Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019)
613 authors
- Purwanti, Eko
- Social Intelligence Contribution in Perspective Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Social Science Subject
- Purwanto, Edy
- Contributing Spirituality Account for Teacher Motivation at School
- Puspitaningyas, Indah
- The Strengthening of the Principal’s Competence in Order to Improve Teacher’s Learning in the Era Of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Putra Widhanarto, Ghanis
- Community Empowerment as an Effort to Preserve Batik with an Ecological Approach in Indonesia
- Putri Nelsyam, Anida
- The Application of Project-Based Learning Model to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills
- Putu Aditya Antara, Putu
- The Analysis of Children’s Spatial Ability
- Putu Sri Utami, Luh
- Contribution of Implementation of School Based Management on the Values of Local Interests of Tri Hita Karana and Leadership of School Head Service on Performance Teacher
- Putu Yuni Vidiyanti, Ni
- Student’s Self-Confidence and Their Learning Achievement on Elementary Schools
- R. Riyadi, Arie
- Developing College Student's Readiness to Build Family Well-Being Inventory for Effective Premarital Counseling
- R. Tati Kustiawati, R. Tati
- Contribution of Peer Social Support to the Hardiness of Students
- Rachmat Satria, Rachmat
- Supervisor in Era Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
- Raharjo, Trijoko
- Homeschooling: Nonformal Education Learning Strategy 4.0
- Rahim, Maryam
- The Role of Guidance and Counseling in Millennial Generation Character Building
- Rahman, Misran
- Community Empowerment in Business Learning Group Program in Community Learning Center
- Rahmatina, Rahmatina
- The Implementation of Discovery Learning Model for Improving Thematic Integrated Learning in Primary School
- Rahmatina Rahim, Fanny
- Identification of Olympiad Material in Elementary Schools
- Rahmatina Rahim, Fanny
- Teaching Materials Science-Olympiad Using Educational Design Research Method
- Rahmatsyah, Rahmatsyah
- Policies for Implementing Internship Study 1 and 2 in Improving Student Achievement Index in FIP UNIMED
- Rahmawati, Desi
- Teacher Supervision by Elementary Schools Supervisor through Web-Based Clinical Supervision
- Rahmi, Ufia
- The Effect of Using A Blog as Reporting Media of Weekly Reading in Blended Learning Environment
- Rakhmat Riyadi, Arie
- Pedagogic Fundamental Structure of Kuttab Al-Fatih as a Model of Islamic Prophetic Based Elementary Education
- Ramadhani Fajri, Bayu
- Perceptions of ‘Hearing’ People on Sign Language Learning
- Randani, Randani
- The Process of Verbal Communication in Ethnic Malay and Batak: A Case Study
- Rasyid, Yuliana
- Developing E-Comic to Internalize Manners for Junior High School Students
- Ratih Asmarani, Ratih
- Analysis of Pancasila Values on Narrative Composition Material in Primary Schools
- Ratnawati, Ratnawati
- Planning for Extracurricular Activities
- Ray, Damaiwaty
- Picture Based Problem Learning in Improving Children’s Communication Skills
- Ray, Damaiwaty
- Picture Based Problem Learning in Improving Children’s Communication Skills
- Reflianto, Reflianto
- An Analysis of Technology Skills Based on Perspectives and Resident Locations for the Sports Science Students
- Reflianto, Reflianto
- Influence of Flipped Classroom and Social Engagement on Vocational Students’ Speaking Performance
- Reinita, Reinita
- The Effect of Cooperative Two Stay Two Stray Model on Civics Learning Outcomes of Primary School Students
- Reza, Muhammad
- The Effect of Show and Tell Method on Children’s Confidence
- Rifma, Rifma
- Teacher Prototype for Supervision Services Effectiveness
- Rifqy Ash-Shiddiqy, Ahmad
- Model Guidance and Counseling by Using Role Playing Technique to Improve Students’ Leadership Character
- Riksa Yustiana, Yusi
