Proceedings of the International Conference on Teacher Training and Education 2017 (ICTTE 2017)

Session: Innovation in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment of Teacher Training and Education

63 articles
Proceedings Article

Earthcomm-based Multimedia Learning of Geography in Improving Learning Motivation and Spatial Ability of the High School Students

Achmad Hidayaht, Mr Sarwono, Yasin Yusup
This research aimed to analyze the needs of EarthComm-based learning multimedia of geography, the effectiveness of the multimedia to improve students' motivation and spatial ability; and analyze the feasibility of multimedia utilization in two public high schools in Surakarta (MAN 2 and SMA MTA) by using...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence toward Life Satisfaction of Elementary School Teachers (Case Study in South Jakarta Region)

Adi Suprapto, Emny Yossy, Sasmoko, Yasinta Indrianti
Low teachers' welfare contributes to low quality of education in Indonesia. So naturally if teachers then do side jobs in order to meet the needs of everyday life. Problem of research how tendency of Life Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence of elementary school teachers? Research was conducted in...
Proceedings Article

Critical Thinking and Activity Capabilities in Collaborative Learning Using Digital Media through Lesson Study in Zoology Subjects

Agus Haryono, Mr Suatma, Shanty Savitri, Elga Araina
Vertebrate and animal development subjects are covered in Zoology courses in the University of Palangka Raya which is learned in third and fourth semester. These subjects differ in content. Vertebrate course covers animal structure, while animal development course is more about the process of development....
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the E-Module of Economics Learning on Problem-Based Learning used to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes

Ahmad Jaenudin, Prof Baedhowi, Tri Murwaningsih
The rapid development of technology and science brings influence on education. it requires planning in conducting learning process utilizing technology advances. One of the ways is the utilization of teaching media such e-module as electronic learning material that is practically used in learning process....
Proceedings Article

The Use of Learning Media with MOODLE Approach to Improve the Quality of Education: A Literature Study

Andika Sari, Prof Baedhowi, Dyah Indrawati
This article aimed to find out whether using moodle approach as a learning medium can improve the quality of education. The method used in this research was literature study. The background of the research was the fact that the rapid development of technology has become a very useful and beneficial means...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Constructivist-Based Economic Module to Improve the Students' Learning Outcome in Private Senior High Schools in Kupang City

Andri Loe, Prof Baedhowi
This research aimed to analyze the development of constructivist-based economic module and to analyze the effectiveness of constructivist-based economic module to improve the learning outcome of Private Senior High Schools in Kupang. This research and development employed Borg and Gall's with modification...
Proceedings Article

The Integration of Samin Culture's Values in the Historical Learning

Ardian Putra, Mr Djono, Prof Sariyatun
Learning in history plays a very important role, learning is clearly seen not only as a process of transferring ideas, but also the maturation process of learners to understand the identity, identity and character of the nation through the understanding of historical events. Character education in schools...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Students' Science Process Skills in Hydrolysis Subject Matter Using Testlet Instrument

Sri Yamtinah, Mohammad Masykuri, Mr Ashadi, Ari Shidiq
Science process skills could not be separated from the process of conceptual understanding in teaching-learning of science and applied science. The skills needed to be identified and discussed as skills which were implementable in many subjects. The assessment on students' skills was influenced not only...
Proceedings Article

Moral Value or Character in Fantasy Story

Atikah Anindyarini, Fathur Rokhman, Mimi Mulyani, Prof Andayani
This research aimed to find theme, moral value, and character of ten fantasy stories existing in MELARIN fantasy story collection book published by Mayaza Publishing in 2016. The research method employed was qualitative descriptive one. This method was selected because this study attempted to find and...
Proceedings Article

Cognition Regulation of Biology Education Students

Bowo Sugiharto, Aloysius Corebima, Herawati Susilo, Mr Ibrohim
Regulation of cognition is a part of metacognition serving as a basic construction of such cognitive skills in controlling learning process as planning, information management strategies, monitoring, debugging strategies, and evaluating. This explorative survey research aimed at comparing the five component...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Problem Solving with Concept Map to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Chemistry Learning Achievement

