Proceedings of the 2016 Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship
392 authors
- Nugraha, Nugraha
- Cognitive Bias and Risk Preferences Analysis of Ponzi Scheme Investors
- Nugraha, Nugraha
- An Analysis of Efficiency Technique Level of Rural Bank by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
- Nugraha, Nugraha
- A Model of Effective School Management at Vocational High Schools
- Nur Afandi, Muhamad
- Patterns of Public Policy from the Perspective of Local Government Mandatory Affairs Implementation
- Nur Apandi, R. Nelly
- The Effect of Corporate Tax Governance, Audit Quality and Tax Exposure on Audit Fee for Companies Enlisted in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Nur Fitriani, Fuji
- The Influence of Perceived Value Against Behavioral Intentions
- Nur Milla, Amalia
- Social Capital Analysis on Agribusiness Microfinance Institution Performance
- Nur Pribadi, Krishna
- Geotourism Resources as Part of Sustainable Development in Geopark Indonesia
- Nura, Alfi
- The Institutional Strategy in Increasing Publication Performance
- Nurasyiah, Aas
- The Challenges of Human Capital Performance in Developing Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil in Indonesia
- Nurbasari, Anny
- Influence of Competitive Advantage Strategy for Business Success
- Nurhayati, Neni
- Sharia Micro Financing for Women Poverty Reduction: an Empirical Study of Rural Areas of Kuningan -West Java - Indonesia
- Nurhikmat, Asep
- Traditional Food for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
- Oktalina, Gayatria
- Creative Thinking Skills within Accounting in College Curriculum of Indonesia
- Pamungkas, Budhi
- Micro Financial Structure Empowerment of Creative Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
- Pamungkas Gautama, Budhi
- The Influence of Financial Performance on Stock Price in Indonesian Oil and Gas Companies
- Panigoro, Aggi
- Lifestyle Influences on Purchase Decisions and Membership
- Parubak, Benyamin
- Supply Chain Operational Capability Affecting Business Performance of Creative Industries
- Perdana, Tomy
- Entrepreneurial Orientation Model in Cluster Development of Potato Agribusiness
- Perdana Putra, Novian
- Entrepreneur Skills on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprise
- Permata Sari, Fifian
- Identification of the Major Agricultural Potential and Commodity Potential of Major Food Plant and Its Growth in Oku Regency
- Phayana Rohandani, Dwi
- Quality Control of Product: Statistical Process Control
- Pitoyo, Djoko
- Determinant Factor of Firm's Value on Manufacturing Company in Indonesian Stock Exchange
- Pradana, Mahir
- Determinants of Online Commerce Platform Analyzed with Website Quality Theory
- Prasetio, Adhi
- Proposed Model for Social Capital Relationship with Online Purchase Decision in Social Network
- Prima Hendrawan, Yoke
- The Strategy to Improve the Profession Competence through Knowledge Management to Achieve Corporate Performance
- Priyatiningsih, Katharina
- The Consumer Perspectives on Service Quality and Performance of Road Infrastructure Assets
- Priyatiningsih, Katharina
- The Acquisition Strategy Model to Minimize a Risk in a Global Competition
- Pulansari, Farida
- Customer's Perception and Expectation for Reverse Logistics Implementation
- Purnama, Ridwan
- The Effect of Social Work Environment on Employee Productivity in Manufacturing Company in Indonesia
- Purnama, Ridwan
- The Influence of Social Work Environment on Employee Productivity in Manufacturing in Indonesia
- Purnama, Ridwan
- Higher Education Management and Operations in Fulfilling Citizen's Education Rights
- Purnama Sari, Wulan
- Bureaucracy, Leadership and People Characteristics
- Purnamasari, Imas
- The Influence of Financial Performance on Stock Price in Indonesian Oil and Gas Companies
- Purnamasari, Imas
- The Impact of Tourists' Visit Number on the Regional Own Revenue
- Purnapandhega, Prayogi
- Lean Sigma Application for Bridge Improvement Project
- Purwanti, Dyah
- Real Activities Manipulation (RAM) and Accrual-based Earning Management Pre and Post IFRS Adoption in Indonesia
- Putra Daud, Cipto
- Rebranding and Purchase Intention on King Thai Tea
- Qiyaski Buhari, Rizqita
- Adversity Quotient Effect of Achievement and Its Impact on Student Entrepreneurship Intentions
- R. Matana, Tabitha
- Strategic Management in Developing Natural Tourism
- Rachmawati CH, Evy
- Instagram Content Towards Customers' Purchase Intention for Start-up Culinary Company
- Rahayu, Agus
- Food Supply Chain: Consumer Preferences
- Rahayu, Agus
- Effect of Implementation Problem Posing Method and Problem Solving Methods of Creative Thinking Ability Students
- Rahayu, Agus
- The Effect of Brand Experience on Customer Satisfaction and The Impact toward Repurchase Intention
- Rahayu, Agus
- Increase Brand Value of Higher Education Institution
- Rahmalia, Safira
- The Effect Social Environment of the Switching Intention on Social Media Facebook
- Rahmawati, Mega
- The Effect of Operating Cash Flow on the Profit Growth
- Rahmawati, Rani
- The Influence of Situational Leadership and Work Environment towards Employees' Performance
- Rasto, Rasto
- Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment as Determinants of Teacher Performance
- Ratmaningsih, Neiny
