Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference (SULE-IC 2020)
405 authors
- Mislena
- The Application of Project-Based Learning (PBL) Through Storyboard to Improve Reading Achievement of the 10th Grade Students
- Mujamil, Jejem
- Implementation and the Impact of Constructivism-Based Module on Students’ Academic Achievement
- Mulyani, Sri
- Research Based Learning Design: Teacher and Lecturer Perception Analysis
- Murniati
- Profile of Conceptual Understanding and Misconceptions of Students in Heat and Temperature
- Murniati
- Analysis of Student’s Higher-Order Thinking Skill in Newton’s law
- Musayyedah
- Linguistic Deviation of Remy Sylado’s Poetry Lebih Baik Mati Muda and Its Contribution to Literature Learning at Junior High School
- Muslim, Muhammad
- Vector Fields of the Dynamics of Non-Holonomic Constraint System With Elliptical Configuration Space
- Mustakim
- The Effectiveness of Online Collaborative Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Musthafa, Bachrudin
- Proficiency and Motivation: Foundation of Pre-service English Teachers’ Professional Identity Development
- Naitili, Cornelia Amanda
- Improving Study Skills Through CREAM Strategy in Papuan Students
- Nawawi, Effendi
- Research Based Learning Design: Teacher and Lecturer Perception Analysis
- Nawawi, Effendi
- Problem Solving Skill
- Nisphi, Medio Lailatin
- The Existence of Language Deviation in Online Language During the Covid 19 Pandemic
- Nopriyanti
- Product-Based Learning to Improve Entrepreneurial Spirit of Students
- Nopriyanti
- Developing Textbook Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills for Computer Aided Design Course
- Novaliza, Anggia
- Pre-service Physics Teacher Perspective Towards E-Book for Basic Electronics Course
- Novia, Fitri
- Process Writing Approach (PWA)
- Nuraeni, Zuli
- Using Geo-Gebra Assisted CTL Model to Increase the Student’s Mathematical Representation
- Nuraeni, Zuli
- Development Student Worksheet Based on RME Assisted by Cabri 3D Oriented to Mathematical Connections
- Nurdiansyah, Edwin
- Need Analysis of the Development of Contextual-Based Teach-Book in Political Law Subject
- Nurfadilah, Fitria
- The Effect of Direct Learning on Students’ Proof Construction Ability of Palembang High School
- Nurhasanah
- Generalization in Exponential Problems as a Part of Developing Mathematical Abstraction
- Nurhasanah, Farida
- Conjecture in Completing Creative Problem-Solving Question as a Part of Development
- Nurhasanah, Farida
- Designing Creative Problem-Solving Based Students’ Worksheet to Finding Pattern
- Nurhasanah, Farida
- Designing Creative Problem-Solving Based Worksheet for Specialization
- Nurihsan, Ahmad Juntika
- The Comparison of Career Adaptability of Senior High School Students Based on Demographic Factor
- Nurrizalia, Mega
- Structural Poverty of Women Labor of Food Industry in Pagar Alam
- Nursaptini
- Silaq Mace: Community Library Activities in Improving Reading Habits of Sasak Adolescents
- Pahlevi, Muhammad Reza
- Political Development in Palembang During the Liberal Democracy Era (1951–1959)
- Pairin, Udjang
- Pesantren Culture and Sufism in the Novel Pejuang-Pejuang Kali Pepe by Djamil Suherman
- Palil, Mohd. Rizal
- Training of Trainer Model in an Effort to Improve the Professionalism of Accounting Teachers
- Paramitha, Gelby Pradina
- An Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills of Palembang City Junior High Schools Students in Science Material
- Pasani, Chairil Faif
- Developing a Character of Responsibility and Social Care With a STAD Type Cooperative Model
- Pasaribu, Abidin
- Analysis of Student’s Higher-Order Thinking Skill in Newton’s law
- Pasaribu, Abidin
- Online Instruction
- Permata, Safira
- Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills of Biology Education Students Using Online Formative Assessment
- Pitaloka, Nova Lingga
- Social Media for Learning English: The Views of Pre-service EFL Teachers
- Pitriani
- Responses of Educators in South Sumatra Towards Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Prasetyo, Zuhdan Kun
- Fostering Decision-Making Skills Through Socio-Scientific Issues in the 2013 Curriculum
- Pratama, Putra
- Responses of Educators in South Sumatra Towards Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Pratama, Reza Resah
- Development of the Football Game Passing Learning Model
- Pratita, Dewi
- Analysis of Students Needs for Teaching Materials as A Reference for Developing E-Module of Digital Learning Courses
- Pratiwi, Diani Ayu
- Developing Blended Learning Model MARTAPURA to Improve Soft and Social Skills
- Pratiwi, Septania
- Online Instruction
- Pratiwi, Weni Dwi
- On Mathematical Literacy of Lower Secondary School Students in Palembang Through Problem-Based Learning
- Pratiwi, Weni Dwi
- Encouraging Student’s Emergent Model in Understanding Negative Number
- Pratiwi, Winda Regita
- Development of Chemistry Teaching Materials Based on STEM Problem Based Learning on Solution Chemistry Materials for Students of Chemistry Education Study Program
- Priatna, Nanang
- Analysis of Didactic Transposition and HLT as a Rationale in Designing Didactic Situation
- Priyatni, Endah Tri
- Assessment of Learning Development to Improve Student’s Appreciative and Critical Thinking Abilities in Drama Appreciation Course
- Pulungan, Dedi Zulkarnain
- Linguistic Composition and Cultural Characteristics of Mandailing Onang-Onang
- Pulungan, Marwan
- Need Analysis of Instruments Assessment of Curriculum 2013 Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for Elementary School Students
- Purboyo
- Trigonometric Problem Solving Learning Design for Cadets’ Polytechnic of Transportation
- Purnama, Dadang Hikmah
- Social Alienation of Students in Palembang
- Purnama, Intan
- On Mathematical Literacy of Lower Secondary School Students in Palembang Through Problem-Based Learning
- Puspadianti
- Development of Learning Tools for Multicultural Education Subjects in the Development of Shame and Guilt Attitudes
- Puspita, Fitri Maya
- Robust Optimization for the Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows
- Putra, Eko Septiansyah
- Trigonometric Problem Solving Learning Design for Cadets’ Polytechnic of Transportation
- Putri, Dhika Maha
- Training of Trainer Model in an Effort to Improve the Professionalism of Accounting Teachers
- Putri, Octavina Rizky Utami
- Mathematics Connection Process of Students With Low Mathematical Ability in Solving Contextual Problems Based on Gender
- Putri, Ratu Ilma Indra
- Strategies in Accomplishing Mathematics, Science, and Reading PISA Questions
- Putri, Sheila Febriani
- Training of Trainer Model in an Effort to Improve the Professionalism of Accounting Teachers
- Putri, Tiara
- Generalization in Exponential Problems as a Part of Developing Mathematical Abstraction
- Rahayu, Nurita Angesti
- Improving Study Skills Through CREAM Strategy in Papuan Students
- Rahayu, Rara
- Do End-of-Chapter Questions of Work and Energy Topic in Grade Ten High School Physics Encourage Higher Order Thinking?
