Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019)
613 authors
- A, Badrujaman
- Internal Factors of Statistical Learning Outcomes
- A Kau, Murhima
- An Analysis of Factors Causing Homosexual Behavior Deviation Reviewed from Students’ Perception at Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo
- A. Lompoliu, Bobby
- Implementation of the Make A Match Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- A. Sahada, Muhammad
- A Financial Management Application Approach towards “Industry 4.0 Revolutionary Era” in Islamic Boarding High School of Insan Cendekia Gorontalo
- Aang Kunaefi, Mukhamad
- The Implementation Urgency of Conflict Management in Educational Organization for Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Abadi, Abadi
- The Effect of Cooperative Models of Pair Share Think on the PKN Learning Outcomes of Basic V Vocational School Students
- Abdul Hadis, Abdul
- The Development of Da’wah Based Islamic Guidance and Counseling Textbook and its Impact in Preventing and Resolving the Deviance of Students with Special Needs in Makassar
- Abdul Malik, Abdul
- Community Empowerment as an Effort to Preserve Batik with an Ecological Approach in Indonesia
- Abdullah, Gamar
- Student’s Self-Confidence and Their Learning Achievement on Elementary Schools
- Abida Ferindistika Putri, Abida
- Teacher Function in Class: A Literature Review
- Abna Hidayati, Abna
- The Development of Personal Character Through STEM Integration in Learning of Elementary School
- Aceng Muhtaram Mirfani, Aceng
- The Challenge of Change for the School Supervisor Orientation Against the Impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Adelya, Bunga
- The Role of Counselors in Helping to Improve the Self-Image of Female Prisoners: Challenges for Guidance and Counseling Services
- Aditya Antara, Putu
- The Analysis of Children’s Spatial Ability
- Afdal, Afdal
- Women Convict Hopelessness: Challenges for Service Guidance and Counseling
- Afdal, Afdal
- The Role of Counselors in Helping to Improve the Self-Image of Female Prisoners: Challenges for Guidance and Counseling Services
- Afdal, Afdal
- The Influence Factors of Self-Acceptance Women Convict: Preliminary Research from Counseling Perspective
- Afiyah Rohmayati, Nur
- The Application of Numbered Head Together Model to Enhance Students’ Activity and Learning Outcome on Two-Dimensional Figures Material
- Agnes M. Goni, Agnes
- The Effect Instructional Approach and Authentic Assessment Toward an Achievement in Mathematics
- Agung Gede Agung, Anak
- Contribution of Implementation of School Based Management on the Values of Local Interests of Tri Hita Karana and Leadership of School Head Service on Performance Teacher
- Agustin Ningrum, Mallevi
- The Effect of Show and Tell Method on Children’s Confidence
- Ahmad, Syafri
- Learning Model and Higher-Order Thinking Skill in Advanced Mathematical Study
- Ahmad Nurabadi, Ahmad
- Informal Supervision Model “Managing by Walking About” in Improving Quality of Learning
- Ahmad Rifqy Ash-Shiddiqy, Ahmad
- Model Guidance and Counseling by Using Role Playing Technique to Improve Students’ Leadership Character
- Ahsan Romadlon Junaidi, Ahsan
- Inclusive Education in East Java: The Case of Inclusive Education Policy and Practice in East Java, Indonesia
- Aini, Wirdatul
- The Urgency of Writing Scientific Papers for Tutors in Non-Formal Education Units (SPNF) in the Region 1 of Padang City
- Ajeng Fabela, Eka
- The Implementation of Zapira Portable by Maximizing the Potential Source in Rural Area
- Akil Musi, Muhammad
- Development of Model Creative Game Through Natural Media
- Akmal, Yenina
- Strategy for Decreasing the Rate of Stunting Through Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Training for Tutors/Parents of Early Childhood Education
- Al Kadri, Hanif
- Planning for Extracurricular Activities
- Aldjon Nixon Dapa, Aldjon
- Pool Therapy to Reduce Aggressive Behavior of Autistic Children
- Alkadri, Hanif
- Teacher Prototype for Supervision Services Effectiveness
- Alkadri, Hanif
