Proceedings of the International Conference on Teacher Training and Education 2017 (ICTTE 2017)

307 authors
Lukita, Henrica
Can Interactive Learning Improve Learning Experience? A Systematic Review of the Literature
Maharsi, Ista
Experiential Learning Approach to Teach Content Courses in an EFL Teacher Education Program
Mahmudah, Khotimah
An Activity using a Personal Blog as Reflective Learning among University Students in Academic Writing Course
Mardoyo, Wahyu
Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Laboratory-Based Module and Indicator of Analytical Thinking Skills in the Matter of Respiratory System in Senior High School
Maridi, Mr
Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Laboratory-Based Module and Indicator of Analytical Thinking Skills in the Matter of Respiratory System in Senior High School
Maridi, Mr
The Analysis of Generic Science Skills of High School Students
Masbirorotni, Ms
Lecturers' Instructional Practice based on Students' Core Competencies Development: A Study Conducted at English Education Department
Masykuri, Mohammad
An Analysis of Students' Science Process Skills in Hydrolysis Subject Matter Using Testlet Instrument
Masykuri, Mohammad
Implementation of Problem Solving with Concept Map to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Chemistry Learning Achievement
Masykuri, Mohammad
The Analysis of Generic Science Skills of High School Students
Masykuri, Mohammad
The Implementation of Testlet Assessment Instrument in Solubility and Solubility Product Material for Measuring Students’ Generic Science Skills
Meinarno, Eko
Learning from Problems: Ideas for Pancasila Education Course Design
Muharror, Muhammad
Learning Model of Multicultural Harmonization in Tolerance of Eleventh Grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya
Mulawarman, Mr
The Relationship of Anxiety, School Burnout and Well-Being in High School Students
Mulyani, Mimi
Moral Value or Character in Fantasy Story
Murtini, Wiedy
Development of Craft and Entrepreneurship Module for Green Economy
Murtini, Wiedy
The Application of STAD Cooperative Learning Using Picture as the Media to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Motivation in Learning Social Science
Murwaningsih, Tri
Need Analysis in Development of Teaching Factory in Higher Education
Murwaningsih, Tri
The Effectiveness of the E-Module of Economics Learning on Problem-Based Learning used to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes
Murwaningsih, Tri
Development of Craft and Entrepreneurship Module for Green Economy
Murwaningsih, Tri
The Development of Public Relations and E-Book Protocol Based on Active Learning Approach to Improve Learning Motivation and Outcome of Vocational Middle School Students
Murwaningsih, Tri
The Effect of Learning Method on Economic Learning Outcome of High School Students in Bima
Musarokah, Siti
Child-Friendly Educative Game Tools (APE) in 3Ps Perspectives
Nababan, M. R.
Euphemism, Orthophemism, and Dysphemism in the Translation of Sexual Languages
Nadilla, Dewicca
The Strengthening of Students' Empathy through Living History
Ngadiso, Dr
Models of Teaching English Using Curriculum 2013 for High School Students
Ngatman, Mr
The Development of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) for Primary Schools' Prospective Teachers
Nisrina, Nina
Investigating Students Creativity Based on Gender by Applying Virtual Laboratory to Physics Instruction
Nurdianingsih, Fitri
The Effect of Thematic Progression Pattern Toward Students' Writing Expository Paragraph
Nurkamto, Joko
The Deployment of Scaffolding as a Strategy to Enhance Students' Reading Competence: A Case of Indonesian EFL Teachers
Nurlela, Ms
Linguistic Features and Local Wisdom Content in EFL Student's Narrative Texts
Nurmasari, Linda
Primary school students' barriers on learning Javanese Language: a case study in Central Java, Indonesia
Patonah, Siti
The Environmental Awareness Profile of Elementary School Pre-Services Teacher
Perdana, Indra
Evaluation of Teachers' Performance Based on Group of Age in Implementing Learning Process in Central Kalimantan
Permana, Dede
Learning Needs Analysis of 3D Stereoscopic Textbook: An Empirical Study of Primary School Pupils and Teachers in Science Learning
Pertiwi, Hana
The Dilemma of Reading, Writing, and Counting in Early Childhood Education: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Prabowo, Tjahjo