- Rahmawati, Indri
- Indonesian Endemic Animals Domino Card About Counting 1 to 10 for Grade 1 Elementary Student
- Ramadhan, Arizky
- The Fitness Level of Physical Education Student
- Ramadhan, Iyakrus Arizky
- The Flexibility Training Model Developed to Improve Sepaksila and Service Skills for Tekong Athletes in Sepaktakraw Game
- Ramasari, Desi
- The Use of Storyboard: Project-Based Learning Implementation in Teaching Speaking to the 10th Grade Students
- Rantina, Mahyumi
- The Development of Pencak Silat Gymnastics for Group B Children in Kindergarten
- Riyanto
- Effectiveness of Practicum-Based Project in Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes in Plant Micro-Technique Courses
- Rizaldi, Widya Rahmatika
- Profile of Conceptual Understanding and Misconceptions of Students in Heat and Temperature
- Rohmah, Khafidatur
- Assessment of Learning Development to Improve Student’s Appreciative and Critical Thinking Abilities in Drama Appreciation Course
- Royana, Agam
- Silaq Mace: Community Library Activities in Improving Reading Habits of Sasak Adolescents
- Rozzaqyah, Fadhlina
- Character Education via Guidance and Counseling Service During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rozzaqyah, Fadhlina
- Aggressive Behavior: Comparative Study on Girls and Boys in The Middle School
- Rukiyah
- Introduction to Sea Animals With Augmented Reality Based Flashcard for Early Childhood
- Rukiyah
- The Development of Pencak Silat Gymnastics for Group B Children in Kindergarten
- Rukiyah
- Educational Game Tools in Early Childhood Mathematics Learning
- Safitri, Sani
- Cuisine as Cultural Identity of Palembang Residents
- Santoso, Lucia Maria
- Development of Cell Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Instrument: Small Group Review
- Santri, Didi Jaya
- Effectiveness of Practicum-Based Project in Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes in Plant Micro-Technique Courses
- Saparini
- Pre-service Physics Teacher Perspective Towards E-Book for Basic Electronics Course
- Saparini
- Profile of Conceptual Understanding and Misconceptions of Students in Heat and Temperature
- Saparini
- The Potential of Coastal Areas Community Life as a Source of Contextual Learning of Temperature and Heat Materials
- Saparini
- Analysis of Student’s Higher-Order Thinking Skill in Newton’s law
- Saparini
- Online Instruction
- Saptarina, Eva
- Process Writing Approach (PWA)
- Saputri, Ani
- Development of Biological Science Literacy Questions Based on the PISA Framework
- Saputri, Nety Wahyu
- The Effect of Direct Learning on Students’ Proof Construction Ability of Palembang High School
- Sardianto Maskos, S
- Pre-service Physics Teacher Perspective Towards E-Book for Basic Electronics Course
- Sari, Armilia
- Social Media for Learning English: The Views of Pre-service EFL Teachers
- Sari, Armilia
- Developing a Handbook ‘Principles of Translation’ to Increase Non-Language Students’ Skill in Translating Indonesian-English Text and English-Indonesian Text
- Sari, Diana
- The Effect of Direct Learning on Students’ Proof Construction Ability of Palembang High School
- Sari, Novita
- Using Representational Form
- Sari, Susy Eldila
- The Use of E-Modules to Improve Students’ Understanding of Concepts and Independent Attitudes Through Google Classroom
- Scristia
- The Effect of Direct Learning on Students’ Proof Construction Ability of Palembang High School
- Setiyo, Edi
- Development of Web-Based Casting Techniques Learning Media
- Setiyowati, Rini
- Utilization of HOTS-Based Student Worksheets With the Barcode System as Teaching Materials in Civic Education Learning
- Setiyowati, Rini
- Web-Based Learning Media of Population and Environmental Educational Subject
- Setiyowati, Rini
- Construct 2-Based Educational Games as Learning Media for Anti-Corruption Education (MEDPAK) in the PPKN Study Program, Sriwijaya University