Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

490 authors
Hafni, Yulia
Effects of Principal Leadership, School Climate and Teacher Achievement Motivation to Teachers Work Commitment
Hamdani, Ali
Analysis of Training Needs for Improving the Performance of Forest Management Unit Employees (Study in Riau Province, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu, South Sumatra)
Handayani, Fitri Rahma
Awareness of Conversational Implicature of Different Academic Year Students of English Department of Faculty of Language And Arts State University of Medan
Harahap, Dina Irmayanti
Classroom Action Research: Measuring Integration of Character Education in Language Learning
Harahap, Fauziyah
An Analysis of Students’ Scientific Literacy Skills in State Senior High Schools throughout Central Tapanuli District
Harahap, Fauziyah
The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model with Crossword Puzzles and Motivation Against Digestive System Learning Outcomes of Students
Harahap, Fauziyah
An Analysis of Students’ Knowledge on the Structure and Function of Plant Tissues in Senior High Schools of Medan
Harahap, Pera Handayani
Interpersonal Metaphor of Mood in the Courtroom Interaction
Literation Instruments Learning Physical Student Education Through Student Worksheet (SW)
The Impact of Journal Writing Training on Self Efficacy and Attitude of Postgraduate Program Students in Writing Scientific Publication Articles
Hasairin, Ashar
Development of Research Based Field Guide Book about Dragonfly Diversity (Odonata)
Hasanah, Frensi
Analysis of Vocational High School Chemical Teaching Material on Atomic Structure Materials Based National Education Standard
Hasanah, Nurul
Linguistic Characteristic of Narrative Text Written by Male and Female Students
Hasibuan, M. Basir
Analysis of PDDB Online Implementation Policy (Case study at the Sunggal Branch of the North Sumatra Provincial Education Office)
Hasibuan, Sanusi
Development of Ludo Game for Elementary School Students 'Motion Material
Hasibuan, Sanusi
Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation 2013 Batubara District
Hasmayni, Babby
Establishment of Character Through Boarding School Education in Students in Pondok Pesantren
Development of Learning Devices Based on Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills
The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on Students Science Process Skills
The Effect of Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning in the Order of Contextual Learning in Microbiology Lectures on the High Order Thinking Skills of Biology Students in FMIPA UNIMED
The Influence of Contextual-Inquiry Based Worksheet in Water Microbiology Material for Students’ Scientific Process Skills in FMIPA UNIMED
An Analysis of Students High Order Thinking Skills in Respiratory System Through a Scientific Approach
Developing the Mobile Learning-based Instructional Media of Excretory Systems in Increasing Students’ Concept Mastery at SMAN 1 Delitua
The Influence of Teachers Creativity in Developing Teaching Method
Husein, Rahmad
The Acquisition of Syntactical Relation Among Indonesian Children of 1.5-4 Years Old with Different Parents Background Education
Husein, Rahmad
Speech Function of Teachers and Students’ Utterances in Classroom Interaction at The Elementary School
Husna, Hafidatul
The Effect of Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning in the Order of Contextual Learning in Microbiology Lectures on the High Order Thinking Skills of Biology Students in FMIPA UNIMED
Hutabarat, Wesly
The Influence of Practical Guide Based on Inquiry Approach toward Students’ Achievement on pH Scale and Use of Indicator Subjects
Hutabarat, Wesly
Development of Chemical Practicum Private Vocational School of Senior High School XII Class Based on Projects and Characters
The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model and Group Investigation Learning Model on Students’ Cognitive Skill and Critical Thinking Skill in the Ecosystem Topic at SMA Bhayangkari 1 Medan
Irfani, Widya
Preparing an ICT Innovation using Lectora Inspire as Teaching Media for Buffer Solutions for High School
Irfani, Widya
Preparing an ICT Innovation with Lectora Inspire as Teaching Media for Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solutions for High School Class X
Jahro, Iis Siti
Analysis of Feasibility Level of Practical Guidance Semiriset Based Guided Inquiry on BSNP for Senior High School
Jahro, Iis Siti
Analysis of Affective Assessment Material in the Textbook Evaluation of Chemistry Learning Outcomes Based on SNPT and Curriculum KKNI
The Effect Of Brain Gym On The Memory Of Kindergarten Children Aged 5-6 Years In Maitreyawira School
Jepri, Iwan
Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Solving Mathematical Problems based Learning Styles in Class VIII Middle School Students
Juliani, Rita
Development of Two-tier Multiple Choice Instrument to Measure Higher Order Thinking Skills
Kasih, Indra
Implementation of Physical Education Learning in Down Syndrome Students at SLB YPAC Medan
Kesumawati, Diah
The Influence of Contextual-Inquiry Based Worksheet in Water Microbiology Material for Students’ Scientific Process Skills in FMIPA UNIMED
education, life skill, meta-synthesis
Khairani, Nerli
The Enhancement Difference of Eight Grade Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability
Khairani, Nur Aulia
Development of Moodle E-Learning Media in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Laia, Asaaro
Analysis Policy Implementation of New Student AdmissionsZone System (Case studi In SMA N 1 Sunggal Deli Regency Serdang, 2018/2019)
Lemmy, Paradita Kumala
Analysis of Childhood Social Development to Single Parents
Lestari, Ria
The Development of English Teaching Material Based on the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) at Sailing Vocational High School
Lisna Rifkadiana., S.
