Proceedings of the 5th Asian Education Symposium 2020 (AES 2020)

325 authors
Ridwan, Ahmad Hasan
Spiritual Intelligence of Islamic Education Concepts
Ritonga, Ahmad Husein
The Role of Science Literacy Based Ta’lim Andragogy as an Alternative Media in Strengthening Covid-19 Awareness
Riyani, Irma
The Concept of Gender Education in the Family to Help Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Problem Based Learning Method to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving and Self Efficacy of Students in Engineering Course
Rokhmat, Joni
Gender-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior Disposition for Government Senior High School Teachers in Mataram City Viewed From School Locations
Rokhmat, Joni
Gender-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior Disposition for Public High School Teachers in Mataram, Lombok-Indonesia
Rosadi, Kemas Imron
Model of Increasing Work Effectiveness Through Motivation
Rozelin, Diana
The Implementation of Arabic Utilization as a Course Language in Islamic Subjects
Rozelin, Diana
Proto Language and Education of Duano Ethnic at Sabak Regency
Rubini, Bibin
Empowering Contextual Approach in Science Learning to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills
Rubini, Bibin
Improving Students’ Scientific Literacy Through Science Learning with Socio Scientific Issues (SSI)
Ruhimat, Mamat
The Urgency of HOTS-Oriented Learning and Assessment Towards Quality of Education in Facing Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
How Did Lecturers and Students Adapt to online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
The Interconnection Between Students’ Meta-Affective, Meta-cognitive and Achievement in Science Learning
Ruswandi, Uus
Students’ Ability to Analyze the Moderation of Islamic Teachings on Islamic Cultural History Learning in Indonesia
Rusyati, Lilit
The Interconnection Between Students’ Meta-Affective, Meta-cognitive and Achievement in Science Learning
Sagita, Sylva
The Implementation of COVID-19 Curriculum
Samaulloh, Hazairin
Research Management Innovation Based on Lecturer Research Roadmap in Universities
Santyasa, I Wayan
Project-Based with Flipped Learning
Santyasa, I Wayan
The Effect of Problem-Based Flipped Learning and Academic Procrastination on Students’ Critical Thinking in Learning Physics in High School
Saputri, Dina Dyah
The Inventory of Medicinal Plants Used by Kasepuhan Cibedug Banten as Encyclopedia-Based Learning Material
Sarimanah, Eri
The Development of Online-Based Microteaching Learning in Improving the Teaching Basic Skills in the Covid Era 19
Sariningrum, Anita
Improving Students’ Scientific Literacy Through Science Learning with Socio Scientific Issues (SSI)
Septiana, Asyifa Imanda
The Implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) for Environmental Education in Elementary Schools
Setiadi, Rahmat
Local Material-Based DNA Experiment (LMBE)
Setiawan, Agus
Factor Analysis of Supporting Air Conditioning Practicum Activity in Vocational Education
Setyaningsih, Sri
Modeling and Optimization Scientific Products Quality Using POP-SDM Method
Sinolungan, Vica Defie Marlis
Development of Learning Device Using Discovery Learning Model with a Scientific Approach on Sequence and Series Material
Siswandi, Dede
Research Management Innovation Based on Lecturer Research Roadmap in Universities
Soesanto, Qiyam Maulana Binu
The Implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) for Environmental Education in Elementary Schools
Suarni, Ni Ketut
Implementation of Indigenous Values of The Bali Aga Villages in Learning as a Modality for Strengthening Nation Character
Suastra, I Wayan
Scientific Approach-Integrated Local Wisdom Content
Sudarsana, Gede Nugraha
Implementation of Indigenous Values of The Bali Aga Villages in Learning as a Modality for Strengthening Nation Character
Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
The Effect of e-Learning Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) on the Learning Outcomes of Inferential Statistics in the Educational Technology Department
Sudirtha, I Gede
Teachers Readiness in Facing Linear Learning in the Pandemic Covid-19 and the New Normal Era
High Order Thinking Ability Through Social Studies Problem-Based Learning at a Junior Secondary School in Eastern Java
The Role Self-Regulated Learning on Project-Based Learning to Natural Science Learning Outcome
Sugandi, Dede
The Urgency of HOTS-Oriented Learning and Assessment Towards Quality of Education in Facing Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
Sugilar, Hamdan
Service Quality Parameters of e-Learning in Higher Education
Suhandi, Andi
On-line Science Learning During the Pandemic COVID-19 and Its Related Problems
Suhardi, Eka
Teacher’s Creativity of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Through Correlational Study Between Transformational Leadership Headmaster and Achieved Motivation in Tanah Sareal District Bogor
Suhardi, Eka
Research Management Innovation Based on Lecturer Research Roadmap in Universities
Suharta, I Gusti Putu
Integration of Ethnomathematics in Learning Geometry Transformation
Suhartini, Andewi
Students’ Ability to Analyze the Moderation of Islamic Teachings on Islamic Cultural History Learning in Indonesia
Suhartini, Andewi
The Use of Web 2.0 in Islamic Religious Education Learning in Higher Education
Suharyati, Henny
The Role of Trust and Procedural Justice in Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Suhendi, Saca
Equilibrating Internal and External Quality Assurance in Islamic Higher Education
The Urgency of HOTS-Oriented Learning and Assessment Towards Quality of Education in Facing Indonesia Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
