Proceedings of the International Conference on Teacher Training and Education 2017 (ICTTE 2017)
307 authors
- Lukita, Henrica
- Can Interactive Learning Improve Learning Experience? A Systematic Review of the Literature
- Maharsi, Ista
- Experiential Learning Approach to Teach Content Courses in an EFL Teacher Education Program
- Mahmudah, Khotimah
- An Activity using a Personal Blog as Reflective Learning among University Students in Academic Writing Course
- Mardoyo, Wahyu
- Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Laboratory-Based Module and Indicator of Analytical Thinking Skills in the Matter of Respiratory System in Senior High School
- Maridi, Mr
- Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Laboratory-Based Module and Indicator of Analytical Thinking Skills in the Matter of Respiratory System in Senior High School
- Maridi, Mr
- The Analysis of Generic Science Skills of High School Students
- Masbirorotni, Ms
- Lecturers' Instructional Practice based on Students' Core Competencies Development: A Study Conducted at English Education Department
- Masykuri, Mohammad
- An Analysis of Students' Science Process Skills in Hydrolysis Subject Matter Using Testlet Instrument
- Masykuri, Mohammad
- Implementation of Problem Solving with Concept Map to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Chemistry Learning Achievement
- Masykuri, Mohammad
- The Analysis of Generic Science Skills of High School Students
- Masykuri, Mohammad
- The Implementation of Testlet Assessment Instrument in Solubility and Solubility Product Material for Measuring Students’ Generic Science Skills
- Meinarno, Eko
- Learning from Problems: Ideas for Pancasila Education Course Design
- Muharror, Muhammad
- Learning Model of Multicultural Harmonization in Tolerance of Eleventh Grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya
- Mulawarman, Mr
- The Relationship of Anxiety, School Burnout and Well-Being in High School Students
- Mulyani, Mimi
- Moral Value or Character in Fantasy Story
- Murtini, Wiedy
- Development of Craft and Entrepreneurship Module for Green Economy
- Murtini, Wiedy
- The Application of STAD Cooperative Learning Using Picture as the Media to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Motivation in Learning Social Science
- Murwaningsih, Tri
- Need Analysis in Development of Teaching Factory in Higher Education
- Murwaningsih, Tri
- The Effectiveness of the E-Module of Economics Learning on Problem-Based Learning used to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes
- Murwaningsih, Tri
- Development of Craft and Entrepreneurship Module for Green Economy
- Murwaningsih, Tri
- The Development of Public Relations and E-Book Protocol Based on Active Learning Approach to Improve Learning Motivation and Outcome of Vocational Middle School Students
- Murwaningsih, Tri
- The Effect of Learning Method on Economic Learning Outcome of High School Students in Bima
- Musarokah, Siti
- Child-Friendly Educative Game Tools (APE) in 3Ps Perspectives
- Nababan, M. R.
- Euphemism, Orthophemism, and Dysphemism in the Translation of Sexual Languages
- Nadilla, Dewicca
- The Strengthening of Students' Empathy through Living History
- Ngadiso, Dr
- Models of Teaching English Using Curriculum 2013 for High School Students
- Ngatman, Mr
- The Development of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) for Primary Schools' Prospective Teachers
- Nisrina, Nina
- Investigating Students Creativity Based on Gender by Applying Virtual Laboratory to Physics Instruction
- Nurdianingsih, Fitri
- The Effect of Thematic Progression Pattern Toward Students' Writing Expository Paragraph
- Nurkamto, Joko
- The Deployment of Scaffolding as a Strategy to Enhance Students' Reading Competence: A Case of Indonesian EFL Teachers
- Nurlela, Ms
- Linguistic Features and Local Wisdom Content in EFL Student's Narrative Texts
- Nurmasari, Linda
- Primary school students' barriers on learning Javanese Language: a case study in Central Java, Indonesia
- Patonah, Siti
- The Environmental Awareness Profile of Elementary School Pre-Services Teacher
- Perdana, Indra
- Evaluation of Teachers' Performance Based on Group of Age in Implementing Learning Process in Central Kalimantan
- Permana, Dede
- Learning Needs Analysis of 3D Stereoscopic Textbook: An Empirical Study of Primary School Pupils and Teachers in Science Learning
- Pertiwi, Hana
- The Dilemma of Reading, Writing, and Counting in Early Childhood Education: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