Speech Acts in ILC (Indonesia Lawyers Club) Talk Show Program
Lubis, Akhmadi Malaon
Implementation of Physical Education Learning in Down Syndrome Students at SLB YPAC Medan
Lubis, Nurul Sallia Mairiella
Development of Research Based Field Guide Book about Dragonfly Diversity (Odonata)
Lubis, Rajo Hasim
Development of Instruments for Creative Thinking Skills Tests on Momentum and Impulse for High School Students
Lubis, Rajo Hasim
Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Mind Mapping on Science Process Skills Student
Lubis, Rismahara
Policy Analysis of Internal Quality Assurance System (Case study at Midwifery Major of Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan
Lubis, Siti Isma Sari
Ideational Taxonomic Relation of Surah Al-Baqarah in English Translation
Lubis, Syahron
Types of Language Style Used by Teachers in Classroom Interaction
Lubis, Tasnim
Participant Structure in Learning English: Linguistic Anthropology Approach
Lubis, Wildansyah
Implementation of School-Based Management (Study case in SMA Negeri 1 Sumbul, Dairi Regency)
Lubis, Wildansyah
Development of Science Teaching Books Based on Fun Experiments for Early Childhood (5-6 year-olds) in the Kindergarten of Kutalimbaru Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency
Improving Teaching Skills of Pre-teacher Students With Modified Jigsaw on Biology Instructional Methodology Course
Lumbanbatu, Johannes Sohirimon
Policy Analysis Implementation of 2013 Thematic Learning Curriculum (Case Study in Primary School St. Thomas Medan)
Lumbantoruan, Elprida Sulastri
The Effect of Participative Leadership , Team Work, Stress Management on Teacher’s Affective Commitment at Senior High School
Preparing an ICT Innovation using Lectora Inspire as Teaching Media for Buffer Solutions for High School
Analysis of Teaching Materials in Learning Evaluation for Performance Assessment Based on National Standard University
Manullang, Ditta
Evaluation of Policy for Inclusive Education in Early Childhood Education Institutions in Medan City
Manuntun, Torus
The Effect of Organizational Culture, Achievement Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Teachers of SMP Negeri in North Tapanuli
Manurung, Binari
Needs Assessment of Biology Learning Materials for Integration Curriculum in Chandra Kumala School
Manurung, Binari
The Contribution of Multiple Intelligences Aspects on Science Process Skills of High School Students in Ecology Topic
Marlina, Lona
The Development of E-Learning Based Instructional Model in Learning English
Matondang, Zulkifli
The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Approach and Self-Efficacy on Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Fifth Grade Student of Gracia Sustain Private Elementary School Medan
Matondang, Zulkifli
Effects of Principal Leadership, School Climate and Teacher Achievement Motivation to Teachers Work Commitment
Matondang, Zulkifli
The Impact of Using CTL-Based Comic Media on Learning Outcomes of Third Grade Students
Maulidian, MOR
Development of the Process Evaluation Model in Ips Integrated Learning Based on 2013-Curriculum
Ideational Grammatical Metaphor in English Political Text at Newspaper
Speech Function of Teachers and Students’ Utterances in Classroom Interaction at The Elementary School
Miko, Fitrah
The Active Role Of Fostering The Regional Indonesian National Sports Committee In Badminton
Minarni, Ani
The Difference of Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self Regulated Learning Taught Contextual and Cooperative Learning Models
Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in Collaboration Skills and Communication Skills of Students
Muchtar, Zainuddin
Developing Mobile Learning Media Integrated of Problem Based Learning In Chemical Equilibrium Materials at Unimed Chemical Education Study Program
Muchtar, Zainuddin
Implementation of Dubido Based on Contextual in Improving Students Achievement on The Topic of Electrochemistry
Muchtar, Zainuddin
Discovery Learning Based E-Module on Protein Material Development
Development of Learning Media Based on Problem based Learning in Prakarya
Differences in Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Given Guided Discovery Learning and Cooperative Learning STAD-Type
Analysis of Metacognition Difficulties and Mathematical Connections of Students using the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model
The Difference of Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self Regulated Learning Taught Contextual and Cooperative Learning Models
Difference in Increasing Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Discipline Learning Through Problem Based Learning and Matlab Assisted Think Pair Share
Munthe, Eika Abigail
Discovery Learning Based E-Module on Protein Material Development
Murni, Sri Minda
Ideational Taxonomic Relation of Surah Al-Baqarah in English Translation
Murni, Sri Minda
Euphemisms in Article Online on Konsultasi Syariah
Murni, Sri Minda
Loss and Gain in Translation on Bilingual Online News Text
Mursid, Mukhtar R
The Effect of Learning Model and Creative Thinking at Vocational High School 7 Medan
Mursid, R.
The Effect of Learning Model Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) with Multimedia and Creative Thinking Abilities on Learning Outcomes of Vocational Learning Design
Mursid, R.
education, life skill, meta-synthesis
The Development of Process Skill Based Interactive Multimedia in Science
Muttaqiin, Arief
Improving Teaching Skills of Pre-teacher Students With Modified Jigsaw on Biology Instructional Methodology Course
Naibaho, Saut Mian
Implementation of School-Based Management (Study case in SMA Negeri 1 Sumbul, Dairi Regency)
Nainggolan, Bajoka
Development of Chemical Practicum Private Vocational School of Senior High School XII Class Based on Projects and Characters
Nana, Suraiya
The Development of Web-Based Learning Media on Economic Subject in SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh
Napitupulu, E. Elvis
The Enhancement Difference of Eight Grade Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability
Napitupulu, Efendi
The Development of E-Learning Based Instructional Model in Learning English
Napitupulu, Efendi
The Development of English Teaching Material Based on the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) at Sailing Vocational High School
Napitupulu, Elvis
Development of Mathematical Learning Tools to Improve Representation Ability Based on Think Pair Share Models Assisted Virtual Manipulative
Napitupulu, Ongguk Rotua
An Analysis of Students High Order Thinking Skills in Respiratory System Through a Scientific Approach