Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2020)

320 authors
Ruslan, Dede
Development of Student Worksheets Based on Problem Based Learning Model to Enhace the Ability of Student Critical
Sagala, Alvin Zonathan
EFL Learners Preference of Learning Style in ESP Class
Sani, Ridwan Abdullah
Effect of Collaborative Inquiry on the Understanding of the Concept and Ability of Critical Thinking
Santoso, Didik
The Translation Quality and Techniques in Bilingual Textbook of Economics for Seventh Grade of Junior High School
Sapriana, Dina
Facilities and Infrastructure Management of Senior High School of Pelayaran Samudera Indonesia Medan in producing International Certified Graduates
Saragi, Daulat
The Influence of Children Playing Method and Self-Concept of Social Ability in Children Aged 5-6 Years in TK An-Nisa Medan
Saragi, Daulat
Development of Comic as a Media in Fiction Text Lesson in Fourth Grade of Elementary School
Saragi, Daulat
Development of Learning Media in Big Book Form With Sub Theme “The Beauty of Cultural Diversity in My Country” to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Class IV SD Negeri 026609 Binjai
Saragih, Abdul Hasan
The Use of Inquiry Instructional Model to Increase Writing Ability of News Text
Saragih, Abdul Hasan
The Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Using Macromedia Flash 8
Saragih, Aini Melbebahwati
Kinds of Projection in Indonesian News Story and Editorial Texts
Saragih, Amrin
Identifying the Categories of Ideological Shift of Text in the Translation of ‘Half of Yellow Sun’: Critical Discourse Analysis in Translation Study
Saragih, Amrin
Code-Mixing Reasons in Arisan Among the Speakers of Balinese in Medan
Saragih, Amrin
Techniques of Intertextuality
Saragih, Amrin
The Effect of Audio Visual and Audio Teaching Media on the Student’s Listening Achievement
Saragih, Amrin
Cognitive Process in Prewriting Phases for Argumentative Writing
Saragih, M. Afiv Toni Suhendra
Development of Fabel Story Text Teaching Material Base on Local Wisdom for Seventh Grade Student
Sari, Dwy Puspita
Implementation of Project-Based Learning Resources With Multimedia to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Teaching Cation Analysis
Sari, Rizka
The Effect of Student Team Achievement Division Strategy and Think Pair Share Strategy on Reading Comprehension Achievement
Sembiring, Ibrahim
Development of a Guidebook Basic Hockey Game Techniques Based on the Truth of Motion
Setia, Eddy
Developing English Speaking Material Through CBI for Marketing Students on Vocational High School
Shaleha, Kharida
Developing Teaching Materials Based on Scientific Approach to Improve Children Language Development Age 5-6 Years in RA Al-Mahabbah Batangkuis
Siagian, Sahat
The Use of Inquiry Instructional Model to Increase Writing Ability of News Text
Siagian, Sahat
Learning Model Development Blended Learning English
Siahaan, Mian
Facilities and Infrastructure Management of Senior High School of Pelayaran Samudera Indonesia Medan in producing International Certified Graduates
Siahaan, Tumpal Manahara
Principals School Commitment in the Implementation, and Supervision Quality of Education in the Future
Siallagan, Fernanda Yossi Ben
Analysis of Students’ Metacognition-Based Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Guided Discovery Learning
Sibarani, Berlin
Cognitive Process in Prewriting Phases for Argumentative Writing
Siburian, Paningkat
The Challenge of Being a Teacher in Industrial Revolution 4.0
Siburian, Paningkat
Best Leadership Principals of Remote Elementary Schools in the Future
Siburian, Paningkat
Urgency of Internal Quality Guarantee System to Improve Higher Education Quality
Siburian, Paningkat
Online Lecture Model as an Effort to Improve Higher Education Quality
Sihombing, Edwin Johannes
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models and the Ability of Creative Thinking on the Outcomes of Learning Music Art
Sihombing, Lamhot Basani
The Effectiveness of PSPEA Learning Models in West Vocal Techniques in Music Education
Sihotang, Din Oloan
Become a Professional Teacher in the Future
Sihotang, Din Oloan
