Proceedings of the Eighth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA-8 2021)

264 authors
Abrian, Youmil
Factor Analysis of Performance Appraisal with Employee Performance Promoter Score Approach in Hotel Sector in West Sumatera
Influence of Organizational Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support Against Turnover Intention on Work Engagement as Mediation on Employees of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero)
Adawiyah, Dina
The Influence of Environmental Management Accounting Application and Operational Strategies on Waste Management Costs in RSIA Siti Hawa
Adrian, Arif
Job Insecurity and Innovative Work Behavior: Case Study on Hotel Employees During covid 19
Adrian, Arif
Factor Analysis of Performance Appraisal with Employee Performance Promoter Score Approach in Hotel Sector in West Sumatera
Afdal, Zul
The Impact of Digital Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation on Business Sustainability of SMEs During Covid-19 Pandemic
Afdal, Zul
Module with Electronic Project-Based Learning
Afdal, Zul
Electronic Project Based Learning to Improve Effectiveness of Teaching
Afdal, Zul
Use of the “Breakout” Zoom Feature for Discussion Rooms at Electronic Project-Based Learning
Afika, Yuli Afmi
The Impact of Treasury Bills on the Financial Conditions in Indonesia and Philippines
Agustin, Henri
Parkir Meter (E-Parking System): How It Works and Overcomes Limitation in Collecting Parking Retribution Using Ticket System
Aimon, Hasdi
Analysis of Economic Growth Determinants and Stock Prices of Emergency Market Countries in ASEAN
Al-Haq, Arini
The Influence of Organizational Learning and Innovation Climate on Innovative Work Behavior, Mediating Role of Learning Motivation
Albar, Berri Brilliant
Managing Customer E-Satisfaction 4.0: The Role of Gojek Consumer Purchase Decision Factors
Aldiyus, Aldiyus
Causality Analysis of Poverty, Residence and Education in West Sumatera
Alfitra, Alfitra
The Effect of Local Government Capital Participation and Good Corporate Governance Implementation on PDAM Performance in West Sumatra Province
Alisha, Wyanet Putri
Analysis of Student Learning Engagement in Project-Based Learning
Amalina, Endah Nur
Analysis of Economic Education in Preparing Children’s Future Economic Welfare
Amar, Syamsul
Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Work Discipline with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at Municipal Waterworks of Padang
Amar, Syamsul
Transformational Leadership Effect and Organization Commitment on Performance with Work Satisfaction as a Pns Intermediary Variable in Dharmasraya Regency
Amar, Syamsul
Causality Analysis of Economic Growth, Investment, Unemployment and Poverty in West Sumatra Province
Andra, Relfi
The Influence of Learning Facilities, Role of Teachers And Self-Efficacy on Students’ Learning Motivation
Andriani, Chichi
The Role of Entrepreneurship Orientation to Improving Business Performance for Millennial Generation (Study of Coffee Shop in Padang city)
Andriani, Chichi
The Effect of Universal Minangkabau Leadership on SME Organizational Culture Moderated by Leaders Personal Value in a Resource Based View Perspective
Anshari, Muhammad
Economic Structure and Human Capital and the Role of Shadow Economy on Income Inequality in Indonesia
Ardiany, Yuli
Differences in Earning Management and Tax Avoidance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study on Companies Affected by Pandemic)
Ardiany, Yuli
The Influence of Environmental Management Accounting Application and Operational Strategies on Waste Management Costs in RSIA Siti Hawa
Ariusni, Ariusni
Causality Analysis of Economic Growth, Investment, Unemployment and Poverty in West Sumatra Province
Ariusni, Ariusni
Effect of Training on Knowledge of Small Business Actors in Increasing Income of Dairy Cows Agroindustry in Padang Panjang City
Web-based E-Commerce Development for the Embroidery Creative Industry in West Sumatra
Armiati, Armiati
E Newspaper Literacy: A Practical Model of Increasing Students’ Accounting Ability in Introduction to Accounting Learning in Higher Education
Aryestya, Reny
Non-Linear Impact of Domestic Credit on Economic Growth in Southeast Asia Countries
Arza, Fefri Indra