Budi Utami, Sulistyo Saputro, Mr Ashadi, Mohammad Masykuri, Alimin Sutanto
This study aims to improve: (1) student achievement on chemical equilibrium material through the implementation of Problem Solving learning model with concept map, (2) students' critical thinking skills on chemical equilibrium with Problem Solving and concept map. This research is an Action Research...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Geopark Medium for Resource Based Learning in Social Science to Improve Motivation and Learning Activity of Junior High School Students

Dadang Harimbo, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, Dewi Wardani
Resource-Based Learning approach by utilizing geopark medium in Grade VII of State Junior High School in Bulukerto Subdistrict make students more active, easy to understand the material presented by the teacher and motivate the students to not experience the saturation of learning. Geopark medium is...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Two-tier Multiple Choice (TTMC) to Analyse Students' Conceptual Understanding Profile on Heat and Temperature

Mr Sukarmin, Ms Suparmi, Dewi Ratnasari
Conceptual understanding and physics learning process are related to each other. Conceptual understanding makes students able to transform knowledge into multiple representations and application in daily life. The aim of this research is to analyse students' conceptual understanding of heat and temperature...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Approach Based for Problem-Based Learning of Marketing Subject to Improve Vocational Students' Critical Thinking Skill

Dewi Sari, Soetarno Joyoatmojo, Dewi Wardani
Students' learning effectiveness is influenced by learning environment consisting of learning model and approach. Vocational school learning in Surakarta is problematic since it is teacher-centered. The teacher teach the students by using conventional method so that the student tend to be passive especially...
Proceedings Article

The Strengthening of Students' Empathy through Living History

Dewicca Nadilla, Prof Sariyatun, Mr Sunardi
History education in the curriculum of 2013 has a dominant role to shape the character of the nation. One of the roles of learning history is to awaken and maintain the spirit of nationalism that can be achieved by understanding the past in the context of the present. Therefore, it takes a model of historical...
Proceedings Article

Development of Craft and Entrepreneurship Module for Green Economy

Dwi Arifianti, Wiedy Murtini, Tri Murwaningsih
This study aims to: (1) knowing the needs analysis in the development of module based craft and entrepreneurial of green economy, (2) Examine the appropriateness of modules craft and entrepreneurial based on green economy, (3) Analyze the effectiveness of the module craft and entrepreneurial on green...
Proceedings Article

E-Book for Problem Based Learning to Improve Learning Outcome of the Students

Dwi Astuti, Prof Siswandari, Djoko Santosa
The rapid development of science and technology results in the change in all of life sectors, including education domain. The change of education domain occurs in learning media use in which electronic book (called e-book) starts to develop today replacing previous book used manually. The objective of...
Proceedings Article

Socio-Cultural Values of Selimbur Caye Oral Tradition in Pasemah Ethnic Bengkulu

Een Syaputra, Prof Sariyatun, Mr Sunardi
This article aimed to: 1) describe the content and meaning of Selimbur Caye oral tradition; 2) analyze the socio-cultural values of Selimbur Caye oral tradition. This research used qualitative descriptive method. Data collection was conducted using in-depth interview, participatory observation, and documentation....
Proceedings Article

Learning from Problems: Ideas for Pancasila Education Course Design

Eko Meinarno, Airin Saleh
This article is a narrative description of the ideal concept of teaching and learning Pancasila Education Course for undergraduate students. The conceptualization of this concept is made to answer the situation of the current social life in the society, which is no longer in harmony with the values of...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Generic Science Skills of High School Students

Elok Khabibah, Mohammad Masykuri, Mr Maridi
The success of increasing students' understanding in science can be measured by the students' basic ability while they are in the learning process. This basic ability is known as generic science skills. Generic science skills are the combination between science knowledge and skills. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Virtual E-Learning Media to Improve Vocational School Students' Learning Outcome