Competency Planning Strategies of Junior High School Teachers in increasing competitiveness
Sihotang, Din Oloan
Best Leadership Principals of Remote Elementary Schools in the Future
Sihotang, Din Oloan
Analysis of Smartphone Use Policy
Sihotang, Din Oloan
Urgency of Internal Quality Guarantee System to Improve Higher Education Quality
Sihotang, Din Oloan
A superior Leadership style in Schools (Case study at SMA Negeri 1 Medan)
Sihotang, Din Oloan
Principals School Commitment in the Implementation, and Supervision Quality of Education in the Future
Silaban, Ramlan
Development of Green Chemistry Practicum Guidelines Based on Discovery Learning
Silaban, Ramlan
The Development of Natural Science Practicum Guidance Based on Guided Inquiry Integrated Scientific Skill Process
Silaban, Ramlan
The Analysis of Contextual-Based Biochemistry Practicum Guidelines
Silaban, Ramlan
Implementation of Innovative Learning Material With Project to Improve Students’ Outcomes on the Teaching of Hydrocarbon Alkenes
Silalahi, Albinus
The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model and Critical Thinking Skills on Learning Outcomes
Silalahi, Albinus
Developing Guided Inquiry-Based Module on Topic Argentometry to Improve Science Process Skills Preservice Chemistry Teachers
Silitonga, Melva
Analysis of Learning Outcomes of Students Who Have High and Low Achievement Motivation in the Class XI Science Food Digestion System Material Medan 11 Public High School 2019/2020 Academic Year
The Influence of Children Playing Method and Self-Concept of Social Ability in Children Aged 5-6 Years in TK An-Nisa Medan
Simaremare, Aman
The Influence of Situational Leadership, Work Discipline, and Achievement Motivation on Teachers’ Affective Commitment in Junior High Schools
Simatupang, Nurhayati
Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Floor Gymnastics Through Exercise Teaching Styles
Simatupang, Nurhayati
The Impact of Thematic Learning on Improving Creativity, Problem Solving and Basic Motion Skills in Physical Education Learning
Simbolon, Naeklan
Learning Model Development Blended Learning English
Simorangkir, Murniaty
The Development of E-Module Biomolecules for Enzyme Integration of Project Based Learning Models in Accordance With the KKNI Curriculum
Simorangkir, Murniaty
The Effect of Chemical Learning Interest on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Periodic System Materials
Sinaga, Bornok
The Development of Mathematics Authentic Assessment in Applying Model Eliciting Activities to Enhance Students’ Creative Thinking
Sinaga, Bornok
The Design of Teaching Materials Based on Folklore to Enhance the Reading Fast Ability of Primary School Students in Medan City
Sinaga, Bornok
Analysis of Students Mathematic Communication Ability in the Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Learning in Class V Elementary School of Markus Medan
Sinaga, Bornok
Analysis of Students’ Metacognition-Based Mathematical Reasoning Abilities in Guided Discovery Learning
Sinaga, Bornok
Analysis of Metacognition Difficulties and Mathematical Connections of Students Using the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model
Sinaga, Yuliana D
Analysis of Students Mathematic Communication Ability in the Implementation of Realistic Mathematics Learning in Class V Elementary School of Markus Medan
Sinulingga, Albadi
The Impact of Thematic Learning on Improving Creativity, Problem Solving and Basic Motion Skills in Physical Education Learning
Siregar, Fauzan
The Influence of Teaching Style and Motivation on Students Knowledge of Services in Volley Ball Games at Students of Class X SMA Negeri 5 Langsa
Siregar, Haris Fadilla
Development of a Guidebook Basic Hockey Game Techniques Based on the Truth of Motion
Siregar, Henni Rahayu
The Effectiveness of Contextual-Inquiry Lesson Plan on Higher Order Thinking Skills
Siregar, Romaito Junita
The Development of Natural Science Practicum Guidance Based on Guided Inquiry Integrated Scientific Skill Process
Siregar, Sutan Syamsah
Translation Procedures of Collocations in Novel the Ghost Writer into Bahasa Indonesia
Sitanggang, Lifzen
“Dalihan Na Tolu” Character Education in Salaon Toba Village
Sitompul, Harun