The Learning of Arts and Cultures in the Farm Field School for the Illegal Indonesian Migrant Workers' Children: A Case Study of from Community Learning Center (CLC) at Sabah, Malaysia
Pradana, Febriana
The Needs of Interactive Electronic School Books to Enhance the Critical Thinking Skills of the Students
Prasetiani, Dyah
The Development of Kaiwa Lesson Book with the Content of Indonesian Culture to Improve the Speaking Skill in Japanese Language
Pravitasari, Hikmah
Developing Supplementary English Material based on Project Based Learning for Nursing Students of Medical Department of SMK Citra Semesta Indonesia Yogyakarta
Prayitno, Baskoro
Tracing the Development of Student's Argumentation in Science Classroom: Knowledge Acquisition and Motivation
Probosari, Riezky
Identifying and Analyzing the Relevance of Prospective Science Teachers' Inquiry Abilities and Peers' Concept Understanding in Microteaching Course
Probosari, Riezky
Tracing the Development of Student's Argumentation in Science Classroom: Knowledge Acquisition and Motivation
Pudyaningtyas, Rahma
The Dilemma of Reading, Writing, and Counting in Early Childhood Education: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Purnama, Yuniarta
The Effect of Thematic Progression Pattern Toward Students' Writing Expository Paragraph
Purwani, Ari
A Content Analysis of Bright 1: A 2013 Curriculum-Based Textbook for VII Grade Students
Purwaningsih, Yunastiti
Utilization of Geopark Medium for Resource Based Learning in Social Science to Improve Motivation and Learning Activity of Junior High School Students
Purwaningsih, Yunastiti
The Application of STAD Cooperative Learning Using Picture as the Media to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Motivation in Learning Social Science
Purwanto, Wachid
Old Literature Learning Strengthens the Character of Prospective Teachers (Needs Assessment Analysis)
Purwanto, Wachid
Teachers' Voices: Solutions to Various Problems in Schools
Putra, Ardian
The Integration of Samin Culture's Values in the Historical Learning
Putranti, Sulistini
Euphemism, Orthophemism, and Dysphemism in the Translation of Sexual Languages
Rahardjo, Sentot
The Environmental Awareness Profile of Elementary School Pre-Services Teacher
Rahayu, Suci
Integration of Acculturation Values of Masjid Sulaiman Banyumas in History Learning
Rahayu, Triwati
Teaching National Language Based on Local Language: Contrastive Linguistics Approach
Rahmawati, Anis
Literacy Practice in Vocational Engineering Education: Is It Necessary? (A Case Study on the Concrete Construction Course)
Rahmawati, Fanni
Virtual E-Learning Media to Improve Vocational School Students' Learning Outcome
Rapih, Subroto
Need Analysis in Development of Teaching Factory in Higher Education
Ratna, Ika
The Implementation of Testlet Assessment Instrument in Solubility and Solubility Product Material for Measuring Students’ Generic Science Skills
Ratnasari, Dewi
The Implementation of Two-tier Multiple Choice (TTMC) to Analyse Students' Conceptual Understanding Profile on Heat and Temperature
Rejekiningsih, Triana
Education for Agrarian Resource Management Through Agrarian Citizenship Movement in Rural Areas
Renol, Sahat
The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model and Jigsaw Type of Cooperative Learning Model with Prezi Aid on the Students' Learning Outcome
Riani, Asri
The Development of Public Relations and E-Book Protocol Based on Active Learning Approach to Improve Learning Motivation and Outcome of Vocational Middle School Students
Rintayati, Peduk
Learning Needs Analysis of 3D Stereoscopic Textbook: An Empirical Study of Primary School Pupils and Teachers in Science Learning
Riyadi, Mr
Teachers' Competence in Creating Classroom Action Research (CAR) Proposal
Rochsantiningsih, Dewi
A Content Analysis of Bright 1: A 2013 Curriculum-Based Textbook for VII Grade Students
Rochsantiningsih, Dewi
Teachers' Perceptions Towards Digital-Based Teaching Material
Rohmadi, Muhammad
The Role of Local Wisdom in the Malay Folklore Mempawah as Base of Character Education on Children in Primary School (Study Folklore in West Borneo)
Rokhman, Fathur
Moral Value or Character in Fantasy Story
Rokhmaniyah, Ms
The Optimization of Teacher Competencies to Improve Education Service Using Teacher Collaborations Model
Sabandi, M.
