Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019)
613 authors
- Mappiare A. T., Andi
- Adoption of People’s Game as a Modification Technique in KIPAS Model Counseling
- Marhawati, Besse
- Professional Monitoring in Achieving Teacher’s Quality Learning in Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Marien Pinontoan, Marien
- Number Head Together Model in Social Learning
- Marlina, Marlina
- Differentiated Learning for Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
- Maryam Isnaini Damayanti, Maryam
- Implementation of Literacy Programs in Basic High School Class
- Masengut Sukidi, Masengut
- Use of the Mini Book to Improve Expositorial Writing Skills of V Class Student of SDN Wonokusumo 1 Surabaya, Indonesia
- Masniladevi, Masniladevi
- Development of HOTS Test Instruments as an Effort to Improve the Reasoning Ability of Elementary School Students by Using Edugames
- May Lena, Sri
- Development of Integrated Thematic Teaching Materials using Problem-Based Learning Model in Elementary School
- Maya Simon, Irene
- Development of Peer Counselor Training Manual at State University of Malang
- Mayar, Farida
- Development of Practical Life Exercise at Montessori Kindergarten Padang
- Mega Iswari, Mega
- Character Education for the 21st Century in Developing the Careers of Children Special Needs in Vocational Inclusive School
- Megaiswari, Megaiswari
- The Implementation of Training Model to Improve Professional Competence of Teachers in Inclusive Education
- Meisie Mangantes, Meisie
- Meaning of Happiness of Parents Who Have Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Meizatri, Ranti
- Teacher Prototype for Supervision Services Effectiveness
- Melva Zainil, Melva
- The Application of Project-Based Learning Model to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills
- Mersty Rindengan, Mersty
- Scaffolding Model in Learning of Writing of Essays, Based on Experience
- Miaz, Yalvema
- Educative Learning Media for Elementary School Students
- Mieke Farny Tiwow, Mieke
- Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Miftahul Jannah, Yunita
- The Implementation of Zapira Portable by Maximizing the Potential Source in Rural Area
- Mintohari, Mintohari
- English Language Communication in PGSD Through the TPR Method
- Misran Rahman, Misran
- Community Empowerment in Business Learning Group Program in Community Learning Center
- Mohamad Muspawi, Mohamad
- The Correlation Between Work Environment and Work Motivation with Job Satisfaction
- Mozes M. Wullur, Mozes
- Relationship of Leadership Style and Achievement Motivation to Productivity of Training and Education Participants in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Muazzomi, Nyimas
- The Identification of Implementation of Central Learning Models
- Mudlikawati, Ruita
- The Correlation Between Work Environment and Work Motivation with Job Satisfaction
- Muhammad Akil Musi, Muhammad
- Development of Model Creative Game Through Natural Media
- Muhammadi, Muhammadi
- Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Improving Critical Thinking in the Era of National Development
- Muhtaram Mirfani, Aceng
- The Challenge of Change for the School Supervisor Orientation Against the Impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Mukhamad Aang Kunaefi, Mukhamad
- The Implementation Urgency of Conflict Management in Educational Organization for Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Mulawarman, Mulawarman
- Analysis of Students’ Academic Anxiety Through Personality Prediction in Counseling Practice
- Munisah, Munisah
- Cultural Heritage to Build History for Life in Social Science Learning at Primary Schools
- Murhima A Kau, Murhima
- An Analysis of Factors Causing Homosexual Behavior Deviation Reviewed from Students’ Perception at Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo
- Murtiningsih, Murtiningsih
- Analysis of Pancasila Values on Narrative Composition Material in Primary Schools
- Muslihati, Muslihati
- Adoption of People’s Game as a Modification Technique in KIPAS Model Counseling
- Muspawi, Mohamad
- The Correlation Between Work Environment and Work Motivation with Job Satisfaction
- Mustaji, Mustaji
- Development of Three Dimensional Media for Mentally Retarded Children
- Mustakim, Mustakim
- The Evaluation of Paket C Program in Improving the Learning Quality of Learning Citizens at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Cerme Gresik
- Mustiningsih, Mustiningsih
- The Principal’s Conflict Management Strategy Through Increased Community Participation in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Mustiningsih, Mustiningsih
- Quality Management Education in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Society 5.0
- Mustiningsih, Mustiningsih
- The Strengthening of the Principal’s Competence in Order to Improve Teacher’s Learning in the Era Of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Mustiningsih, Mustiningsih
- Development of Planning and Organization Model of Community Participation in the Pesantren Based Junior High School
- Mustiningsih, Mustiningsih
- Supervisor in Era Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
- Mu’arifuddin, Mu’arifuddin
- Development of Android-Based Information Systems Faculty of Education
- Nabilah, Siti
- Teacher Supervision by Elementary Schools Supervisor through Web-Based Clinical Supervision
- Nadia Aulia Nadhirah, Nadia
- Profile of Emotional-Social Competence of Quarantine Participants of International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)
- Nainggolan, Elizon
- Community Participation within the Implementation of the Senior High School Equality Education Program in PKBM Cahaya
- Nani M. Sugandhi, Nani
- Developing College Student's Readiness to Build Family Well-Being Inventory for Effective Premarital Counseling
- Naqiyah, Najlatun
- Outbound Program Based Local Wisdom for Students in Pesantren Schools
- Nawawi, Imam
- Analysis of Pancasila Values on Narrative Composition Material in Primary Schools
- Nelyahardi, Nelyahardi
- The Process of Verbal Communication in Ethnic Malay and Batak: A Case Study