Fanni Rahmawati, Prof Baedhowi, Lukman Hakim
The aim of this article is to know whether the use of virtual e-learning media can improve vocational school students' learning outcome. This article is written by reviewing relevant literature. The problem faced in teaching vocational school students is the use of traditional method in which the teacher...
Proceedings Article

The Needs of Interactive Electronic School Books to Enhance the Critical Thinking Skills of the Students

Febriana Pradana, Agus Suyatna
Physics electronic school books (BSEF) that are currently used in the schools are static and have not optimized its digital format. The purpose of this research is to produce a dynamic and interactive BSEF design that can be used for self-study, designed with scientific approach, and can foster students'...
Proceedings Article

Structural Relationships between Technological Knowledge, Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge

Feri Setyowibowo, M. Sabandi, Mr Sunarto
The relationships between technological knowledge (TK), content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical knowledge (PK) are still considered inconsistent and are still debated among the learning experts. The current research aims to examine the empirical structure in the relationships between Technological Knowledge,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Thematic Progression Pattern Toward Students' Writing Expository Paragraph

Fitri Nurdianingsih, Yuniarta Purnama
Writing is a complex skill to be mastered by the university students. This skill involves not only cognitive aspect but also affective aspect such as emotions, apprehension, and motivation. The objective of this research was to find out whether there is a significant different between the students' writing...
Proceedings Article

Active Learning as a Key to Students' Success: An Overview from Students and Lecturers' Perception

Gita Hati, Rudi Afriazi
Over the past decades, the education paradigm in Indonesia has been shifting from the teacher-centered to the student-centered learning, including in higher education institutions. In student-centered learning (SCL), students are expected to be independent, active, as well as to be responsible for their...
Proceedings Article

Investigating Students Creativity Based on Gender by Applying Virtual Laboratory to Physics Instruction

Mr Gunawan, Ni Suranti, Nina Nisrina, Ria Ekasari, Lovy Herayanti
Creativity is one of important goals of education. Students' creativity can be enhanced in information technology-assisted classroom. This study investigated the increase of students' creativity as they follow virtual laboratory-aided physics classroom sessions. The research was conducted towards three...
Proceedings Article

Using Online Peer Review through Discussion via Schoology to Enhance College Students' Proficiency in Argumentative Writing: A Case Study

Hasan Zainnuri, Dewi Cahyaningrum
Due to its difficulties, many students find that writing is challenging and many teachers struggle to find effective methods to teach the skill. The primary aim of this study is to review the use of Schoology, a Learning Management System (LMS) with its peer review and discussion feature to enhance the...
Proceedings Article

Can Interactive Learning Improve Learning Experience? A Systematic Review of the Literature

Henrica Lukita, Yudianto Sujana, Cucuk Budiyanto
Interactive learning is a method that encourages students to be active in learning and able to interact with others. The term interactive learning, however, has been associated with the independent learning using computer technology. Interactive learning is used for many benefits in the learning process....
Proceedings Article

Profile of Elementary School Pre-Service Teacher Based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on Natural Science Subject

Idham Atmojo, Prof Sajidan, Widha Sunarno, Mr Ashadi
Scientific inquiry and project-based learning can foster the ability to think, work, and be scientific and communicate it as an important aspect of Life Skills. Science learning emphasizes the provision of direct learning experience through the use and development of process skills and scientific attitudes,...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Project Based Learning on Empowerment Critical Thinking Skill toward Preservice Teacher on Primary Teacher Education Program

Kartika Suryandari, Prof Sajidan, Sentot Budi, Zuhdan Kun
The aims of the research to empirically test of empowerment critical thinking skills toward preservice teacher through Project Based Learning (PjBL) in Primary Teacher Education Programs. The research was done by quasi experimental (Research Based Learning) and comparison (traditional instruction) groups....
Proceedings Article

An Activity using a Personal Blog as Reflective Learning among University Students in Academic Writing Course

Khotimah Mahmudah, Nur Drajati
A blog has long been used in the field of education in which it is still a blog designed for certain groups and purposes. While the use of students' personal blog is still rarely used. In responding to the case, a teacher has several creative ways to deliver academic writing materials to the students....
Proceedings Article