- Profile of Pro-social Behavior and The Implication of Guidance and Counseling
- Rinakit Adhe, Kartika
- Children Motor Development with Authoritarian Parenting During the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Rindengan, Mersty
- Scaffolding Model in Learning of Writing of Essays, Based on Experience
- Risda Amini, Risda
- Development of Integrated Thematic Teaching Materials using Problem-Based Learning Model in Elementary School
- Rizka Apriani, Rizka
- Impact of Game-Based Learning on Learning Motivation High School Students
- Romadlon Junaidi, Ahsan
- Inclusive Education in East Java: The Case of Inclusive Education Policy and Practice in East Java, Indonesia
- Roos M. S. Tuerah, Roos
- Constructivism Approach in Science Learning
- Ropipah, Rahmi
- The Socio-Emotional Competences: Reorientation of Gifted Education in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Rorimpandey, Widdy
- Indonesian University Management in 21st Century (Issues And Challenges)
- Roskina Mas, Sitti
- A Financial Management Application Approach towards “Industry 4.0 Revolutionary Era” in Islamic Boarding High School of Insan Cendekia Gorontalo
- Rosyida Zahro, Zulfianti
- Role of Peers in Case of Self Suicide Peer Counseling: Youth Self Awareness to Suicide Cases
- Rugaiyah, Rugaiyah
- Teacher Supervision by Elementary Schools Supervisor through Web-Based Clinical Supervision
- Rusdinal, Rusdinal
- Contribution of Direct Superior Leadership to University Administration Staff Commitment
- Rusmayadi, Rusmayadi
- Development of Model Creative Game Through Natural Media
- Rusmin Husain, Rusmin
- The Influence of Teams-Games-Tournament on Short Stories Learning Outcomes of Grade IV Students: A Study at Elementary School SDN 4 Kabila
- S., Neviyani
- Problems in Implementation of Guidance and Counseling in Millennial Generations
- Safiul Ummah, Umi
- The Use of Assessment Based on Curriculum to Increase Reading and Writing Skills for Blind Children in Inclusive School
- Saidi, Cristina
- Increasing Student’s Ability to Make A Creation in Learning Process of SBK (Art, Culture, and Skill) Subject
- Sakinah Nuraini, Ni Luh
- Office Management of Educational Institutions: Theories and Applications
- Sakti Yudha, Eka
- The Socio-Emotional Competences: Reorientation of Gifted Education in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Sami Asih, Sri
- Learning Discipline Level And Its Correlation with The Achievement Level of Learning Outcomes of Primary School Students
- Santoso, Yulianto
- Planning for Extracurricular Activities
- Santoso, Yulianto
- Contribution of Direct Superior Leadership to University Administration Staff Commitment
- Sari, Ulan
- Development of Self-Exhibition Through Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Models with Self-Management Strategies
- Saripah, Ipah
- Contribution of Peer Social Support to the Hardiness of Students
- Sarman, Freddi
- The Process of Verbal Communication in Ethnic Malay and Batak: A Case Study
- Satria, Rachmat
- Supervisor in Era Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
- Satya Gita Rismawan, Kadek
- Cognitive Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Intervene in Self Aggression
- Selfi Cholifah, Puri
- Office Management of Educational Institutions: Theories and Applications
- Selvia Wardhani, Nurnaifah
- Social Personal Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Professional Development Program and the Implication for Guidance and Counseling
- Setiawati, Setiawati
- Social Personal Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Professional Development Program and the Implication for Guidance and Counseling
- Setiyo Utoyo, Setiyo
- Improving Social Skills of Early Childhood Through Modern Games
- Setyasto, Novi
- The Effectiveness of Song-Assisted Discovery Learning Model towards Students’ interests and Learning Outcomes of Indonesian Language
- Setyo Nugroho, Imam
- Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers (counselors) of junior and senior high schools in Semarang Regency and Semarang City
- Setyowati, Enis
- Cost Analysis in the Community-Based School Transportation Service
- Sherlyane Hendri, Sherlyane
- Elementary School Teacher Ability in Using Application Technology for Mathematics Learning Assessment in the 2013 Curriculum
- Shofwan, Imam
- Homeschooling: Nonformal Education Learning Strategy 4.0
- Sholeh, Mohammad
- Cost Analysis in the Community-Based School Transportation Service
- Sismulyasih Sb, Nugraheti
- Improvement of Read Aloud Skills for Elementary Students Through Literacy Corner
- Siswanto, Yudi
- A Learning Model of Group Discussion Accompaniment of Presentation Task in the Classroom
- Siti Nur Laila, Siti
- Development of Peer Counselor Training Manual at State University of Malang
- Sitti Roskina Mas, Sitti
- A Financial Management Application Approach towards “Industry 4.0 Revolutionary Era” in Islamic Boarding High School of Insan Cendekia Gorontalo
- Siwi, Katrina
- Application of Instructional Model Problem Solving to Increase Social Studies Learning Outcomes Students Elementary School
- Sofiah Hartati, Sofiah
- Assessment Models in Early Childhood Based on Android to Increase Competency of Pedagogic Teachers of Kindergarten
- Sofyan, Hendra
- The Identification of Implementation of Central Learning Models
- Solfema, Solfema
- Contribution of Entrepreneurship Attitudes to Work Readiness of Participants in Vocational Education Course at SKB Kota Padang
- Sri Hariani, Sri
- The Application of Text Structure Mapping Strategy to Improve Speaking Skills for Student Class Fifth SDN Babatan 4 Surabaya
- Sri Sami Asih, Sri
- Learning Discipline Level And Its Correlation with The Achievement Level of Learning Outcomes of Primary School Students
- Sri Wahyuni, Sri
- Internship Program as an Effort to Development Students Competence
- Stivani Suherman, Dea
- Identification of Olympiad Material in Elementary Schools
- Stivani Suherman, Dea
- Teaching Materials Science-Olympiad Using Educational Design Research Method
- Suardana, I Made
- The Application of Numbered Head Together Model to Enhance Students’ Activity and Learning Outcome on Two-Dimensional Figures Material
- Suarjana, I Made
- Investigating The Mathematical Literacy of Primary School Students in Curriculum 2013
- Subekti, Ika
- Strategy for Decreasing the Rate of Stunting Through Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Training for Tutors/Parents of Early Childhood Education
- Sucipto, Sucipto
- Informal Supervision Model “Managing by Walking About” in Improving Quality of Learning
- Sudirman, Sudirman
- The Utilization of Tailoring Women's Clothing Technology as an Effort to Empower immoral Women
- Sudrajat, Dadang
- Early Detector Scale of Student Peace Level’s
- Suharso, Suharso
- Analysis of Students’ Academic Anxiety Through Personality Prediction in Counseling Practice
- Suherman, Uman
- Early Detector Scale of Student Peace Level’s
- Sujendra Diputra, Komang
- Investigating The Mathematical Literacy of Primary School Students in Curriculum 2013
- Sukartiningsih, Wahyu
- Implementation of Literacy Programs in Basic High School Class
- Sukidi, Masengut
- Use of the Mini Book to Improve Expositorial Writing Skills of V Class Student of SDN Wonokusumo 1 Surabaya, Indonesia
- Suking, Arifin
- Integrated Library Information System in Managing School Library in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Sukma Wati, Indah
- Women Convict Hopelessness: Challenges for Service Guidance and Counseling
- Sukmawati, Indah
- The Role of Counselors in Helping to Improve the Self-Image of Female Prisoners: Challenges for Guidance and Counseling Services
- Sultoni, Sultoni
- The Implementation Urgency of Conflict Management in Educational Organization for Industrial Revolution Era 4.0