Structural Relationships between Technological Knowledge, Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge
Saefudin, Ady
The Initial Managerial Competence of Teachers Nominated as School Principal Candidates and the Response of Educational Authorities to the Policy of Principal Preparation Program
Sajidan, Prof
Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Laboratory-Based Module and Indicator of Analytical Thinking Skills in the Matter of Respiratory System in Senior High School
Sajidan, Prof
Profile of Elementary School Pre-Service Teacher Based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on Natural Science Subject
Sajidan, Prof
Effectiveness of Project Based Learning on Empowerment Critical Thinking Skill toward Preservice Teacher on Primary Teacher Education Program
Sajidan, Prof
Tracing the Development of Student's Argumentation in Science Classroom: Knowledge Acquisition and Motivation
Sajidan, Prof
The Environmental Awareness Profile of Elementary School Pre-Services Teacher
Saleh, Airin
Learning from Problems: Ideas for Pancasila Education Course Design
Salimi, Moh.
Empowering Students' Creativity in Creating Students' Worksheets Using Authentic Materials
Santosa, Djoko
E-Book for Problem Based Learning to Improve Learning Outcome of the Students
Santoso, Djoko
The Effect of Learning Method on Economic Learning Outcome of High School Students in Bima
Saputro, Allan
The Application of Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve the Students' Learning Outcomes and Liveliness
Saputro, Sulistyo
Implementation of Problem Solving with Concept Map to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Chemistry Learning Achievement
Sari, Andika
The Use of Learning Media with MOODLE Approach to Improve the Quality of Education: A Literature Study
Sari, Ayu
Teachers' Perceptions Towards Digital-Based Teaching Material
Sari, Dewi
Scientific Approach Based for Problem-Based Learning of Marketing Subject to Improve Vocational Students' Critical Thinking Skill
Sari, Dewi
Teachers' Competence in Creating Classroom Action Research (CAR) Proposal
Sari, Erma
Self-Evaluation of Special Education Teacher Competence in Inclusive School in Indonesia
Sariyatun, Prof
The Integration of Samin Culture's Values in the Historical Learning
Sariyatun, Prof
The Strengthening of Students' Empathy through Living History
Sariyatun, Prof
Socio-Cultural Values of Selimbur Caye Oral Tradition in Pasemah Ethnic Bengkulu
Sariyatun, Prof
Integration of Acculturation Values of Masjid Sulaiman Banyumas in History Learning
Sariyatun, Prof
The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning Method In Local History Learning Using The Document-Archive of Bima Sultanate in 1930-1950 to Improve Source Critical Ability of Students
Sarosa, Teguh
Models of Teaching English Using Curriculum 2013 for High School Students
Saroso, Hardijanto
The Role of Peer Group, Parental Involvement and Classroom Climate on Students' Achievement
Sarwanto, Mr
Learning Needs Analysis of 3D Stereoscopic Textbook: An Empirical Study of Primary School Pupils and Teachers in Science Learning
Sarwono, Mr
The Development of Supplements Book in Geography Subject Studies for Senior High School Student
Sarwono, Mr
Earthcomm-based Multimedia Learning of Geography in Improving Learning Motivation and Spatial Ability of the High School Students
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence toward Life Satisfaction of Elementary School Teachers (Case Study in South Jakarta Region)
Analysis of Student Empowerment Role in forming Student Wellbeing