Proceedings of the 4th Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference (SULE-IC 2020)
405 authors
- Fatimah, Siti
- A Need Analysis in Developing Interactive Digital Teaching Materials Using Contextual Approach in Microeconomic Theory Course
- Fauzan, Slamet
- Training of Trainer Model in an Effort to Improve the Professionalism of Accounting Teachers
- Fauzi, Rahmat
- Mathematical Modelling Based Learning Design on Relation and Function for Junior High School Students
- Febrian, Febrian
- Predicting Length Game to Help Students Understand Number Line for Decimals
- Febrian, Febrian
- Mathematics Teachers in Using Technology: Is It as Expected?
- Firdausya, Arfha Rizky
- The Voice of Senior High School Alumni in Border Area
- Garing, Jusmianti
- Linguistic Deviation of Remy Sylado’s Poetry Lebih Baik Mati Muda and Its Contribution to Literature Learning at Junior High School
- Giartama
- The Development of Volleyball Games Mix Learning for Students
- Ginting, Meta Br
- Improving Study Skills Through CREAM Strategy in Papuan Students
- Gustiningsi, Tria
- Developing of Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Mathematical Problems With Cartesian Coordinate Material
- Hadi, Muhammad
- Trigonometric Problem Solving Learning Design for Cadets’ Polytechnic of Transportation
- Hakiki, Rizki
- The Comparison of Career Adaptability of Senior High School Students Based on Demographic Factor
- Hapizah
- The Effect of Direct Learning on Students’ Proof Construction Ability of Palembang High School
- Hapizah
- Generalization in Exponential Problems as a Part of Developing Mathematical Abstraction
- Hapizah
- Conjecture in Completing Creative Problem-Solving Question as a Part of Development
- Hapizah
- Designing Creative Problem-Solving Based Students’ Worksheet to Finding Pattern
- Hapizah
- Designing Creative Problem-Solving Based Worksheet for Specialization
- Hapizah
- Students’ Problem-Solving Ability and Attitude Towards Blended Learning Using Assessment Book (BUPENA) and Tutorial Video
- Hapizah
- Analysis of Scientific Literacy Abilities of Junior High School Students in Palembang
- Hapsari, Alfonsa Maria Sofia
- Development of Online Examination Application in Junior High Schools of Surakarta City
- Harlin
- Development of Web-Based Casting Techniques Learning Media
- Hartanto
- An Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills of Palembang City Junior High Schools Students in Science Material
- Hartati
- Pre-Service Physical Teacher’s Interest in Learning Nutrition Science Using E-learning
- Hartati
- Physical Fitness Profile of Universitas Sriwijaya Using Harvard Step Test
- Hartati
- Coordination Instrument Vibration Sensor Model
- Hartono
- Research Based Learning Design: Teacher and Lecturer Perception Analysis
- Hartono
- Strategies in Accomplishing Mathematics, Science, and Reading PISA Questions
- Hartono
- Development of Chemistry Teaching Materials Based on STEM Problem Based Learning on Solution Chemistry Materials for Students of Chemistry Education Study Program
- Hartono, Hartono
- Designing of Blended Learning Environment
- Hartono, Yusuf
- On Mathematical Literacy of Lower Secondary School Students in Palembang Through Problem-Based Learning
- Hartono, Yusuf
- Mathematical Representation Ability on Quadratic Function Through Proof Based Learning
- Hasmalena
- The Development of Pencak Silat Gymnastics for Group B Children in Kindergarten
- Hawa, Siti
- Need Analysis of Teaching Books Based on A Scientific Approach to Geometry and Measurement Courses
- Hawa, Siti
- Need Analysis of HOTS Based Teaching Books in Mathematics Learning Courses
- Helen, Ruth
- Designing Creative Problem-Solving Based Students’ Worksheet to Finding Pattern
- Helen, Ruth
- Designing Creative Problem-Solving Based Worksheet for Specialization
- Hendy, Anggita Putri Pratama
- Designing Creative Problem-Solving Based Worksheet for Specialization
- Herianah
- Linguistic Deviation of Remy Sylado’s Poetry Lebih Baik Mati Muda and Its Contribution to Literature Learning at Junior High School
- Hermalita, Anggi
- The Development of Pencak Silat Gymnastics for Group B Children in Kindergarten
- Hidayat, Iceng
- Implementation of STEM Approach at Course of Entrepreneurship: Feed for Increasing Goat Weight
- Hidayat, Iceng
- Implementation and the Impact of Constructivism-Based Module on Students’ Academic Achievement
- Hikmawati, Agci
- Developing English Tasks Based on Interactive Multimedia for the Eighth Grade Students at SMP IT Al Bina Pangkalpinang
- Hillia, Urfa
- Effects of Brain-Based Learning on Students’ Understanding of Newton’s Law Concept
- Hiltrimartin, Cecil
- The Effect of Direct Learning on Students’ Proof Construction Ability of Palembang High School
- Hiltrimartin, Cecil
- Mathematical Representation Ability on Quadratic Function Through Proof Based Learning
- Huzaifah, Siti
- Developing Online Critical Literacy Assessment for EFL Learners
- Ibrahim, A Rachman
- Implementation of STEM Approach at Course of Entrepreneurship: Feed for Increasing Goat Weight
- Ikhwan, Wahid Khoirul
- Implementation of Consideration Model Learning to Strengthen Attitude Construction of Class 5 Students at SDN Bancaran 2 Bangkalan Madura
- Indaryanti
- Using Geo-Gebra Assisted CTL Model to Increase the Student’s Mathematical Representation
- Inderawati, Rita
- Strategies in Accomplishing Mathematics, Science, and Reading PISA Questions
- Ismet
- Developing Online Critical Literacy Assessment for EFL Learners
- Ismet
- The Potential of Coastal Areas Community Life as a Source of Contextual Learning of Temperature and Heat Materials
- Ismet
- Problem Solving Skill
- Ismet
- Do End-of-Chapter Questions of Work and Energy Topic in Grade Ten High School Physics Encourage Higher Order Thinking?