Peer-Review Statements
Arza, Fefri Indra
Analysis of the Management of Village Owned Enterprises in Pasaman Regency with an Importance Performance Analysis Approach
Arza, Fefri Indra
Parkir Meter (E-Parking System): How It Works and Overcomes Limitation in Collecting Parking Retribution Using Ticket System
Astot, Vannesha
The Effect of Trade Openness, Foreign Direct Investment, Government Expenditure, Labor Force, and Inflation on Economic Growth in ASEAN Countries
Aziz, Muhammad Said
The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Climate on Proactive Behavior with Work Engagement as a Mediator for Employees of Islamic Banking in Padang City
Basuki, Andi
Analysis and Development of Academic Information System Applications in Developing Education Quality
Betavia, Ade Elsa
The Tendency to Commit Fraud from the Aspect of Individual Factors
Betavia, Ade Elsa
Analysis of the Management of Village Owned Enterprises in Pasaman Regency with an Importance Performance Analysis Approach
Budiarti, Astra Prima
Strengthen the Millennial Generation’s Brand Love on Traditional Food from West Sumatra
Churiyah, Madziatul
Analysis and Development of Academic Information System Applications in Developing Education Quality
Darni, Mely Oktia
Could Resilience, Organizational Supports and Self-Efficacy as well as Motivation Help Decreasing the Job Insecurity and Psychological Health Caused by COVID-19 and Effect to the Employees Performance?
Analysis of the Management of Village Owned Enterprises in Pasaman Regency with an Importance Performance Analysis Approach
Dewi, Ika Parma
Identification of Problems in Online Learning for Economics Pre-service Teacher
Dewi, Yana Respati
Citizen’s Perception on Korea Hallyu Gastrodiplomacy: A Netnography Research
Dharma, Buyung Adi
Analysis and Development of Academic Information System Applications in Developing Education Quality
Dwita, Vidyarini
Strengthen the Millennial Generation’s Brand Love on Traditional Food from West Sumatra
Dwita, Vidyarini
The Influence of Tourist Motivation and Destination Image on the Revisit Intention Mediated by the Satisfaction Variables in The Harau Valley Attractions of Lima Puluh Kota Regency
Dwita, Vidyarini
E-loyalty of Gen Z in Using Mobile Banking in Indonesia
Dwita, Vidyarini
The Influence of Website Personality and Website Quality with Hedonic Shopping Motivation as Intervening on Online Impulsive Buying Behavior in Generation Y in Padang City
Effendi, Z. Mawardi
The Influence of Learning Facilities, Role of Teachers And Self-Efficacy on Students’ Learning Motivation
Elmard, Aditya Perdana Pasha
The Effect of Tourism Image, Tourism Attraction, Promotion, and Service Quality on the Revisit Decision with Tourist Satisfaction as a Mediating in Harau Valley Tourism Object
Enrico, Jeremy H.
Examining Responsible Leadership Through the Strategic and Ethical Lens
Evanita, Susi
Electronic Project Based Learning to Improve Effectiveness of Teaching
Evanita, Susi
Use of the “Breakout” Zoom Feature for Discussion Rooms at Electronic Project-Based Learning
Fahrina, Yuliani
Women’s Commitment in IT Career: The Role of Social Cognitive Career Theory
Faizal, Rahmat
Analysis of the Influence of Foreign Institutional Investors on Long-Term Investment, Human Capital and Innovation in Public Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
Fanny, Martdianty
Women’s Commitment in IT Career: The Role of Social Cognitive Career Theory
Farlis, Fiko
Managing Customer E-Satisfaction 4.0: The Role of Gojek Consumer Purchase Decision Factors
Febliza, Asyti
Module with Electronic Project-Based Learning
Febliza, Asyti
Use of the “Breakout” Zoom Feature for Discussion Rooms at Electronic Project-Based Learning
Saving Group A Perspective Qualitative Study
Fitra, Halkadri
Analysis of the Management of Village Owned Enterprises in Pasaman Regency with an Importance Performance Analysis Approach
Fitra, Halkadri
Effect of Risk Perception, Problem Framing, Risk Propensity, and Information Asymmetry to the Investment Decision in Capital Market
Fitria, Yuki
The Role of Entrepreneurship Orientation to Improving Business Performance for Millennial Generation (Study of Coffee Shop in Padang city)
Fitria, Yuki