- Analysis of Extracurricular Program Facilities in Junior High School
- Alkadri, Hanif
- Contribution of Direct Superior Leadership to University Administration Staff Commitment
- Amalinda Dwi Futesna, Amalinda
- Analysis of Factors that Form Teacher’s Discipline Behavior in Public Junior High School
- Amelia, Shabrina
- Teacher Supervision by Elementary Schools Supervisor through Web-Based Clinical Supervision
- Amini, Risda
- Development of Integrated Thematic Teaching Materials using Problem-Based Learning Model in Elementary School
- Anak Agung Gede Agung, Anak
- Contribution of Implementation of School Based Management on the Values of Local Interests of Tri Hita Karana and Leadership of School Head Service on Performance Teacher
- Andi Mappiare A. T., Andi
- Adoption of People’s Game as a Modification Technique in KIPAS Model Counseling
- Andri Hutapea, Tri
- Policies for Implementing Internship Study 1 and 2 in Improving Student Achievement Index in FIP UNIMED
- Andriani, Wiwin
- Women Convict Hopelessness: Challenges for Service Guidance and Counseling
- Andriani, Wiwin
- The Role of Counselors in Helping to Improve the Self-Image of Female Prisoners: Challenges for Guidance and Counseling Services
- Andriningrum, Hana
- Teacher Function in Class: A Literature Review
- Andriningrum, Hana
- Role of Peers in Case of Self Suicide Peer Counseling: Youth Self Awareness to Suicide Cases
- Andromeda, Andromeda
- Reducing the Intensity of Students Bullying Toward Children with Special Needs Using Puppet Show
- Anggraini, Weni
- Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers (counselors) of junior and senior high schools in Semarang Regency and Semarang City
- Anita, Yesi
- Elementary School Teacher Ability in Using Application Technology for Mathematics Learning Assessment in the 2013 Curriculum
- Ansar, Ansar
- Professional Monitoring in Achieving Teacher’s Quality Learning in Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Ansori, Isa
- The Correlation of Discipline and Responsibility on the Learning Outcomes of Civic Education in Grade 4
- Apriani, Rizka
- Impact of Game-Based Learning on Learning Motivation High School Students
- Aprilia Dewi, Rizka
- The Correlation of Discipline and Responsibility on the Learning Outcomes of Civic Education in Grade 4
- Ariani, Yetti
- Edmodo & Schoology Application in Mathematics Learning in Elementary School
- Ariani, Yetti
- Digital Class Model in Mathematics Learning in Elementary School Using Social Learning Network Schoology
- Arie Rakhmat Riyadi, Arie
- Pedagogic Fundamental Structure of Kuttab Al-Fatih as a Model of Islamic Prophetic Based Elementary Education
- Arif Al Ardha, Muchamad
- Children Motor Development with Authoritarian Parenting During the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Arif Dewantoro, Dimas
- Office Management of Educational Institutions: Theories and Applications
- Arif Prastiawan, Arif
- Office Management of Educational Institutions: Theories and Applications
- Arifin, Arifin
- Management of Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
- Arifin, Imron
- The Principal’s Conflict Management Strategy Through Increased Community Participation in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Arifin, Imron
- Quality Management Education in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Society 5.0
- Arifin, Imron
- The Strengthening of the Principal’s Competence in Order to Improve Teacher’s Learning in the Era Of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Arifin, Imron
- The Implementation Urgency of Conflict Management in Educational Organization for Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Arifin Suking, Arifin
- Integrated Library Information System in Managing School Library in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Arini Estiastuti, Arini
- Cultural Heritage to Build History for Life in Social Science Learning at Primary Schools
- Arlis, Syamsu
- Identification of Olympiad Material in Elementary Schools
- Arlis, Syamsu
- Teaching Materials Science-Olympiad Using Educational Design Research Method
