decrease the level of the spread of the corona virus, the government requires students to study from home. Therefore, it is important to conduct research to determine students’ perceptions of online learning. The objectives of this study were (1) to describe students’ perceptions of online mathematics...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Competition Between Chinese and South Korean Traditional Clothing Culture in Cross - Cultural Communication

Wu Chaohong, Li Yajun
With the rapid development of the Internet and other information technology, the cultural exchanges between countries are becoming increasingly frequent. The history and culture of China and South Korea influence each other, but there are cultural differences in ways of thinking, values, social regulations,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Increasing Teacher Competency and Vice Principal Leadership of Academic Schools on Teacher Success at SMP Negeri 1 Mesuji

Yosi Ariska, Bukman Lian, Mulyadi
The purpose of this study is to resolve the problems, first, the impact of increasing teacher competence on the performance of teachers. Second, the effect of the Deputy Principal’s Instructional Leadership on Teacher Results. Third, the influence on the teaching output of SMPN 1 Mesuji of increasing...
Proceedings Article

ROC Analysis on SRED-7F Instrument (Study: Development of a New Instrument of Clinical Psychology)

Siti Bahiyah, Samsunuwiyati Marat, Rita Markus Idulfilastri
The typical psychological change in adolescents of increased emotional intensity coupled with a lack of cognitive resources is one theoretical explanation for the increase in depression during adolescence. Adolescents seek to increase self-understanding and seek identity in relationships with family...
Proceedings Article

Performance Assessment and Measurement of Educational Institutions

(Case Study at the Malang Regency Education Office)

Milla Syahara Timur Mubarrak, Bambang Supriyono, Andy Fefta Wijaya
The task of the Malang Regency Education Office is as the executor of regional autonomy which is mandated to carry out all regional government affairs in the field of education, both in terms of development, providing facilities and infrastructure as well as meeting educational needs in Malang Regency....
Proceedings Article

Enhancement of Early Childhood 4C Skills with TAMAITO-Peaceful Love and Tolerance Smart Card

Dian Kencana Ayudhia, Junita Dwi Wardhani, Nining Sholikhah, Edi Pramono
This ability of early childhood teachers to adapt and have competence and skills in carrying out learning is needed to produce children as quality human resources towards the transformation of the era of society 5.0. Learning problems in producing students who have 4C skills (creativity, communication,...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Digitalization of SMEs’ Sustainability During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Marsdenia, Pranita Diaz, Kesa D. Deni
This article aims to give a new insight regarding the contribution of digitalization of SMEs’ sustainability during Covid-19 pandemic. As we noted, so many business entity suffered in this situation where the economic entity should agreed to tight regulation related to maintain health of the community....
Proceedings Article

Summary of Factors Affecting Indonesian Islamic Banking Efficiency in 2014-2022

Abdullah Hasan Alifuddin, Nur Fatwa
Bank efficiency can be used as a benchmark for bank success in a period. Because of this, there have been many studies related to bank efficiency using various methods and perspectives to review banking in Indonesia. As a growing bank, Islamic Indonesian Banking need to pay attention to these factors....
Proceedings Article

Review and Prospect of Research on Mental Health of Rural Left Behind Children at Home and Abroad

Zongli Han, Yingnan Liang
The left behind children in rural areas is a social phenomenon produced during the transition from agricultural society to industrialization and urbanization in China. As a result of the regional imbalance of social and economic development, a large number of rural surplus labor force flowed to the southeast...
Proceedings Article

Acquisition of Sentence by a Three-Year-Old Indonesian Boy

A Case Study on M. Gentamas Ransi Alden

Fadhila Hayani, Siti Aisyah Ginting, Rahmad Husein
This study deals with the acquisition of sentences by three-year-old child Indonesian boy on M. Gentamas Ransi Alden. The objective of this study were to investigated the sentences that produced by three-year-old Indonesian boy that can be acquired in mood, in a case study on M. Gentamas Ransi Alden....
Proceedings Article

Corporate Governance Framework for Shariah Compliant Corporation

Hartinie Abd Aziz, Zuhairah Ariff Abd Ghadas
Corporate governance emphasise on the moral and ethical dimensions of managing a company’s business. The word corporate governance refers to a system of control of corporation and systems of accountability of those in control. The High Level Finance Committee Report 1999, defines corporate governance...
Proceedings Article

Bra Purchase Choice Influenced by Feminism

An Empirical Study Based on Survey

Qianyuan Sheng, Xiruo Wang
Bra gained popularity during World War I as the lack of metal supply caused the popularity of corset to subside. Indeed, before 20th century, the women undergarment was dominated by corset which helped women squeeze themselves to shape their slender waist and to demonstrate their curvaceous bosom. Some...
Proceedings Article

The Manifestation of the Relationship of “Words, Images and Ideas” in Landscape Paintings

Jiang Runyu
“Words, images, and ideas” are the three stages of the symbolic language representation mechanism of human beings, corresponding to language, image and expressing ideas respectively. Wang Bi (226-249) put forward his own views on the relationship between the three in the article “Liu Lie Ming Xiang in...
Proceedings Article

Conflict Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah Versus As-Sunnah in Aceh

Case Study of the Politics of Religious Identity in the Burning of the At-Taqwa Muhammadiyah Mosque in Samalanga, Bireuen-Aceh Province