The Effect of Learning Methods and Learning Interests on Music Playing Skill Ensembles in State Junior High School 6 Academic Year 2019–2020
Sitorus, Ilyas Suharto
Competency Planning Strategies of Junior High School Teachers in increasing competitiveness
Sitorus, Marham
The Development of Android-Based Interactive Multimedia for High School Students
Sitorus, Marham
Implementation of Project-Based Learning Resources With Multimedia to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Teaching Cation Analysis
Situmorang, Benyamin
A superior Leadership style in Schools (Case study at SMA Negeri 1 Medan)
Situmorang, Benyamin
The Effect of Sources of Job Stress on Job Satisfaction of Educative Workers
Situmorang, Hasianna Nopina
Learning Innovations During the Pandemic COVID-19 for Teaching of Automotive Industrial Management
Situmorang, Manihar
An Innovative Chemistry Learning Material With Project and Multimedia to Developed Students Thinking Skill on the Teaching of Anion Analysis
Situmorang, Manihar
Implementation of Project-Based Learning Resources With Multimedia to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Teaching Cation Analysis
Situmorang, Manihar
Learning Innovations During the Pandemic COVID-19 for Teaching of Automotive Industrial Management
Situmorang, Manihar
The Development of Cooperation Governance Instruments to Facilitate University Collaboration Program
Situmorang, Manihar
Implementation of Innovative Learning Material With Project to Improve Students’ Outcomes on the Teaching of Hydrocarbon Alkenes
Sohaya, Etika Maeda
Blended Learning and 4Cs: Trends in the New Normal Life of Education, Globalization and the Next Decade
Multimedia Development of Interactive Learning CTL Based Geographic Lessons in Students Class XI
Sudrajat, Ajat
The Development of E-Module Biomolecules for Enzyme Integration of Project Based Learning Models in Accordance With the KKNI Curriculum
Sudrajat, Ajat
Implementation of Project-Based Learning Resources With Multimedia to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Teaching Cation Analysis
Sudrajat, Ajat
The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model and Critical Thinking Skills on Learning Outcomes
EFL Learners Perception of Written Corrective Feedback
Analysis on the Types of Turn Taking Strategies in the Ellen Talk Show for Classroom Discourse
Sunarno, Agung
Development of Physical Education Learning Model Based on Bed Learning Environment to Improve Basic Movement Ability in Elementary School Students
Supermard, Tommy
The Effect of Learning Methods and Learning Interests on Music Playing Skill Ensembles in State Junior High School 6 Academic Year 2019–2020
The Influence of Teaching Style and Motivation on Students Knowledge of Services in Volley Ball Games at Students of Class X SMA Negeri 5 Langsa
Suyanti, Retno Dwi
The Effect of Chemical Learning Interest on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Periodic System Materials
Syafii, Mhd.
The Design of Teaching Materials Based on Folklore to Enhance the Reading Fast Ability of Primary School Students in Medan City
Syafi’i, Imam
Development of Problem Based Learning Tools to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills and Self Efficacy of Students
Syahri, Iin
Learning Model Development Blended Learning English
Syaofra, Anil Hakim
Implementation of Academic Administration System in Asahan University
Syofra, Anil Hakim
Development of Problem Based Learning Tools to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills and Self Efficacy of Students
Syofra, Anil Hakim
Developing Learning Devices Based on the Open-Ended Approach to Improve Student’s Creative Thinking Abilities
Tanjung, Samsidar
The Development of Learning Model Assisted by Animation Media in Economics Subjects
Tanjung, Samsidar
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models and the Ability of Creative Thinking on the Outcomes of Learning Music Art
Tanjung, Syamsidar
Development of Learning Media in Big Book Form With Sub Theme “The Beauty of Cultural Diversity in My Country” to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Class IV SD Negeri 026609 Binjai