- Prabowo, Tjahjo
- The Learning of Arts and Cultures in the Farm Field School for the Illegal Indonesian Migrant Workers' Children: A Case Study of from Community Learning Center (CLC) at Sabah, Malaysia
- Pradana, Febriana
- The Needs of Interactive Electronic School Books to Enhance the Critical Thinking Skills of the Students
- Prasetiani, Dyah
- The Development of Kaiwa Lesson Book with the Content of Indonesian Culture to Improve the Speaking Skill in Japanese Language
- Pravitasari, Hikmah
- Developing Supplementary English Material based on Project Based Learning for Nursing Students of Medical Department of SMK Citra Semesta Indonesia Yogyakarta
- Prayitno, Baskoro
- Tracing the Development of Student's Argumentation in Science Classroom: Knowledge Acquisition and Motivation
- Probosari, Riezky
- Identifying and Analyzing the Relevance of Prospective Science Teachers' Inquiry Abilities and Peers' Concept Understanding in Microteaching Course
- Probosari, Riezky
- Tracing the Development of Student's Argumentation in Science Classroom: Knowledge Acquisition and Motivation
- Pudyaningtyas, Rahma
- The Dilemma of Reading, Writing, and Counting in Early Childhood Education: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
- Purnama, Yuniarta
- The Effect of Thematic Progression Pattern Toward Students' Writing Expository Paragraph
- Purwani, Ari
- A Content Analysis of Bright 1: A 2013 Curriculum-Based Textbook for VII Grade Students
- Purwaningsih, Yunastiti
- Utilization of Geopark Medium for Resource Based Learning in Social Science to Improve Motivation and Learning Activity of Junior High School Students
- Purwaningsih, Yunastiti
- The Application of STAD Cooperative Learning Using Picture as the Media to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Motivation in Learning Social Science
- Purwanto, Wachid
- Old Literature Learning Strengthens the Character of Prospective Teachers (Needs Assessment Analysis)
- Purwanto, Wachid
- Teachers' Voices: Solutions to Various Problems in Schools
- Putra, Ardian
- The Integration of Samin Culture's Values in the Historical Learning
- Putranti, Sulistini
- Euphemism, Orthophemism, and Dysphemism in the Translation of Sexual Languages
- Rahardjo, Sentot
- The Environmental Awareness Profile of Elementary School Pre-Services Teacher
- Rahayu, Suci
- Integration of Acculturation Values of Masjid Sulaiman Banyumas in History Learning
- Rahayu, Triwati
- Teaching National Language Based on Local Language: Contrastive Linguistics Approach
- Rahmawati, Anis
- Literacy Practice in Vocational Engineering Education: Is It Necessary? (A Case Study on the Concrete Construction Course)
- Rahmawati, Fanni
- Virtual E-Learning Media to Improve Vocational School Students' Learning Outcome
- Rapih, Subroto
- Need Analysis in Development of Teaching Factory in Higher Education
- Ratna, Ika
- The Implementation of Testlet Assessment Instrument in Solubility and Solubility Product Material for Measuring Students’ Generic Science Skills
- Ratnasari, Dewi
- The Implementation of Two-tier Multiple Choice (TTMC) to Analyse Students' Conceptual Understanding Profile on Heat and Temperature
- Rejekiningsih, Triana
- Education for Agrarian Resource Management Through Agrarian Citizenship Movement in Rural Areas
- Renol, Sahat
- The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model and Jigsaw Type of Cooperative Learning Model with Prezi Aid on the Students' Learning Outcome
- Riani, Asri
- The Development of Public Relations and E-Book Protocol Based on Active Learning Approach to Improve Learning Motivation and Outcome of Vocational Middle School Students
- Rintayati, Peduk
- Learning Needs Analysis of 3D Stereoscopic Textbook: An Empirical Study of Primary School Pupils and Teachers in Science Learning
- Riyadi, Mr
- Teachers' Competence in Creating Classroom Action Research (CAR) Proposal
- Rochsantiningsih, Dewi
- A Content Analysis of Bright 1: A 2013 Curriculum-Based Textbook for VII Grade Students
- Rochsantiningsih, Dewi
- Teachers' Perceptions Towards Digital-Based Teaching Material
- Rohmadi, Muhammad
- The Role of Local Wisdom in the Malay Folklore Mempawah as Base of Character Education on Children in Primary School (Study Folklore in West Borneo)
- Rokhman, Fathur
- Moral Value or Character in Fantasy Story
- Rokhmaniyah, Ms
- The Optimization of Teacher Competencies to Improve Education Service Using Teacher Collaborations Model
- Sabandi, M.