- Armin Naway, Fory
- The Use of Basic Data of Education (DAPODIK) in the Implementation of School Administration: A Study in Elementary Schools in Bilato, Gorontalo, Indonesia
- Arwildayanto, Arwildayanto
- A Financial Management Application Approach towards “Industry 4.0 Revolutionary Era” in Islamic Boarding High School of Insan Cendekia Gorontalo
- Arwin, Arwin
- Learning Make A Match Using Prezi in Elementary School in Industry 4.0
- Arwin, Arwin
- Analysis of the Mastery of the Nusantara Songs in 4th Grade Elementary School Students
- Arwin, Arwin
- The Effect of Cooperative Models of Pair Share Think on the PKN Learning Outcomes of Basic V Vocational School Students
- Asep Sunandar, Asep
- The Use of Visual Support of PECS and Schedule Based on the Characteristics of Student with Autism
- Asmarani, Ratih
- Analysis of Pancasila Values on Narrative Composition Material in Primary Schools
- Atmadja Johny Artha, I Ketut
- The Evaluation of Paket C Program in Improving the Learning Quality of Learning Citizens at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Cerme Gresik
- Aulia Nadhirah, Nadia
- Profile of Emotional-Social Competence of Quarantine Participants of International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)
- Aulia Nadhirah, Nadia
- Guidance and Counseling Teacher’s Role and Function within Disruption Era
- Awalya, Awalya
- Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers (counselors) of junior and senior high schools in Semarang Regency and Semarang City
- Ayu Ningrum, Tia
- Planning for Extracurricular Activities
- Ayu Ningrum, Tia
- Analysis of Extracurricular Program Facilities in Junior High School
- Ayu Wulandari, Dania
- Development of Android-Based Information Systems Faculty of Education
- Azman, Azman
- The Effect of Using A Blog as Reporting Media of Weekly Reading in Blended Learning Environment
- Azrul, Azrul
- The Effect of Using A Blog as Reporting Media of Weekly Reading in Blended Learning Environment
- B, Nurhayati
- The Development of Da’wah Based Islamic Guidance and Counseling Textbook and its Impact in Preventing and Resolving the Deviance of Students with Special Needs in Makassar
- B.A Kiriweno, Henny
- Pool Therapy to Reduce Aggressive Behavior of Autistic Children
- Bachtiar, Yusri
- Development of Model Creative Game Through Natural Media
- Badrujaman A, Badrujaman
- Internal Factors of Statistical Learning Outcomes
- Bafadal, Ibrahim
- Standards of Competency of Head of School Beginners as Leaders in Learning Innovation
- Bagus Kisworo, Bagus
- A Learning Model of Group Discussion Accompaniment of Presentation Task in the Classroom
- Bambang Sumarsono, Raden
- Analysis of Factors that Form Teacher’s Discipline Behavior in Public Junior High School
- Bayu Kelana, Jajang
- Improving the Capability of Prospective Primary School Teachers in Making Science-Based Science Teaching Materials Based on ICT Media Assisted Literacy
- Bayu Ramadhani Fajri, Bayu
- Perceptions of ‘Hearing’ People on Sign Language Learning
- Bektiningsih, Kurniana
- Cultural Heritage to Build History for Life in Social Science Learning at Primary Schools
- Bentri, Alwen
- The Development of Personal Character Through STEM Integration in Learning of Elementary School
- Besse Marhawati, Besse
- Professional Monitoring in Achieving Teacher’s Quality Learning in Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Bobby A. Lompoliu, Bobby
- Implementation of the Make A Match Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Budi Wiyono, Bambang
- Analysis of Factors that Form Teacher’s Discipline Behavior in Public Junior High School
- Cahya Maulidiyah, Eka
- The Effect of Show and Tell Method on Children’s Confidence
- Cahyawulan, Wening
- Internal Factors of Statistical Learning Outcomes
- Chandra, Chandra
- Development of Statistics in Elementary School Based RME Approach with Problem Solving for Revolution Industry 4.0
- Cindy Setyowati, Flaviana
- The Use of Modified Index Card Match to Enhance Social Interaction of Children with Intellectual Disability