- Netrawati, Netrawati
- Anaysis of Delinquency Behavior in Adolescents and the Prevention By Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Counseling
- Neviyani S., Neviyani
- Problems in Implementation of Guidance and Counseling in Millennial Generations
- Ngurah Japa, I Gusti
- Investigating The Mathematical Literacy of Primary School Students in Curriculum 2013
- Ni Ketut Suarni, Ni
- Psychological Data Information Specialization Services in Increasing Student’s Self Understanding
- Niam Wahzudik, Niam
- Blended Learning as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Learning at Universitas Negeri Semarang
- Nirwana, Herman
- The Effectiveness of Information Service in Improving Students’ Self Control Against Sexual Harassment in Vocational School in Padang
- Nixon Dapa, Aldjon
- Pool Therapy to Reduce Aggressive Behavior of Autistic Children
- Nova Lestari, Siti
- Contribution of Peer Social Support to the Hardiness of Students
- Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Nova
- The Principal’s Conflict Management Strategy Through Increased Community Participation in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Novianty Djafri, Novianty
- The Use of Basic Data of Education (DAPODIK) in the Implementation of School Administration: A Study in Elementary Schools in Bilato, Gorontalo, Indonesia
- Novita Arifin, Irvin
- The Effect of Prior Knowledge on Students’ Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Basic Science Concepts
- Novita Tri Wulandari, Novita
- Management of the Floating School Cafeteria
- Nugraha Sudarsana, Gede
- Development of Self-Exhibition Through Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Models with Self-Management Strategies
- Nugraha Sudarsana, Gede
- Cognitive Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Intervene in Self Aggression
- Nugraha Sudarsana, Gede
- Psychological Data Information Specialization Services in Increasing Student’s Self Understanding
- Nugraheti Sismulyasih Sb, Nugraheti
- Improvement of Read Aloud Skills for Elementary Students Through Literacy Corner
- Nur Afiyah Rohmayati, Nur
- The Application of Numbered Head Together Model to Enhance Students’ Activity and Learning Outcome on Two-Dimensional Figures Material
- Nur Laila, Siti
- Development of Peer Counselor Training Manual at State University of Malang
- Nurabadi, Ahmad
- Informal Supervision Model “Managing by Walking About” in Improving Quality of Learning
- Nurabadi, Ahmad
- Standards of Competency of Head of School Beginners as Leaders in Learning Innovation
- Nurabadi, Ahmad
- Internalization of Character Values in Learning at Institution of English Course
- Nurani, Yuliani
- Evaluation of Learning Center in Kindergarten
- Nurharini, Atip
- Cultural Heritage to Build History for Life in Social Science Learning at Primary Schools
- Nurhastuti, Nurhastuti
- The Implementation of Training Model to Improve Professional Competence of Teachers in Inclusive Education
- Nurhastuti, Nurhastuti
- Character Education for the 21st Century in Developing the Careers of Children Special Needs in Vocational Inclusive School
- Nurhastuti, Nurhastuti
- Analysis of the Needs of Parents Who Have Cerebral Palsy Children Reviewed from the Family Counseling
- Nurhikmah H., Nurhikmah
- Analysis on Students’ Computer Self-Efficacy Instrument
- Nurhudi Ramdhani, Rina
- Guidance and Counseling Teacher’s Role and Function within Disruption Era
- Nurihsan, Juntika
- Social Personal Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Professional Development Program and the Implication for Guidance and Counseling
- Nurihsan, Juntika
- Developing College Student's Readiness to Build Family Well-Being Inventory for Effective Premarital Counseling
- Nuroniah, Pepi
- Guidance and Counseling Teacher’s Role and Function within Disruption Era
- Nurul Amin, Zakki
- Analysis of Students’ Academic Anxiety Through Personality Prediction in Counseling Practice
- Nurul Fauzia, Azni
- Profile of Emotional-Social Competence of Quarantine Participants of International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)
- Nusantoro, Eko
- Analysis of Students’ Academic Anxiety Through Personality Prediction in Counseling Practice
- Nuzila Zahri, Triave
- Student’s Problems Learning and Guidance Counseling Services in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Paputungan, Hasnawaty
- The Effect of Caring Environment and Nutritional Status on Psychomotor Development of Children Under Three Years Old
- Pepi Nuroniah, Pepi
- Guidance and Counseling Teacher’s Role and Function within Disruption Era
- Permata Sadi, Rike
- Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Improving Critical Thinking in the Era of National Development
- Pilosusan, Sofia
- The Influence Factors of Self-Acceptance Women Convict: Preliminary Research from Counseling Perspective
- Pinontoan, Marien
- Number Head Together Model in Social Learning
- Pontororing, Hans
- The Influence of Social Guidance Services to Consumptive Behavior of Junior High Students
- Praherdhiono, Henry
- Analysis of Learning Outcomes in Different Cognitive Abilities of Students Using Electronic Games
- Prastiawan, Arif
- Impact of Game-Based Learning on Learning Motivation High School Students
- Prastiawan, Arif
- Office Management of Educational Institutions: Theories and Applications
- Pratama, D. Fadly
- Improving the Capability of Prospective Primary School Teachers in Making Science-Based Science Teaching Materials Based on ICT Media Assisted Literacy
- Pratiwi, Niken
- Assessment Models in Early Childhood Based on Android to Increase Competency of Pedagogic Teachers of Kindergarten
- Pratiwi, Niken
- Evaluation of Learning Center in Kindergarten
- Pudjiasuti Sartinah, Endang
- The Use of Modified Index Card Match to Enhance Social Interaction of Children with Intellectual Disability
- Purnama Putra, Arda
- Office Management of Educational Institutions: Theories and Applications
- Purti Yanuarita Sutikno, Purti
- The Effectiveness of Song-Assisted Discovery Learning Model towards Students’ interests and Learning Outcomes of Indonesian Language