- Iyakrus
- Physical Fitness Profile of Universitas Sriwijaya Using Harvard Step Test
- Iyakrus
- The Fitness Level of Physical Education Student
- Jaenudin, Riswan
- The Attitudes of Sriwijaya University and Omdurman Islamic University Students Towards Social Issues
- Jamilah
- Analysis of Didactic Transposition and HLT as a Rationale in Designing Didactic Situation
- Jauhari, Jaidan
- An Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills of Palembang City Junior High Schools Students in Science Material
- Jayanti
- Learning Number Based Theory on Edmodo Using the Context PMRI of the Palembang PGRI Building and Apam Cake
- Jayanti
- The Development of Edmodo E-Module Assisted Statistics Teaching Materials for Public Senior High School Number One
- Jerniati, I
- Linguistic Deviation of Remy Sylado’s Poetry Lebih Baik Mati Muda and Its Contribution to Literature Learning at Junior High School
- Jessica, Cintya
- The Effect of Direct Learning on Students’ Proof Construction Ability of Palembang High School
- Juainah, Norma
- Optimizing Student’s Character Values in HOTS-Based Citizenship Education Learning
- Jumalia
- The Potential of Coastal Areas Community Life as a Source of Contextual Learning of Temperature and Heat Materials
- Jumroh
- The Development of Edmodo E-Module Assisted Statistics Teaching Materials for Public Senior High School Number One
- Kamaliyah
- Developing a Character of Responsibility and Social Care With a STAD Type Cooperative Model
- Kamil, Nurdin
- Indonesian Endemic Animals Domino Card About Counting 1 to 10 for Grade 1 Elementary Student
- Kantoul, Ata Mohammed Ahmed
- The Attitudes of Sriwijaya University and Omdurman Islamic University Students Towards Social Issues
- Kistiono
- Development of Web-Based Casting Techniques Learning Media
- Kistiono
- Effects of Brain-Based Learning on Students’ Understanding of Newton’s Law Concept
- Knowles, Ryan T
- Strategies in Accomplishing Mathematics, Science, and Reading PISA Questions
- Knowles, Ryan T.
- Findings Related to Student Identity Using the Large-Scale Civic Education Datasets
- Kurnia, Feni
- STEM Analysis on the Environmental Care Materials in Elementary Schools Thematic Book
- Kurniadi, Elika
- Mathematical Modelling Based Learning Design on Relation and Function for Junior High School Students
- Kurniadi, Elika
- Using Representational Form
- Kurniadi, Elika
- Encouraging Student’s Emergent Model in Understanding Negative Number
- Kurniawan, Elfahmi Dwi
- Product-Based Learning to Improve Entrepreneurial Spirit of Students
- Kurniawan, Elfahmi Dwi
- Developing Textbook Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills for Computer Aided Design Course
- Kurnisar
- Potential Impacts of the Development of Textbook of Population and Environmental Education Subjects Based on Problem-Based Learning for Civics Education Study Program
- Kurnisar
- Optimizing Student’s Character Values in HOTS-Based Citizenship Education Learning
- Lengkanawati, Nenden Sri
- EFL Learners’ View on Online Learning Implementation During Covid-19 Outbreaks
- Lesmini, Bety
- Implementation and the Impact of Constructivism-Based Module on Students’ Academic Achievement
- Lestari, Endang Sri
- Development of Tennis Teaching Materials With A Flipbook-Based Anchored Instruction Model for Students of Education Sport, Health and Recreation Study Program in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
- Lidyawati, Yenni
- Practicality of Literary Theory Teaching Materials
- Linda, Rosa
- Designing Creative Problem-Solving Based Students’ Worksheet to Finding Pattern
- Madang, Kodri
- Mastery of Meta-Cognitive Skills on Biology Material for Senior High School Students in Palembang
- Madang, Kodri
- Analysis of Scientific Literacy Abilities of Junior High School Students in Palembang
- Maharani, Siti Dewi
- Indonesian Endemic Animals Domino Card About Counting 1 to 10 for Grade 1 Elementary Student
- Marhamah
- Learning Number Based Theory on Edmodo Using the Context PMRI of the Palembang PGRI Building and Apam Cake
- Mariyani
- Utilization of HOTS-Based Student Worksheets With the Barcode System as Teaching Materials in Civic Education Learning
- Mariyani
- Web-Based Learning Media of Population and Environmental Educational Subject
- Mariyani
- Construct 2-Based Educational Games as Learning Media for Anti-Corruption Education (MEDPAK) in the PPKN Study Program, Sriwijaya University
- Marlina, Leni
- An Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills of Palembang City Junior High Schools Students in Science Material
- Maulyda, Mohammad Archi
- Silaq Mace: Community Library Activities in Improving Reading Habits of Sasak Adolescents
- Mega, Iful Rahmawati
- Developing English Tasks Based on Interactive Multimedia for the Eighth Grade Students at SMP IT Al Bina Pangkalpinang
- Meilinda
- Problem Solving Skill
- Melvina
- EFL Learners’ View on Online Learning Implementation During Covid-19 Outbreaks
- Meryansumayeka
- Building Students Character: Planning and Implementation in Junior High School
- Mirizon, Soni
- Investigating Non-English Pre-Service Teachers’ Mindsets in Learning English as a Foreign Language