- Structural Relationships between Technological Knowledge, Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge
- Saefudin, Ady
- The Initial Managerial Competence of Teachers Nominated as School Principal Candidates and the Response of Educational Authorities to the Policy of Principal Preparation Program
- Sajidan, Prof
- Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Laboratory-Based Module and Indicator of Analytical Thinking Skills in the Matter of Respiratory System in Senior High School
- Sajidan, Prof
- Profile of Elementary School Pre-Service Teacher Based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on Natural Science Subject
- Sajidan, Prof
- Effectiveness of Project Based Learning on Empowerment Critical Thinking Skill toward Preservice Teacher on Primary Teacher Education Program
- Sajidan, Prof
- Tracing the Development of Student's Argumentation in Science Classroom: Knowledge Acquisition and Motivation
- Sajidan, Prof
- The Environmental Awareness Profile of Elementary School Pre-Services Teacher
- Saleh, Airin
- Learning from Problems: Ideas for Pancasila Education Course Design
- Salimi, Moh.
- Empowering Students' Creativity in Creating Students' Worksheets Using Authentic Materials
- Santosa, Djoko
- E-Book for Problem Based Learning to Improve Learning Outcome of the Students
- Santoso, Djoko
- The Effect of Learning Method on Economic Learning Outcome of High School Students in Bima
- Saputro, Allan
- The Application of Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve the Students' Learning Outcomes and Liveliness
- Saputro, Sulistyo
- Implementation of Problem Solving with Concept Map to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Chemistry Learning Achievement
- Sari, Andika
- The Use of Learning Media with MOODLE Approach to Improve the Quality of Education: A Literature Study
- Sari, Ayu
- Teachers' Perceptions Towards Digital-Based Teaching Material
- Sari, Dewi
- Scientific Approach Based for Problem-Based Learning of Marketing Subject to Improve Vocational Students' Critical Thinking Skill
- Sari, Dewi
- Teachers' Competence in Creating Classroom Action Research (CAR) Proposal
- Sari, Erma
- Self-Evaluation of Special Education Teacher Competence in Inclusive School in Indonesia
- Sariyatun, Prof
- The Integration of Samin Culture's Values in the Historical Learning
- Sariyatun, Prof
- The Strengthening of Students' Empathy through Living History
- Sariyatun, Prof
- Socio-Cultural Values of Selimbur Caye Oral Tradition in Pasemah Ethnic Bengkulu
- Sariyatun, Prof
- Integration of Acculturation Values of Masjid Sulaiman Banyumas in History Learning
- Sariyatun, Prof
- The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning Method In Local History Learning Using The Document-Archive of Bima Sultanate in 1930-1950 to Improve Source Critical Ability of Students
- Sarosa, Teguh
- Models of Teaching English Using Curriculum 2013 for High School Students
- Saroso, Hardijanto
- The Role of Peer Group, Parental Involvement and Classroom Climate on Students' Achievement
- Sarwanto, Mr
- Learning Needs Analysis of 3D Stereoscopic Textbook: An Empirical Study of Primary School Pupils and Teachers in Science Learning
- Sarwono, Mr
- The Development of Supplements Book in Geography Subject Studies for Senior High School Student
- Sarwono, Mr
- Earthcomm-based Multimedia Learning of Geography in Improving Learning Motivation and Spatial Ability of the High School Students
- Sasmoko
- The Influence of Emotional Intelligence toward Life Satisfaction of Elementary School Teachers (Case Study in South Jakarta Region)
- Sasmoko
- Analysis of Student Empowerment Role in forming Student Wellbeing