Learning Local History in Pekalongan to Increase Solidarity of Vocational High School Students

Lidya Jayanti, Mr Sunardi, Nunuk Suryani
Local history has role in building of student's solidarity. The solidarity focuses on the relationship among people in group and becomes the basic of life bounding with moral values and belief. Patriotic values in local history will be eternal if are applied in daily life so that can give the respond...
Proceedings Article

The Peculiarity of E-Learning XHTML Editor (EXE) Based on Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (ARCS) to Improve the Students' Learning Motivation of Vocational High School

Luthfi Aini, Prof Siswandari, Hery Sawiji
The modern advancement of technology has changed the way people live, the way people communicate, and the way people learn. Moreover, the technology appearing in the field of education, especially for Vocational High School students in using technology as a medium of learning to improve student learning...
Proceedings Article

Development of Two-Tier Multiple Choice Question Assessment Instruments for Measuring Science Process Skills Global Warming

Mirrah Singamurti, Sri Yamtinah, Suryadi Utomo, Mr Ashadi
Psychomotor has many indicators, psychomotor indicators owned among students vary so that there needs to be improvements associated with psychomotor students. Psychomotor indicators have in common with the indicators contained in the ability of the science process skills, so that each student can improve...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Lesson Study in History for Social Science Learning in Elementary School

Muhamad Chamdani, Mr Wahyudi
This study was a research and development of historical material of social science learning with lesson study model. The data sources of research were students, peer, teacher, and authors. The data was collected through observation, questionnaire, and written test. The objectives of research were: (1)...
Proceedings Article

Learning History through Historical Movies: Bringing Living History into Classroom

Muhammad Azmi
Learning history would be done in various ways. In traditional learning, history learned by reading a book or hearing a story about the past or simulate the past with role-playing. In the digital era, history learned by the student with digital forms, such as multimedia learning, mobile learning and...
Proceedings Article

Models of Teaching English Using Curriculum 2013 for High School Students

Dr Ngadiso, Teguh Sarosa
Based on Permendikbud 65/2013, the main activity of teaching and learning process using curriculum 13 uses models, methods, media, and learning resources which are appropriate with the characteristics of the students and the subject matter. The choice of approaches whether the teacher will use thematic,...
Proceedings Article

Historical Comics' Development of Babad Wirasaba to Improve Senior High School Students' Historical Awareness in Purbalingga

Handika Aji, Nunuk Suryani, Mr Warto
The purpose of this research is (1) analyzing the level of awareness of the history of the students and the use of learning media history at SMA Purbalingga, (2) Develop media comics history Chronicle Wirasaba (3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the history of the Chronicle Wirasaba comic...
Proceedings Article

Improving Foreign Language Learning by the Mean of Learning Management System: Review of the Literature

Putri Wulandari, Cucuk Budiyanto
Due to the advancement in web technologies, learning management systems are becoming involved in various fields of distance education. The computer-facilitated teaching and learning have been enticed audiences for various advantages offered by the management systems. This paper reviews the need for computer-aided...
Proceedings Article

Tracing the Development of Student's Argumentation in Science Classroom: Knowledge Acquisition and Motivation

Riezky Probosari, Fatma Widyastuti, Prof Sajidan, Mr Suranto, Baskoro Prayitno
This empirical study on 4th- semester students' argumentation performance in biology education program is reported. This research aims to find out how was the students constructing and building their own argument in many scientific cases, the way they reform knowledge and maintain their motivation related...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model and Jigsaw Type of Cooperative Learning Model with Prezi Aid on the Students' Learning Outcome

Sahat Renol, Soetarno Joyoatmojo, Mintasih Indriayu
PBL model and jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with prezi aid are two learning models that can increase the students' ability in solving problem, improving students' activeness, improving the students' ability in technology use and improving the learning outcome. This research aims to find out...
Proceedings Article