The Effect of Philosophy Understanding on Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) Prevention Awareness of Physics Education Students
The Role of Science Literacy Based Ta’lim Andragogy as an Alternative Media in Strengthening Covid-19 Awareness
Self-Efficacy of Principal to Improving Education Quality in Era 4.0
Virtual-Microteaching on Search-Analyzing-Practicing-Reflection (SAPR)
Implementation of Binding Meaning Methods to Increase Cerpen Writing Abilities in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department
The Implementation of Multicultural Education at Senior High Schools
The Role of Trust and Procedural Justice in Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Through Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction
Sunaryo, Widodo
Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Through Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction
Sundari, Citra Deliana Dewi
Development of Interactive Multimedia to Improve Student’s Understanding on Carbonyl Compounds Reaction Mechanism Concept
Sunu, I Gusti Ketut Arya
Multicultural Education Management
Spiritual Intelligence of Islamic Education Concepts
The Concept of Gender Education in the Family to Help Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Supriyanti, Florentina Maria Titin
Local Material-Based DNA Experiment (LMBE)
Supriyanti, Siti
Chemistry Lesson with Project-Based Learning on the Biogas Production to Enhance Students Information Literacy
Suranata, Kadek
Implementation of Indigenous Values of The Bali Aga Villages in Learning as a Modality for Strengthening Nation Character
Suryana, Asep
Self-Efficacy of Principal to Improving Education Quality in Era 4.0
Suryawan, I Putu Pasek
Effectiveness of STEM Approach on Mathematical Communication Ability
Susanto, Waluyo Edi
Smoking Phenomenon Among Elementary Children in Pasuruan – East Java
Development of Modern Physics Learning Devices Using Inquiry Learning Model Assisted with Virtual Media to Improve Student Cognitive Learning Result
The Effect of Problem-Based and Discovery Learning Models with the Science Approach to the Understanding Concept and Science Process Skills of the Student
Development of Problem-Based Termodynamics Learning Devices to Improve Concept Understanding and Critical Thinking Ability
Susiyowadi, Agus
Improving Classroom Management Competence
Development of Smartphone-based Environmental Education Program for Pro-environment Behavior of Company Employees Around Citarum Watershed
Swadesi, I Ketut Iwan
Analysis of Problems and Challenges in Teaching Sports, Health and Physical Education to Students with Disabilities
Swadesi, Ketut Iwan
The Effectiveness of Physical Fitness Learning Based on Motion Cards in Elementary School
Gender-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior Disposition for Government Senior High School Teachers in Mataram City Viewed From School Locations
Gender-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior Disposition for Public High School Teachers in Mataram, Lombok-Indonesia
Equilibrating Internal and External Quality Assurance in Islamic Higher Education
Syefrinando, Boby
Virtual-Microteaching on Search-Analyzing-Practicing-Reflection (SAPR)
Syukri, Ahmad
The Effect of Philosophy Understanding on Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) Prevention Awareness of Physics Education Students
Syukri, Ahmad
The Implementation of Arabic Utilization as a Course Language in Islamic Subjects
Syukur, Abdul
The Power of Supplements Material of Seagrass Ecology on Student Worksheets to Improve Scientific Literacy of Junior High School Students in Coastal Village, East Lombok
Syukur, Abdul
The Use of Seagrass Ecology Context on Student Worksheets to Improve Student Scientific Literacy
Syukur, Abdul
The Enrichment of Science Teaching Materials Sourced from Marine Aquaculture Ecology to Increase Scientific Literacy of Students’ Junior High School
Syukur, Abdul
Student Concepts’ Mastery
The Influence of Parenting Style on Adolescent Religious Commitment in Bandung, Indonesia
Tantra, Dewa Komang
The Harmony of Instructional Communication in the Classroom
Tedjasukmana, Dewi Indrajanti
Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Through Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction
Tegeh, I Made
The Effect of Problem-Based Flipped Learning and Academic Procrastination on Students’ Critical Thinking in Learning Physics in High School
The Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 on Tourism and Hospitality Education
Trianasari, Nana
Should I Quit? Understanding Job Stress and Coping Strategies Among Hospitality Students During on the Job Training Program
Triasningsih, E.
High Order Thinking Ability Through Social Studies Problem-Based Learning at a Junior Secondary School in Eastern Java
Ulum, Bahrul
Transmodernity: Paradigm Reconstruction of Islamic Education
Usoh, Elni Jeini
Institutionalisation of School Based Management
Utami, Ida Ayu Made Istri
Character Education Through JEMOYA Cycle Based on the Orientation of Tri Hita Karana Philosophy in Elementary School
Utami, Nur imamah
Project-based Learning Model, Learning Facilities, and Media Variations on Student Achievement in Social Studies
Utomo, Erry
Puberty Hypercontent Book, Expert and Community Responses
Utomo, Erry
Hypercontent Book Virus, an Alternative for Learning at Higher Grades of Elementary School in the Middle of Covid-19 Pandemic
Implementation of Educational Autonomy Through Community Empowerment in an Integrated Islamic School in Jambi City
Wahyuni, Dessy Seri
Flipped Learning for 21st Century Competence Development
Implementation of Binding Meaning Methods to Increase Cerpen Writing Abilities in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department