- The Effect of Campus Environment towards Students' Entrepreneurship Attitude and Behavior
- Ratnasari, Ina
- Feasibility Analysis of Breeding Sheep Garut
- Ratnasari, Ina
- Effective Promotion Tool in New State-Owned University
- Razati, Girang
- Analysis Factors Affecting Students' Satisfaction with Academic Services Based on Servqual
- Razati, Girang
- Service Quality and Reputation Toward Customer Trust in Life Insurance Corporation
- Razati, Girang
- The Effect Social Environment of the Switching Intention on Social Media Facebook
- Razati, Girang
- Growing Up Entrepreneurial Mindset with Discovery Learning Model Development
- Razati, Girang
- Entrepreneur Skills on Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprise
- Rejito, Cattleya
- The Antecedent Factor of Employee Engagement from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective
- Respati, Titik
- User Behaviour Analysis of Information Technology in Higher Education
- Ridwanudin, Oce
- The Influence of Perceived Value Against Behavioral Intentions
- Riennovita, Ellinna
- The Opportunities and Challenges of Islamic Accounting Learning for Vocational Students and Its Application in Islamic Microfinance Institutions
- Risman Purwanto Ramdhan, Mochamad
- Behavioral Intention of Instagram as Part of Technology Acceptance
- Riswanto, Ari
- The Role of the Entrepreneur in Innovation and in Economic Development
- Rodiah Qolbiah, Siti
- Financial and Non Financial Factors that Influence the Implementation of IFRS
- Rofaida, Rofi
- Competitive Advantage Through Talent Management
- Rohmana, Yana
- Student Entrepreneurship Education Effort Through Kopsis (Student Cooperative) in Bandung
- Romadhani, Ayu
- Entrepreneurial Intention of Entrepreneurial Student
- Romaputri Andilolo, Imanuella
- Food Supply Chain: Consumer Preferences
- Rombe, Elimawaty
- Critical Success Factors of Purchasing Polished Gemstones
- Rosida, Rida
- Optimization of Cash Waqf in Developing Creative Industry : An Effort to Create Sharia-creativepreneurs
- Rosieta, Hilda
- The Effect of Corporate Tax Governance, Audit Quality and Tax Exposure on Audit Fee for Companies Enlisted in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Roswina, Winna
- Determinants of Customer Trust and Its Implication
- Rusilowati, Umi
- The Strategy to Improve the Profession Competence through Knowledge Management to Achieve Corporate Performance
- Ruslan, Dede
- Analysis Efficiency Production and Strategies of Small-Medium Scale Enterprises
- Ruslandi, Gugun
- Analysis of Factors Influencing the Student's Interests to Participate in Entrepreneurial Student Program
- Rusnaini, Rusnaini
- Citizen Participation in Medium-Term Local Development Plan in Indonesia
- Ruyadi, Yadi
- Higher Education Management and Operations in Fulfilling Citizen's Education Rights
- S. Saud, Udin
- Principal Leadership, School Climate, and School Productivity at Vocational School in Bandung
- Sabar, Mudji
- Purchase Decision Process of Domain .id
- Saddhono, Kundharu
- University's Press Management to Increase the Quality of Education in University
- Saefudin, Nugraha
- Influence of Image And Trust Of Intention To Choosing A University By Word Of Mouth As Moderating Variables
- Safitri Sitorus, Jessy
- Food Supply Chain: Consumer Preferences
- Saleh Luturlean, Bachruddin
- Customer Experience Management in the Hotel Industry: Principles, Theory and Practice
- Sampetua Hariandja, Evo
- Strategy of Product Development and Process of Creative Industries in Indonesia
- Sampetua Hariandja, Evo
- Quo Vadis Product Development Strategy of Indonesia Manufacturing Companies
- Sampetua Hariandja, Evo
- Service Innovation Capability and Innovation Performance in Distribution Store: A Conceptual Framework
- Sampetua Hariandja, Evo
- Risk Management Design for Private, Small, and Medium Scale Musical Concerts
- Sampetua Hariandja, Evo
- The Interaction Between Dynamic Marketing Capability and Service Innovation Capability on Performance
- Sampetua Hariandja, Evo
- Service Excellence through Dynamic Marketing Capability
- Sampetua Hariandja, Evo
- Analysis of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction in Music Recording Studio
- Samuel Saragih, Harriman
- Marketing Artificial Reef as Recreational SCUBA Diving Resources: Feasibility Study for Sustainable Tourism
- Samuel Saragih, Harriman
- Risk Management Design for Private, Small, and Medium Scale Musical Concerts
- Samuel Saragih, Harriman
- Analysis of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction in Music Recording Studio
- Samuel Saragih, Harriman
- Pop Music Rivalry in Indonesia: Past, Present and Future Trends
- Samuel Saragih, Harriman
- Music for the Generation-Z, Quo Vadis
- Samuel Saragih, Harriman
- En route for Nobility and Superiority: Preserving Indigenous Cultural Inheritances and Sustaining Competitive World Music
- Samuel Saragih, Harriman
- Integrated Community Program to Strengthen Subsea Cable Security and Environmental Sustainability in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
- Santosa, Haryo
- A Case Study to Create Indonesian International Enterpreneurship by on Job Training in Europe
- Sapari Dwi Hadian, Mohamad
- Geotourism Resources as Part of Sustainable Development in Geopark Indonesia
- Sapriya, Sapriya
- Digital Citizenship Students Viewed from Digital Commerce Aspect