Nirzalin, Fakhrurrazi, Yogi Febriandi, Rizki Yunanda
This article examines the root causes of conflict and understanding why conflicts between followers of Ahlussunnah Wal jamaah (The splinter of the Islamic group of dayah) and As-Sunnah (The Islamic Group of Muhammadiyah) in Samalanga, Aceh end in violence. Based on ethnographic studies through data collection...
Proceedings Article

A Corpus-based Contrastive Analysis of English-Chinese Main Negatives

Taking TED English Chinese Parallel Corpus of Speech as an Example

Rulan Wu
The use and development of negative words are related to the historical development of various languages and different nations’ thinking characteristics. This paper has made a contrastive analysis of the negative words of English and Chinese based on “TED English Chinese parallel corpus of speech” to...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of WhatsApp Users’ Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Samarinda

Indah Martati, Suminto Suminto, Dyah Kusrihandayani, Kristin Wulansari
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the use of social media for most people in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze and prove the influence of e-quality, e-trust, and the perceived benefits of e-satisfaction and e-loyalty of WhatsApp users during the Covid-19 pandemic in Samarinda. The data used...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of A New-type Mode for Supporting the Elderly With Combination of Medical Resource and Nursing Resource

Aixiang Huo, Peng Mao
In China, population aging trend has become increasingly significant in recent years. Nowadays, the aged population has broke through 200 million. Meanwhile, due to continuous development of industrialization and urbanization, traditional family supporting mode tends to weakening. Thus, the professional...
Proceedings Article

Educational Reform of Car Marketing Teaching Based on Project-driven Method

Xuan Chen, Huimin Zheng
Currently, the depressed practical ability of vocational graduates can't meet the vocational need. Directing at the present situation, it proposes a project-driven method to promote students' vocational ability. With flexible teaching methods, the educational reform mainly bases on the practical projects...
Proceedings Article

Research on Collation between English Learning Anxiety Degree of Level B Students and Oral Performance

Yongyan Song
The purpose of this research is to provide a basis for improving foreign language oral teaching methods. The research method is questionnaire. The data of the investigation and oral performances are analyzed by using SPSS software package to solve the problems: (1) How are the anxiety degrees of each...
Proceedings Article

Studies on the Influence of Chinese Consumer's Irrational Consumer Psychology on Their Consuming Behavior

Hai-Xia Zhang
As China is in the transitional period under the historical background currently, there is a great change in Chinese's consumption level and consumption structure, which leads to some problematic consuming behavior in Chinese consumer market. The problematic behavior manifests as some irrational consuming...
Proceedings Article

College English Teaching from the Perspective of Ecology

Qifeng Meng
The use of modern information technology in education is at present more and more widely. This paper, from the ecological point of view, re-examine and do research on College English teaching, after modern information technology entering in College English teaching, studies and explores what kinds of...
Proceedings Article

Study on Design Method of Chinese Han Embroidery in Silk Modern Women Clothing

Yuanmei Zhang
This paper takes the protection and application of the world national culture in silk women clothing as research point. Especially the protection and application of the intangible cultural heritage inheritance and innovation. It focuses on the application of Han embroidery in silk women clothing designing....
Proceedings Article

The Olympic spirit to create campus sports culture by way of what it ought to be

Qiong Huang
Olympic spirit encourages people to actively participate in sports, and will enrich the advanced sports facilities into the public view, will be fair competition, solidarity, cooperation, self-improvement, Endeavour more than other useful ideas passed to the majority of people, it has a unique connotation...
Proceedings Article

How Textile Processing Industry in Pearl River Delta Region is to Cope with the 4th Global Industry Transfer Trend

YiJun, Bai, Min-Wei Deng
this paper uses method of literature search, actual investigation to make study on background, transfer line, characteristics and state of textile industry in the 4th industry transfer in the Pearl River Delta region, and it discloses the causes and existing problems of industry transfer, puts forward...
Proceedings Article

The Construction Strategies of College Teachers’ Multimodal Electronic Teaching Portfolio

Dong-Yan Li, Qing-Feng Guo
The paper mainly discusses college teachers’ application of multimodal electronic teaching portfolio in light of theoretical basis and platform construction strategy and comes to the conclusion that electronic teaching portfolio under the network environment not only serves as the effective tool of...
Proceedings Article

Construction Engineering Safety Technology Based on X-ray Scanning

Xiangyi Bu
X ray scanning technology has many unique advantages, which can fully meet the requirements of the security work of radiation safety.And it can effectively improve the efficiency of safety inspection to improve the level of prevention. From the back for fear of drug and construction safety inspection...
Proceedings Article

An Investigation on the Online Life of Urban High School Students-Take a High School in Shenyang as an Example

Lei Yu, Yutong Qi, Zhenguo Qi
The popularization and application of Internet make network life an important part in the process of high school students 'growth. Network life has a profound impact on high school students' learning, life, cognition and outlook. This paper takes a high school in Shenyang as an example to investigate...
Proceedings Article

The Financing Situation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Inner Mongolia and Countermeasure Research

Chen Zhu
The development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Inner Mongolia is a new growth area of the Inner Mongolia economy, but compared with developed countries and regions, there is still a large disparity; the financing difficulty is eminent. Causes of financing difficulties of small and medium-sized...