Child-Friendly Educative Game Tools (APE) in 3Ps Perspectives

Mr Senowarsito, Siti Musarokah
The consciousness and unconsciousness violence against children in learning process are still found in almost schools in Indonesia. They still place pupils as the object of teaching without paying much on how to fulfill student's needs, the need of getting knowledge, comfortableness, protection, and...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis on Developing Teaching Instruments of Mathematics for Senior High School

Septiana Wijayanti, Joko Sungkono
This study aims to analyze the needs of developing teaching instruments of geometry, especially in solid figure, by using creative problem solving (CPS) with somatic, auditory, visual, and intelligence (SAVI) based. This is qualitative study. The subject in this study is the students of Class XII in...
Proceedings Article

Learning Model of Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (ARCS) Supported by Video Tutorial to Improve the Students' Learning Motivation in Vocational High School

Sigit Wahyudi, Soetarno Joyoatmojo, Hery Sawiji
This research is based on the low motivation of learners in Vocational High School. Students are not common to play an active role in learning so that it makes them feel bored. Therefore, the teacher tries to use ARCS supported with video tutorial as a learning medium in order to create an interesting...
Proceedings Article

Development of E-Book-Based Discovery Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes on Accounting Education University of Flores East Nusa Tenggara

Sofia Bau, Mr Sunardi, Mr Sudiyanto
This study aimed to develop e-book based Discovery Learning and improve motivation & learning outcomes of accessible offline e-Book through windows or android smartphone. This research was conducted for the second semester students of Economics Education Study Program especially in learning accounting...
Proceedings Article

The Application of STAD Cooperative Learning Using Picture as the Media to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Motivation in Learning Social Science

Sri Handayani, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, Wiedy Murtini
This research aimed to describe the effect of the STAD type of cooperative learning model application on learning motivation and outcome of Social Science in the in the 9th graders of MTs Negeri Sragen. This study was a Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of...
Proceedings Article

SEEFESR Learning Model as an Approach to Improve Quality of Learning

Sri Sumarni
SEEFESR (see, find, explain, share, and record) is a learning method which has the following steps: gathering information, finding answers in pairs, explain the answers to each other in pair, presenting the answers of each pairs before the class, and repeating the explanation by recording it in audio...
Proceedings Article

Integration of Acculturation Values of Masjid Sulaiman Banyumas in History Learning

Suci Rahayu, Prof Sariyatun, Leo Sutimin
The Great Mosque of Nur Sulaiman is one of the historical sites in Banyumas, built in 1755 by the Regent of Banyumas, R.T. Yudonegoro III. This research elucidates indigenous values of Nur Sulaiman Great Mosque. The indigenous values of the architecture were analyzed with literature study involved collecting...
Proceedings Article

Use of Android Media in Indonesian Language Skills Learning

Mr Suhartono
The purposes of this study are to describe the use of android media in learning and to improve the quality of learning Indonesian language skills of student teachers of primary education through the use of android media. The research method of the study uses action research design. The subjects of this...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning Method In Local History Learning Using The Document-Archive of Bima Sultanate in 1930-1950 to Improve Source Critical Ability of Students

Ms Sumiyati, Prof Sariyatun, Leo Sutimin
This study aims to find out the effectiveness of the implementation of Project Based Learning (PBL) in local history learning by using document-archive of Bima Sultanate as an effort to improve source critical ability of students. From the research, it was revealed that Project Based Learning is strongly...
Proceedings Article

Multicultural Approach in Learning as the Attempt of Reinforcing Indonesian Diversity in Elementary School

Ms Suswandari
These days, the dynamics of social interaction in Indonesia is affected by various issues that are threatening the diversity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This study aims to describe the multicultural approach in learning in elementary school as an effort to strengthen the student's values...
Proceedings Article

Education for Agrarian Resource Management Through Agrarian Citizenship Movement in Rural Areas

Triana Rejekiningsih, Dr Triyanto, Itok Kurniawan
In countries with agrarian potentials such as Indonesia, the villages play a very strategic role in agrarian resource management. The villages with agrarian potentials, however, are currently unable to manage agrarian resources particularly land, and they tend to rely on the policies of supra-village...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Public Relations and E-Book Protocol Based on Active Learning Approach to Improve Learning Motivation and Outcome of Vocational Middle School Students