The Effect of Universal Minangkabau Leadership on SME Organizational Culture Moderated by Leaders Personal Value in a Resource Based View Perspective
Fiza, Adek Kurnia
Job Insecurity and Innovative Work Behavior: Case Study on Hotel Employees During covid 19
Fridayanti, Lucy
Effect of Training on Knowledge of Small Business Actors in Increasing Income of Dairy Cows Agroindustry in Padang Panjang City
Friyatmi, Friyatmi
Assessing Higher Order Thinking Skill’s on Economics: A Literature Review
Friyatmi, Friyatmi
Evaluation of Learning Assessment on Economics in Senior High School During the covid-19 Pandemic
Friyatmi, Friyatmi
Financial Management Behavior of Student during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Gandhy, Abel
Marketing Channel Efficiency of Dairy Cow Milk in Bogor Livestock Business Area
Parkir Meter (E-Parking System): How It Works and Overcomes Limitation in Collecting Parking Retribution Using Ticket System
Handayani, Dian Fitria
The Tendency to Commit Fraud from the Aspect of Individual Factors
Handayani, Dian Fitria
Earning Management Intention: In Love of Money, Idealism, and Organizational Ethical Climate Aspects
Handayani, Sri
Analysis of Economic Education in Preparing Children’s Future Economic Welfare
Hapsari, Novia Tri
Implementation of Digital Marketing to Improve Technopreneurship Competence and Business Sustainability on Rengginang Entrepreneurs in East Java
Hardi, Isma
The Effectiveness of Economic Learning Using the Cooperative Learning Model Type of Team Games Tournament with the Help of Edmodo Learning Media on Learning Outcomes (A quasi-experimental study of class X social studies at SMA Negeri 7 Tebo Regency)
Haryono, Agung
Intellectual Agility and Entrepreneurial Leadership as Innovation Sustainability Business Cooperative in The Covid 19 Pandemic
Haryono, Agung
Implementation of Pancasila Values in Economic Learning at SMAN 2 Batu
Hayati, Annur Fitri
Digital Financial Literacy Students in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0: A Review of Literature
Helmayunita, Nayang
The Tendency to Commit Fraud from the Aspect of Individual Factors
The Influence of Compensation, Work Environment, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance
Herfina, Melli
Differences in Earning Management and Tax Avoidance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study on Companies Affected by Pandemic)
Honesty, Fiola Finomia
Effect of Risk Perception, Problem Framing, Risk Propensity, and Information Asymmetry to the Investment Decision in Capital Market
Honesty, Fiola Finomia
Effect Bank Reputation, Income and Disclosure of Accounting Information to Sharia Bank Preferences
Honesty, Helga Nuri
Effect Bank Reputation, Income and Disclosure of Accounting Information to Sharia Bank Preferences
Honesty, Helga Nuri
Earning Management Intention: In Love of Money, Idealism, and Organizational Ethical Climate Aspects
Idris, Idris
Analysis of Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in ASEAN (Lower Middle Income) Plus Three: Market Seeking, Resource Seeking or Efficiency Seeking?
Idris, Idris
The Impact of Treasury Bills on the Financial Conditions in Indonesia and Philippines
Istiqomah, Ni’matul
Wisatabatuseru Website as an Effort to Develop the Batu City MSME Network
Panic Buying During the Pandemic of Covid-19, a Case Study of a Shopping Center in the City of Padang
Kadir, Kadir
Organizational Culture, Career Development, Job Satisfaction and Nurse Performance at Batam City Hospital
Kalsum, Ummi
Development of Learning Media Based on Multimedia Flash in Courses Planning and Teaching Learning Strategies at Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu
Khatimah, Husnil
Factors Affecting Customer Interest on Linkaja By Using Telkomsel Internet
Koes Hardini, Sri Yuniati Putri
Marketing Channel Efficiency of Dairy Cow Milk in Bogor Livestock Business Area
The Optimization of the MIT Apps Inventor in Entrepreneurship Learning for Students with Disabilities
Kurniawati, Tri
The Impact of Digital Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation on Business Sustainability of SMEs During Covid-19 Pandemic
Kusumaningsih, Ambar
Hurtt’s Professional Skepticism, Auditor Demographics, and Fraud Detection in the Indonesian Audit Environment