Umar Suyanto, Asri Riani, Tri Murwaningsih
The objective of research was to develop E-book media based on active learning approach that can be accessed offline through Windows or Android Smartphone, to improve the students' learning motivation and outcome in Public Relations and Protocols learning in Vocational Middle Schools (thereafter called...
Proceedings Article

Comparison Students' Reasoning Skills between 'Numbered Head Together' and 'Think Pair Share' Based on Portfolio

Via Yustitia
Student reasoning skills for students are very significant to develop in solving the mathematics problem. Several ways to improve the ability of Mathematics reasoning is through NHT and TPS. The purposes of this study were to find out the average competence of student's reasoning skills between the Numbered...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) for Primary Schools' Prospective Teachers

Mr Wahyudi, Mr Joharman, Mr Ngatman
This research mainly focuses on: (1) the development of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), (2) improving the effectiveness of Mathematics learning with the application of RME, and (3) constraints and solutions in the implementation of RME for primary schools prospective teachers. This research was...
Proceedings Article

PBL Implementation In History Study Groups Integrated With Javanese Culture

Winahyu Yuniyati, Leo Sutimin, Mr Warto
Javanese culture are a way of living that will always evolve, this culture belongs to the people of Java and will be passed down to the next generation. The high schoolers often forgot the adiluhung of Javanese culture, so there need to be a lesson on the way to solve problems, in school. The goal of...
Proceedings Article

Boosting Indonesian Students' Character with Imaginative Literature

Wiwin Widyawati
Literature, especially imaginative ones has a purpose to amuse and move the feeling of the readers. More than that, actually imaginative literature also has the potentiality to keep and develop human characteristics. In this globalization era, many students need guidance in developing their motivation...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Method on Economic Learning Outcome of High School Students in Bima

Mr Yendi, Djoko Santoso, Tri Murwaningsih
This research aimed to determine the effect of teaching method toward learning result of students in Economics class XI social Sciences at SMA Negeri 2 Wera and SMA Negeri 3 Wera distric Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat. The method used in this study, using descriptive quantitative. The method used in this study,...
Proceedings Article

The Design of Children Educational Game Interface: Review of the Literature

Yope Anugerah, Cucuk Budiyanto
Alongside the development of graphical resolution of computer displays, computer games become a prominent media for educational and recreational purposes. The visual in video games is believed to have a major role in learning, as the learning happens with visual description. Although computer games have...
Proceedings Article

Old Literature Learning Strengthens the Character of Prospective Teachers (Needs Assessment Analysis)

Yosi Wulandari, Wachid Purwanto
Based on the achievement of graduate learning formulated by the Association of Indonesian Language and Literature Studies Program, the old literature course is one of the subjects that need to be mastered as an Indonesian teacher candidate. In addition, the nawacita that the government wants to realize...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Kaiwa Lesson Book with the Content of Indonesian Culture to Improve the Speaking Skill in Japanese Language

Lispridona Diner, Dyah Prasetiani
The background of the development research is the presence of potentials and problems. The potential is that the lesson book of kaiwa (conversation) used today is in the content of Japanese culture. However, many students have no chance to travel to Japan so that they cannot imagine the location and...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study between Robomind and Scratch as Programming Assistance Tool in Improving Understanding of The Basic Programming Concepts

M. Faisal, Rosihan Yuana, Mr Basori
Dull learning, not prioritizing to the learning experience and process that is a teacher-centered learning becomes an obstacle in process of learning. The use of Programming Assistance Tool (PAT) can be a solution to overcome the obstacle. By using PAT, a teacher can create fun activities in the learning...
Proceedings Article

Teaching National Language Based on Local Language: Contrastive Linguistics Approach

Pujiati Suyata, Triwati Rahayu, Roni Sulistiyono
This study was aimed at: (1) analyzing of the contrast between the national language and the local language using contrastive linguistics approach (2) facilitating the beginning learner with different local language in learning the national language in order to improve their language mastery. The research...